Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1754: A Different Li Ying

"Hi, I am you Big sis..."

"Oh, I see, you go back and tell Weng Lan that I will go there again at night. Really, she is not an incomprehensible person, how can she believe in the nonsense of the crisis of the end times."

Qin An went through all the hardships to reach Li Ying's side, and all he got was a blank eye.

Hey, sighed again. Qin An didn't want to explain so much to Li Ying. He grabbed her from the vegetable stall and hugged her and left.

When Wang Yi saw that his wife had been taken away, he hurriedly chased him, and he didn't even bother to engage in his mobile game anymore.

"You let me go! Who are you? Are you from Weng Lan? Tell you, I must let her fire you, you let me go!"

Li Ying struggled desperately. Although she couldn't escape, she also made Qin An sweat.

Excessively angrily, Qin An raised his hand and patted Li Ying's ass twice, and threatened fiercely: "Honestly, or let your ass bloom."

Although Li Ying is a married young woman, she was still in the dust in the past, but in the past few years, she has become a good young woman. How can she bear such a rude treatment of sensitive organs by a strange man, she immediately wanted to resist more fiercely. But at this time Qin An had already led her into the crowd, and the people around him couldn't move her anymore. In the end, he could only get closer to Qin An's arms.

Along the way, Qin An finally led Li Ying out of the crowd, and the boy Wang Yi also followed. It seemed that he was really anxious when his wife was stolen.

And shortly after they left, the crowd behind suddenly became more chaotic, and the shouts were already deafening.

Qin An looked back and saw that there were zombies in the crowd, and the zombie virus began to spread... Run!

This run was more than a thousand meters away. Qin An was stunned that he did not find a means of transportation, but there were cars, but this kind of thing is obviously useless now. The road is covered by stray cars, and there are sudden emergencies. The car accident completely paralyzed traffic.

Li Ying in her arms was finally not struggling, because she discovered the surrounding conditions, people were running wildly, all over the place, it was like the real end is coming. How did that happen? Is everything that Big sis said turned out to be true?

Qin An is even more distressed than Li Ying, and super hearing and super vision can let him know more of the surrounding conditions in advance. It's simply too bad, 2 out of 10 people will become zombies without warning, and then hurt others.

I can't go anymore. A tide of corpses formed in front of him. Now Qin An's abilities are not so powerful under the control of the system. If he really wants to rush to the zombie group, it is difficult to protect himself. How to protect others?

Thinking of this, Qin An turned and walked back, and met Wang Yi who was whirring and panting.

"You...who the fuck are you? Put my wife down!"

Seeing the face exactly like Wang Cheng in front of him, Qin An felt very depressed.

Don't be angry or angry, Li Ying is not our wife. She and Wang Yi were originally children who grew up wandering and grew up together. They were childhood sweethearts, so they are the third party!

Qin An comforted himself, but still saw Wang Yi not pleasing to his eyes and couldn't kill him in front of Li Ying, so Qin An raised his hand to push Wang Yi aside, and continued to run with Li Ying, if it weren't because there were too many people around and too mixed In fact, Wang Yi couldn't catch up with him.

"You... he's my husband, even if you want to take me to see Big sis, you must take him with him! Husband, you chase him, hurry up!"

At this time, Li Ying was subdued, and instead of resisting, she yelled, but she hated Qin An in her heart, thinking that if she saw Big sis, she must sue her.

In this way, Qin An hugged Li Ying, dodged from the left to the right and walked through the small alleys, wherever there were few people, he would rather go around far and not let himself fall into crisis.

He is very familiar with Hanghai City. When he was chasing Li Ying, he ran to Weng Lan's house every day, but he didn't run on the same road, and it was different when he ran back at night. Although many years have passed, although he died once, he still remembers it now.

Although the road is familiar, there are really few places where there are no people. With the passage of time, there will be chaos and zombies in places with people, so the road is not easy to walk.

Finding a quiet alley, Qin An stopped, put Li Ying on the ground and let her stand on her own.

Li Ying turned around and wanted to run, but Qin An held her back.

"Let go of me, I'll go find my man."Qin An shook his head awkwardly, and sighed: "He has followed."

When the words fell, Wang Yi's figure appeared in the hutongkou. This kid was desperate, his running face turned blue.

"Old...wife, he...he...he..."

After talking for a long time, Wang Yi didn't say a word, Li Ying ran over to help Wang Yi.

"Husband, she was sent by my Big sis to take us to a safe place."

Seeing Wang Yi, Li Ying's heart became calm.

Just now, Li Ying has already witnessed the coming of the end. At this time, I don’t want to pursue Qin An, because Qin An ran all the way to breathe smoothly. Knowing that he was running with himself in his arms, this shows that this man is not easy, it is probably by Big sis’s side. Bodyguard, right? Then how to go after that depends on him.

Seeing Li Ying behaved after meeting Wang Yi, Qin An's heart was aching for no reason, and he felt as annoying as if he had eaten a fly.

"Okay, now that you know I didn't tell lies, then go ahead. The road ahead is rough, so don't leave behind."

Qin An said to leave. Li Ying frowned and thought about it, and dragged Wang Yi to follow. Wang Yi wanted to refuse, but because of lack of energy, he couldn't speak clearly, so he could only let it go.

Nowadays, there is a serious problem in front of us, that is, the location of the Dixing Building is the commercial center of Hanghai City, and there is always a daily flow of more than 100,000 people.

In other words, the Emperor Star Building is basically a hard-hit area, it is not easy to get close, and once you enter it, it will become a treasured land, and it will become a city within the city of Hangzhou. It will be no problem to live in it for a period of time. , The task of customs clearance is to wake up the three sisters of the Zhen family in Weng Lan's three sisters. Qin An must study the next three women carefully, then this is also the element of customs clearance, so Qin An does not need to run around.


As soon as she walked out of the alley, Li Ying exclaimed, interrupting Qin An's thoughts.

There was a big square in front of him, and Qin An looked around and saw all zombies, not a single person.

How could this be?

Looking around, Qin An found many banners, which turned out to be a parent-child activity site.

Hey, poor. Hundreds of parents brought their children here to participate in the event. The doomsday broke out. Whether it was the corpse of the child or the corpse of the parent, they couldn't give up on each other, so no one could escape. The most fearful in the apocalypse It is a bondage, so it is usually cold-blooded and selfish people who can survive in the last days.

Qin An quickly changed direction, led them to other paths, and concentrated on investigating the surroundings.

For the next 4 hours, they traveled very slowly, but there was no crisis anymore. Qin An chose the best path and failed to encounter any zombies.

Li Ying was actually a little surprised, thinking that own had good luck, but the chaos on the road was unimpeded.

Tired of walking, Qin An found a bungalow with a yard but no one in the house and walked in over the wall, opened the door and led Li Ying in to rest.

Wang Yi sat down on the mud in the courtyard, so tired that he was almost dizzy, unable to speak a word.

Li Ying seems to have better physical strength than Wang Yi. She just held the wall to catch her breath, her eyes moving back and forth on Wang Yi and Qin An. This man obviously belongs to the slightly fat type, how can he not get tired after walking for so long? Look at my husband, he is as tired as a dead dog, which is really shameful.

The Emperor Star Building can be seen from the courtyard. In fact, it can be seen in many places throughout the city, but it is closer here, estimated to be more than 2,000 meters?

And this part of the journey is already impassable, because the zombies surround the entire building, and the villa in the center of Weng Lan that wants to go to Weng Lan is about more than 2,000 meters away. The villa is also surrounded by zombies, which makes Qin An distressed. It would be nice to know how to fly.

"Sister..." On the other hand, Li Ying was calling Weng Lan.

"Li Ying, where are you? No one answers when I call you, did Weng Die go to your side?"

"No... I've been running away, it's too messy, I didn't hear the call. Sister, I'm with your people."

"Qin An?" Weng Lan exhaled a long breath at this time, and then said: "Li Ying, Qin An is not an easy person, you must follow him closely!"

"Well, I will, sister, I was wrong, it turns out that there is such an outrageous end of the world, this time I will listen to you."

Li Ying swore to the phone and handed it to Qin An.

"Qin An, the facts prove you are right..."

"Well, naturally I won't lie to you."

"Where are you now?"

"I'm almost at the Emperor Star Building, but I can't make it through, unless I can lead away all the zombies around, but this seems impossible. Is your side okay?"

"Very good, we women get along well, but..."

"No matter what happens in the building, don't open the door. Remember, you are no longer a business elite, the president of the empire, but a woman with no physical strength. All the dark aspects of human nature will be exposed. The person you believe most is It may cost you your life and even do more despicable things. Tang Yu is smart and wise. If you have anything to discuss with her, Qin Xiaoyan looks honest, but occasionally likes to secretly do something extraordinary, so she must be careful not to open the door. The highest criterion, Li Na has a sense of justice and has the heart of a heroine. She is the most dangerous. Have you untied her rope?"

"No... I've been locked in that room and haven't seen it."

"Well, don't let her loose. She is a policeman and the most upright. I'm afraid she will lead a wolf into the room in order to save others."

Weng Lan suddenly felt a strange feeling on the phone. Why did she talk to Qin An as if she was facing her own lover? Qin An's voice is really gentle, which makes people feel solid and reliable.

"Weng Die can't get through on the phone?"

"Yeah, she hasn't got here yet, I'm so anxious to death."

Qin An was really tangled. He didn't expect the end of the world to come four or five days in advance. He had known them last night.

"Don't worry, I will find a way to protect Li Ying, send her there, and find a way to find Weng Die."

"I see the situation below, all zombies are piled up... how can you do it?"

"Quotations from the end times, never give up hope, otherwise it will only be a dead end! Let me tell you Little Sister, let her listen to me and don't make trouble."

Qin An returned the phone to Weng Die after speaking, and then secretly depressed.

We must find a way to send Li Ying to a safe place immediately, and then go to Weng Die. She is probably trapped on the road, or hiding in a car. This is very dangerous. The biggest reason why the phone can’t get through It is possible that the battery is naturally out, and Qin An must find Weng Die. This is a prerequisite for being able to complete the task.

How do we do this? From here, you can run to Weng Lan’s central homestead villa, and then enter the elevator through the tunnel to the top of the building.

Ah...Wait until the evening. After the zombies dormant, there may be some opportunities.

At this moment, Li Ying had already finished calling Weng Lan, and walked over to see Wang Yi very tired, only to see that he was already asleep, or was he fainting?

Hey, Wang Yi is good at everything, but he is too lazy to make it. Over the years, he has been complaining about why he didn't directly accept the favor of Big sis, and he wanted to sell vegetables. How can he understand his fragile and sensitive heart? She just wanted to live a good life for herself, not as a shadow of other people.

When Qin An saw Li Ying caring about Wang Yi, he felt awkward again. He stopped seeing them and began to check the small courtyard.

This is actually not a residence, but a small garden called Chang Garden. It is said that when Qianlong went to the south of the Yangtze River, he once lived with a Miss in this garden. Miss refused to enter the palace after knowing Qianlong's identity. She could not accept the many Restrictions of the deep palace. Qianlong had no choice but to establish the Nuo Da Mansion here for this Miss to live in. If he missed it, he would send someone to take this Miss to the palace and live for a few days.

After undergoing historical changes, this small garden remains in Miss Nuo’s house, and it has been refurbished many times, but it is still preserved, and it has become a cultural heritage that no one cares about, and modern people are impetuous. , Who would care about such a small garden?

Although the garden is small, the courtyard wall is actually quite high. Maybe when Qianlong sent someone to build it, it was deliberately made higher, just because the flowers waiting alone would climb onto the wall.

At this time, there were already some zombies outside the yard, and the living people could not be seen. Trapped in the hardest hit area in the city center, only fools would run around. Within the super hearing range of Qin An, he found more than a hundred hiding in People in enclosed spaces.

"Don't go out here, don't make any noise at night, I'll go out and have a look."

After that, Qin An ignored Li Ying, and found a place with few zombies nearby and went out over the wall.He wasn't trying to save people, he was just going to find some food to come back.

After all, Qin An is Qin An, walking alone in the alleys full of zombies, and fortunately there are these small alleys, otherwise the zombies on the commercial street outside will find Qin An rushing over.

With good luck, Qin An saw a grocery store not far away. There were no living people in it, but there was one zombie. Qin An killed it directly, then found a pocket in the store, put food and water in it, and returned the same way.

Li Ying was surprised when she saw Qin An went out for a while and got food. She secretly said that Big sis was really a bull, and the bodyguard around her was so powerful.

For a long time, Li Ying has positioned Qin An as the bodyguard of Big sis.

Qin An doesn’t care how Li Ying thinks of him. After eating something, he will go to the garden to find a place to rest. He is not afraid that Li Ying and two of them will run away, because they are all running out under the heavy surrounding of these zombies. The means can barely lead them to walk around this place.

Time flies slowly, I really can't sleep, although I'm a little tired but I'm too heavy on my mind.

Because of insomnia and monitoring of nearby enemies, he could also overheard the conversation between Li Ying and Wang Yi inadvertently.

After eating, Wang Yi's physical strength recovered, mainly because he ran too fast just now, so he fainted after lying on the ground.

With strength at this time, Wang Yi began to play sideways.

"Damn, I'm going to beat him, I saw it just now, he spanked you when he snatched you away..."

"Speak down, this kind of thing is so loud!"

In fact, Wang Yi's voice was really not loud, and they entered the small room of Changyuan at this time. Qin An was lying on the bench in the corner pavilion. Normally, he could not hear them.

"What are you afraid of? He is just your sister's subordinate, grandma's, and when I see your sister, I have to ask her exactly which bird man she uses!"

Wang Yi was not confused. The thunder was heavy and the rain was small. He estimated that he would not be able to beat others, just showing his self-esteem in front of his wife.

The pair of Wang Yi and Li Ying is completely different from Qin Xiaoyan and Liu Tianyu.

When the two people met when they were young, they beg for food and life together, and finally entered the palace of marriage.

So although Wang Yi has many problems, Li Ying can tolerate him.

Although Li Ying is no longer as beautiful as she was young, Wang Yi will not look for other women because of this.

This is the reason why Qin An is depressed. People living in this space really have nothing to do with him, but it would be strange if he didn't mind if his children were so loving with other men. Even if Li Ying is in his own world, it has nothing to do with him.

Turning over, Qin An really didn't want to listen, but he could hear.

"It's really bad luck, forget it, don't talk about him! Wife, is it really the end of the world?"

"Well, didn't you see it when you ran?"

"I see, those are really zombies, just like in the movie, it scares me to death, otherwise I may not be able to run so fast!"

Li Ying rolled her eyes. He was so frightened that he followed Qin An. Hey, my husband is sometimes heartless.

"Wife, shall we do that?"

"what's up?"

"You... are going to die, where is this? There are still people out there!"

"I don't care, wife, I'm afraid that if I die or become a zombie, then I can't love you!"

Wang Yi's words persuaded Li Ying, Li Ying's face was blushing, and Wang Yi began to take off his pants.

Outside, Qin An jumped up from the bench, full of anger, and almost didn't blurt out a national curse.

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