This kind of thing is really disgusting, and Qin An feels that his head is going to explode.

Regardless, it doesn't matter how their husband and wife want to be affectionate, but they can't do it under their own noses. When they should be overbearing, they have to be overbearing. He is not really the heart of the Virgin. How could he be so wronged?

Thinking of this, Qin An didn't hesitate anymore, quickly got up and walked to Changyuan's room, pushed the door open and pulled Li Ying over... who was sitting on the wooden board.

Yes, it was simply a wooden plank spread on the ground, and this room was not used for people to live in. There were a lot of sundries piled up.

Really awesome? Are they still doing things in this environment?

Qin An pulled Li Ying up and walked outside and locked the door with the lock hanging above.

Wang Yi hurriedly put on his pants, and when he found the door was locked, he wanted to find another way out, but he turned around and found that there was no window in this room and he couldn't get out from other places at all, so he could only bark in the room.

"If you call to attract the zombies, I will take Li Ying away!"

After Qin An said this viciously, Wang Yi in the room honestly lost his voice. He is not stupid, if Qin An walks with the zombies and rushes into the yard to surround this place, then he is definitely a dead end.

"What are you doing!"

Li Ying wanted to get rid of Qin An's hand holding her hand, but she couldn't do it anyway.

Qin An took Li Ying to the pavilion and sat her down on the bench. He stared at Li Ying and said: "One principle, when I'm by your side, you can't have any physical contact with Wang Yi. If you violate it, then I will Take you away by yourself and throw him down."


Qin An's request was too weird for Li Ying.


"Because I am not the bodyguard of your Big sis at all, but a time-traveler. In a certain time and space in the future, I once had a one-night relationship with your comrades, and you gave birth to my child! Of course, we didn’t get married in the end. , It was just an accident. We don’t like each other. But even so, you in another time and space are my child’s mother. I don’t care about who you like and love to be with, but I do that under my nose Nothing works!"


Li Ying almost laughed, who would believe this nonsense?

The reason why he didn't laugh was because Li Ying felt wrong again. Why would he tell such a lie? Doesn't make sense?

"If you believe me or not, I don't mind, I just don't want to be too troublesome, so I'll give you a real reason. I don't need to say more about the other things, right?"

"Your request is so unreasonable, I won't believe your nonsense."

"Then I will abandon Wang Yi without hesitation."

Qin An's voice was cold, but it was not to scare Li Ying. He could save her, but he had no obligation to save Wang Yi.

Li Ying was shocked by Qin An's cold breath, and wanted to continue to say a few words, but after all, she didn't say anything, sitting there sulking.

"Just sleep here. We will try to see if we can go to the Emperor Star Building at night. Now we have no chance."

"Then... Then I'm going to talk to my husband, or else he thinks you have done something to me?"

Qin An understands this requirement and can bear it.

With acquiescence, Li Ying ran over to talk to Wang Yi through the door, so that he would not worry, Qin An just talked to her.

Wang Yi was going crazy immediately, isn't the reason why many men take women to hotels is to chat? What is the outcome? Virgin, the women have become sisters in TMD.

Li Ying knew that Wang Yi was not reconciled, but now it can only be so, who makes Qin An's fist harder.

The night in April was still a bit cold, Li Ying didn't know when she fell asleep, and she still didn't know the time after waking up.In the moonlight, the man sat there like that, holding a cigarette in his hand, vaguely looking at his brows as if they were frowning tightly.

There should be Qin An's clothes on Own's body. There is still temperature on it. It is estimated that it was just taken off. Maybe it was the action of covering himself with the clothes that woke her up.

Li Ying was a little angry, staring at her for a while before she felt funny, because she didn't understand why she was angry.

"What time is it? It's quiet outside."

"Well... after twelve o'clock in the night, the zombies are already dormant, and the survivors are hiding in the corner from insomnia. I just wanted to wake you up. Seeing your sweet sleep, I didn't call it, thinking about waiting... "

Li Ying got up and leaned against the pillar of the pavilion at the back. She was dumbfounded when she watched Qin An smoking a cigarette, and said something she didn't expect.

"The way you smoke is very special..."

Damn it, are you complimenting him?

"It's nothing special. People who smoke smoke are thoughts, loneliness, sadness, excitement, comfort to their own, and so on. To others, it's just second-hand smoke."

Li Ying was speechless, she only felt that she couldn't see the man in front of her. She was nervous for a while, and at the same time, it would make people fascinated.

His spirit should be fine, so why would he say that to himself? They have a child in common, is he from the future?

"Okay, let’s set off now that I’m up, there’s not much distance but it’s all zombies, I think we can only run from above, so we need a lot of wood planks and materials to build a way to your Big sis villa. Path. It’s almost 2,000 meters. There are a lot of things you need. I went out to prepare when you just went to bed. I can only try to see if it can succeed."

Qin An moved on and took Li Ying, who was still a little confused, to bring Wang Yi out.

Li Ying once again witnessed Qin An's toughness, the strong door lock was opened by him casually, she didn't think the door lock was broken.

Wang Yi is also superb. He was sleeping in the room, and he could still sleep even if his wife was taken away.

Li Ying finally lost his temper, and kicked Wang Yi on the ass to wake him up.

Qin An didn't bother to see their young couple meet again after a long absence, so he left.

"Wife, are you back?"

"Sleep soundly, isn't it?"

"I was drowsy because of the dizziness you thought. Have you been given by him..."

"Don't think about it, nothing happened, I didn't give you a green hat."

"Really? I thought he would fuck you..."

"You think? Then you just sleep in the room?"

"Isn't it impossible to get out? I'm free and easy, if he dares to mess with you, I will kill him!"

Li Ying was so angry that she didn't want to talk, and realized that own men are not generally unreliable, but too unreliable.

The two of them were speechless, Li Ying tensed Wang Yi to follow Qin An, and now Qin An is their only hope for escape to safety.

Walking out of Changyuan and passing several alleys, Li Ying and Wang Yi were all dumbfounded when they saw the landscape in front of them.

This place is a circular-shaped commercial area, with shops in one circle, and a naturally circular open space in the center. At this time, all kinds of objects were piled up on this clearing ground. Among them, most of them were gates, which are estimated to be hundreds of pieces.

Did Qin An not rest at all? But even so, how could he collect so many doors in a few hours?

Qin'an's speed and power are naturally much better than ordinary people. The more important thing is that his luck is good enough. This small business district sells furniture and building materials, not only has many doors, but also many generous square plates and other materials. Qin'an They were all concentrated on the circular space, killing many awakened zombies during the period.

Then there is a five-meter passage out of the circular space, which has been blocked by Qin An at the opening. Not far from the passage, there are densely packed zombies. From here, there are two thousand people to reach the central home of Weng Lan. Meters, the period is a denser zombie belt.

When Qin An walked to the edge of the aisle and looked out, Li Ying and Wang Yi followed behind him. With the help of moonlight, he saw the unknown number of zombies, his face turned pale.

"'s impossible to pass at all." Li Ying said softly in Qin An's ear.

"How do you know if you don't try? Just wait here."

Qin An looked very calm. Turning around, he first brought a large bundle of steel pipes. These steel pipes were four meters long. Qin An held them like a pile of firewood. Li Ying thought these should not be steel pipes, but made of plastic? But even such a bundle of plastic should be very heavy, right?

"Plastic daughter-in-law." Wang Yi obviously didn't want Qin An to be in the limelight. He lay down beside Li Ying and said his own opinions, with a certain tone.

But as soon as his voice fell, Qin An stepped up suddenly, stepping on the blocked object and flew out.


Is he crazy? A few steps outside are all zombies, and zombies farther away are next to each other. At this time, going out is simply to die!

Li Ying stared at Qin An without daring to blink her eyes, and saw that the height of his jump was a bit scary. It was more than three meters. How could this ordinary person jump so high. After reaching the highest point, Qin An already held a tube alone in his hand and quickly inserted it downward.

There is a trash can on the pedestrian street below. There is a small circular metal box at the top of the trash can, where the ash is bombed.

The pipe that Qin An dropped just inserted into the center of the metal box.

I don’t know why Qin An’s strength is so great. After the pipe went in, it directly penetrated the trash can. It should have penetrated into the soil and rock below. The part of the original four-meter-long steel pipe exposed on the ground seemed to be shorter than 10 cm. This tube can't be plastic at all, otherwise how could it have such a strong penetrating power.

Qin An inserted the first pipe and the descendants fell to the ground. He did not hesitate to continue to step forward, flexibly avoiding the zombies that were just about to wake up but had not yet regained, and ran almost four miles from the first pipe. There is a pedestrian street bench at a distance of meters away. This chair is made of metal. There is a hollow decorative column on the back of the chair, just enough to insert the tube into the hollow column.

Continuing, the scenes that appeared in Li Ying's eyes made her feel so unreal.

Qin An is like a legendary stranger from the Rivers and Lakes who is good at Qinggong, walking around the zombies in a flash. Back and forth, up and down, the zombies couldn’t touch his clothes at all. After several rounds, Qin An inserted more than 20 steel pipes in a span of almost 30 meters between the houses on both sides of the pedestrian street. In a line to the roof of the opposite row of shops, Qin An finally ran continuously from the roof of the opposite roof and stepped on the tops of these steel pipes to turn back, as if a dragonfly was licking the water, and the butterflies passed over the flowers.

Li Ying is really dumbfounded. Qinggong estimates that this can only be seen in martial arts TV series. Is it possible in the real world?

So since there is no real world, is Qin An a person in the real world? No... Could it be said that he is really a traverser in the future world? There really was a one-night stand between them? She really gave birth to one of his children?


Li Ying was stupid... Consciously panicked.

After returning to the obstacle, Qin An looked outside from the gap. All the obstacles are stacked flood control sandbags, which Qin An found in the nearby armed forces department. Hanghai City has rivers running through the city, and it is not far from here.

The zombies outside were awakened, and they were all crowded together, but they did not go violently, just like a group of human beings who just woke up, couldn't beat their spirits at all.

The first step has been done. Using the roads connected by these steel pipes, he can take Li Ying and Wang Yi to the opposite roof.

Naturally, Qin An can't Qinggong, he just has enough strength, agile body, and comprehensive vision, so he can do what ordinary people can't.

Starting to see through his eyes, he looked at the road behind.

On the opposite side of the roof is a small square, already occupied by zombies, absolutely unable to travel, so running 100 meters northward along the roof is a road.

Now there are not many zombies on the road, but there are many cars. There are more than 10 survivors in the car, and they dare not come out.

Now it seems that the vehicles on this road are the only road in Shaoxing. Qin An can take them to run on their bicycles. After three hundred meters, they will encounter a bungalow where they can temporarily hide.

Continuing to look back, Qin An has already explored the path. In some places in the middle, wooden door panels must be laid on the zombies so that they can pass. Naturally, these tasks need to be completed in advance. Anyway, the zombies are piled up together, and a layer of board is thrown on their heads, and they will only hold it silly.

Qin An did what he said, carrying at least ten doors at a time, stepping on steel pipes and running out, and then disappeared after running along the opposite side. At the beginning, he could return in a few minutes. As the path was built, the distance became farther. The time interval between his round trips is getting longer and longer.

Passing some cars and time along the way, Qin An saw some trapped people. They also saw Qin An, so they patted for help.

Qin An shook his head sadly.

no feeling……

Yes, this is how he feels.If it were a few years earlier, he would definitely feel uneasy in his heart and want to save these people. Now he doesn't have such an idea. In the end times, he himself still didn't understand the twists and turns. How could he be in the mood to care about others?

It was really not easy to pave the road. The risk factor and time-consuming far exceeded Qin An's estimates. As a result, Qin An didn't pave the path until dawn.

Only Li Ying was still there when he returned, and Wang Yi had disappeared.

Qin An looked at her differently, and Li Ying hurriedly said: "He is too sleepy, I asked him to go back to the yard to sleep. You have been there for a long time, so I didn't ask you for instructions. I think we might not be able to walk during the day. You always need to rest after a busy night. Chang Cheng Wang Yi and I can take turns on duty to prevent accidents."

"Haha, what you think is really thoughtful. Hey, you really can't go now. The zombies will slowly wake up as the sun rises. We will rest for another day during the day. The zombies in the nearby alleys are almost cleaned by me, and the intersections are also It's all blocked, but you still have to be careful, so your consideration is good."

"Qin An... are you really a traverser from the future?"

"In fact, you don't need to go into this question."

"But I'm curious..."

"Really curious?"

Qin An, who had already walked to the yard, suddenly looked back at Li Ying, with a wicked smile in his eyes.

Li Ying didn't know, so she hesitated and nodded.

"You have to think carefully. If you believe that I am a traverser in the future, you have to believe everything I have said, and you have to accept the fact that we have given birth to children in another time and space, and tell you that your son In fact, I have grown up and had two lovely girls after we got married. Although we are not a husband and wife, since we are all children of Life, I naturally know you in every way... For example, on your white butt, there is What a little beauty mole!"

After Qin An finished speaking, he smiled and walked away.

Is this an ambition? Who made Li Ying and Wang Yi marry Qin An upset.

Sure enough, Li Ying stood still and couldn't believe it, astonished as a goose.

Qin An was very tired after a busy night. He slept until noon, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he heard Li Ying and Wang Yi talking.

"Wife, let's send a shot before he wakes up? How long has it been since? It's a bit uncomfortable for these two days."


"Man, it's not normal, it means I'm still young. When you are like a wolf and I'm in the dust, don't you have to urge me to pay the public rations?"

"You... ignore you!"

"Come on, wife!"


"Why not?"

"I... my aunt is here."

"Ah... haven't you just been here in the middle of the month? Can you come twice a month?"

"Maybe you were scared. The doomsday has erupted. What else is impossible? Go out to watch the door. You have slept all morning. I haven't slept yet, and you don't feel sorry for me!"

Under Li Ying's coaxing, Wang Yi reluctantly left.

Qin An's mood was finally relieved. Of course he knew that Li Ying's body was normal.

Now Li Ying herself is actually very confused, because she doesn't know why she has to keep her promise with Qin An.

It was just very uncomfortable. She was really curious and wanted to know if there really existed another spatial world, then what did she experience in that world with a man named Qin An?

Thinking of Qin An, Li Ying frowned. Her eyes were closed, and her mood flew into her dreams with her thoughts.

In a beautiful place, she walked hand in hand with a man who couldn't see his face clearly. His hand explained powerfully, obviously different from Wang Yi, then who is he?

Li Ying didn’t know, she seemed to have been holding hands with this man, walking through the day, through the starry night, until he suddenly turned his head and kissed her on the cheek, she woke up in a cold sweat, how could it be What about him? Qin An?

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