Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1745 White Lies

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, and I don't know how they traveled through the system space.

Qin An hasn't slept very much these days, so he slept very sweetly. In the end, I don't know whether it was the sound of rain or the little hand on his cheek that woke him up.

Opening her eyes, Zhen E's cute face was close to her, she was staring at Qin An with wide eyes.

Qin An was stunned and closed his eyes again after the meeting, and by the way took the little guy sleeping in front of him into his arms.

"What are you doing?" Zhen E was embarrassed and wanted to resist, but her heartbeat was already fast.

"The rain is cool at night, let you warm..."

"I don't want it, cheeky!"

"Hey, two rooms, but you came to sleep with me on your own initiative."

Zhen E struggled with her small body a few times, and finally stopped moving.

Yes, she took the initiative to ran off and slept with Qin An, because she was suddenly very scared, for fear that this invisible Qin An would suddenly run away at night, so what should the three of their sisters do?

Maybe...not for this reason, she just wants to get close to Qin An and feel his breath...

Forget it, since she is so young anyway, Qin An is also...


A thick and gentle lips fell, and a heavy kiss on Zhen E's cheek.

Zhen Huan was dumbfounded.

Of course Qin An is not an erotic maniac. He just thinks that Weng Lan looked cute when he was a child, so he kissed her on the cheek lovingly.


After you have spent a long time, Zhen E didn't say the next word, she really had nothing to say, her body was as if it had been charged!

"At that time, I discussed with Weng Lan, what will our children look like in the future. In my imagination, she should actually be like you. Weng Lan gave me four children, three boys and one girl, and the girl's name is Qin. Xiangming, think about it and look like you. Hey, those four children are also pitiful. They left their mothers after they were born. The wanderings were brought up by their sister-in-law in the last days. When I first met them, you didn’t. I know, that little pitiful thing makes people feel distressed..."

Qin An spoke about the quadruplets in a very calm tone.

Zhen E's impetuous heart finally calmed down.

Another time and space, another child born to Qin An and Weng Lan.

Ah... It seems that she and Weng Lan are actually the same people. She just gave birth to Qin Weihong.

After talking for a long time, the brilliance of the starry night faded, and when the real night came, Qin An could withstand the miss for the children.

"Okay, just wait for me here, I'll go there to investigate first."

After speaking, he got up and got out of bed.

Zhen E hurriedly jumped up, grabbed Qin An's sleeve and said, "I want to go with you too!"

"I'm just going to investigate, you guys..."

"Qin An, although I have been doing poorly after meeting you, please believe me, I am not a burden! My profession is a poison master, group injuries reduce the defensive blood volume, and the attack range is very large. I will definitely be able to help. busy!"


"You just kissed me forcibly. If you take me with you, then forget it. If you don't, then I will tell her about it when I see Weng Lan!"

Strong kiss?Qin An only felt wronged, he just touched her cheek with his lips, OK, who made her look like a child?

Seeing Zhen E's resolute attitude, Qin An sighed helplessly: "You really don't have to go, and it's still raining outside... The sky is getting a little bit colder. The space of this remnant blood world is different from the outside world, March It is difficult for the earth to have this kind of coolness after the era..."

"I am not afraid of the cold, I have to follow you!"

"Well...the autumn comes and rain gathers into the cold bed, the night is dark and the wind is high, the people are heartbroken, the blood is stained with the green mountains and thousands of rivers and snow, until the dawn is ten thousand years old, I will take you on a trip, and this game should be over. NS!"

Qin An strode out boldly, and Zhen Eleng finally reacted after staying in place for a long time, and strode to follow.

This Qin An is also coquettish, really annoying... can't get up?

People in the heavy rain are a little embarrassed.

A wooden fence has been set up around the gold coin exchange point, and a defensive camp has been formed.

In this case, even if they had gold coins, they couldn't exchange for food. The people in Muzhalan camp followed Qin An's method to control the circulation of food and collected a lot of gold coins.

At this time, the food is still not enough for the survivors, so people in the rain will fight and kill, and occasionally a screaming cry can even cover the majestic rain.

Qin An took Zhen E's little hand and walked among the crowd, looking like a pair of ordinary father and daughter.

"Hi, where are you from?"

Along the way, an old man sitting on the ground suddenly shouted.

He has been drenched in the rain, and the nearby houses are occupied by players with stronger capabilities, and the people gathered here are relatively weak.

"Go and see if you can get some food."

"Don't be silly, there is no food here at all. You'd better not walk over there, can you see it? The group of guys 20 meters away, they are Martian offal, they have eaten many of us in the past few days! Of course, we have eaten many of them. Don’t think that our little Planet people are good bullies, haha, eat and eat, is it fun?"

The old man looked a little nervous. After yelling with Qin An in the wind and rain, he began to laugh, and when he was smiling, he took a bloody hand out of his arms and took a bite.

Zhen E staggered backwards, Qin An hurriedly hugged him into his arms, and then left.

"Are these people sick? Obviously this is The Underworld where people cannibalize people, why are they staying here? Is there anything else in the ending? Either being eaten by others or eating others, this...too cruel!"

"No, for people like them, people who don't eat human flesh are a different kind. The reason why cannibals came into being in the last days is because of this obsession."

"Hey, Qin An, I don't like this place, what are you going to do? When can we leave?"

"Now the controller of the gold coin exchange must already have a lot of gold coins. All we have to do is to find him, and then kill and sell."

"But look, there are so many people nearby who are drenched in the heavy rain. They are all eager for food. It should be a trace of human thoughts in their hearts, so they are unwilling to leave. And these people can't enter the Muzhalan camp at all. The people inside are very good, and the defense should be very strong. How do you kill and overpower?"

"Zhen E, sometimes any strategy is useless, only strength is the best guarantee. I was trapped in the tower before, but I was only worried about the safety of your three sisters before I dared to break through from the front. After all, there are too many enemies. , There are many people and hands. Now, there are no more than a hundred people in this camp. I can still fight with them. Besides, once there is chaos, do you think these lunatics outside will be honest? They will definitely swarm them. And what we have to do in the end is to take the life of the opposing leader in the chaos, and then pick up the gold coins he dropped."

"How do you know they are no more than a hundred people?"

"There was a discussion nearby when I was walking."

"Your ears are so good, so heavy rain..."

"Well, the rain is very heavy, so I told you not to come and get wet in vain."

Zhen E didn't speak any more, because her heart was at ease. This feeling has not been experienced for many years. A long time ago, a person named Qin An gave it to her. Now, it is another Qin An.

Qin An was very calm at this time. He came tonight to kill, but when he had the intent to kill, Qin An was usually very calm.

When he arrived at the gate of the distance camp, Qin An was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly raised his face, lying next to Zhen E's ears and said: "It's not that you and I have seen the two guards at the gate."

"It's raining, I can't see clearly, who are they?"

"Fang Zhan's person."


Lying in Qin An's arms, Zhen E's face turned pale.

Is Fang Zhan still alive without food? He also gathered people to control this side. Could it be that he also ate human flesh?

impossible! Fang Zhan is so kind, it is impossible for him to do such a thing!

Zhen E really didn't want to believe it.

"Hi, is Fang Zhan the boss here? We are Fang Zhan's friends."

Qin An stepped forward to speak when Zhen E was shocked.

"It's you?!"

A guard recognized Qin An at once, and his face was already angry.

Another doorman hurriedly pulled him away, and then shouted with a smile: "Looking at the rain, I didn't recognize it as Qin Ye and Zhen's Miss. It just happened that our boss has already set up a camp here. It’s when you need manpower, come, come, come in, this rain is really heavy..."

This person was a little extra enthusiastic, and Qin An admired his city mansion very much. He had already gritted his teeth in his heart, but his expression was hard to see.

The other guard seemed to have also reacted, leaving quietly and then dashing at swift speed, presumably as a whistleblower.

Qin An didn't mind, and followed the boy in front of him all the way to the camp, and finally entered a house near the gold coin exchange machine, and saw Fang Zhan and Amy Gana.

The faces of the two were not very good. After the guard who led the way went down, Zhen E, who had already left Qin An’s arms, began to have boring conversations with them, naturally explaining the matter of gold coins. Zhen E swears that she is really true. He didn't know that there was such a gold coin exchange machine, otherwise he wouldn't take away Fang Zhan's gold coins.

Fang Zhan was speechless for a long time, and when Zhen E's saliva was almost vomiting out, he said:

"Zhen E, do you think I would believe you? Huh, you deceived me that the game space was opened because of you. After collecting 400 gold coins, everything is over. But the result? You clearly have a copy strategy, you know The importance of gold coins, that’s why I lied to it! After occupying the tower to sell food to earn violence, so many poor and innocent people were killed by you, do you think I don’t know? Amy Gana is right. You really are an old fairy!"


Zhen E’s eyes became moist when she was told that she hated others for calling her an old fairy, and she didn’t expect Fang Zhan to distrust her character so much.

At this moment, a pair of big hands hugged her body, and when the wet clothes were attached to Zhen E, Zhen E felt warm, because it was Qin An's embrace.

"Brother Fang, don’t get too excited. I can assure Zhen E that what Zhen E is telling is the truth, but she didn’t deceive you... Don’t mention this. I actually only have one purpose when I come here. I exchange gold coins for Brother Fang. Food, since you know what I did on the tower, you should also know that I am a rich man. This is why you are willing to see me instead of letting your subordinates kill me, right? Because you want to get the gold coins from me."

"Haha, Qin An, do you think you still have a chance to leave here? I don't need to talk nonsense with you, just kill you to get what I want!"

When Fang Zhan said this, his face suddenly became grim. Zhen E had never seen Fang Zhan like this before, and she couldn't believe it.

"Fang Zhan, your expression..."

"It's normal. People have appearances, ghosts have ghosts. He had probably survived by eating human flesh. Even if a bad person becomes a bad person, he is still just a bad person. And a good person does bad things. If he denies his own life values, he has already denied himself, how can he continue to be a human being? The inhuman appearance is so fierce, but it's just a normal thing."

Fang Zhan's scream, who was exposed by Qin An's words, was about to move forward, and after he gave the order, the group of people ambushing outside also rushed in and surrounded Qin An and Zhen E.

Qin An stood up as usual. There was no suspense. He had already used the gold coin detector to detect. Fang Zhan had more than one hundred gold coins on his body. Kill him and the mission was over.

"Hahaha, I'm not a human face? You obviously do evil! Taking away our gold coins and controlling the source of food, we almost starved to death! If it wasn't for my brother who was willing to sacrifice himself and let us eat him , All of us are going to die! You are all to blame! Zhen E, you are all to blame! We are friends, you even hurt me!"

Zhen E really wanted to explain that she couldn't bear the misunderstanding so deeply, she was already vulnerable these days.

Qin An felt the trembling of Zhen E's body and naturally understood her thoughts, so she sneered and shook her head.

"Fang Zhan, don't be a bitch and set up a chastity memorial hall. I don't want to eat yours."

"Qin An, don't say anything, don't play with your mouth, today is your death date!"

"There is something in the words? Huh, it seems that you have to let me tell your secret?"

Fang Zhan, who was originally grimaceous, was stunned for a moment when he heard this, then his face became pale."Fart, what's my secret? You guys do it quickly and kill him!"

"You were a cannibal! And you just like to eat children! Right? You set up a secret army to catch children and eat them for you? Is there such a thing?"

"You...you nonsense!"

Fang Zhan's face was distorted again, and Zhen E looked back at Qin An in disbelief.

Qin An patted her on the shoulder and said, "Hey, those people killed in our tower. They are actually Fang Zhan’s secret troops. I saw that they wanted to kill directly, but the real reason for not killing in the end was not. It’s not that I’m afraid of becoming a red name, after all I have a red name potion. Then the real reason is because they told me about it! Zhen E, originally I didn’t want to tell you, but I didn’t expect to meet him here. And he has a hideous face again, so let you know about it."

What? How could this be?

Not only Zhen E couldn't believe it, but everyone around Fang Zhan couldn't believe it.

But what Qin An said was really serious. Even the secret troops seemed to exist. Could it be said that there are no waves without wind?

Fang Zhan was really going crazy at this time.

"You lie, why would I eat human flesh? You lie, do you despicable villain want to frame me? Well, see if I don't kill you!"

Fang Zhan was extremely uncomfortable at this time, and he could no longer take care of so many and rushed up in person.

Others didn't understand what was going on at all, so they didn't have time to do it, they were still thinking about whether what Qin An said was true.

In retrospect, it was Fang Zhan's first bite of human flesh. He originally meant that this great evil man would let him do it. He could eat human flesh brothers and sisters, so that everyone would have no burden.

At that time, people thought that Fang Zhan was giving up his life for justice, but if Qin An was telling the truth, then Fang Zhan’s approach would be better understood. He was eating human flesh!

No, right? They have been with Fang Zhan for so many years, how could Fang Zhan do such a thing that both humans and gods are angry with?

After a group of people struggled for a while, they believed that Fang Zhan should still be credible.

However, at the moment they were entangled, Qin An had already attacked the opponent's killer, activated the strongest attack state, and summoned the dual magic skills of the Fire Sea Thunder Array to wrap Fang Zhan.

This is a continuous high-level magic skill. Fang Zhan only stood in the sea of ​​fire for a few seconds. After being struck by three sudden lightning flashes, his blood was left. Qin An’s level of Ascension is fast these days, and his attack bonus is also high. Even though Fang Zhan had already reached level 30, he still had no chance of winning a single against Qin An.

Finally, Fang Zhan's blood volume disappeared and was killed by Qin An with a thunderous force. After that, Fang Zhan touched a money bag on his body, which contained more than one hundred gold coins.

Qin An did not hesitate to step forward and grab the money bag and put it into his own backpack. At this time, 400 gold coins were finally gathered, as long as he summoned the NPC to hand in the task.


Pulling up Zhen E next to him, Qin An immediately turned around and ran.

At this time, those people reacted thoroughly and immediately came to catch up.

Qin An set fires everywhere as he ran, and the entire camp was in chaos when the fire ignited, which also attracted the people outside and began to become chaotic.

Qin An's movements were still very swift, pulling Zhen E up and running out of the crowd, and then continued to run, avoiding everyone.

"Qin An! Are you telling the truth? Fang Zhan really eats children in private?"

In any case, Zhen E still didn't believe it.

Qin An seemed to hesitate for a second, then nodded heavily.

"I swear, I will never lie to you, if I lie to you, let me..."

It seemed that a gust of wind and rain had blown, and Zhen E did not hear the words Qin An said afterwards.

But since Qin An swears, there shouldn't be any mistakes, right? Oh my god, could it be said that Fang Zhan has always been interested in himself? The more Zhen E thinks about it, the more afraid she is.

Qin An trot all the way without talking, but sighed in his heart.

Qin An, Qin An, this is considered a white lie, anyway, he didn't even know what the last few words he swore were.

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