"It's just being too boring, I want to go down and have a look, but these two people just don't let it!"


What made Fang Keyi never dreamed happened. The math teacher, who she had only met for a few days, but was very heavy, actually raised his hand and slapped her in the face.

"Hit me, why did you hit me, teacher?" Fang Keyi asked angrily, covering his face with his hand.

Wang Dexi actually didn't understand why he wanted to beat this girl, maybe he just wanted to have some pleasure after the shot.

He was suppressed by a woman for a lifetime, and now he has finally escaped from that life. He is expressing his own emotions in a tyrannical way.

Qin An imitated Wang Dexi's tone and expression at the time. He has super hearing ability and has strong logical reasoning thinking ability. He can basically restore the process of the story based on the information collected by the previous eavesdropping.

"Then...what happened to Fang Keyi?" Liu Xia was already flustered at this time, worried about Xu Rantian's comfort, and wanted to hear the ending of the story suddenly told by Qin An.

"What happened later? Wang Dexi's brutality became his plaything, and Fang Keyi became his plaything. In the end, Fang Keyi jumped off the building unbearably and committed suicide. There were not a dozen female students in these days. Jump off the building? Wang Dexi told people that these people were too stressed and chose to use Death to escape. The real reason was that Fang Keyi had jumped off the building and died. The other girls were pushed downstairs when he played with him. He loves With the feeling of free fall, he likes to watch a poor woman die in despair. It is an excitement that has never been seen in life, and now he can do it for me and no one will pursue him. "

"Why... like this? Qin An, are you all true? This person is too bad, how can such a person exist?"

"There are many such people. In an orderly society, most people live in accordance with order. Order prevents people from excessive behavior. But the human heart is bad and complicated. Once out of order, every one People are crazy. In other words, human nature is crazy, and it can only be fully manifested in the last days."

"Then Tiantian, aren't they dangerous?"

"Originally they were very dangerous. Hmph, they were as stupid as pigs. They were stunned. Now they are all right. Wang Dexi has escaped from the danger. Obviously there is an alternate escape route. When the two meet, I'm afraid that Tiantian is It’s a lot of hardship. Didn’t Xu Rantian negotiate with Wang Dexi before? He wanted to ask for food and threatened them because of his fist. Now it’s all right, let’s see how she ends up."

Liu Xia had no doubts about Qin An's omniscience, but was worried about the safety of her classmates and prayed for Qin An's help.

Qin An really doesn’t want to be nosy now, but Liu Xia’s teary eyes wanted him to beg, and he was helpless, so he had no choice but to say: "Let’s see, let’s talk about it, always let her learn something, otherwise the road ahead will be long, I To take her on the road, she has to put her temper."

On the boat, Wang Dexi sat a little decadent, while Jin Dong and Wang Tao paddled the boat.

This small boat didn't know where it came from a few days ago. Wang Dexi saw its value and hid it.

When the water ghost and zombies were surrounding the building, he desperately escaped, and got into this small boat to escape to this place.

I have to continue to escape. Although I didn't see what those terrible things were in the dark, Wang Dexi knew that they must be able to swim. The own building exists independently and is surrounded by water. If you can't swim, how could it be possible to surround yourself all at once. There are so many zombies, and maybe they are a different kind of zombies, or an upgraded species.

"Teacher, look at someone in the water over there... I don't know if it's a zombie!"

"Then what the hell are you thinking?"

Wang Dexi shouted angrily.

I have been a teacher for many years, and the swear words I have spoken in my previous life may not be more than these days. Wang Dexi just wants to change his way of life.

In fact, he has no regrets. In the past few days, he has played with more than a dozen young tender girls. What can he regret? Even if he died now, it was worth it, but he didn't want to die, he wanted to live in this unruly world."It's not right, it seems to be a human!" Jin Dong heard the sound of help.

"Fuck, people are going to run away, are we going to save them?" Wang Tao expressed his own opinion.

"It's natural that you won't save it. It's good not to go and see." Wang Dexi still couldn't get out of his depression. After all, everything he had just had was gone, and he was about to start again. In such a doomsday. Is it that easy?

The boat slid slowly, and when he got there, Wang Dexi looked around. With the help of the moonlight, he saw the girl in it. Wasn't it the same high school student who had come over and asked for food these days? Haha, God has eyes, and I met him in this situation!

Xu Rantian's temperament is well-known in the school.

Her family is rich, but her parents don't care about her, they just give her money, so she has a wild personality and has played with wild children outside since she was a child.

After growing up, those wild children became little gangsters, and she became the Big Sister of these little gangsters.

In school, she said that if any student dared to offend her, she would just ask a few bastards to fight with others after school, and the more serious ones would be serious. Sometimes she would do it herself and even beat her. While recording the video, it was sent to the WeChat group in the class to let everyone see the scene of themselves beating others.

This is undoubtedly a deterrent, so all the students in the class are afraid of Xu Rantian, as if they were afraid of a beast.

This invisibly inspired Xu Rantian's momentum and made her acting style more arrogant, even the teacher did not To put in one’s eyes.

The teachers all understand Xu Rantian's family background, and her parents donated a lot of money to the school, so they are not willing to offend her.

Then, a female devil who unscrupulously refused to obey the discipline of heaven and earth was formed, but she was still very young, and she did not understand how sinister the real Rivers and Lakes was. When she left her circle, she was actually just a little girl. That's it.

Wang Dexi narrowed his eyes, and stopped the boat a few meters away from them.

"Haha, good luck, the people at the bottom have suffered first. If I hadn't specially arranged an elevator passage, then I wouldn't be able to escape at all. I didn't expect you to escape here. It's just that, this ocean of water. , You don’t have water transportation, I’m afraid it will be over."

"Old man Wang, quickly drive the boat over to save us." Xu Rantian was really weak. If it weren't for four male classmates supporting her, she might have sunk to the bottom. In her eyes, Wang Dexi is a stingy teacher. Since he is a teacher, he should be a good person in the traditional sense. Although he did not give himself food during the previous negotiations, Xu Rantian still felt that the teacher would not be too bad. After all, he had to consider the people over there. The food was too scarce. So talking fiercely is just Xu Ran's sweet habit.

"Hmph, the little girl with a mouthful mouth, now that she is in trouble, she still doesn't know how to be soft. Today you go and ask me for food. If you don't give it to you, you will have to grab it. How bullish, why? Now I need to save you. NS?"

"Old man, aren't you a teacher? Can you still die?"

"Teacher? Hahaha, have you students ever respected the teacher? Now that you are in trouble but you want to restrict me with my identity? It's naive. Hey, you girl seems to be their boss, the teacher will play a game with you. good?"

"What nonsense, let us go up!" Xu Rantian yelled loudly. She didn't have the strength at first. It didn't matter if she shouted. Her body became more weightless. It turned out that she fell into the water with the other dead people, five troubled guys. It took a long time before they resurfaced, pulling each other, and barely surrounded the situation, but they became weaker.

"Haha, it's really not enough to fail. Hey, four young men, do you still listen to her at this time? Don't you think she is too reckless? Someday it will kill you all! Teacher, I have a good life. I plan to save you, but I can’t save this unreasonable little girl because she has offended me before. Now you can behave well and make me happy that I will save you. You only need to take this How about stripping my little girl's clothes?"

"What? Bitch! You mean old man, watch me go up and kill you!"

Xu Rantian was going crazy, she didn't expect this person to be so shameless.

Wu Jie's four people are really too weak at this time. They are eager to be down-to-earth, because they feel that the water around them may swallow them at any time.

Facing the conditions put forward by Wang Dexi, the hearts of the four began to fluctuate at the same time.

They want to be rescued, want to go to bed, then they must give up this Xu Rantian.

These people are not gangsters, they are just Xu Rantian's classmates, who whispered in front of Xu Rantian on weekdays, and after becoming her little brother in school, they can show off in front of other people.

And Xu Rantian is obviously not a good boss. If anything goes wrong with her, she will beat and kick everyone, and she doesn't look like a girl at all.

So fighting is actually just afraid of her, without respect.

So now in this water, everyone is weakened, Xu Rantian’s deterrence is actually long gone. The reason why the four boys are still with her is only because of forced difficulties, and there is no other way out. .

And now, the way out is now in sight.

Wu Jie pulled Xu Rantian's arm, his face was pale, and his body was a little swollen, but at this time, facing the way out of life, he once again gathered the strength in his body, and suddenly he took a hand to pull the sleeve of Xu Rantian's arm. Come down.

As soon as Wu Jie started, the other three boys just froze, and then Xu Rantian's status in their minds plummeted. She was no longer the campus female boss, but just a pedal that allowed everyone to survive.

Ever since, the four of them worked together, and they took Xu Ran Tianzi naked in the water without much effort and time.

During this process, the four people were still a little bit excited.


This is sweet sister, this is Xu Rantian, now they are stripped naked, haha! This is really unimaginable.

"What are you doing! What are you doing! I killed you!"

Xu Rantian didn't expect this to happen.

Her arrogance made her not believe that anyone would dare to treat her like this.

But she really didn't hang up. The four men's hands pulled on her and tugged, making her hurt, very painful, very painful, they were rude like a group of wild beasts.

How did that happen?

These people are basically Xiao Mianyang on weekdays, and they have never resisted when they are being drunk by themselves.

Why is it happening like that!

Xu Rantian asked repeatedly in her heart, and then she couldn't believe it for sure.

She panicked, and she had never been so panicked in her life.

In time the doomsday broke out, and in time was in desperate situation, she still didn't feel too scared.

But when her dignity and her pride were stomped under her feet, she panicked, and a feeling of losing herself came to her heart spontaneously.

"Don't, don't do this, I...ah..."

The weak body sank, Xu Rantian felt that she was about to suffocate, but she opened her mouth and drank a large sip of water. She hurriedly calmed herself as much as possible, dancing with her hands and resurfaced.

"Hahaha! Interesting and interesting, but unfortunately I can’t see clearly in the water, and it’s getting darker. Although your little girl is not as well developed as the other girl next to you, it’s also good except for a small chest, teacher I have lost my interest in engaging in college girls recently, and I really want to engage in high school female voices like you, do you two want to do it?""Teacher, think about it, but now it's important to run away first, right?" Jin Dong really doesn't have much thoughts about engaging in women, and he has made enough women after he has taken refuge in Wang Dexi in the past two days.

"I'm afraid of a bird, I can't fight it, right!" Wang Tao said excitedly. When the doomsday broke out, he called home, and his mother screamed in horror, saying that his father had become a lunatic and was chasing her. Soon there was a hysterical call from her mother. She was caught by her father. After that, there was only a busy tone on the phone. He didn't know what happened at the time, but later he understood that his father became a zombie, bit his mother, and his parents were gone. Wang Tao is actually a filial child, but filial piety has nothing to do with kindness. He can be very filial or evil. These days, I have played with Wang Dexi a lot of the goddesses in the school on weekdays, which made him forget the death of his family in his joy. The more happy, the more depraved.

"Well, Xiao Wang is right. I'm afraid of a bird, isn't it just death? Hey, those four boys, come quickly, Daddy is going to touch the girl's Naoko!"

The four of Wu Jie took off Xu Rantian's clothes, and at this time they were also out of strength.

"Teacher, we can't do it anymore, we can't swim, you can get the boat over, let us give it to you, let us get on the boat."

"Oh, I'm running out of strength, that's great, I'll save you guys, wait a minute."

Wang Dexi gave the two assistants a look, and the two moved immediately, shaking the oars to get the boat to their side.

The four men hurriedly used their last strength to dive into the water and grabbed the edge of the boat. One of them turned over and wanted to get on the boat.

"Damn, bastard, did you come up?"

After falling into the water, the man no longer had any strength. He thumped up and down several times. After drinking a few sips of water, he disappeared. It took dozens of seconds to float up a few meters away, and he was drowned in the past.

The other three teenagers were all dumbfounded, not daring to move at the moment, looking at the people on the boat with pleading eyes.

At this time, Xu Rantian had been taken to the side of the boat by Wu Jie.

Wang Dexi lay halfway on the boat, holding the boat tied and reaching out to grab Xu Rantian's hair.

"Girl, aren't you very arrogant? You told me before that you know martial arts, so be careful to beat me without even knowing my grandma? Haha, my grandma has been dead for many years, even if you didn't beat me, I didn't know it. At that time. Ignoring you, the main reason is that you are young and vigorous and do not want to cause you this trouble. Now you have fallen into my hands, watch me take care of you, let you know that you respect the old and love the young, and let you understand the world and what you see in your eyes. The point I arrived is different! This is a vivid lesson for you as a teacher!"

While talking, Wang Dexi grabbed Xu Rantian's hair and pressed her back and forth in the water.

Xu Rantian really wanted to resist, but she was powerless and could only let this Wang Dexi torture her.

At this time, Xu Rantian came to a sense. She always thought that the earth could not tolerate her. She always thought that the world revolved around her. She always felt that she was a brave man and fearless no matter when and where she was. , And now she was scared, wanted to die for the scared, and wept for the scared.

This seems to be the first time she shed tears since she is sensible.

She could clearly feel the difference between own tears and the river water. The thing flowed out of the eyes and was washed away by the water, but the heart would still hurt so much, so painful, as if the water flowed out of her heart. bought.

She thought of her mother, the woman who doesn't care about her but only knows how to do business.

She thought of her dad, the man who didn't love her very much but knew that he loved other women.

She also called them after the doomsday broke out, but no one answered them. Are they still alive? If they were alive, would they think of their daughter who had been left out by them for many years?

Thinking of these things, Xu Rantian suddenly felt so sad. She finally understood why she was so easy to get angry, because she was a lonely child and had been lonely for a long time. She hated seeing those children who were more excited than her, and being those boys. When the girls are drying out the happiness of the family in front of her, she always has to find their troubles, because she can't bear it, she doesn't understand, why is she alone in the world seem to be so lonely?

Xu Rantian was completely desperate. She prayed to heaven for the last time, hoping that the hand holding her hair could slip and let her fall directly into the water. She would sink to the bottom of the water and never come up again. Say goodbye to everything!

Just when Xu Rantian prayed, God seemed to hear her voice, a somewhat broad embrace suddenly hugged her body, and then took her away from Wang Dexi's tearing.

This embrace is so weird. She has been floating in the water for so long, and her body has lost her strength, and when she enters this embrace, she seems to have nothing to do, because this embrace is so solid that she doesn’t need to worry about falling into the water. , As if she had already boarded a big ship...

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