Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1743 Consequences of Choice

"Player please note that the gold coin exchange food system will be activated immediately. Because the food cannot meet the supply, the system will provide players with other ways to obtain food. There is a gold coin exchange machine at the point 286756 in the south of novice village. You can get a lot of food with just one gold coin, but the amount of food is still limited! So players, hurry up and exchange it. Do you have any gold coins?

The system prompts that the food exchange machine is officially activated, humans die for money and enter the upgrade state, and birds die for food! "

After the system sound fell, the survivors in Novice Village had mixed reactions.

Those who don't have gold coins are either annoyed or jealous.

Those who originally had gold coins and exchanged them for food regretted it.

Those who still hold gold coins are naturally complacent.

On Fang Zhan's side, a group of his men were in a mess. They had gold coins in their hands, but they were all collected by Fang Zhan, and then they were given to Zhen E.

Fortunately, these people followed Fang Zhan before entering the game. They trusted the boss very much, and Fang Zhan had enough prestige, so they just scolded Zhen E, thinking she was a big liar.

Fang Zhan couldn't figure it out. From the bottom of his heart, he felt that Zhen E would not lie to himself so badly, but the facts made him unable to say anything.

"Boss, let's go to the gold coin exchange machine. I think they must have gone there. As long as we occupy the gold coin exchange machine, we can catch them and take back our gold coins."

One of his subordinates gave Fang Zhan an idea, and Fang Zhan thought it was feasible, so he hurriedly led people to the direction of the gold coin exchange machine.

The three sisters Zhen'e were already pale, and the gold coin exchange machine suddenly turned on, leaving them not yet fully prepared.

Qin An had stepped on it well, and in the surprised eyes of the three sisters, he drove a small truck.

"What are you doing?" Zhen E asked subconsciously.

"What can we do? We have a lot of gold coins now, and I want to exchange them all for food. Remember, the most important thing in the end is always food. Money will eventually have food. I am willing to be willing, If we want to get gold coins, we have to give them up first. Businessmen understand the principle of giving up. Even if they only have a hundred dollars, they dare to use up all of them to do business."

"Qin An, although you don't have a strategy, you used this time to wander around the entire novice village, so you already know everything about your plan, right? Why are you so smart?" Zhen Hao finally couldn't help talking, because Qin An The performance is really perfect.

Are you smart? Qin An didn't think that he was just rich in experience. People see a lot of things and have a broad field of vision, so some ways of doing things are naturally better than others, so experience is actually wisdom.

The experience is not about the length of life, the demon has lived for a long time, but she has not experienced anything except war, so she is still very tender in some things.

Qin An humbly smiled at Zhen Hao and stopped talking, and quickly got all the food that had been exchanged into the car. It was a bit of a surprise. One gold coin could be exchanged for a lot of things, and the truck was full.

"Dear player, this exchange machine has been vacated by you. The next time it opens, the system will notify you separately. Go and enjoy your delicious food?"

When Qin An had one gold coin left, the system gave such a reminder sound.

Qin An exhaled for a long time. It was okay, and it turned out that all the food was replaced.

"Let's go, take you to a good place, I have done a lot of things in the past three days."Qin An smiled and took the three little Loli into the car. The three sisters felt that the man in front of them was becoming more and more mysterious, and they couldn't see him at all.

"Do you know the rules of the game on some maps? You can't kill easily. If you kill someone, it will become a yellow name. If you kill two people, it will become a red name. If it becomes a red name, then the equipment on your body when you die, All the items in the package will fall. Then if you continue to kill a third person, you will be teleported into the system prison, trapped for ten days and unable to get out."

"Are you trying to say that this map is like this?" Zhen Hao asked aloud.

"Yes, so I want to enter the Red Name Prison. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. We can hide there for some time."

"You changed all the food in the machine, and you were looking for a place to hide. I just saw you write a note and stick it on the machine when you left. The note says, "There is food in Hongming Prison." These few words?"

"Haha, you are the reincarnation of Weng Die, okay? It is a good guess, these words are exactly the same. I just want to control the food, and then let people come to me to exchange gold coins for food. In the system One gold coin in the machine can be exchanged for a box of compressed biscuits, so there are 100 compressed biscuits in each box. If I stipulate that 1 gold coin can only be exchanged for 1 compressed biscuits, would you please tell us if we collect gold coins afterwards? The classic remarks in Marx's "Das Kapital"... Capital came to the world, from head to toe, blood and dirty things dripped from every pore.

Capital is afraid of no profit or too little profit, just as it is naturally afraid of a vacuum. Once there is a proper profit, capital will be bold. If there is a 10% profit, it is guaranteed to be used everywhere; if there is a 20% profit, it is active Get up; if it has 50% of the profit, it will take the risk; for 100% of the profit, it will trample all human laws; if it has 300% of the profit, it will dare to commit any crime, or even risk the danger of hanging its head. If turmoil and disputes can bring about If profit comes, it will encourage turmoil and disputes. Smuggling and slave trade are proof... I really admire this sentence, then 3 times the profit can cause war, and now 100 times the profit appears, you say I want to catch Live this opportunity? "

The three sisters stopped talking, and sat beside Qin An looking at him blankly.

From being trapped in this space to the present, Qin An has shown something that makes them feel terrible.

Maybe he was attracted deliberately at the beginning?

Is it a temptation to snatch someone's buns?

Qin An must have been suspicious of his family a long time ago.

He should never want to abandon his three sisters again.

He just kept them temporarily in Fang Zhan's place, and then went to investigate and collect information on his own.

So in fact, he had already figured out how to do everything. After all, Qin An's essence is still a hero who can plan victory and distress!

"In that case, are you also ready for 3 living people for us to kill?"

"No, you misunderstood me. We just went to the prison, but not the cell. We can control the building on the first floor of the prison, where there is only a very strong iron door with a long corridor inside and on both sides of the corridor. In the prison, there is a nice big room at the entrance of the corridor, which has a kitchen, a bathroom, and a bed. Then we will put food in it, and then people will hide in it to rest. Then there are two ways to get food. One is the small window on the only door through which you can trade. But the window is too small, once controlled, the people behind cannot come up. The effect is the same as the effect of the gold coin exchange. We I can’t control it at all. So I need to prepare a second path for other people with gold coins, that is, the 20 red-named cells. As long as the people outside kill three people, they can enter randomly, and then I will be able to see me in exchange for food. Yes, the premise is that there must be gold coins!"

The three sisters were speechless again, and their bodies had all begun to tremble. They were worried again, would Qin An embark on a path of no return from now on? It's just that I can't say it anyway, and I just reconciled with Qin An.

Hongming Prison is actually very small. There is only one prison within the surrounding wall. This is a bungalow with only one entrance. After Qin An and the three sisters of Zhens arrived, they did some preparatory work and then locked themselves in the prison. .

The so-called room at the entrance of the prison corridor is actually not big, a simple one-bedroom, most importantly, there is only one bed.

The three sisters Zhen E actually didn't bother about the bed problem at this time, they were all thinking about Qin An's plan in their hearts, even when they were eating, they couldn't devote themselves wholeheartedly.

After eating, Qin An lay directly on the bed to rest. After a long time passed, Zhen E finally couldn't help but walked to Qin An to wake up the sleepy Qin An who was already lying on the bed.

"Ah... I haven't slept well these days, why do you tell me? Would you let me sleep for a while? Once those people are found, they won't have to sleep."

"Qin An, I don't want to interrupt your rest, but I always feel that there is a problem with your plan, so I want to talk to you." Zhen E's tone is very gentle, trying not to offend Qin An.

"This is nothing to talk about. If you don't want to open it, ask Zhen Hao, I really need a good rest." After speaking, Qin An turned his back to Zhen E and really continued to sleep.

Zhen E was helpless, so she was unwilling to ask Little Sister who was sitting in a daze.

After Zhenhao a long time, he sighed: "Big sis must think his actions are extreme, just like another him?"

"Yeah, we all want to trust this Qin An, but what is the difference between him and that Qin An? A person who wants to get food must have gold coins and kill three people and enter the prison. Is this too cruel? People killed in this space cannot be resurrected. Zhenhao, you are the smartest, tell me what Qin An thinks?"

"Big sis, I'm still thinking about it, but I don't think it through. I just feel that there is no way now. Otherwise, we can't collect so many gold coins. The gold coins are randomly refreshed in large quantities at the beginning. In the hands of various players, there are still many survivors in novice village. It would be too much trouble if we find the past one by one. Now no one is willing to hand over the gold coins, so the only way to get the gold coins is to kill the opponent. Death caused the gold coins to fall. For the benefit, Qin An may just not want to kill..."

At this moment, Qin An didn't fall asleep at all, and overheard what Zhen Hao had said before turning over and sitting up.

"These foods are a lot for us, but for all the survivors of novice village, it is a drop in the bucket. The theme of this game is doomsday. Here is a space where people die for money and birds die for food. Since death is impossible Avoid, then it’s better to die for food than to die for food. Nowadays, many people have been hungry for several days. We are here to control food to make them feel that they are looking forward to something. Choose, they will not go farther and farther and eventually become humans and demons. Weng Lan, don’t judge others by own mindset, whether you believe it or not, if the food is still not available in large quantities, then one day, people will all be Become a lunatic. Do you want to give it a try? Let's distribute food in another place, leave enough for ourselves, and send the rest out together?"

"You mean...?" Zhen E still doesn't understand what Qin An wants to express.

In fact, Qin An himself couldn't tell, he just had a feeling. Seeing Zhen E's dull goose-like appearance, Qin An gritted his teeth and decided to teach Zhen E another lesson.

"Zhen E, you think my approach is too cruel, how about you tell me how to do it?"

"I...I just think that although there is little food, it would be better if we could not let everyone kill each other and trade with them. For example... There is a tower almost twelve meters high at the prison gate, with only one hanging The escalator on the wall can go up and down. We might be able to move the food there. That's simple. We let the person with the gold coin come up, and then give her a little food. At least these people will not enter the red name for snatching. The opportunity of the cell to kill each other."

"Well, what you said makes sense, well, I won't sleep anymore. Let's move now. I guess they are coming soon too. Hurry up."

Qin An simply moved on.

"Ah...Qin An, I mean let's study it together."

"There is nothing to study. Now I will give you two choices. First, hide here and let those people enter the cell after killing and turning red names. Second, go out of the tower and let people receive food without restrictions. You choose."


Zhen E is a little depressed. She thinks that she should choose the latter method, which is more humane, why should we force others to kill each other.

But since Qin An gave two choices, it makes sense naturally. What are they? Looking at Qin An, Qin An didn't seem to want to explain, and then looked at Zhen Hao, who was frowning and thinking.

Ah, tangled, what should I do?

"Qin An, can you make it clear?"

"Zhen E, I can't make it clear. If I were to choose the former, I don't know what the final outcome will be. So I leave the choice to you."

"I...I...I choose the latter!"

Zhen E finally made a choice after saying three words for me. She felt that she was right. It would be fine to choose a way to trade the food directly. Why would she want to force them to kill?

"Okay, that's it. Let's go and act now."This time, Qin An did not hesitate anymore, quickly transporting food out of the city, Zhen Hao, Zhen Yan also went to help, Zhen E could only keep up.

When they transported all the food to the tower, people successively gathered below. There were ready-made loudspeakers on the tower, and Qin An shouted into the loudspeaker.

"Everyone, I left the note on the gold coin exchange machine. I have exchanged all the food in it. Now I want to trade with you. If you want to get food, I will climb up the ladder. You must have a A gold coin can be exchanged for food as long as there is a gold coin, and nothing can be exchanged for food."

When people gathered in the prison, they hadn't seen the people on the tower. They focused their attention on Qin An's call, and then it became a fire.

"It's too bad. He wants to sell us food at a high price. When the gold coin exchange machine appears again, only he can have gold coins!"

"Can't let him succeed, no one should give him gold coins!"

"There must be a lot of food on the tower, everyone rushed to grab it!"

The people below are usually yelling like crazy, and the three sisters Zhen'e looked at the crowds of people rushing, and they only felt a layer of goose bumps on their bodies.

"The first drawback is that this tower is obviously not as good as the defensive measures in the prison. We can't sleep well at night."

"Qin An, let's explain to them.'"

"If you used to be Weng Lan, you are definitely not a stupid woman. Do you find it useful to explain to them at this time?"

Zhen E's face has turned pale with shame, yes, who will listen to their explanation at this time?

The crowd had already piled up, and Qin An raised his hand to summon a sea of ​​fire thunder array to surround the tower, and the people rushing in the front immediately screamed in pain. A group of novice players without much blood was instantly killed by Qin An.

"The second drawback, I am going to kill myself in order to protect myself."

Zhen E already regretted this time, maybe she should choose to listen to Qin An?

"The third drawback..."

Oh my god, this is just a while, and it's the third drawback? Zhen E suspected that Qin An must have calculated it beforehand, just to slap her in the face.

"Because I killed people, because of the gold coins they dropped, the chaos will escalate ahead of time, people are selfish, and no one can be themselves in front of selfishness."

Qin An's voice just fell, and the people below were really confused.

Several people who were killed by Qin An dropped gold coins on them. Those without gold coins nearby immediately grabbed them. Those with gold coins wanted more. Even if some elders did not want to snatch gold coins, they were still involved in the nearby crowd. , The entanglement is that the people behind do not know that the people in front are snatching gold coins, and they are still pushing forward, rushing to push the people in front, which makes the people behind have stepped on the steps, which can be faster As he climbed forward, the number of people piled up under the tower instantly became more, forcing Qin An to turn on his abilities again and kill everyone.

Zhen E's body is shaking more severely, are these all caused by herself? She chose this path and forced Qin An to become an executioner.

She knew that Qin An was not wrong, that this situation must be countered, but if he were hiding in prison, Qin An would have not killed anyone!

"Don't have a psychological burden. In the true end of the world, death is actually a very happy thing. I just let them live in another form. If they lose their life form, maybe they can live forever."

Qin An spoke calmly, of course to comfort Zhen E.

Zhen E finally had tears in her eyes. Is the man in front of her a cold-blooded animal? He can speak calmly while killing people...No, he is not cold-blooded, because he is comforting himself and telling her that everything is not her fault, he is very careful and warm, just like in the last life, how many years ago The Qin An I met!

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