When the fear of Death pervades people's hearts, most humans can lower their originally arrogant head.

Qin An really killed a lot of people. If it hadn't been for the red name removal potion he had accumulated during the fight against monsters, he would have been sent to prison by this time.

After the deaths of many people, the people nearby became quiet. Those without gold coins dared not approach the towers that were easy to defend and difficult to attack. Those with gold coins stepped forward after hesitating and climbed the ladder to exchange food for Qin An. After getting the food, he won't go down immediately, but knelt on the ladder and gobbled up the food.

There were no zombies near the prison, but almost all the survivors in the village came here. Later people started to curse the people on the tower for being mean after learning about the situation. But everyone is selfish, no one wants to die first, and the vicinity of the tower has become a forbidden area, and only those who have gold coins dare to step forward.

After collecting a full 300 gold coins, there are almost no people in exchange for food. Qin An knows that people don't have gold coins anymore, but the degree of selfishness is often different.

"Some people just want to get food, but some people think that gold coins will be more useful and don't want to give it away. No matter what, this is selfish. Just like you and me, in order to get gold coins to escape space, ignore the irrelevant people. The life and death of Zhen E, do you understand? This is the end of the world, and I have lived in this world for many years."

Zhen E, who was already in a depressed mood, stood beside Qin An and sighed faintly: "You just don't want to see this apocalyptic scene again, so you have to exchange food in the prison?"

"Do not……"

"What the hell is that? Qin An, tell me."

"I want to give these people hope."

"Have hope?" Zhen E didn't understand at all, Zhen Hao, and Zhen Yan didn't understand either.

Qin An sighed: "We are in prison, and the path of the prison gate must be controlled by a powerful player group. Then many people will want to enter the prison in order to get food, so that they will fight each other, and a group of people who can enter the prison. It is possible that people will survive and live forever. Going to prison is their hope. And now? Our food has been delivered almost too fast, so we will soon announce that there is no food...I Although some people were killed, it was only a small part. There are too many people here. They will fight together after all, and it is hopeless. They know that the food is gone, they can only fight and use human flesh as food. ...But at this time they actually dare not kill, because killing three people will enter the Red Name Prison, where there is no food and just a prison. They can’t escape, they have a dead end. Then they can’t kill, and they have to eat human flesh. ...There is only one way left..."Zhen E raised her hand to cover her mouth, Zhen Hao, the two sisters Zhen Yan's face was also pale.

"Have you already thought about it? They can only eat living people! Eat part of their bodies, but can't kill them! This is a slaughter of life! For so many years in the last days, I have seen a lot of people cannibalism incidents? Happened, those who kill people and eat them can still be understood, after all, to live. But the guys who eat living people will not be able to be human in the end! Three days later, they were lucky not to be hungry in this map. The dead guys will become human demons. Whether they want it or not, the terrible nightmare of the rest of their lives will follow them and will never go away... Hey, so I want them to enter the prison. First, through competition, one person will kill. Only 3 people die can enter the prison. When the prison is full, the population can be reduced by more than half. We can exchange gold coins for the people in the prison to eat. After all, they are sacrificing the lives of other people. Surviving, before eating people, they are still human souls. So, I just don’t want to see people become demons..."

"Qin An, you've already thought of this, haven't you? Then why did you let me choose? Why are you so cruel to me?"

Zhen E felt that she was already unbearable.

"It's actually the same, and the ending is very tragic. If you don't die, how can you let people die for money and die for food? Zhen E, maybe the future world is really different from the doomsday world, but since you have been from the future Entering the end times, let’s put away the kind heart, people who are too kind will be very miserable in this world... You have been a girl for many years, maybe the thinking mode is a bit too fairy tale, this is already another world, not a fairy tale. It's The Underworld!"

Three days later, the food for the four of Qin An was quite sufficient. It was no problem to eat for three or four days. The crowd under the tower was already a scene of The Underworld. The three sisters Zhen E almost never closed their eyes. They witnessed Qin Ansuo. Said something!

In fact, not many people died below, because one living person is enough for several others to eat for several days.

The phenomenon of cannibalism is like a plague spreading. Some are voluntarily eaten by family members. Of course, most people are reluctant.

In the closest place to the tower, a poor woman was eaten with only one body and one head, but she can’t die because she has six children. If she dies, the system has a high chance of destroying her. The body was recovered.

The father of the child also has to eat his own wife, because he has to retain the strength to protect the child. The woman was placed in a small dilapidated house nearby. The father could not tell the children where their mother went, let alone tell them what they were eating these days.

Zhen E feels that she is going to collapse, she wants to go crazy, she thinks this is the saddest thing in the world? Why didn't these parents choose to take their children to die together!

Yes, Zhen E viciously hopes that they will all die, because she can no longer stand this kind of human tragedy.

Zhen E couldn't think of anything in the world that could be more tragic than this kind of scene.Qin An told her that the sorrow in the last days would never be imagined.

Zhen E still couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but when a few thieves broke into the small broken house and snatched away the dying poor woman, Zhen E realized the sadder emotions, and the tears would be uncontrollable. Flow out.

The man went to chase the culprit, but he couldn't catch up no matter how he chased him. In the end he cried bitterly in the distance, as if he was kneeling on the ground.

Zhen E's body trembled and her face was pale.

She really wanted to go down and help him, but she knew she couldn't do anything. She couldn't live without this tower. Once she left, she would be swallowed up by the life below.

It's really sad. The food and wife are gone. How will this father feed the children from now on?

Zhen E raised her hand and wiped her wet red eyes, feeling that she couldn't watch anymore, because the saddest thing in the world was happening before her eyes.

Only The next moment, she knew she was wrong, because something more sad happened.

The father was chasing the culprits, and the six children were gone. Suddenly a group of people appeared and took the six children away. After that, they got into the crowd. Zhen E couldn't see them in a blink of an eye.

Oh my god, how could such a thing happen!

"Qin An! Qin An! Go and save the child!"

Zhen Huan was crying so sad that she ran to Qin An and staggered and was about to fall.

Qin An was sitting at the round table in the middle of the tower. There were chess and chessboard on the table. He set up his posture and was playing with himself.

This is not to spy on major events through the Insight chess game, Qin An is just too idle.

Holding the little Loli who almost fell in his arms, Qin An smiled bitterly: "Look at your red eyes. It's time to rest. The people outside have reached the limit. I think we should be able to collect enough gold coins soon. Now, when the task is submitted to the system, we will go out."

"No! Qin An, save the child!"

"I can't save anyone, Zhen E, none of us can do without this tower until the crowd below disperses."

"But the child..."

"It is the rules of the game in this space that control their destiny. If you don't want to be controlled by destiny, there is actually only one way, and that is to establish own rules on the land that belongs to own."

Zhen E was weakly limp in Qin An's arms, crying bitterly, and regretful in her heart. She obviously didn't know anything, so why bother to make trouble in front of Qin An?

I haven't been so weak for many years, and Zhen E feels so useless.

Maybe her emotions were too complicated, which caused her to be extremely tired, crying and crying and finally fell asleep.

Qin An hugged Zhen E like a child, and he could only ignore the real poor children under the tower.

"You two will sleep too."

Above this tower is an open-air balcony, and there are rooms below. At this time, Zhen Yan and Zhen Hao are leaning against the wall.

"Can't sleep...Qin An, have you ever thought of dominating one party in the last days?" Zhen Hao said.

"Why do you ask about this question?"

"Don't be angry, because another Qin An has this desire, so I think you might..."

"I also thought about it, and even built an empire myself."

"Oh... your experience is really rich."

"Actually, I don't think I'm suitable for being a commander-in-chief."


"If you don't take control of the army, I will stubbornly make myself a good person sometimes."

"But...you now..."

"Well, I am a person who has come back from the dead. Life is nothing more than a Samsara for me, so in my eyes everyone is just a passerby in Samsara. Human values ​​are constantly changing, so good or bad. The standard has changed again."

"In other words, your kindness has become a great way, so are you ready to take the army?"

"Well, the world in this doomsday remnant blood world is already clear, after all, a person can't make the climate."

Qin An's voice fell, but Zhen Hao didn't reply. Qin An looked up and drove away. It turned out that the two sisters were already asleep cuddling each other.

Hey, these two days have also suffered them.

Qin An can't sleep, he is responsible for the defense of the tower.

So Qin An continued to play chess, thinking about every move for a long time. Time slowly passed by Qin An's thinking. After six hours, the sky full of stars was clearly visible, and night had arrived.

"Dear players, in order for everyone to get food, we will open the gold coin exchange machine again. The location is the same as last time. Please take the gold coins in your hand and exchange it. This time the gold coin exchange machine is permanent. It’s turned on, and we have also updated the types of food. Players will definitely feel like drinking nectar after drinking. What are you waiting for? Go and exchange for food!"

A few seconds after the gentle system prompts the sound, the crowd exploded.

Although the taste of human flesh is good, most people still have a psychological burden. Now that they heard that the gold coin exchange machine had started again, and the food was in unlimited supply, how could they not be excited.

Especially those with gold coins, almost immediately called Peng Huanyou to leave the prison, while the part without gold coins left, and the other part hovered around the tower and cursed at it.

It is normal that all the gold coins have been collected by Qin An, and of course they are angry.

"Don't go! Damn, there are still human flesh to eat anyway, we just stay here, they don't have much food, when they run out of ammunition and food, we will rush to eat them!"

If someone takes the lead, someone will naturally respond, so there are still two to three thousand people in a circle below, and they don't know when they will fade away.

The noise naturally woke up the three sisters, and Zhen E's red and swollen eyes became watery again after clarifying the situation.

"Blame me, how good this is, if we are really trapped forever, once the food is gone, we will die without a place to bury!"

Qin An thought it was funny. It seemed that the three sisters were little girls, and most of the time they were treated as little girls. They themselves were innocent.

"What are you afraid of? This is not a desperate situation."

"Why not desperate?""Naturally, we have a way to go! But you have to understand that the end is a world where people cannibalize people. Sometimes in order to achieve the goal, you have to do whatever you want, even if what you do is against your will!"

When Qin An said this, his eyes shot out cold and looked abnormally cold, but the three sisters who hadn't noticed felt that Qin An was so reliable at this time, which made people heartwarming.

Qin An observed the surroundings and found that although the people here were all around and yelling at the tower, they did not dare to get too close. After all, Qin An’s magical attack is for players who are just novices in system defense. It's too powerful, as long as they don't get close, they can't help Qin An at all.

"Let's go, follow me to the bottom."

As Qin An spoke, he returned to the entrance to the lower side of the tower and waved to the three little Loli.

"What? There is an underground passage here?" Zhen Yan asked curiously.

"Of course not, but I put something under the resting room to help us escape."

"Put some things?"

The three sisters looked at each other, wondering what other horrible idea Qin An had. But now Qin An's image in their minds is extremely tall, and they are naturally willing to follow what he says.

After reaching the bottom of what Qin An said, the three sisters were all taken aback, because there were more than a dozen people tied up here.

"These twelve people were arrested and put in jail before. They were hungry for three days and then started to eat people. I killed two of them. I found out that I became famous. He didn't dare to kill anymore, beat them to the blood and weakness, then caught them and found this prison, hiding them here, thinking about starving to death. Originally there were 14 people in them, but we boarded the tower that day , I remembered the people I held. When you looked outside the city with wide-eyed eyes, you came to check for yourself and found that two of them were left with only residual bones. They should have eaten them... Hey, I wanted to kill them right away, but thought of the possibility of being trapped, so for the past three days I have been feeding them with food, so that they will be dying without being starved to death... For you, this is a red name. When we kill three people alone, we will become a red name and be sent directly into the prison by the system. After that, the killing value will be washed away with the potion. Then it can be sent out from the cell and into the prison corridor, that is to say. After the encirclement, we can walk away without knowing it..."

The three little Loli were frightened by Qin An's great handwork again. Who would have thought of the strategy of using this method to escape so badly? This is simply unimaginable, Qin An who is like a god? The three of them couldn't help asking themselves again in their hearts if Qin An was so smart?

Qin An looked at the three little Loli, and then smiled at them: "Remember, these guys are cannibals. Don't have any sympathy for them. Now they are all hungry and groggy, and they are tied up by me again. Getting up is very easy to kill, so I will go to the prison to wait for you. If I don't come, I will run away by myself!"

After Qin An's voice fell, he had already started to kill. After the death of the three, Qin An was directly sent to prison.

The three little Loli panicked when Qin An disappeared.

"Why did he leave like this? What about the food?" Zhen Yan asked in a hurry.

"Food may not be brought into prison, right? Don't worry about so much, just listen to Qin An! Sister, the reason why he left first is not to give us a chance to hesitate and kill people!" Zhen Hao stepped forward and took out after finishing talking. The own weapon uses physical attacks to kill people, and after a while, it turns into a red name and teleports away.

Zhen E and Zhen Yan will naturally not hesitate again. After all, they have lived for thousands of years. Although they have a little temperament nowadays, they are still old fairies in their bones. Once they have determination, they can handle the pressure and execute.

In this way, under Qin Anfei's deliberate arrangement, a group of four escaped, and the three sisters of Zhen's attitude and senses towards Qin An were completely subverted!

The night rain suddenly came, and at a distance of three or four kilometers from the gold coin exchange machine, Qin An took three small figures to hide into an empty house.

"Ah, bad luck, my whole body is soaked." Zhen Yan's dissatisfaction occurred.

"Qin An, there are loud voices over there, as if they are fighting?" Zhen E's small face was very pale, she was worried and didn't rest well, and her face was naturally very bad.

"Well, there are few gold coins, and some powerful ones will naturally fight for it. Just like us, whoever controls the source of food can control the circulation of gold coins."

"What are you going to do next?" Zhen Hao was more concerned about Qin An's ghost ideas.

"Do nothing, sleep, and wait until we are well rested before thinking about our next plan."


The three sisters were stunned again, so secretly that a person with such a big heart, how could he behave so extraordinary when something happened?

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