"Dad, I'm a little cold."

"Well, it's still cold in April, not to mention that at night, I'm holding on for an hour. Dad is in charge of the night watch, and you can't be left alone."

"Why can't you be alone?"

"The world has changed...the world has changed..."

Wei Dong looked a little lonely. The doomsday outbreak was a collapse of the sky for him. He witnessed his wife and his mother turned into zombies together. If it weren't for running fast, he and his daughter Wei Haitang would not be able to escape.

My daughter is only five years old. She is so pitiful. She has to be strong and try her best to keep her alive and grow up.

Qin An's movements were quick and sensitive. When the father lowered his head to talk to the daughter in his arms, he flashed through the stairs and entered the corridor of the building. After that, he walked briskly through the corridor, and the food area was on the next floor. Today's food courts are filled with people.

People obviously know the importance of food, so they don’t want to separate from them even if they sleep. Qin An pushes the door opposite the elevator entrance a small slit and looks inside. This is full of people lying on the floor, wanting to go in and steal some. Things will not be discovered, unless it is estimated that they can be invisible.

And these people don’t live together peacefully. They seem to be divided into many groups. They fought several fights for food before, but they stopped fighting because they were afraid of being disabled. Fighting in a space where you can’t escape is a fight. In the end, everyone also fights. They calmed down, and divided the food according to the heads of each group.

Qin An felt that the own thief might not be able to do it, so he should be a robber. He first took a good look at the items he wanted, and then walked forward unscrupulously.

It's dark here, and they probably can't see the appearance of own, so they might think of him as their own.

Qin An walked against the wall. There was a meat and sausage product counter five meters away. Qin An was going to get some sausages out to eat.

Just after two steps, his thighs were suddenly hugged. Qin An was tense. Looking down, he saw a panda-like woman with dark eyes embracing his leg.

"Steal the child, you are going to steal my child, and return my child to me!"

Her voice was a bit sharp, and Qin An only felt that her hair was terrifying. It was like a female ghost suddenly crawling out of the ground to hug him. It was really frightening.

"Damn, crazy woman, call seven or eight times a night, daddy makes you scream!"

Before Qin An could react, the man lying on the ground next to him jumped up, came over and kicked the woman's face three times, kicking the woman down to the ground, not daring to make a sound, his body trembling.

"Hey, have you got up to go to the bathroom?" The beater might have recognized Qin An as someone else because of the darkness.

"Hmm..." Qin An responded vaguely, and then sat down against the wall. He didn't want to expose himself quickly in an unfamiliar environment.

"Stay away from that crazy woman, so Daddy can't sleep well... If you dare to call again, Daddy will throw you downstairs!"

The man coaxed and shouted louder than the woman. People around seemed to be used to this situation, and none of them responded.

After the man snarled, he lay back in his original position, and everything returned to peace.

Qin An sat calmly for a while, feeling that everyone was asleep, so he planned to stand up again, but he didn't even move yet. The mad woman moved before him, stood up and crawled towards him, but was kicked out of the nose before. Blood, she looked more like a female ghost, and Qin An felt hairy when she was watching, because the woman's eyes were locked on her body at this time, and her vicious appearance in the dark night was really daunting.

Finally, the woman slowly climbed to Qin An's side. This time she moved very softly without yelling, but climbed up to Qin An's body, sitting on Qin An's thighs with her legs apart, holding his neck with her hands. A pair of perfect circles pressed tightly against Qin An's chest.

Qin An really wanted to kick the woman down like the man just now, and when he was finally thinking about whether or not to do this, the woman leaned on his ear and spoke softly.

"My name is Qu Yan, and everyone calls me Yanzi. You can also call me that way."

Her voice was very soft, and her tone of self-introduction didn't seem like a lunatic at all.

"I beg you, return the child to me, he is my life! As long as you return him to me, I can do anything for you, really, I won't lie to you!"

Qin An felt that things were a bit weird, and at this time this woman didn't look like a lunatic at all."But I haven't seen your child."

Qin An followed her example and spoke quietly while lying in her ear.

"You...you don't understand at all."

The woman obviously didn't believe Qin An's words. At the beginning, her voice was very high, and then it came down again.

"Do you know me? I am a swallow, the liveliest, most beautiful, and most charming swallow in our school! I am a bohemian woman, I have many boyfriends, and those little kids call me It's a bus, but how can they understand the happiness between men and women in bed, but I understand all... Later, I accidentally got pregnant. In hesitation, I married the father of the child and gave birth to my son Xiaoan. ."


Qin An wants to beat this woman even more. What is your son's name, or Xiaoan.

"After I have Xiaoan, my life has all changed. He is my redeemer, so that my life is not impetuous and easy! Looking at that little life, I know that I have become a mother! A mother, After the child grows up, he wants to think about his mother, and his mother shouldn’t and cannot be a slut! Since then, I have given up all my amateur life self-cultivation and become a mother. Two years later, I quit my job because The child needs my care! I spend 18 hours with the child 24 hours a day. In order to accompany him, I don’t even have the energy to have sex with my husband. The child always cries at night. I have to be with him..."

Qin An was speechless. He understood the greatness of a mother. Back then, the adoptive mother of Own Earth also cared for himself in every possible way.

"So, he is my life! He is my soul! I beg you to return him to me and my Xiao An to me!"

"Big Sister, I told you, I haven't seen your Xiaoan."

Qin An explained to this woman with a very good temper that he felt that this woman was respectable, a respectable mother.

"No, I have observed everyone before, carefully observed to see who stole my child, but unfortunately there has been no result... I know it is you, although it is dark, I can still see You, you are not the one who was here before, right? I have never seen you before!"

I fuck? What's the situation with this woman? It's so dark and a few meters away that you can't see the appearance of people. She actually found out that she was a new thief after she just came in? Why is it happening like that? How did she see it? Or is it still talking crazy today? Qin An was a little unsure.

"How did your child lose it? Tell me and see if I can find it for you."

"Don't admit it? Okay... Then I'll tell you, three days ago, he slept in my arms, and he disappeared when I woke up when I fell asleep? You also hid in the building at that time Right? I think you stole my child!"

Ah... this kind of logical thinking seems normal, not like a lunatic.

Some tangled, why did she get entangled in it?

"Three people, three people have disappeared in the past few days."

Suddenly, another man sitting beside Qin An spoke.

This man looks in his twenties, over 1.8 meters tall, tall and burly.

He might have heard Qin An and Yanzi's whispers, so he interrupted, but Qin An didn't quite understand what he meant.

"What did you say?"

"I said that from the first day the zombies appeared to the present, a total of three people have disappeared, a woman, a man, and a child. There seems to be no connection between the three, so no one cares too much. They have different opinions and tell you that there are ghosts in this place and everyone will die in the end!"

Oh shit! What kind of ghost story is said in the middle of the night, is this man also a lunatic?

"Haha, my name is Zheng Kai, I am not a lunatic."

"Oh, my name is Qin An, hello."

"Qin An, you really seem to be a fresh face."

"I just want to come over and get some sausages. I mean stealing. We don't have sausages over there. I really want to eat them."

"Oh, you are from other forces."

"Yeah, brother, tell me, why are there ghosts in this place? What you said is too scary! How come we all die?"

"Although everyone is reluctant to mention this matter, don't you guys don't want it in Dao's heart?"

Zheng Kai's voice was so gloomy that Qin An wanted to kick him too.

Just talk about things, can you use a gentler tone?

Zheng Kai is a master of picking up girls and an expert in making appointments. He can always find out those women who are full of desire in the vast sea of ​​people, and then use his big bird to rescue the depressed women and take them to the peak of happiness.

Then such a man is naturally not ugly, and looks very temperamental, and he does not appear too rascal when he speaks. The difference from a truly polite gentleman is that Zheng Kai’s eyes can speak, and he can speak at critical moments. Dare to start.

In Zheng Kai's view, this matter is actually very simple.

For example, strong kisses.

According to Zheng Kai's statistics, last year he had a dinner with 125 women who had just known each other for a day or two. Zheng Kai naturally created a variety of ambiguous atmospheres during the meal. He kissed everyone after the meal. , The final outcome is this.

Five people ran away and couldn't be contacted anymore.

Ten people slapped him in the mouth, but after Zheng Kai rushed to kiss again, eight of them did not resist, and the other six went to open a room with him.

Sixty-four people were shy and explicitly rejected and complained that Zheng Kai was a hooligan. However, 23 people opened a room with Zheng Kai that day, and 30 people later slept with Zheng Kai in subsequent contact.

46 people did not show any obvious resistance, and then opened a room with Zheng Kai.

In other words, through the single method of forced kisses, Zheng Kai successfully slept with 105 unfamiliar women last year. This is almost as a groom every night, and he seems to have never stopped on the road of making appointments. .

Zheng Kai is not picky at all, as long as he is a little bit charming, whether it is a good wife, a mother or a student dancer, he will not refuse to come.

Today he just came to buy some daily necessities, but he overheard the woman next to him on the phone.

"I said, you don't have to come back for a year, Xiao An, I will bring it myself... I know I know, you are busy on a business trip, and you can't come back, then you don't have to come back... What? I have a problem with my attitude? Say I don’t want you? It’s because you don’t have time to come back on your own business trip, okay? Did you let me talk like those sweet ladies and tell your husband that I’m lonely and unbearable every night, come back soon! Haha, I’m sorry I can’t do it , I don’t want Xiao An to see me babbling."

After saying this, the woman put down the phone, her expression unhappy.

Zheng Kai scanned the woman back and forth, his eyes narrowed slightly.

A good woman, with the charm of a young woman, her husband is always on business trips, bringing children by herself, life must be very depressing, this kind of woman is best to start, the key is to see whether the way of opening is correct.

At this moment, a shopping cart in front of him was pushed in at extreme speed. Zheng Kai felt that an opportunity had come. He pretended to hide when the car arrived. After that, he seemed to be unsteady and fell in the direction of the woman. The ground was pressed on the woman's straight buttock.

"What are you doing?" The woman turned her head back and said fiercely.

"Sorry, there is a car..."

Zheng Kai was a little disappointed seeing the woman just angry and not shy.

There is no shyness in being pinched, this is obviously a woman who doesn't have much thoughts, maybe it's not easy to do.

Thinking that Zheng Kai felt a little upset, he turned his head to look for the person pushing the shopping cart.

"How did you push the car? I'm sick..."

Zheng Kai shut up in the middle of the story, is this f*ck a person or a ghost?

It's really not to blame Zheng Kai's doubts, but the fat woman in the cart is too ugly, the teeth are all covered with sticky yellow liquid, and the eyes are pale and hollow.

Without waiting for Zheng Kai to continue thinking, the ugly guy suddenly let out a roar, and then rushed to the little boy nearest to her.

Zheng Kai quickly grabbed the little boy and pulled it into his arms.

When the woman saw that the child was beaten up, she thought she had encountered a trafficker."Come here, this person is 80% crazy."

Zheng Kai hugged the child and ran away, and the woman, Qu Yan, naturally chased her.

Chaos broke out just after they ran more than ten meters away, zombies appeared in various places, and the end came.

There was no way to escape, Zheng Kai hurriedly hugged the child and ran upstairs. Qu Yan also found that the surrounding situation was not right at this time, so he could only follow Zheng Kai quickly.

In the end, they were trapped on the seventh floor with many people. There were many zombies upstairs over there, and the road below was gone for a long time. The spread of zombie infection was beyond imagination...

When Zheng Kai talked about this, his face became pale and his eyes looked blank.

"We originally thought everyone was finished, and there would be no bones left to be eaten by those zombies, but do you know what happened next?"

"what's up?"

"Those zombies suddenly fixed themselves! Yes, they were fixed, motionless as if they were all statues! Only a few minutes later, they resumed their actions, each became quiet, and turned around and walked outside. , Very strange atmosphere! And the zombies upstairs, all walked down together, no longer paying attention to us, as if all of us became air! In the end, they gathered on the three floors downstairs of a department store, and it rained heavily. Coming, we are completely trapped, but there is no zombie in the middle! Brother, you said it is not terrible, I can be sure that some of us can control the zombies, and the three missing these days must also be related to this monster! None of us can survive, and the ending here is all deaths, one by one being killed!"

Qin An understood this in his heart.

It is the awakened!

It is possible that someone in this group has been bitten by a zombie, but he has not become a zombie, but has become an awakened person who can control the zombie with brain waves!

Qin An's heart was beating suddenly, and he pushed away the woman sitting on him, squinting at the woman named Qu Yan coldly.

"Your child, did you eat it yourself?"

Qu Yan was dumbfounded when Qin An suddenly said this.

"Myself? What are you kidding, how could I eat my child by myself?"

"Oh, can you help me see, what's the word on the banner over there?"

On one side of the wall, a small banner hung on the wall 20 meters away from here.

"This store’s 13th anniversary, 85% off all food?"

"Haha, it's ridiculous. No matter how good the eyesight is in such a dark place, it is impossible for a normal person to see the banner, but you can read it clearly, so you are not a normal person, Qu Yan, have you been bitten by a zombie? Woolen cloth?"

"Have I been bitten... Am I... Have I been bitten?"

Qu Yan seemed a little confused. She raised her hand and Qin An turned on her perspective ability to look at her whole body, only to see a rotten wound on her arm.

really! She was bitten by a zombie, so she should be an awakened person, right?

The only thing Qin An has doubts about is, will she be a beast that eats up her own child and the other two missing people?

Or is she irrational when she is extremely hungry, and she doesn't know what she has done?

In any case, it is too dangerous to have an awakened person who can control the zombies in such a sea of ​​zombies. Qin An actually hesitates a bit, but he finally made a decision, just treat this woman as an NPC, he can’t If you don't clear this obstacle for your future journey, you must never allow the awakened person who can control the zombies to survive.

With this decision, Qin An suddenly took a shot, and the sharp pocket knife had already cut into Qu Yan's neck.

"Sorry, you must die..."

After the voice fell, Qu Yan's head rolled to the ground. After the blood donation, her body began to grow out of fluttering flesh and blood. It turned out that she was an infected person who would become an unconscious walking corpse after death.

Qin An's heart beats, he feels that he is right. An infected person who can control zombies is of course an awakened person. He can't be wrong, but why does he still feel uneasy in his heart? Is there something missing?

At this moment, a harsh howl resounded across the floor, alarming everyone!

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