Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1771 The Still Existing Social System

"Dad, I'm a little cold."

"Well, it's still cold in April, not to mention that at night, I'm holding on for an hour. Dad is in charge of the night watch, and you can't be left alone."

"Why can't you be alone?"

"The world has changed...the world has changed..."

This is what Qin An said to his father and daughter when he came up.

Originally nothing, but now that I think about it, the world has changed these four words but they are meaningful.

Perhaps what the father is worried about is not that others will harm his daughter, but that his little daughter will harm others!

The roar that shocked everyone was from the little girl.

"Daughter, what's the matter with you, daughter? Don't call it, be good!"

Wei Dong wondered why his daughter was so hysterical.

"He! He wants to kill me! He killed my kind, I can feel it! He wants to kill me too! Dad, I want to kill him first!"

Wei Haitang glared at Qin An, naturally full of hostility in his eyes.

Qin An was really depressed, knowing that he had killed the wrong person.

Qu Yan is naturally an awakened one, but she may not have harmed anyone yet.

This little girl is the real perpetrator. Her ability is obviously much higher than Qu Yan. It can be found that Qu Yan is her kind, and even possesses the same hearing and perspective abilities as Qin An. Then she just killed Qu Yan by herself. The scene and the dialogue are naturally known to her.

Qin An moved like a rabbit, jumped directly to the sausage counter, picked up a bunch of various sausages and put them in his pocket prepared in advance, and then ran to the other side and took two cigarettes.

He could have killed the little girl first, but there was really no time. The little girl ran downstairs frantically and entered the group of zombies.

Now she didn't know whether to deal with it, and the sea of ​​zombies outside was still fluctuating, and her own boat was in distress.

After taking what he wanted, Qin An hurried out through the window, and then fell freely.

"Wait for me!"

Qin An never expected that the guy named Zheng Kai who was with him before jumped down.

Without time to think about it, Qin An stretched out his hand and grabbed Zheng Kai behind him, and then fell into the sea of ​​zombies with him.

Qin An's body is gradually undergoing transformation in the past few days, which may be related to his own abilities, which is already getting stronger and stronger.

Therefore, even though the height of the floor is a bit exaggerated, he still didn't suffer any harm after falling into the water, but smashed all the zombies below.

Just at the bottom of the water, Qin An dragged Zheng Kai to swim until he floated up under his own boat, opened the pile of zombies, and then hovered into the boat.

At this time, Jin Dadao and a few people were already busy, and the zombies around seemed to have received some kind of signal, they were attacking them, and they were gathering on the boat.

The little girl has super vision and hearing, and naturally knows how she came, so she is going to cut off her own back.

Qin An was very upset, and he really didn't expect to meet an Awakened, and he was also good at strength.

"Boss, the zombie suddenly went crazy just now, you finally came back, but you jumped from such a high place, did you get hurt? It's really awesome."

Jin Dadao didn't forget to flatter him at this time, and he was also a very good person."Hurry up. If you don't go, you won't be able to go. There is a building 300 meters to the right. Let's go there to hide."

Qin An recalled the situation when he came. He had seen the building he had just escaped, and his eyes seemed to meet the little girl, but she didn't pay much attention to him at that time. In other words, the little girl's super vision range may only be within a hundred meters, so as long as her group escapes her sphere of influence, they can have a chance to temporarily avoid the crisis.

The target Qin An wanted to go was also the department store, and it was bigger than the first department store, but at this time the building was full of zombies, and there were few living people left.

This does not seem to be a good place to hide, but Qin An has taken a fancy to the many diving tools on the seventh floor of the building. Now the surface is obviously unsafe. You must avoid the wind and waves, and then look for a chance to turn around and kill the little awakened. No one can escape here without killing her.

Jin Dadao and Wang Yi got Qin An's orders, and immediately stepped on the gear pedals together to increase the boat's power.

Qin An controlled the direction and broke away from the zombies, and drove straight towards the target building.

Needless to say, the road was difficult and dangerous, but he finally reached his destination.

Qin An asked others to go upstairs first, and then dragged the mountain boat to fix it to the window frame, hoping that it could be preserved, otherwise it would be bad.

The water surface has flooded the fourth floor of the building, so Qin An quickly opened up a road to the seventh floor with the cooperation of others after going up, and got the diving equipment.

At this time, the previously opened passage was once again blocked by the zombies coming up from below. Qin An asked everyone to put on wetsuits and carry the oxygen cylinders, and then retreated while hitting, and they were near the elevator.

Qin An turned sideways and opened the elevator door with both hands. The black hole inside was scary.

"There is water a few meters below, there are so few zombies in the water, the four women jump down first, hurry up!"

Liu Xia, Xu Rantian, Liu Xiaomei, and Bai Yang heard Qin An's instructions. Although they hesitated for a while, they always jumped down one by one. Under the impact of free fall, they went directly to the bottom of the water, avoiding the floating zombies.

"The space below is too small. If you jump again, you will hit people. You guys should climb down from that rope, fast, one by one."

At this time, the zombies had already surrounded him. If it hadn't been for Qin An's desperate fight, he would have rushed into the elevator.

Wang Yi, Jin Dadao, and Zheng Kai who had just followed up did not hesitate at all, because they had already felt the fear and pressure from the surrounding zombies. At this time, the abyss also needed to jump.

Perhaps the human potential in the limit state can really be forced out.

The three guys were like firefighters, grabbing the elevator ropes and jumping off, Qin An finally entered the elevator and pulled the door forcefully to block the zombies coming over.

It’s very clever, because the zombies are all piled up outside the door, and the broken elevator door is not opened after being closed. Qin An finally exhaled a long breath, and then dived into the water. The floating zombies were still floating. They expressed extreme indignation at the incident passing by, and roared in anger, echoing in the elevator aisle for a long time, but it was only that. After a short while They become quiet, and the diving suit isolates the smell of the human body, so when the underwater becomes quiet, the zombies will not move.

Diving is a technological activity, not everyone knows it. Qin An does not need equipment for diving, so he can be more flexible to help everyone in the water not to get lost because they don't know where they are.

At this time, the elevator is parked on the second floor of the basement, and after opening the door, it is the underground garage.

At this time, the underground garage was naturally flooded with water, and there were still many cars parked in it, and there were still dead or zombies in a few cars.

Qin An was in a bad mood at this time, his own smoke was soaking up again, it really hurts his grandma's eggs.

While grumbling in his heart, Qin An found a rope to wrap everyone's waists into a string, and then drag them to wander around in the underground garage full of water.

For others, this is a wonderful world, as if entering a vacuum.

He couldn't see anything with his eyes, and his body didn't seem to be affected by gravity, but was moved by something.

This kind of experience is unprecedented in everyone's life, so everyone's minds are now very complicated, some are scared, some are shocked, some are imaginative, and some feel dizzy and feel like they are about to fall asleep. .

After entering the bottom of the water, the little girl Awakener really couldn't find them anymore, and began to become crazy, a little hysterical.

All the nearby zombies crawled towards the building where the little girl was under her control. The aura was too terrifying. In only ten minutes, the zombies had already wrapped everything inside and outside the building, and eventually everyone was swallowed by the zombies. Including the little girl's father.

This poor man may have known about his daughter’s cannibalism before, but he was helpless. He realized that his lovely daughter was already dead a long time ago when he was bitten by a zombie in his throat and was about to die. Obviously he is a bloodthirsty monster!

Qin An had already left the underground garage with everyone from the bottom of the water, and went further.

It is impossible to stay under the water all the time, you should find a place to stay.

Hey, the own ship is over. Those zombies gathered to the building where the little girl was sitting. The poor ship was moved by the stream of zombies and was already integrated into it, and wanted to get it back unless the zombies dispersed. The goal of the little girl is obviously to build a nest and create an absolutely safe space for herself. Unfortunately, hers is too small, and many things can’t be understood. Now the zombies gather to surround the building and build a huge zombie. Shan, this is indeed safe, no one can hurt her anymore.

But the problem is that she didn't manage the zombies well and let them eat ordinary humans, which is tantamount to lacking food reserves.

After an awakened person has no food to eat, the final outcome is to become crazy, becoming a beast between the killer and awakened, until the cells wither and die due to lack of energy.

Qin An felt that perhaps her own plan could be changed. Actually, there is no need to provoke such a little monster. It is still necessary to avoid it. Finding Weng Die is the most important thing, and she waits for her to perish.

Hey, now it's actually landed in this kind of field, not to mention fleeing everywhere, but also to use water to escape, Weng Die, Weng Die, where are you?

Going all the way to the north, almost a kilometer away from the Zombie Meat Mountain, Qin An found that the bodies of the few people he was pulling seemed to be overwhelmed, and the water pressure made them extremely sad.

Well, anyway, it was going to leave the bottom of the water. There were a lot fewer zombies here, and they were all attracted to the lair by the little awakened.

Qin An turned on the power to search around, and finally found a place a hundred meters away from here. He felt that there was a place to stay, so he led people over.

This is the inpatient building of the First People's Hospital of Hanghai City.

Qin An hadn't discovered this place before, and was a little surprised when he observed it. There were no zombies on the upper floors here, and there were doctors and patients, maintaining the state before the mode.

How did that happen?

After continuing to observe for a while, Qin An finally understood, because in this building, there are a group of armed police officers and soldiers with live ammunition!

My dear, it is not easy to finally meet the government.

First, I took a few people out of the water and entered a room with no water and no one on the bottom floor, and helped them take off all their diving equipment.

Everyone seemed to be born again, all lying on the ground panting heavily. Although there was an oxygen cylinder, the time spent in the water was too long. Liu Xiaomei was relatively weak, and she had passed out in a coma. If Qin An came for a night Yes, she is probably dead.

Qin An continued to observe the building while people were resting, and found that there were two helicopters parked on the roof. This was a bit terrifying, but after listening to Qin An for a while, he realized that the helicopters were still damaged and they were all in an unusable state. .

The two helicopters were originally to transport supplies and transport the trapped people, but they encountered heavy rain during the landing, and it was not bad to be able to leave the fuselage.

Qin An took a closer look and finally gave up. It is actually quite easy to repair this helicopter. The key is to change the parts. Where can I find usable parts now?

This group of armed police officers and soldiers were there when the building was trapped. They knew all the zombies and protected the safety of the building. Now there are more than 60 soldiers, more than 100 nurses and doctors upstairs, and almost two hundred. patient.

The formation of the awakened lair is actually very wide. The zombies within a few kilometers are all gathering towards the lair, so naturally you can also see the zombie doors that originally floated aimlessly in the water. As the power moves towards the lair, all survivors will naturally be afraid of seeing this majestic scene.

Li Xiangdong was the company commander of this unit. He found that the hearts of the people were a little loose now. He hurriedly rushed all the soldiers to gather and stand on one floor, not allowing them to look outside.

"Tell me, what is your belief?"

"Be loyal to the party, love the people, serve the country, dedicate one's life, and honor honor!"

"Yes! This is the belief of our Chinese soldiers, daddy, no matter what virtues you usually have, don't forget your mission now in this crisis! I ask you, what is your mission?"

"Protect national security, maintain national independence and unity..."

"Shut up, daddy is asking you now! What is your mission here now? To be specific!"

"Reporting company commander, our mission now is to stand here for help, protect all survivors, and look forward to returning to the party's leadership, and then facing difficulties and rebuilding their homes!" A row of platoon leaders replied loudly.

"You are numb, but you still face the difficulties? Does daddy ask you to make a report? Go back!"


Li Xiangdong walked twice in front of the soldiers before speaking:"The platoon leader is right. Our mission today is almost the same, but the difference is that we don't want to stand by for help, but find a way to break through!"


Although Divine Armament, who was originally quiet, did not commotion and whispered to each other, they all looked at others from the corner of their eyes and exchanged opinions.

How to break through this kind of place? There is water all around, and the water is full of deaths, extending more than ten kilometers away, and there is no hope of breaking through.

Li Xiangdong also seems to understand that owning is just a good wish.

So he paused and said:

"Of course, as I said, I was trying to break through. How did you come up with it? If people think it out, you guys give daddy to think about it! Daddy also hid a Texas grilled chicken, if any of you can think about it. Come out, daddy will give this chicken to whom!"

"Company commander, what if two people figure it out together?"

"Then they will eat chicken together!"


The soldiers laughed happily, and the tension eased a lot.

Qin An smiled downstairs.

It's a pity, this is not a battlefield, it's not a life-and-death fight, this is the end of the world!

The end of the world is unknown. When fear comes, no matter what kind of mental quality is there is the possibility of collapse.

This company commander Li Xiangdong said very well, but...Qin An Hei frowned, there is often a big difference between the appearance of things and the inside of things.

The wonderful thing about this building is that all interpersonal relationships have remained in the same state as the Doomsday Eve. Although the Doomsday has only erupted for more than a dozen days, it is not easy.

In the dean's room on the top floor, the old dean Xu Dongpo was standing at the window and pointing to the country.

"Look, it must have been a special change that caused the zombies to have leaders. They are being called by it in a certain way. This is a good opportunity. If our army planes come over, we can kill them. ."

"Old Dean, what you said is so right, hey, it's a pity that our building was out of power, and now the phone is no longer available."

"Director Wu, your elm head, even if you have a phone, what's the use? The flood swept the world, everyone is suffering, and the soldiers must be busy, but I believe they will come and wipe out everything. monster."

"Yes, yes, the old dean's income is yes, I think the question is too incomplete, otherwise how could it be your student, hahaha..."

"Cut, I'm so ashamed to hand over a stupid student like you."

The offices on the same floor have become dormitories for the leaders of the hospitals.

Deputy Dean Guo Xianzhi is a middle-aged man, but his body is still as strong as a thirty-year-old man, not at all like a fifty-year-old man.

The obstetrics and gynecology doctor Liu Aina is standing at the window with Guo Xianzhi and looking out. The two of them were doing things that love men and women.

"Hey, I don't know how my husband is now. Look at the world, what has become of this world?"

"Aina, we were still loving, why did you suddenly mention your husband?"

"Deputy Dean Guo, we are love and love. There is no difference between love and love. This is no different from love. We only need to get what we need. If we can get through this stage, don't forget my title of deputy director. "

"Haha, don't worry, I will definitely help you get it done. Hey, there is such a mess outside, and I don't even have the mood to do that."

In addition to these people, there are veteran cadres who used to be too expensive in the VIP ward, real estate squandered, celebrity wives, Aunt who cleans the lower level, cooks who cook, and many ordinary patients, doctors, nurses, and soldiers.

A small pre-apocalyptic social system still exists here, dazzling Qin An's eyes.

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