Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1794 He is Qin An


Wudaoren keenly noticed that someone else had entered the small town camp, a few hundred meters away from him, and immediately got up to check.

Qin Yabao naturally followed closely.

Therefore, when the four invaders got together, they happened to be face to face with the five-sword man and Qin Yabao who had rushed over.

"Who dares to enter the camp at night?"

Before the Five Swordsman could speak, Qin Yabao had already flew forward and shot at the same time when he was angry. Holding a longbow in his hand, he flew out four arrows and shot at the four people.

Wudaoren really wished to send Qin Yabao back to her mother's stomach for reprocessing. She did it before she knew what was going on. It was really messy.

However, what the Five Swordsman did not expect was that the four arrows shot by Qin Yabao shattered into powder when they were about to touch the bodies of the four!

This is really shocking to the Five Swordsmen. Qin Yabao is a poison master, and his own dark attribute is also a demigod-level strong. The overall combat power is not weak at all. This arrow mixed with poison can easily shoot many advanced abilities. Those who are now easily resolved by the other party seem to be effortless, which is enough to prove their strength.

As soon as Qin Yabao saw that his own attack was resolved, his face immediately became uncontrollable.

This little girl can be regarded as being spoiled and raised up, although she has not become a dude, but her temper is not small at all.

However, she is not stupid. Although she is unhappy now, she did not directly step forward and shouted at the Five Swordsman:

"Five Swordsmen, you beat them quickly!"

"Girl, how much do you have to ask about the origin?"

"What do you ask? They are covered in black veil and dare not even show their faces. They must be doing something sneaky. If you want to ask, you must first convince them before asking! Are you a man? They bullied me, don't you? Give me revenge, and watch me haunt you with Houtian days!"

The forehead of the Five Swordsman seemed to be full of black lines, and he secretly said that you were the one who beat them. How could you be bullied? Besides, even if they bullied you, why are you pestering me?

Although he felt that Qin Yabao was unreasonable, Wudaoren saw her tears of anger flow around her eyes, a trace of irritation rose in his heart, and his face became cold.

Seeing that the four people seemed to be leaving, he didn't speak, and raised his hand a huge golden knife almost two meters long already in his hand.

Flying jumped to the four of them, and after swinging the knife, the shadow of the sword trapped the four of them.

The so-called knife shadows are some semi-transparent golden knife marks. This is not just a shadow. If you encounter an enemy, it is lethal. Ignoring the defense can cause the enemy to lose 100,000 blood at a time. It is a very powerful game attack ability, called gold. The shadow of the knife.

The four seemingly powerful guys didn't dare to be careless in the face of the five-swordsman's attack, and at the same time stretched out their hands to emit light waves of energy, dissolving the shadows of the swords, and retreated while fighting.

Five knives, who seemed to have some advantages, had a chill.

He uses game skills, he can hit the enemy 100% ignoring the defense, even if the enemy can dodge, it is impossible to drop a little blood?

In a duel in game mode, if both parties make moves, they will also cause damage to the health bar after collision. You can see the amount of blood dropped by each other's health bar.

However, although these four people kept backing away, the health bar did not show up. There are only two possibilities. Either the opponent's defense evasion has exceeded their own many times, or they are not players at all, but NPCs. Exist, could it be said that these are four humanoid game monsters?

The Five Swordsman just thought so, one of the four enemies had already approached him from the side.

"Hinder us to complete the task, kill!"

A masked man shouted, and the masked man who came to Wudao Man slapped him at the same time.

This palm wasn't that fast, but the Five Swordsman felt that his body seemed to be absorbed by a magnetic field, and he couldn't get out of it.


After a burst of breath, the Five Swordsman's body flew out and fell fifty meters away.

"Five knives!"

Qin Yabao didn't expect that the Five Swordsman would be beaten so easily. He was the number one general next to Tang Yu, and he was definitely not weak in the Qin family. How could he be defeated like this?

Spreading his wings, Qin Yabao hurriedly flew to the five-sword man, and saw that he had only one-third of his health bar left. This palm actually caused him to lose so much blood.

"Five knives, hurry up and eat blood pills!"

Qin Yabao hurriedly took out a few small red pills and put them in the five-knife population. This kind of game props allows the player to quickly replenish blood during the fight. It is very precious and is refined by Qi Rou.

After the Five Swordsman ate the blood pill, he quickly hugged Qin Yabao into his arms and drew back. The place where they stood just now made a loud noise for a lifetime, and the ground was already trampled out of a big pit by the man in black who had fallen from the sky.

"Boss! What's the situation?"

The fighting here alarmed the nearby people. Several lieutenants of the Five Swordsmen would rush from all over, jumped to his side, and the nearby soldiers were also fully equipped and surrounded.

"This is not a battlefield. Soldiers are not very useful. Go back quickly. Ahu takes Yabao and Silk Lan to contact Qi Yang!"

The injured Five Swordsman quickly issued the order. His voice had just fallen, and the five black shadows from a distance had reached the front. It was another general of the Qin family who led the battle against Archimi, named Qi Yang.

Qi Yang was followed by four people: Huo Ru, Mei Niang, Black Mo Luo, and Desa Khan.

These five people have joined the Qin family a long time ago. They were the masters who guarded Weng Lan's side. Later, Weng Lan disappeared. They were very upset. They searched all the way to enter the game world, but they did not find Weng Lan. After returning to the Qin family, they were killed by Tang Yu Arranged to enter the army.

Qi Yang and Huo Ru are members of the True Huo Clan, and Qi Yang is good at refining spell cards. Huo Ru is good at defense and possesses the healing ability of molten fire regeneration. Black Mura is a sword magician, with the ability to instantly Ascension Realm, and can bless his own power to the sword god level at any time. Desa Khan is a strong man in the Eastern tribe, can be invisible and see through invisibility, and has a strong investigative ability. Mei Niang is a master of the Green Sword Clan, who is good at Mei Gong and poison.

The Wudao Man was overjoyed when he saw that Qi Yang had arrived, and shouted, "Hey, these four people are a bit tough, you are all careful!"

"Hey, only four people, five knives, if we defeat them, can we give this town to our troops? My brothers over there are now resting on the grass outside the town!"

"Old Desa Khan, you obviously belong to the Qin family, but you still look like an old man. Is Qin An's selfless symbiosis ability actually invalid for you?"

"The old guys grew up like this when they were born, and naturally they won't look young! Five knives, don't interrupt, let's make a deal! Everyone, I'll take action and see the strength of these guys!"

Desa Khan didn't seem to be an investigator at all. On the contrary, he seemed to be a dead man who charged. After saying a few words, there was no ink stain, and the figure disappeared in a flash.

One of the masked men suddenly moved, reaching out to his side, and unexpectedly grabbed Desa Khan who was approaching from the void, raised his hand and threw it away!

"Fuck, Qi Yang, this guy is amazing, you go!"

Qi Yang saw that Desa Khan was killed by a single move, smiled bitterly, shook his head, flipped his palm, and a three-spirit spell card appeared, and then flew at the man in black who threw Desa Khan.

This spell card is called Heavenly Slash!

Heaven's Slash, with nowhere to hide, is a super powerful offensive spell that breaks the evasion ability.

After the spell card flew out, it turned into six blue lights and shadows around the man in black, wrapped the man in black and flew across.

The next moment, the body of the man in black turned into scattered pieces of flesh and fell everywhere, and the soldiers nearby all cheered happily.

"Hey, lamb, let me just say, you are the best!"

The sexy and enchanting Mei Niang embraced Qi Yang as usual.

Qi Yang pushed her away coldly, and said unhappy: "I hate the feminist movement of the Qingjian tribe. How did the women of your race dare to do this in front of men? It's really depressing."

"Bad guy, if you don't like others, just say you don't like it. What did you mention back then?"

Mei Niang looked aggrieved, and the men around her were tempted by her Mei Gong, and immediately cast cold glances at Qi Yang, which made Qi Yang only feel that her back was chilly.

Suddenly, the corpse of the man in black that had turned into a pile of rotten meat began to shake, and came back to life in a flash of white light, even the whole black clothes were intact.

People are all shocked, how is this possible? Does the player in the game have the ability to resurrect?

The Five Swordsman said coldly: "They are not players, but NPCs. Maybe they are super hidden BOSS!"

What? Super hidden BOSS? So why does it appear in this small town?

Just when people were astonished, another figure suddenly flashed before the man in black who had just been resurrected.

Immediately after a Sword Ray rose, the man in black was beheaded in half.

The people who were originally surprised are completely dizzy. Who is this person who suddenly appeared? How could you kill the man in black so easily? Still close? No abilities are used!

But what use is this? The man in black will still be resurrected!

When people were wondering, the person who had just appeared moved again. Holding the seemingly ordinary sword, a few jumped to the other man in black. A sword swept across and cut off the opponent. After that, he did not stay. The fast-moving figure cut off the bodies of the other two men in black.

Everyone was dumbfounded now. Although the guy who just appeared moved very fast, it was not too fast. Even if the man in black can't avoid it, he can always defend himself.

For more than a minute, the scene was silent and quiet.

As time went by, people became more and more unbelievable, because none of the four men in black who died were resurrected! How did that happen?

A person suddenly appeared, beheading such a powerful man in black like a watermelon, and could not be resurrected?

So who is this man who is like a ghost?

The five Qiyang were Weng Lan's personal guards, so they have seen Qin An several times at close range.

When the five people saw the figure's face clearly through the moonlight in the dark night, their eyes widened.

Finally, Huo Ru let out a trembling cry.

"He is Qin An!"

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