Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1752 Senior Sister Strikes

Li Na never saw Qin An after finishing high school, and she almost forgot this ordinary high school classmate. After all, in this set time and space, Qin An has been ordinary since childhood.

After graduating from high school, Li Na did not go to a sports school. Instead, she entered a police college. After graduation, she went to work as a police officer in a district of Hanghai City. Now she has become someone else’s wife, but this person is not Chen Yiku. , But colleagues from different departments of the same system.

Not long after arriving at the institution, Li Na received an alarm call. It was really strange. Why did you get here?

"Hello, what's the matter?"

"Police station? I want to report! I want to report! I am a resident in the community opposite you, my wife is stealing people..."

Li Na frowned slightly and moved the microphone farther away. This person has a hoarse voice and speaks too irritatingly to his ears.

"Oh... don't worry, are you at home now?"

"No, I'm still on the train. I won't be able to get to Hanghai City until the afternoon. Police officer, you hurry up and take someone but my family catches the rape, the man is still there!"

"How do you know he is in your house?"

"They have been doing that. They have been fucking for an hour. The phone is on and hands-free to let me listen. Qin Xiaoyan, this bitch, I don't know how she would be called the original."

"One hour……"

Li Na feels a little dizzy. She hasn't been killed for an hour? My husband usually only has 5 minutes, and he shamelessly says that this is the standard time for Chinese men.

Li Na was a little unfocused, but she still recorded the home address that the other party said, and after putting down the phone, she called her colleague Yu Xiaoguang to attend work together.

"Sister Na, what do you mean by this? It's really the people's police for the people. We also need to take care of things like catching rapes?"

"Less than, the head of the household said that a strange man is in his home. If it is true, then this man is suspected of trespassing. Shouldn't it be handled?"

"I didn't say that I shouldn't, but you know, my ideal is to catch thieves, but I don't do all these miscellaneous things every day."

"You are too young. When most police officers enter the job, their ideals are to solve crimes and catch thieves. But after wearing this uniform for a long time, you will find that the most important thing in our profession is to serve the people. If we can't do this, Then you can just take off your clothes and leave."

"Well, sister, I can't tell you."

Yu Xiaoguang was a little helpless, because Li Na was talking about great principles, and he really couldn't refute it.

The two of them walked through a street one after another and walked into the quarter where Qin Xiaoyan's house was located.

Qin Xiaoyan fell asleep, causing her to fall asleep before even thinking.

Qin An had a lot of experience. He took a bath and changed into clean clothes and went to the living room. He found that Tang Yu had already made breakfast and was sitting there in a daze with a blushing face.

"When did you get up?"

"It's been a while... Qin An, what are you saying about this? Why don't I understand?"


"I just fired and used a security guard at noon yesterday. After that, I experienced so many things. Why is this?"

Tang Yu was really worried, and only felt like he was in a cloud. She was awakened by Qin Xiaoyan's cry, and she naturally knew what had happened after waking up, so in her heart her evaluation of Qin Xiaoyan was only three words, not wanting face!

"Didn't I say everything? I'm from the future world. Starting tomorrow, this world will have an official rapid doomsday crisis. We will become friends in the future..."

"Na Weng Lan, I, this woman is your future friend? Your woman's fate is pretty good." Tang Yu was actually a little angry, but she was awakened.

Qin An laughed without saying much, and sat down and started eating.

At this moment, a door bell rang, and Tang Yu immediately became nervous. Qin An opened his perspective eyes and looked out, and was dumbfounded... Is this Li Na?"What should I do, Senior Sister? Even if there is someone inside but the door is not opened, there is no move. Let's retreat? Go back and wait for the head of the household to come back?" Yu Xiaoguang was a little impatient.

Li Na frowned and thought, thinking that this could only be the case, so she nodded.

When they walked to the elevator to wait, Li Na turned her head casually, and then walked over there.

"What's the matter, Senior Sister?"

"It's nothing, I think this door seems to be concealed... Ah, sure enough."

Li Na opened the door of Guo Siming's house as if she had discovered the new world, knocked twice before no one responded, and asked, "Is anyone here?"

After waiting for a while, there was naturally no one. Li Na looked back at Yu Xiaoguang and motioned to him to stand there and wait, then walked into the house by herself.

After looking around every room, Li Na had some differences. There was really no one. Why was she so careless? Go out without locking the door? Did it go to... the neighbor's house?

Thinking of this, Li Na immediately came to the spirit and went out to let Yu Xiaoguang investigate the householder's information.

"Guo Siming, 30 years old, known as a freelancer, is actually an unemployed vagrant. His wife runs a supermarket by herself and is responsible for making money to support her family. I have seen this kid, and he seems to be very honest."

"Human dispositions are complicated, and the more honest people are, the more earth-shattering things can be done, because they are all facing the world with a false posture."

After listening to the report, Li Na returned to Guo Siming's house again, and after making a profit, she suddenly found a small pink box placed on the table.

Li Na began to imagine the plot.

Guo Siming's wife may not be at home. He dated a woman, went home and hurriedly took a condom, and then went out in a hurry. As a result, the door was not locked but he didn't know it.

So he went to get a woman? Neighbor? Liu Tianyu's wife, Qin Xiaoyan?

Ah... this imagination seems very logical!

So in other words, the woman who has affair with his wife at Liu Tianyu's house at this time is probably Guo Siming!

Thinking of this, Li Na shook her head in disgust, and said to Xiaoguang when she went out: "Let's go, maintain the original verdict, no one will open the door and we can only wait for the head of household Liu Tianyu to return..."

Halfway through the conversation, Li Na was stunned.

Yu Xiaoguang discovered her abnormality and asked subconsciously: "What's the matter, Senior Sister?"

"I'm thinking that is wrong, if this man is their neighbor Guo Siming, how dare he call Liu Tianyu to listen to him and Qin Xiaoyan have an affair? That's weird, if it wasn't Guo Siming who was it? Where did Guo Siming go? ?"

Li Na didn’t understand, but she didn’t want to stop there. So she found Guo Siming’s wife’s phone number and called. The other party really left and didn’t go home last night. It is said that Houtian could only come back, so this supports Li Na’s judgment from the side. .

Obviously, no matter how reasonable this judgment is, it is not true from a factual point of view. Guo Siming cannot call Liu Tianyu while stealing from Qin Xiaoyan, unless he is a lunatic and does not want to be in this generation of Life in the future.

So...the question is, is Qin Xiaoyan a lunatic? Will she call her husband when she has sex with others? Let the phone always be normal and then get together with other men? How can she behave after wearing this kind of thing?

Could it be that Qin Xiaoyan was persecuted?

Thinking of this, Li Na quickly spoke out her own idea and discussed it with Yu Xiaoguang.

"Ah...Senior Sister, don't tell me, this thing seems really weird."

"Well, we are calling Liu Tianyu for details."

Just call, and after a phone call, Li Na learned about two key issues.

First, the man is not Chen Siming, and second, there is usually a bunch of keys in the wall-mounted shoe cabinet outside Liu Tianyu's house.

In the room, Qin An witnessed the whole process and sighed secretly.

Weng Lan left herself to become the business queen. Tang Yu has changed from a teacher to a policeman. I wonder what other people are doing?

In fact, finding Tang Yu and Qin Xiaoyan was really just an accident. Qin An didn't expect Li Na to come to the door.

In fact, he didn't care that Liu Tianyu would call the police at all, but how could Li Na be the person who came? Tangled.

Before Li Na was about to open the door, Qin An stepped forward to move the cabinet, and then opened the door.

"Who are you?"

Li Na was a little surprised. She didn't expect the person who opened the door to be so calm, and there was still an elegant beauty sitting in the room. There was porridge and a breakfast of fried eggs on the table. Is this Qin Xiaoyan?

"Tang Yu, can you entertain them? I believe that with your talents, you should be able to explain the current situation to the two police comrades perfectly." Qin An didn't know how to face Li Na, so he gave Tang Yu a dumpling.

Tang Yu was so exquisite and greeted the two policemen into the door enthusiastically, and then began a conversation.

"This thing is really weird. This man is called Qin An. He brought me to this house."

"Qin An? Listen... a little familiar." Tang Yu muttered to himself in a very small voice.

Qin An is so angry, haven't they been classmates for nine years?

"Comrade police, in fact, I don't understand the current situation. I should have been kidnapped. Because Qin An refused to let me go, he asked me to follow him. He said he is from the future world, and we are about to welcome the next one. After the flu, the doomsday collapsed and the zombies wandered. He said that I will be his friend in the future, and Qin Xiaoyan."

Li Na is naturally a rational person, an excellent skinny of our party with materialist values. Hearing Tang Yu's explanation, he immediately wanted to fly up and kick Qin An's feet. You are still a future traveler, and my mother is an alien. .

When Tang Yu was talking, Yu Xiaoguang was not idle, he found Guo Siming who was tied up.

"Senior Sister, there is a situation here."

While talking, Yu Xiaoguang had already pulled Guo Siming out.

"Don't move, less than, let this person loose!"

Tang Yu immediately became alert. Although he didn't wear any weapons, Tang Yu's fist and kick skills were good.

This matter is a bit complicated, but it is not only as simple as adultery, but what Tang Yu said is even more outrageous. Is this man a psychopathic patient of extremism in the last days? Only in this way can we explain and understand everything in front of us.

Qin An hasn't spoken, he is thinking about what to do, should he directly knock Tang Yu and another policeman unconscious? Then take Tang Yu away? Now she is a police officer. If you want to behave and explain to her clearly, you need to go to the police station.


A long-lost roar suddenly sounded, making everyone in the room tremble with fright.


Then Yu Xiaoguang let out a painful cry at random, and Qin An turned his head to look, only to see that a piece of meat on Yu Xiaoguang's hand had been bitten off!

How could this be?

Qin An looked at Chen Siming quickly, only to see that his eyes were already white, his teeth were enlarged and his lips were raised, it was as if he was already a zombie!

not good! The doomsday has arrived early, and it is different from the time of the doomsday outbreak that I experienced!

Qin An got up quickly and found a very long rolling pin in the kitchen. He walked to Guo Siming and lifted it to kill him. When it fell on top of his head, he quickly put it down.

"Almost done something wrong, how can such a living example be killed. Li Na, Tang Yu, come and take a look, this is a zombie! This kind of thing will appear everywhere and cause disturbance in ten days. No one will be seen, and the city is controlled by them. This is what I call the end of the world! Li Na, your colleague has been bitten, and it won’t be long before he will become a zombie, and there is no way to save it."

Li Na, Tang Yu also found that Guo Siming was wrong at this time, because he was yelling all the time.

The two women turned pale before and after, because Guo Siming looked really sleepy, like the zombies seen on TV before, it was more terrifying to be precise. Fortunately, he is still trapped, otherwise no one dares to approach him.

"How could this be..." Li Na took out the phone and prepared to ask for support. At this moment, Yu Xiaoguang, who was standing behind Li Na, was corpse. The whole process was extremely rapid, turning into a zombie and directly rushing towards Li Na.

Naturally, Qin An had paid attention to him a long time ago, so he stepped forward in time to kill him."Yu Xiaoguang!"

Li Na exclaimed, and ran over to check Yu Xiaoguang's state, only to see that the entire skull had burst, and her brains flowed out. She couldn't think of why Qin An's strength was so strong.

Qin An's strength is naturally great, but the reason for being able to smash the zombie's brains in this way is also because the acidic substances produced by the T virus into the brain plasma corrode the brain.

"You killed someone! Murderer!"

Li Na worked hard and got up to pounce on Qin An, but it was a pity that she, who was good at her, was completely vulnerable in front of Qin An.

Qin An knew that Li Na would not be able to explain clearly for a while, so he raised his hand and knocked her out on the sofa.

"Tang Yu, I don't need to knock you out, right?"

"No need, Qin An, I saw it. I saw the change of the bitten policeman. This is terrible. What you said is true? But how did he become a zombie? I mean Guo Siming."

"The T virus trinity already exists in the air. Don't worry, you and I will not be infected. This is proven by the future history. From now on, all you have to do is release yourself!"

"Free myself?"

"Yes, have you forgotten? I told you that you will become the queen of the future world, the god of war revered by many people in Europe! Don't look at me so surprised, everything is true!"

Tang Yu was completely stupid, would he have such a future?

In fact, this is the case in the future. When we have not reached a certain level, even we ourselves cannot believe it.

"Okay, you pack it up and see what can be used in her house. It's best to find a bag. You don't need to bring a lot of things. All the property in the apocalyptic belongs to the survivors. As long as you dare to kill the zombies, If you live, you can own everything!"

When Qin An was talking, he beat Guo Siming's changed zombie to death with a stick, and then plunged into the room he had slept in before. Qin Xiaoyan was already awake and was taking a shower in the bathroom. She fell asleep tired after she woke up, and realized that she was all over her body after she woke up. uncomfortable.

After Qin An entered the bedroom, he pulled Qin Xiaoyan out of the bathroom and took the sheets to wipe her body.

"We are leaving."


Qin Xiaoyan didn't know how to face Qin An. She was really hungry and she couldn't choose food. Why did she feel uncomfortable with Qin An before going all out? This is obviously wrong! But in her life, only this time with Qin An, she made her feel like a woman.

"Well, you were awakened by the chaos outside just now?"

"Is... is he back?"

"No, the end has erupted ahead of time. I killed two zombies. Xiaoyan, in fact, I have traveled from the future world, and in the future world I am your man. You are the wife I am married to, so I don’t need to have Psychological burden."


Qin Xiaoyan raised her head and looked at Qin An stupidly, with a hint of warmth in her heart.

Hey, I really can't see him. I thought he was an ordinary robber, but now I don't feel it. The reason why Qin Xiaoyan knew her was that she thought Qin An was too cautious, so she told her a joke.

Hehe, alien? This is really funny.

It was noon when he arrived at the Dixing Group Building, and the waiter looked at Qin An with green eyes.

The world of the rich is wonderful. A man brought three women to the store. One of them seemed to be drunk. All fools knew what they were doing. Thinking about the situation, the waiter felt that he seemed to be drooling. It's going to flow out.

The reason why I think Qin An is rich is because the presidential suite he opened is not cheap, 6,000 per day! On the 48th floor, there is an independent elevator, the room area reaches 300 square meters, which is equipped with super luxurious facilities, and there is a swimming pool in the bathroom!

So Qin An is naturally not a rich man, so Tang Yu paid the money to open the house.

The entire Dixing Building is divided into 6 parts. The lower 10 floors are the shopping market, the upper 10 floors are catering, and the upper 10 floors are the casinos. Then the 30 floors are the theme of the hotel, and the 60 floors are the rental offices. The office building, at the top is the office and staff dormitory area of ​​the group company, a huge business district of a building, everything has it all.

Qin An took a fancy to this place. It has high floors, easy refuge, and easy access to food. Besides, Qin An is still capable of killing zombies. In this kind of space with certain obstacles, zombies will not gather on a large scale. It is him. Where it comes in.

So now there is only one thing to do, let Weng Lan find Weng Die and Li Ying here, this is an important condition for the game to pass.

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