Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1742 Gold Coin Exchange Machine

Poem falling leaves!

This name is much more famous than Three Thousand Weak Shui, even Qin An has heard of it before, but he doesn't know that she is a member of the Dead Sect, or that she is a personal demon.

Legend has it that there is a king on the ninth continent in the south of Sword Spirit. It is Shi Luoye. The reason why her name is so loud is that she once had an intersection with the third sword god. The two fell in love for a thousand years, and then she didn’t know. For what reason separate.

Tiange is a spiritual lover, he does not need physical pleasure, only spiritual resonance can satisfy sexual desires. This Shenlong Tiange never sees the end, is erratic throughout his life, so the thousand years of living with Shi Luoye is his only stable life.

Now it seems that Tiange will finally be separated from Shi Luoye, probably because she is not a real woman. If that is the case, it would be disheartening enough.

In any case, Shi Luoye's fame has resonated all over the world because of Tiange, but no one knows what she is capable of.

Qin An didn't dare to be careless after hearing her burst of fame. Since this ladyboy is Tiange's lover, it is probably not easy.

A skill was thrown out, and a sea of ​​flames had enveloped Qi Yanni and Qi Xiaobai. Qi Xiaobai really had no special abilities, and she was not high when she lost the hidden **** level. Her blood volume immediately bottomed out, and then she died.

Qi Yanni was much better, she was so fast, she stepped out of the fire.

Qin An immediately sent out a thunder and lightning chase, Qi Yanni also seemed to be panicked, she already had a spell card in her hand at this moment, crushed to pieces when the lightning was about to land.


After a loud noise and a cloud of smoke passed, a slender and handsome figure appeared in the halo of smoke.

"The Curse of the Same Heart can only be used seven times, Falling Leaves. After using this last time, there is nothing left to understand the fate of you and me."

When the sound was made, the figure had already resisted Shi Luoye's body, raising his hand to summon a magic shield, dissolving the lightning.

Qin An had been in contact with Tiange in the Magical Beasts space, so before Tiange got out of the mist light cluster, Qin An knew he had arrived.

The curse is concentric, ignoring any spatial distance. The holder can directly teleport the person who has been blessed by the spell card to his side for a period of time. After this period of time is not long, almost an hour, the teleported person will return to the original spatial position. .

Then this curse was given to her when Tian Ge left Shi Luo Ye, so that Shi Luo Ye can be rescued when she is in danger. Tian Ge has only loved one woman in Shi Luo Ye in her life, and she has constant emotions even if she is separated.

"Tiange... hasn't seen you for many years again."

Shi Luoye stood behind Tian Ge and spoke, tears in his eyes.

Tian Ge didn't look back at her at all, just said indifferently:

"Don’t cry, I know you are the best at acting. Your heart belongs to the god of death. You came to me and became my woman for him. As a spiritual lover, I cannot accept that your heart does not belong to me. So there is no need to cry, no more acting, this is the last time we have seen it, nothing more."

When Tian Ge spoke, his eyes kept falling on Qin An, Qin An raised his brows slightly, just feeling funny.

It turned out that Tiange and Shi Luoye separated for this reason. It seems that their so-called "brothers" are destined to fight each other.

"Qin An, in fact, I know that you are not dead, I can feel that now you are resurrected.

"It's okay. It has been many years since the Magical Beasts space was released, and you seem to be much calmer than then."

"Haha, back then, I just wanted to destroy everything, but now I am not so persistent. Qin An, I don’t know what happened here, and I don’t know why my dark attributes are gone. But it doesn’t matter, because that is In terms of system ability, you shouldn’t be my opponent either. But now I don’t want to fight with you either. This woman used to have a relationship with me. It’s better to make a deal. You let her go and I will tell you something. ,what do you think?"

Tian Ge didn't need to say anything more about Shi Luoye, and already guessed the current situation. The crisis of Shi Luoye was obviously from Qin An, so as long as Qin An didn't kill her, there would be nothing wrong.

"One thing? Let's listen to it and see if there is such a great value.""Haha, if you don't want to know, it's a big deal. I'm here to fight you. Although I can only stay for an hour to cross and leave, I think one hour is enough for me to kill most people on your side. "

Tiange looks very cool, but Qin An doesn't take him seriously, and he really wants to start, who knows the final outcome.

So, Qin An smiled coldly and raised his hand, but Tian Ge said at this moment: "It's about the demon, you may never see that woman again in your life!"

"You sent someone to watch me?"

"It’s not about surveillance. After all, no one can really monitor you, so it’s just an observation and speculation. As the third main god, although my followers are not as many as other main gods, although they don’t care about me, in fact I still Some loyal followers, I have sent them to major cities to collect the information I want. You know, the Universe Divine Stone is powerful, as long as I get it, I can return everything to the original point and the Sword Spirit Star. The state of chaos, so I am bound to win this thing, the battle in the world of doomsday blood is about to start...The person I sent to Kaitiancheng sent me a message before saying that I met you, so I asked him to investigate in detail. He didn’t find out any results. He only knew that you seem to be resident in Kaitian City. It is speculated that you may be Kaitian City Lord. He also knows that there are several women around you. One of them is the demon child, the queen of the wild beast continent. Friend! Then don't you want to know about her?"

"Let's talk about it first, if it's really valuable, it's nothing to meet your requirements."

"The person I arranged in the Palace of Xia Ke Island in the East China Sea came to me later, saying that the demon had gone there and looked for another Qin An. That Qin An had trapped the demon in a maze space. It resolves outside, so if no one saves the demon, she is afraid that she will stay inside."

What? Didn't the demon go looking for Qiye and the ancient god in her body? Instead, went to find another Qin An? How could this be? What is she going to do with that person?

Qin An's face turned gloomy after the meeting was stunned. The truth of this matter is very great. If Tiange hadn't arranged people on both sides, he would not have connected himself, the demon, and the future world Qin An.

The start was really fast, even Tiange began to arrange spies, and the other major forces were expected to take action. Qin An suddenly felt that his own manpower was not enough, and this matter must be adjusted after going out.

So if the demon is trapped, she must be rescued. Qin An knows the temper of the demon. For the first time in her life, she may put down her figure and treat herself as a friend. How could he fail her?

"Well, this news is really important. So far, this person has not caused me any harm. I can stop killing her for the time being, but she is a dead clan and seems to be coming to kill me. The next time she appears, I can see. There is no doubt that you will die."

Tiange's calm expression finally changed.

"Well, can you give me and her some time now for the final goodbye?"

"Yes, but next time we meet, there is nothing to say between you and me. Before in the Magical Beasts psychedelic space, you calculated me, and I have not forgotten this hatred."

"Hahaha, we were going to fight each other, so we can draw a line..."

"Then Eight Immortals cross the sea and show their magical powers, right?" Qin An took the words.

The two looked at each other for a while, and then they all laughed.

Tiange can feel the energy magnetic field on Qin An, and will treat him as a real enemy from now on. Qin An is no longer the same strength that Tiange used to dictate, so he will definitely get justice for being bullied.

When things came to an end, Qin An turned and left, ignoring the others. The three little Loli hurriedly followed, Fang Zhan thought about it and asked people to evacuate immediately.

For a while, there were only two people left here, Tian Ge and Shi Luo Ye.

"Tiange, I lost my dark attribute, here..."

"Luo Ye, this is the last time we have met. The curse has lost its power. Are you going to tell me this?"

"No, no, no, Tiange, take me away, they will definitely not let me go." Shi Luoye didn't expect Tiange to look so indifferent after appearing, and suddenly panicked.

"I can't take you away, this should be the space created by the system? I can use the power of the curse to come in, but I can't take you out... Luo Ye, back then I thought you were a woman, and you lied to me for so many years , And you are a member of the Dead Sect. The purpose of approaching me is entirely because of knowing my true identity... In short, everything has passed, and the bond between you and me will never be broken!"

"No! Don't do this to me! Tiange, how can you..."

"I met a girl who was originally an NPC, but turned me into a real human being. She likes to listen to me singing. She is extremely obsessed with me, just like when I first met you, and she and you She looks almost exactly the same. I suspect she was given to me by God, so now I take her by my side and stay together every day."

Shi Luoye was stunned when she heard these words, and the tears in her eyes became more turbulent. This time she didn't have to act, she really cried.

"So? Are you going to abandon me completely?"

"I can’t talk about abandoning, I just need a woman to fill my emotional world. I am Tiange, a high-level intelligent life body, I can be alone for many years, but sometimes I also need a living by my side, and I like it. Things to accompany you. This may not be the same as the love of human beings on earth, I just need something like this around me."


"Well, that's it, Luo Ye, if you die in Qin An's hands, I will avenge you. We are considered brothers of the same father and mother, but we have different ideas. We are destined to become enemies and never die. So Luoye, don't worry, if you are killed by Qin An, I will definitely let him die!"

At this point, Tiange shot a sharp cold light in his eyes.

Shi Luoye sat limply on the ground, and said after a long time: "Tian Ge, can you hug me?"


Tiange did not hesitate to embrace the fallen leaves in his arms.

"I used to be a person of death, but after following you, I originally fell in love with you."

"But you still have him in your heart, Qin Yang!"

"Well, but he is different from you. You are a man who can be warm sometimes, but he is a fairy like ice..."

Tian Ge sat quietly on the ground, listening to what Luo Ye said about Qin Yang.

In his heart, Tian Ge thought calmly that this Qin Yang would also be killed, and that the chaotic state of the Sword Spirit Star and King Qin, he would not let go either.

As the third main god, even if this space is extremely powerful, it cannot completely seal the ability of Tiange, so Tiange has a hunch that Shi Luoye will not live for too long. In this case, he doesn't mind hugging her. After all, this thing used to be His favorite toy.

Qin An walked about one kilometer before turning around, and everyone behind followed.

"Brother Qin, thank you so much. We would be really in danger if it weren't for your help."

Fang Zhan came over to thank him with a smile on his face.

"Nothing, fair trade, I want half of the food, as I said before."


Fang Zhan was a little stunned. He originally thought that Qin An was joking, but he didn't expect that he really wanted it. The food is there, but it is only enough for the people here to eat for a day, and he is very unwilling to ask him to give half of it. Selfishness is innate, and no one can escape it.

"No, didn't the woman originally want to kill you? We suffered on your behalf, so why should we give you food?"

"Yes, besides, you didn't really save our lives, even if you are surrounded by zombies, how do you know we can't escape?"

"Yeah, boss, don't give it to him, so many of us can't go hungry!"

The group of people behind Fang Zhan shouted indiscriminately, which made Fang Zhan lose attention for a while.

Qin An saw that he had stopped talking, and smiled: "Say, please? Half of the food."

"Brother Qin, I really can't be the master..."

"Then there is nothing to say, goodbye."

Qin An didn't know what was wrong, just didn't want to contact this group of people. He was originally a kind person, maybe because of Zhen E's kindness expressed by Fang Zhan. No matter how clear Qin An thinks, he is a fellow of Weng Lan after all!

Zhen E saw Qin An leave again, and hurriedly chopped the other party: "We were together before. I thought we could all merge, so come here. Now he doesn't want to unite, so let's forget it. Fang Zhan, I will be with him. Go, you give me the gold coins you collected."

"Zhen E, it's safer to walk with me, right?"

"It's okay, he is also a smart, capable guy, I think he can protect us."

Fang Zhan saw that Zhen E had decided to go, but he was very regretful. He gave her the gold coins and asked for some food. Zhen E didn't ask for it either. He took two Little Sisters and hurried to catch up with Qin An."Slow down, slow down!"

After all, Qin An is Qin An. Although he hasn't eaten for three days, he still has good physical strength. After walking five kilometers in one breath, he stopped when he reached a zombie-free area in the south of the village.

Turning his head and looking at the three little Loli who were directly limp on the ground, Qin An smiled and said, "Why are you following?"

If the three little Loli didn't really have the strength, then they would stand up and kill Qin An. After chasing for so long and shouting for so long, he pretended not to know?

"What the hell are you doing? Why are you here?"

Zhen E spoke irritably.

"Hehe, the good man in your eyes has breached the contract. We said that we would divide the food, but he refused to give it. I was very angry, so I went farther so as not to be upset by seeing him."

"You... Then do you go so far? Besides, he has a team of people, and he has to think about them."

"Well, what you said is right, you have to think about yourself. So it is understandable for others to have selfishness, and if I have selfishness, will I become a big Devil?"

Qin An's face suddenly became serious, Zhen E was speechless, Zhen Hao and Zhen Yan looked at each other, neither dared to speak, but felt that Qin An's momentum was particularly strong at this time.

"So, if you want to form a team with me in the future, then don't speculate randomly, and don't just predict my future. I am Qin An, unique. Any so-called comrades have nothing to do with me. I can talk about it. Be a brother with him, and if we can’t get together, I will naturally part ways. If one day we have hatred, so what if he is another Qin An, I will kill him too! Understand? Don’t make me and a possible enemy with me Compare the guys, so I’ll be very upset.”

When Qin An said this, he was very arrogant, with an arrogant attitude and conscience.

The three sisters Zhen E did not get angry because of Qin An's attitude, on the contrary, their mood became better. Qin An's words are almost in their hearts, they are just afraid that Qin An will become a badass!

"Huh, mean, you deliberately threw us to Fang Zhan, right?" Zhen E duplicity complained.

"No, I don't have that much thought, I haven't thought about so many things, I am a big-hearted person, leaving you to Fang Zhan is just to respect your choice."

Zhen E wants to be angry, what does Qin An mean by not caring about them? It's just that she couldn't get angry, because Qin An was right, she indeed chose to stay with Fang Zhan.

Feeling embarrassed, Zhen E changed the subject and said something irrelevant.

"You still have a big heart? You noticed so many small things, and finally stopped the woman's conspiracy. She is smarter than Zhen Hao... By the way, who is that person called Tiange?"

Qin An casually talked about the background of the next day song, and then thought that he came because of the magic spell card, will he really leave the space in an hour?

At this moment, Zhen Hao, who had not spoken, suddenly exclaimed.

"Then...what is it? Gold coin exchange machine?"

Zhen E, Zhen Yan followed Zhen Hao's gaze and found a special device, which looked like a vending machine before the end of the world, with five characters floating on it as a gold coin exchange machine. It's just that these five floating system characters are all dark.

Zhen Hao got up and walked over to look, and found that there was a manual on this machine:

"After the machine is turned on, you can exchange gold coins for a large amount of food. Because the food is scarce and difficult to collect, you can use the gold coins you have already collected. The opening time is random... Oh my God, how could this happen."

Zhen Hao frowned and looked back at Qin An.

Qin An sighed: "People die for money. Once this machine is ready for use, the value of gold coins will be immeasurable. There is less food in the early stage, but more gold coins, so many people have collected gold coins but no food. It really started the mode of death for money. I traveled all over the city, only to find this gold coin exchange machine. I think within a day, things about this machine will be notified by the system, and then this will become a battlefield. Those without gold coins occupy the majority, and those with gold coins occupy the minority. This is another contradiction. Look at it, the selfishness in human nature and the strong desire to survive will be magnified countless times. That is the real doomsday!"

The three little Loli looked at Qin An's face, and finally understood why he came here, because he wanted to wait for the gold coin exchange machine to turn on.

"What can I do? I have brought all the gold coins over from Fang Zhan." Zhen E suddenly exclaimed.

"Haha, I lied to you before saying that you have a strategy, and then you said that we are the opener of this game, as long as we collect 400 gold coins, we can all leave. Now as long as the system broadcasts, Fang Zhan will definitely think We lied to him with a joint scheme. He should hate you very much, right?"

Zhen E's face became very bad, she got up and wanted to go back to Fang Zhan, and then returned the gold coins she had previously received from him. At this moment, the system sound that resounded throughout the map space appeared.

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