After dinner, Qin An stayed in a hotel in the small town, Rhine still did not leave, like a ghost, like a shadow.

Qin An took off her clothes and went to bed, and she was lying next to Qin An wearing her clothes, making Qin An really have a headache and want to die.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"I said, look for a chance to kill you."

"Then you are now in my bed to find a chance?"

"You want to sleep, I also want to sleep, my setting is still just an ordinary person, the combat effectiveness is actually very weak, but I can control some laws, so you can't kill me, that's all. Because it's an ordinary person So I want to rest too."

Is it weak to be able to control the law?

Qin An really wanted to kick this woman out of bed, but it was a pity that she was currently an NPC, and Qin An could not start the attack mode on her.

In desperation, Qin An could only turn over and face Rhine with his butt, but there was someone lying beside him thinking about how to kill his own person and how could he sleep.

As the night deepens, Qin An, who cannot sleep, has a confused mind. For a while, he thinks of the various women in the Emperor Star Building, and then he thinks of the bleak scene of kneeling in front of people begging on Archimi’s street.

Damn, even if he didn't know why he was defeated by Qin An in the future world, how could he fall to the point of going to the street to beg for food?

Damn Rhine, don't let yourself find a chance, he won't make her feel better once there is a chance!

Qin An secretly vowed in his heart that at this moment a noisy footstep entered the city, Qin An opened his eyes and turned on his perspective ability to see, only to see a large group of people entering the town.

Today, among Qin An’s many sword god skills, the active ones are no longer available, but the auxiliary abilities are still available. He doesn’t know how the own comprehensive combat power is, because since his return, he has only dealt with time and space hunters. Move a spike, effortlessly.

Looking outside casually, Qin An already knew that the person who came was the army of Kaitian City, but he did not expect that the leader of the team was the legendary Five Swordsman.

The Qin family has accepted many capable people in the past five years. This kid named Wudaoren is one of them. According to the information collected by Qin An, he seems to be a leader of a national resistance organization on the Planet of the future. He is of mixed descent, brown skin, facial features more like Orientals, and a pair of bright lavender eyes.

"Tang Yu is also not easy. After several years of brewing, he is finally about to make a move."

Lacey behind Qin An seemed to know that an army had arrived in the town, so she spoke."Do you really know everything? What does Tang Yu want to do?"

"There are two goals, one is to go to the Zenith battlefield to compete for game props for the Raiders BOSS, and the other is to deal with Qin in the East China Sea. She wants to avenge you, the few women in the Qin family today, Ding Haitang is pure Housewife, Yu Qingcheng still doesn’t know what the relationship of owning is. What Qiu Jinse is thinking about is how to make the children become talents. It’s you who thinks about Tang Yu the most. Because you have never married her in the door, and But she has done her best for the Qin family for so many years. So she was very wronged and wanted to do something to show you. Back then, she advocated war with the Qin State of the East China Sea, but was stopped by Qi Rou not long after the fight. This is her regret. Now Qi If Rou is not in control of her, of course she will never release Qin in the East China Sea again. If Qin An, who allows the future world to continue to dominate, she will definitely destroy him!"

On this day, Qin An also encountered many soldiers from Kaitiancheng, so he learned a lot about the situation. Hearing that Tang Yu's goal was the Zenith Battlefield and the East China Sea Qin State, he asked in confusion:

"But now the Five Swordsmen are at war with the Protoss Archimi. I heard that the undead lair has also moved. How should Tang Yu do it? It is difficult to understand how to give up Archimi. After fighting for months, she can just give up and give up. Isn’t it? The Protoss Star-Moon Empire has sent 80,000 paladins to support Archimi, even if Tang Yuxiang gives up her, how can she get away?"

"Crossing from the sky, secretly leaving the warehouse, Tang Yu has tolerated for so long, naturally he has already planned everything well. Why do you think the Five Swordsman came here, is to turn from here to the troops rushing to the top of the sky, opening up the sky city. Starting from tomorrow, I will come all around and go all out to fight with the people and horses that have been arranged by Tiange on the top of the sky, and grab the refresh point of the BOSS Raiders props."

"What about Archimi's army? And what about the 80,000 troops of the Star-Moon Empire?"

"Hey, you will know in three days!"

Qin An turned his head, Rhine had an unfathomable look, and looked extremely annoying, so annoyed, he ignored her, and instead focused on the five-sword man to see if he could gain some of his own. The information you want.

At this time, the Wudaomen's troops were already camped in the town, the number was five thousand. They didn't go to find a room to live in, they just rested everywhere, looking very tired.

After arranging everything, the Five Swordsman stretched out, let out a breath, flew up and jumped onto a nearby tree, as if he was going to sleep on the tree.

"Hey, come down to me!"

A pretty girl came from a distance, then raised her head and shouted at the tree.

"Albemarle, Uncle, I'm so tired, there are still many things to do tomorrow, can't you let me rest?"

"Whose Uncle are you? Not wanting face!"

"Why not wanting face? Your current earth cycle life is 18 or 9 years old. Uncle, I have lived on a small Planet for more than 70 years. Although I am still a young man, it seems that I am not as old as you, but my biological age is not young. Now. And my adults are commensurate with me as brothers and sisters. When I'm fine, call me a murderer. She is your grandma. It's the biggest concession I don't let you call me grandfather!"

"You! You kid, see if I don't take care of you!"

Transparent wings suddenly appeared on the back of the charming girl, and she took the five-sword man by the neck of the tree and took him soaring into the sky.

"Ah, grandma, I'm afraid of heights!"

"Let's lie to the ghost, you are still sleeping in the tree for fear of heights, and grandma told you not to get down, and now you are flying high!"

As they spoke, they were already at a level of three kilometers.

Qin An was stunned when he saw this place, and then he was surprised to do it.

This little girl should be Qin Yabao, right? She is the daughter of Sanchuan and the queen of tree elves Mulan, who has grown up like this after five years of absence?

Qin An was a little bit disappointed when he was happy. Why would he always miss the growth of the children? His fate is really twists and turns, even if he encounters danger, they always enter the inexplicable copy of time and space, which makes him contact reality again and again. Time and space missed!

At this time, Qin Yabao flew down from the sky with the Five Swordsman. After the Five Swordsman fell to the ground, he turned around three times and sat on the ground for a while. He looked very uncomfortable.

"Quickly tell, why on earth are we withdrawing troops!"

Qin Yabao has been flying around since he was a child, and naturally adapted to it long ago. No matter how high he flies, he won't be dizzy.

"Ah...Ah... Granny, you are really going to kill me! But I still can't tell you about the withdrawal, because this is the top military secret, and I don't actually Knowing why we want to withdraw, this is true!"

Qin Yabao frowned and looked at the panting Wudaoman for a while. After pacing back and forth for a long time, he narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Uncle, are we going back to Kaitiancheng? Or are you going to the top of the sky?"

"I really can't stand you. No one can beat you when you are well-behaved. When you are so fierce, you can hardly survive. You are not like Queen Mulan at all. I don't know if it is similar to Sanchuan...Ah. !"

Qin Yabao slapped the back of the head of the five-sword man, and said fiercely:

"You dare to call my dad by his name, and you want to die, don't you?"

"That's how we called it!"

"No, I will call him Uncle in the future!"

"Huh, I'm too lazy to care about you, unreasonable girl! Anyway, I won't tell you I'm going to Zenith!"

"Haha! So you really lost your zenith, idiot!"

Qin Yabao heard that the Five Swordsman had missed his mouth, and began to run around him in circles.

The Five Swordsman shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said in his heart: Don't blame me, Tang Yu, because this girl is too boring, and she really shouldn't have been with her at the beginning.

Qin An also smiled in the room where he lived.

He still remembers what Yabao looked like when he was a child, and he started flying around just a few days after he was born. Like Qin Yabei, he was a fearless personality.

The temper of becoming a girl hasn't changed much now. Looking at the Five Swordsman, it is estimated that she was tortured very painfully, otherwise she would not deliberately disclose military secrets to Albemarle.

Qin An has been trapped in the dungeon world for five years. Although there are a few women around him who have been with him, he basically spends most of his time killing zombies. He just wants to return to the real world quickly, so the loneliness in his heart cannot be told.

Now that I finally came out to see own granddaughter, I felt a little excited.

The only thing that made Qin An entangled was that there was still a mysterious woman Rhine next to him at this time. She knew so much about own matters, would it be bad for her family?

At this moment, Rhine, who was lying quietly on the bed, suddenly sat up.

Her movements were too hasty, which attracted Qin An's attention. When she looked over, she saw that the woman's face was pale and her eyes were a little panicked.


There is still something that scares this woman, what is it?

Suddenly, the four figures descended from the sky and landed near the small hotel where he was staying. They were all in black clothes and black gauze covering their faces. Qin An couldn't see their appearance clearly with a see-through eye.

"Who are these people?"

Qin An knew that Rhine must know their origins.

"Time and Space Hunter!"

"Oh? Then why are you so scared?"

"Because they are not here to kill you, but to kill me!"

"What? So you are also a time traveler. What are you?"

Rhine looked at Qin An, and the panic in his eyes disappeared.

She smiled and said, "It's not easy to kill me, they need to pass you first."

"Haha, although you are not a woman, but I am not an idiot, they want to kill you, do you think I will help you?"

"You will! Should we bet?"

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