Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1751 You Are Green Kissed

Qin Xiaoyan is still in the mood to eat, even if the dishes in front of her look really attractive, even if there are water stains on the corners of her mouth, her heart is also resistant.

But now that the robber put a large piece of fish with chopsticks and put it next to her mouth, how dare she not eat it.

Qin Xiaoyan felt too painful that she couldn't even make the decision when she was eating. What should she do?

Eat, eat, behave, anyway...Huh? It's not salty or light, it's just her taste, and the meat is soft but not rotten, and it's chewy. Is it really delicious?

Qin An and Qin Xiaoyan have been together for a long time, and naturally they know her preferences very well. She was frightened just now, Qin An's anger disappeared, so she had to comfort her, all the tastes of cooking can be hers.

"Eat it yourself, do you want me to keep feeding you?"


Qin Xiaoyan hurriedly picked up the chopsticks, began to eat, and took a bite... I wanted to take the second bite, the third bite, and couldn't stop!

Qin An poured himself a full glass of wine. Watching the news broadcast, he felt as if he was in a dream, but he was drunk before the wine was drunk.

Have you traveled back several times? It feels the easiest this time, because he already knows how to enjoy the life he faces, instead of tangling hastily like the previous few times.

How great, there is no end of the world here yet, here are two confidantes, they are still so simple, not contaminated with the aura of the end of the world.

Qin An has always wanted a peaceful life. In the last days, he learned how to be at ease, and he also understood the true meaning of peace. When his heart calmed down, despite the chaos in the world, what would he do to me?

"This wine is too weak, go get out the Maotai hidden by Liu Tianyu."

Qin Xiaoyan's heartbeat, who was concentrating on eating, accelerated again.

It's over, how could this be an ordinary thief? You even know that Liu Tianyu has Moutai? The wine has been kept in the locker cabinet for more than two years. There are six bottles in total. They have never moved. How could this person know?

Could it be said that he is actually Liu Tianyu's external enemy? Come here to seek revenge? That's why I deliberately understand the situation of my own home.

By the way, I heard that Liu Tianyu has a new woman these days, who is married. Once he drank and quarreled with himself and said that he liked to engage with other people's wives. Isn't he taking revenge now? Also fuck his wife, which is myself.

Qin Xiaoyan's brain was open in panic, thinking of several possibilities, but the final outcome seemed to be her worst.

Weakly went to fetch the Moutai wine, Qin Xiaoyan knowingly poured a glass for Qin An, this wine has a strong aroma when the lid is opened, and it seems to be a genuine object.

"Come on, two beauties, drink a little bit. After that, if you want to drink so easily, there will be no chance. We have to experience some days and some special journeys together. Then get to know again, my name is Qin An..."

Qin An was actually a little bit emotional. Tang Yu was a woman he had never given a name, and Xiaoyan had become a necroman in real space, but he did not expect to meet them in this way now.

Tang Yu is okay. Although he doesn't know the current situation, he can deal with it calmly. Qin Xiaoyan was also pretty good. After eating a lot of food, her spirit became calmer, and she was just anxious about whether she would be messed up by others.

Such a message was suddenly broadcast on the TV.

“The staff of the United States Planetarium said that a huge black hole is rapidly condensing between the earth and the moon. The reason why it can be observed is that the black hole once bloomed with a faint dazzling gleam last night. It’s just this The argument was refuted by astronomers. They laughed at the wrong wording of the United States Planetarium. Black holes are super-gravity matter that can absorb even light. How can they release bright glimmers?"

This is just a newsletter, no one will really care about it. Although things in space can make people dream about it, they will often forget it after thinking about it.

Qin An doesn't care. As a person who has personally experienced the end times, he certainly knows that they are here! 49 Sword God!

Hey, maybe Qin An won't meet them this time, because Qin An only needs to find a way to clear the customs and leave here, instead of taking roots and sprouts in this world that doesn't belong to him.

A good dinner was eaten, Qin Xiaoyan ate it to the end, and Tang Yu did not eat less.

"Dage, I... I'll clean up the table?" Qin Xiaoyan asked in a low voice. She actually just wanted to move, and she felt a little breathless. How could she eat so much? It really embarrassed her grandma.

"Haha, my dear, we are his meat tickets now, do you think you are living at home?" Tang Yu laughed loudly, and Qin An didn't know why her smile was so low?"No need to clean up, we are leaving here tomorrow anyway."

"Leave?" Oh my god, is this really kidnapping yourself? Does Liu Tianyu want a ransom? The man wished her daughter-in-law disappeared.

"Well, this family won't need to come back in the future, so there really is no need to clean up."

In fact, with Tang Yu, Qin Xiaoyan is obviously not a good choice, but Qin An is not afraid. He is a person who has lived for decades in the last days. What is there to be afraid of?

He is not afraid anymore, but Qin Xiaoyan is going to be scared to death, why not let her go home? Is it to send her to the Western Paradise?

There were some dog barking in the community at night, and Qin An, who was full of food and drink, had been relying on the sofa to watch TV. This TV looked very good because it was big enough.

Qin An watched here with a casual attitude, and the more he watched, the more energetic he was, but the other two women were all sleepy.

Tang Yu was more free and easy. She got up and said hello to Qin An that she was going to sleep. Before she entered the bedroom, Qin An reminded her loudly: "Don't want to escape, and give me your phone."

"Hey, you guy, the door is blocked by you. I can't escape even if I want to escape? And if I want to call the police, I would have done it a long time ago, and I can do it with a single WeChat."

Tang Yu complained about Qin An, but threw the phone to him, and then went to the room to sleep. There are too many things to experience on this day, so tired.

After Tang Yu entered the room, Qin An went to check Guo Siming, but he was still asleep. To be on the safe side, Qin An found other ropes to tie Guo Siming firmly, and then returned to the living room, pulling Qin Xiaoyan towards the bedroom. .

Qin Xiaoyan was originally dozing off, she was already a little overthinking, so she was exhausted, and she ate too much at night. Now it is eleven o'clock in the night, so it's strange if she is not sleepy.

Qin Xiaoyan was fully awake when she was dragged into the bedroom by Qin An. After realizing what was going to happen, her heart suddenly jumped and her body began to tremble. She wanted to yell for mercy, but Qin An's voice had already reached her ears.

"Calm down, I just want to sleep. I want someone to talk to when I sleep, so don’t worry, I’ll hug you in bed. I won’t treat you like anything, at least I won’t force you, unless you beg me. ."

What? Beg him?

Qin Xiaoyan felt that she had heard the biggest joke of this century, is this man a lunatic?

Qin An actually had some expectations. He remembered that he and Qin Xiaoyan slept in the same bed when he first started. He liked to tease her, but he didn't do anything, which made Qin Xiaoyan often suffer from insomnia at that time and look like she was dissatisfied with desire.

So now, the plot is really similar, the only difference is that to Qin Xiaoyan, she is now a complete stranger.

Lying broadly on the bed, Qin An looked at Qin Xiaoyan standing trembling in the doorway. After all, he shook his head and sighed, and then said, "Come here and come to me."

"You... what do you want to do?"

"If you ask you to come over, come over, talk nonsense again..."

"Post a photo, I know." Qin Xiaoyan trot all the way and sat beside Qin An, like an obedient puppy.

Qin An knows that Qin Xiaoyan is not so innocent, she must be thinking about how to escape the danger.

He raised his hand and put it on Qin Xiaoyan's shoulder from behind.

Qin Xiaoyan closed her eyes, thinking that it was already possible to predict what would happen next, isn't it just being fucked? She couldn't resist because she was too cowardly, otherwise she would not endure the unhappy marriage now.

Huh? strangeness……

A minute later, Qin Xiaoyan opened her eyes again and rounded them.

These hands... are indeed on her shoulders, back, and waist moving back and forth, but she can't feel any infringement. On the contrary, they are very comfortable, yes, very comfortable, as if these hands are for her. Health is average.

Qin Xiaoyan suffered from backache and backache before having the supernatural powers, which may be caused by kidney yin deficiency, or some unhealthy life habits that led to lumbar muscle strain and frozen shoulder.

At that time, Qin Xiaoyan asked Qin An to massage. After a long time of massage, Qin Xiaoyan had supernatural powers. When her body was okay, she would still let Qin An press her when she was fine.

In the long-term practice, Qin An has long found the most comfortable way to make Qin Xiaoyan, so now this Qin Xiaoyan is suffering from back pain and shoulder pain, and her habitual pain has sometimes made her forget this.

The shoulder was a little sore today, but she didn't feel it anymore after a night of shock.

Qin An massaged her shoulders, which made her feel uncomfortable at first, but after only half a minute, she felt that she was flying into the sky, really comfortable! And this man’s technique is very weird. It seems that he doesn’t use much strength, but he can feel comfortable in her muscles and bones. What’s more strange is that he seems to know exactly where she is wrong. The painful place.

Qin Xiaoyan, who was enjoying Qin An’s service, was a little ecstatic, wondering why the robber gave her this meat ticket service? Gradually, she closed her eyes again and fell asleep.

Before the cold spring, Qin Xiaoyan would frequently wake up in the morning. Her body was cold, and her body was always cold.

But Qin Xiaoyan was not cold at all when she woke up today, because she was held by a big stove.

Qin Xiaoyan was here, knowing that although she was stripped, nothing like that happened last night.

how? Can't this man?

This kind of question is obviously untenable, because she has been able to feel the arrogance of Qin An’s little brother for ten minutes after she woke up. Qin Xiaoyan thinks that the word “a pillar soars into the sky” is a bit exaggerated. I always feel that my thigh hurts, I really want to get rid of it...

Ah, they hugged each other naked all night?

It's strange that she gets sore back and legs every morning when she wakes up, why didn't she have it today? Benefit from the massage last night?

After stunned, Qin Xiaoyan focused her attention on a face that was close at hand.

It feels... Actually, he is not that fierce, his facial features are very correct, not a handsome guy, but the more pleasing to the eye.

It's weird, what the hell is he doing?

At this moment, Qin An's eyes suddenly opened, and Qin Xiaoyan's heart beat suddenly with the lazy and blurred look in her eyes. She didn't see it clearly last night. Now when she sees it, it is really clear.

"It's still early, we have to go out in the afternoon, so let's continue to sleep."

Qin An spoke gently, then hugged Qin Xiaoyan tighter, then lowered his lips, and kissed Qin Xiaoyan's somewhat dry lips. After that, he closed his eyes, rubbed his body downward, and put his head on Qin Xiaoyan's chest, cheeks and Qin Xiaoyan The softness blends together.

OMG! Does he think he is his wife? How could I say so comfortably, and even kissed her.

But...she doesn't even hate this kind of kiss? There was even a little regret, because the kiss was so simple. It couldn't be more violent like a storm.

How did that happen? Last night Guo Siming just pulled her hand, she resisted not wanting it, and now she is held by this strange man and kissed forcibly. She has no discomfort at all, and still feels very enjoyable?

"Why can't you sleep with staring eyes?"

Qin An didn't know when he raised his head again, narrowing his eyes to meet Qin Xiaoyan.


"How are you? Want me?"

Qin An raised his hand to lower Qin Xiaoyan's head, and kissed her lips for the second time, but this time the kissing time was a bit long, and Qin Xiaoyan's whole body was red after five minutes.

Oh my God, what a fragrant kiss, that comfortable feeling seemed to swallow her.

"The dead ghost is calling again! The dead ghost is calling again!..."

Suddenly, the phone on the bedside rang, and Qin Xiaoyan fell from the clouds into the deep valley.

"I... my husband..."

"Oh, Liu Tianyu? Then take it."

Qin An was indifferent, continuing to hug Qin Xiaoyan, her big hands were already very dishonest, and she fumbled back and forth on her back.

Qin Xiaoyan took the mobile phone, her entire arm was trembling, and her teeth began to tremble when she got on the phone.

"Hey……""You haven't gotten up yet? Answer the phone so slowly."

"Uh... I sleep a lot."

"Pig, just a housewife like you, what do you do if you say I want to divorce you?"


Qin Xiaoyan was speechless, she felt very sad, she didn't know why she was so cowardly.

"I'll go back today, and get home at noon. You can order more dishes. My leader will come to eat."

"Leader? Which leader? Are you on the train now?"

"It's Cheng Gang, I'm back in the sleeper, you buy more food, don't fucking bear to spend money."

Speaking of this, the other side hung up the phone bluntly.

Qin An naturally heard all the content of the call.

Ah? Remember Cheng Gang seems to be the leader of Qin Xiaoyan? It seems that without own existence, the fortune magnetic field of the people around is somewhat changed. Qin Xiaoyan became a housewife, but Liu Tianyu became Cheng Gang's subordinate.

Hey, Cheng Gang was not a good thing when he was young, and Qin An didn't want to see him, so he decided to take Qin Xiaoyan and Tang Yu away before noon.

Seeing Qin Xiaoyan's trance, Qin An felt a little distressed for her. He knew that this marriage with Liu Tianyu was painful for Qin Xiaoyan, and he didn't want to think about it, like a lifeless swamp. This was the case before, and it is also the same in this time and space.

Qin Xiaoyan, who put down the phone, looked very lonely. She felt that her life was over. His man treated her like a nanny, but now she is lying in bed naked with another strange man. No one can save her. Maybe She has only one death?

When Qin Xiaoyan was stunned by spring and hurt Qiu, she did not notice that Qin An no longer kissed her, but took the mobile phone from her hand and called back.

"What are you doing? I don't know if the signal on the train is not good? What kind of call?" Liu Tianyu said aggressively.

"Notice you, don't come back for dinner at noon, I will take your wife away."

"Who are you? Why would you use my wife's cell phone?"

"Don't understand? I am with your wife now, sleeping on your bed, Mr. Liu Tianyu, congratulations, you are green."

"What... bitch! You... you let that bitch listen to the phone."

"Sorry, she can't listen now, because she is very tired. We just had a good time. I can't control myself as a man when I get up in the morning. Okay, let me arrange Cheng Gang by myself at noon, and bring him a good one by the way."

Qin An quickly hung up the phone when she said that, only to see Qin Xiaoyan's eyes rounded in her arms, she was completely stupid.

"Don't be afraid. This is called breaking and standing. Since everything is a mess, then give up everything. Xiaoyan, in fact, your Life should be more perfect, because you are a woman who loves Life that way. You are not real now. Self, before I leave, give me your happiness, because only I can make you happier."

"You...who are you? Why do you do this to me?"

"I am Qin An, a man who should appear in your life."

At this time, Qin Xiaoyan's phone rang again, and Qin An glanced at the connection and turned on the speakerphone.

"Qin Xiaoyan, fuck you, hurry up and tell daddy! What's going on? Who is that man?"

Qin Xiaoyan's body is stupefied, and she doesn't know what to do.

Qin An smiled slightly, put the phone next to him, and then kissed Qin Xiaoyan's lips.

Qin Xiaoyan's heart was resisting, but her body couldn't resist Qin An's teasing.

And Liu Tianyu on the other side of the phone went to The Underworld. He didn't need Qin Xiaoyan, but he couldn't stand another man taking it away when Qin Xiaoyan was his wife. This is the dignity of a man.

However, Liu Tianyu is now on the train, unable to do anything, he can only curse at the phone, but gradually the voice of the woman on the phone is getting louder and louder, turning and melodious, overwhelming his voice, and attracting everyone on the train. 'S gaze...

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