Qin An was actually reluctant to save a grumpy flat chested girl. You can't see or use the key and it's useless.

If it weren't for Liu Xia's ability to cry, make trouble and hang himself, he might really ignore Xu Rantian.

After embracing it in his arms, Qin An immediately felt her tears.

It turns out that this girl can cry too.

"Hey, so I will be more mindful in doing things in the future. It is your first mistake to chase without considering the strength of your opponents. It is your second mistake to bring them into danger regardless of the safety of your subordinates. There is obviously a chance to look back. You still want to chase after me. This is your third mistake. Asking strangers for help in the last days is the fourth mistake. Too credulous people think that others will not harm you. This is the fifth mistake. I don’t know this is your sixth mistake... Forget it, I don’t even bother to talk about you."

This nagging man... is it him?

Why did he come back?

I got into trouble after chasing him before. Is he going to deal with her too?

The tone is not very similar.

Ah...whatever, this embrace is really comfortable, let her die in this warm embrace.

After Qin An hugged Xu Rantian into his arms, he hesitated slightly, raised his hand and turned directly onto the boat, kicking all three of Wang Dexi down.

There are many bad people in the last days, and blind indulgence will only make the bad people worse. Qin An understands this very well, so he doesn't plan to let Wang Dexi survive.

The big reversal of the matter obviously couldn't be accepted by Wang Dexi. He couldn't swim at all, so he drank several sips of water.

"Save me, save me..."

He almost yelled out a few desperately with all his strength, but it was a pity that no one paid any attention to him. His two young accomplices couldn't help themselves, so there would be no way to save him.

Standing on the boat with Xu Rantian in his arms, Qin An suddenly felt a little bit of inspiration in his heart. This boat can go on the sea, so why can't the boat go on the sea of ​​zombies? Maybe he can think of a way to create a vehicle, similar to a combination of a boat and a mountain cross country, with a wheeled boat!

Qin An is not a fool. As a super super-power in the chaotic age, he has many things in his head, even if he is asked to build a spaceship, he can make it. Now the basic materials are weak and the spaceship can’t be made. , A cross-country boat walking on the sea of ​​corpses should still be available.

Thinking of this, Qin An was overjoyed. He put aside the weak Xu Rantian, then picked up the oars and started rowing. After a while, he left the area. Wang Dexi's group had no hope of surviving anymore, and eventually they all drowned.

Qin An went all the way back to see Liu Xia. When Liu Xia saw that Xu Rantian had been rescued by himself, she hurriedly asked Qin An where the others were.

Qin An told Liu Xia the ins and outs of the matter. Liu Xia was extremely shocked. He didn't expect that those male classmates were so spineless and betrayed Xu Rantian at a critical moment.

And Qin An's direct ignorance of their departure also made Liu Xia a little concerned. She felt that a few people were not guilty of death, but as a bystander, she couldn't say such things. If she was stripped naked by her trusted partner in the water, she would probably want to kill those people.

Not entangled, Liu Xia watched Qin An put Xu Rantian on the bed in the room, and hurried forward to take care of her. At this time, the violent woman had lost her soul, and her eyes were very hollow. God knows what she has experienced. What kind of mental journey.

Without delay, Qin An called Wang Yi and the four to let them be on guard, and then left to look for shipbuilding materials by himself.

These materials are obviously not easy to work with, because the flood has flooded everything, even if some car parts can be removed from the bottom of the water, they are almost useless, so power is a big problem.

After pondering for a while, Qin An suddenly realized that he actually doesn’t need much motivation, because what he wants to build is a ship that travels on a sea of ​​floating zombies. This ship doesn’t need to be driven much, as long as it is guaranteed that it will not tip over. It would be good if the zombie can move forward in the sea!

With a preliminary idea, Qin An can easily find things. He has made a lot of gears, rubber bands, wheel reels, sheet metal, loading and unloading cutting tools, and so on.The ship can only travel by artificial power. The role of gears is to convert manpower into power. He also needs the steering wheel to communicate with the wheel to control the wheel. How to use non-electric power to make the wheel drive is also a problem.

Working until dawn, Qin An prepared all the materials and transported them to the first floor of the building. By this time, all the zombies in the building were of course clear and clean.

The four of Wang Yi took turns to watch the night. Wang Yi and Liu Xiaomei went to rest during the day. After Jin Dadao and Bai Yang slept, they laid hands on Qin An.

The three people have been busy for another day. Qin’an’s artificially powered off-road boat was finally built. Qin’an raised the edge of the boat to prevent zombies from climbing up. It’s not a problem for this ship to carry ten people, and only gold is needed on it. A person with a big sword is like stepping on a bicycle pedal and turning around in a circle can give the boat the power to roll forward. Of course, this kind of power in the water does not make the boat sail quickly, and it can even be said that it is difficult to move, and the speed of travel is super slow.

This situation was in Qin An's expectation. After all, the four cart wheels installed at the front and rear were not used to tread water. They were used for the sea of ​​zombies, rolling on top of all floating zombies.

Looking at the results of own labor, Qin An finally showed a silly smile. At this time, it would be beautiful if there was a cigarette.

"Boss, what on earth is this thing used for?"

Jin Dadao looked at this weird-shaped reel boat, somewhat puzzled.

"Fly over the sea of ​​zombies!"

"Huh?" Jin Dadao didn't react, and Bai Yang was much smarter, and he understood immediately.

"Can this work? Use this thing to rush into the area in front of where there are floating zombies? If the ship is overturned, or if there is a malfunction, then we will be dead."

"Doctor Bai, don't you think that since you followed Jin Dadao and tossed and turned under him every night, you have been overwhelmed?"

Qin An laughed and joked with Bai Yang.

Bai Yang blushed to death. He wanted to refute Qin An and was in awe of him. It was really unhappy not to refute, so he lifted his foot and kicked Jin Dadao's ass.

Jin Dadao's aggrieved little eyes moved back and forth between Bai Yang and Qin An, but in the end he dared not speak.

At this time, Xu Rantian, who had rested for a whole day, finally walked to the window with the help of Liu Xia and looked at the busy people outside the window.

"Qin An, we still have to thank you, no matter what..."

Liu Xia spoke to Qin An, not knowing how sincere the words were.

Qin An was in a good mood, smiled at her, and said: "No, but you have to teach your classmates how to behave in a low-key manner, how to observe the people around you, and don't continue to be arrogant. This is the end of the world, a normal world. Anyone who has the most honest duty will become Devil, so let her be careful."

Xu Rantian was obviously not in good spirits and did not speak, but she raised her head and glanced at the man standing on the boat.

In the setting sun, his figure looked extraordinarily stalwart, like a Popeye, his smile was very comfortable and impressive.

This deep impression only started from just a moment ago. Xu Rantian didn't think Qin An was special yesterday, but when she was taken out of the abyss by that embrace, everything changed.

"Okay, Dadao, let's go, Wang Yi and Liu Xiaomei, let's scream, and we will set off if we have something to eat."

"Starting? Where are you going?" Liu Xia felt like a poor duckweed. Now she seems to have nowhere to go, she can only follow this Qin An.

"Of course it is to leave here, the farther the better, the people in the building over there are all dead, and they have revived after death, and turned into another kind of dry zombies, their blood is sucked dry. , The whole body bones seem to be hardened, their actions are extremely fast and agile, so let's call them rapid zombies for the time being. Fortunately, these zombies can't be water, but wherever the water ghost zombies go, this kind of zombies will be created, which is very dangerous. "

"All my classmates are dead?"

"Well, you are the two of you who are the only survivors in that building. Liu Xia, don't blame me, in this case I can't save more people, I can only save you."

This time Liu Xia finally didn't complain about Qin An. She wanted to understand many things.

Yes, this Qin An actually doesn't even need to save himself, he has no obligation.

But why is he so persistent to save himself? At the beginning, Liu Xia thought he might want to take advantage of the ownership, but after spending more than a day with him, she found that Qin An didn’t seem to be squinting to him, but was kind and gentle to her, like a father, like a father. Brother, like a...husband?

Thinking of this, Liu Xia shook her head hurriedly, thinking that she was crazy.

After dinner, Qin An’s artificially powered mountain boat was turned on. Qin An himself as the driver, Jin Dadao and Wang Yi naturally took turns stepping on the gears to add power to the boat.

Before entering the zombie area, Qin An used the oars on the ship to shake the ship forward. This ship is the original Wang Dexi. The ship’s dimension has been increased by one meter. It is difficult for ordinary zombies to climb. Because there was water under their feet that couldn't accumulate, this was why Qin An assured the ship to enter the sea of ​​zombies.

Only after walking a few hundred meters, a large area of ​​zombies appeared in front of him, endless.

Qin An sailed directly into the city and rushed in. Except for him, everyone was terrified and pale.

Jin Dadao stepped on the pedal at this time, pedaling desperately, just wanting to avoid this area quickly.

But the speed of the boat was very slow and the cut was very bumpy.

Qin An needs to manipulate the rotation of the four wheels, and also use levers to maintain the balance of the ship. How could this ship be fast? It just can move, as if it were walking.

This is a somewhat daunting world.

For a little while, when the ship completely entered the zombie sea area, people almost held their breath.

The endless sights are full of human heads floating on the water.

These heads have grim expressions, some of their eyes are pale, and some are blood red. When the ship passes by, the heads of people nearby will grow up with their mouths, making a frightening roar.

The woman on the boat was too scared to look at it again. Xu Rantian, who admitted that she was not afraid of fear and fear, began to tremble in her legs. She wondered what the man who suddenly broke into her life was going to do? Why come to such a place?

Suddenly, a loud roar came from a few hundred meters away, attracting the attention of Qin An and everyone.

In the pile of zombies, a zombie suddenly uttered such a roar, and then it began to frantically swallow the disclosure of a zombie next to it, and it didn’t take a few mouthfuls. The head had already been swallowed half by it, and then it continued to swallow, and finally it swallowed that The companion ate up, and his body was almost one-half bigger.

Abnormal appetite zombies, the prototype of giant zombies appeared!

Qin An's brows frowned, not looking there, but focusing on the road, looking for possible clues.

Weng Die, where on earth are you girl?

The boat continued to move forward slowly, and Qin An's future wisdom was well applied. This seemingly shoddy thing was very reliable, and there was nothing wrong with it.

The zombies in the past will naturally accumulate, but the speed of the ship is very slow, and it can also go out more than ten meters before the zombies are stacked. Then the new zombies continue to accumulate, but they still can’t help this mountain with wheels. ferry.

Until the latter half of the night, the front finally entered the main road in the city. There were many tall buildings nearby, and naturally there were more zombies, but there were also a lot of living people here, which made Qin An excited. If Weng Die is still alive, the biggest one is now It may be in these nearby buildings.

What to do, look for them one by one, by the way, they also need some food supplements.

Thinking of this, Qin An drove his own broken ship into the building area. Here, he is familiar with the location of a department store. There are large shopping malls nearby. If the building of Emperor Star is located, this should be the first commercial district of Hanghai City. No wonder so many zombies get together.

"Help! Help!"

Suddenly, shouts came from a building ten meters away. Qin An looked sideways and saw a man in the window shouting with a piece of white cloth in his hand.

He looked weak to the extreme. It is estimated that he has been trapped in the room without eating for many days, and he looks very pitiful.No one speaks at this kind of moment, even the little girl with a very kind heart and innocence doesn't know it.

Because of the man's cry, many nearby zombies all waved to that side, which caused a slight wave of the sea of ​​zombies, which drove Qin An's boat to lean over there.

Qin An hurriedly started with both hands, manipulating the tires and the levers inside the ship, so that the ship could continue to walk without being too affected.

He won't save this person, even if he is very pitiful, Qin An won't save him, because he can't save it, and there are many people like this kind of trapped nearby.

Now the doomsday has only erupted for more than ten days, so people are not dead yet.

This is also impossible. The goal of walking like this is too big, the zombies are not terrible, and the more terrifying than the zombies are naturally human beings.

Qin An understands the reason that wealth is not exposed. The own broken ship is a treasure in such a place. It is an artifact that can escape this zombie sea area. I guess everyone wants to get it, right?

With this idea in mind, Qin An turned on the detective ability of Peeping Spiritual Sense, and began to avoid people around here, trying not to be spotted, so as not to get out of touch. At the same time, he also has the power to find Weng Die's whereabouts.

After a few bends, the boat finally arrived at the building of the No. 1 Department Store. This building was already more than half flooded. There were over a hundred survivors upstairs, which surprised Qin An.

In such a chaotic environment, hundreds of survivors gathered together, and all the zombies upstairs were cleaned up. It seems that the strength of this group of people is good. At least they must have a very capable leader. who?

The possibility of Weng Die is there, after all, she has this talent. But Qin An repeatedly confirmed that there was no trace of Weng Die in the building, nor did he continue to encounter any acquaintances. What is even more surprising is that after listening for a while, Qin An found that there were no leadership tasks in this building at all. Loose sand.

Ah...This is strange, how could such a group of people survive here comfortably?

Qin An's curiosity is not unfounded.

Although there are many hearts in the neighborhood, they are basically trapped in small closed rooms, and there are many zombies in the corridors or other rooms outside.

But there is not a single zombie in a department store, hundreds of living people, how is this possible.

As this kind of crowd distribution center is the most dangerous place when the doomsday erupts, it is impossible to have so many living people without zombies.

Although there were many doubts, Qin An decided to stop here, because there was too much food on the No. 1 Department Store, and even Qin An drooled after seeing it.

The food I eat these days is fished from the water. It can only be said that I can barely eat enough, as far as the quality of the food is concerned.

More importantly, there are still many cigarettes upstairs. The smoker Qin An plans to get one, so that when he wants to smoke, he will not scratch his heart. It is really inconvenient without Interspatial Ring.

He found a building near the One Hundred Building and docked the boat. It was only a dozen meters away from One Hundred. Qin An didn't plan to let other people go up, so he could get some food and smoke.

Tell a few people the plan quietly, and all of them are a little flustered.

Qin An is the backbone of the master, he left, leaving a boat of people still in the pile of zombies, who is not afraid.

"Boss, why don't we pass the boat test and let's go up together?" Jin Dadao lowered his voice and offered his opinion.

"The zombies are about to enter the dormant period. They are safe on the boat. As long as you are careful, the neighborhood will be quiet after a while. The building looks harmless, but I don’t know what’s going on inside. So I just went there and turned back. Now our ship is a treasure and cannot be watched, so your important task is to take good care of this ship."

At Qin An's insistence, several people nodded helplessly, and there was nothing left.

Qin Anfei transferred it down, and Liu Xia and Xu Rantian were all taken aback by that chic and calm attitude.

When I followed up and watched, I saw Qin An trampled on the zombie's head like a Martial Forest master and flew directly into a window of the One Hundred Building.

The two girls were stunned at this time, and they couldn't see the origin of this man even more.

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