Standing in the night, Qin An heard someone singing a moving ballad in the distance.

He seemed to have heard this song, and vaguely remembered that when he was looking for Weng Lan in the United States that year, passing by a country, in a tavern, a beautiful blonde girl, and such a song BetterInTime, the Chinese translation is "好好过过"!






Whosthere? noone...

Qin An liked the lyrics because he was full of melancholy at that time, just as described in the lyrics.

This winter is the longest because without you

I don't know where to go

After experiencing everything together

Don't know why i just can't forget you

I heard a knock on the door

Who is there? nobody......

For this song, Qin An once went to find its original singer Lianna Lewis.

It turned out later that she used to be in London, not United States.

Qin An thought he was ridiculous at the time, but since then he has often hummed such a song.

After killing the four men in black, Qin An's super hearing inadvertently heard someone singing a cappella, and was immediately attracted. He moved his gaze to see the old woman who seemed to be dead on the street on the edge of the town.

"It's Qin An! He really is Qin An!"

By his side, Huoru screamed again, causing Qin An to frown slightly, then withdrew his attention and looked at Qin Yabei who was hiding behind the five-sword man.

"Come here, don't you recognize me?"

Qin An waved to her.

Qin Yabei's eyes almost stared into football.

Seeing Qin An calling her, he slowly let his expression return to normal, then walked out from behind the five-sword man, and slowly approached Qin An.

She was very young when she got along with Qin An. Afterwards, Qin An's amnesia disappeared for almost nine years, and now she has stayed in Archimedes City for another five years. She has almost never seen it in more than ten years.

The reason why she wanted to come here with the Five Swordsman this time was that she actually wanted to go to Ajimi to see Grandpa.

Didn’t you say that grandpa is crazy? Didn’t it mean that Grandpa has fallen into a beggar? Is this man really Qin An? Instead of Qin Er'an?

Qin Er'an Yabei had seen it before and was very annoying. She didn't know if the man in front of her was also annoying.

"Are you my grandfather or Qin Er'an?"

Qin An's face instantly became cold.

He has two memories, so he knows that in this time-space line of reality trajectory, he was defeated by Qin Er'an, and he arrived at Archimi City when he was devastated.

Oh shit! Is his heart made of tofu? If you are defeated, you will be devastated?

I really don't know how Rhein did it that made him so unbearable for five years in his life.

With the warmest smile on his face, Qin An looked at Qin Yabei who was close at hand and said: "Of course I am the real Qin An. I have already found myself. I am back. There will be no second Qin An in the Qin family. Appear! I will look for the guy who looks the same as me. Whether or not I have lived through my own life in the past five years, I will count this account on him! Besides..."

Qin An paused when he said that, he thought of the demon.

If he was defeated by Qin Er'an five years ago, wouldn't the demon child be trapped in that shit formation for five years?

Ah, poor woman.

Thinking of all the past and Yaozi's various things, Qin An's heart was irritated.

"Oh my God! Are you really my grandfather?"

Maybe blood is thicker than water. After looking at Qin An’s face for a while, Qin Yabei finally felt that the real Qin An gave her a different feeling. The face she originally hated didn’t even raise disgust at all. This shows that he is really not Qin Er'an.

Facing the pretty girl who suddenly plunged into his arms, Qin An was somewhat unprepared.

This little granddaughter has grown into a big girl. It doesn't matter if she is an old man, but two people are more like lovers when they are together. What a decent hug, not to mention there are so many onlookers.

"Hey, he is really the deity Qin An, isn't he that substitute?"

"How do I know, I have never seen a substitute."

"Isn't it, Qin An is back. We Qin's family will finally have our men in charge?"

"This is a good thing. Now that the Qin family's yin is prosperous and the sun is declining, why does the third generation have no sons? It's not because women are in charge."

"But isn't that Qin An abolished? Look at him, he killed four such powerful people as soon as he shot it. Couldn't it be Qin Er'an pretending to be?"

"Impossible. I heard that Qin Er'an went to Kaitian City today, but was punched by Yaxiang Miss and returned to the Qin State Xiake Island in the East China Sea. After returning to the island, he immediately mobilized heavy troops and drove over, and he didn't know if he wanted to come. The Zenith still rushed to our Qin family."

"Hey, I checked on the Internet. The situation is really chaotic today. It would be good if the male host could return home to preside over the overall situation, but the question is is this Qin An true? I still don't believe it, how could he possibly be? so smart?"

People's comments came to their ears, making Qin An even more embarrassed, so he pushed Qin Yabei away, just took her hand, and walked to the front of the Five Swordsman and the others.

The Five Swordsman stared at Qin An in a daze, his eyebrows furrowed, and he didn't know what was thinking in Dao's heart.

Qin An nodded to him, then looked at the five Qiyang.

"If I remember correctly, we have seen it in Weng Lan's house, but at that time I haven't recovered my memory, but now I have all recovered."

"So, you really are Qin An's deity?"

Qi Yang still had some questioning tone.

"Haha, I can't talk about the deity, but it is indeed Qin An."

Speaking of this, Qin An frowned. He had memories of both ends, so his mind was very confused. After seeing the five Qiyang people, he realized that Weng Lan had ran away from home.

Qin An still doesn’t quite understand the matter of Weng Lan Sansheng III. He just knows that in the future world, the three sisters will become the three sisters of the Zhen clan after death. The three sisters of the Zhen clan will travel to the sword spirit continent when they die, but they don’t know from the sword. The three sisters of the Zhen family who had passed through the spirit continent and left became the three sisters of Weng Lan, and then a lot of things happened with them.

However, no matter how many years passed, Qin An's friendship with Weng Lan would not change. It was really difficult for the two of them. They wanted to stay together, but they could not be admitted to the hospital.

With a bitter smile on his face ascending, Qin An felt that there were too many people onlookers and it was not a place to talk, so he invited everyone to follow him into the hotel where he lived, and chatted on the sofa in the lobby.

The naughty Qin Yabao seemed to want to further confirm that Qin An is Qin An, so he asked him many things that happened in the Magical Beasts space.

Qin An naturally answered one by one, and Qin Yabao became happier as he listened. He squeezed into Qin An’s arms and called grandpa in a soft tone. Qin An’s goose bumps were all caused by her.

The Qin family’s genes are good, and the super-hybrid Qin Yabao has inherited all the advantages of his parents. Although he has just grown up, he has matured. He is 1.7 meters tall, has long and slender hands and feet but does not lack muscles. The straightforward point is gracefulness. Sexy and meaty. The pair of guys feeding their children probably already has a C-cup. She is holding it from the front unscrupulously, and the front chest is close to the front. How could Qin An not be embarrassed, and the cold sweat just came out. .

Originally, I have had little contact with my children and grandchildren over the years, and I have never had much contact with such a granddaughter. Qin An was embarrassed to kick Qin Yabao, who is like an octopus, directly, but he still gently lifted her shoulders with his hands. She clung to herself.

On the other side, the Five Swordsman finally couldn't stand it anymore, and stepped forward to pull Qin Yabao away.

"Hey hey hey, damn five knives, what are you doing? I want to kiss my grandpa!"

Damn! Qin An's entire face is not good.

I don't know how Qin Sanchuan brought up the children, and how he cultivated his own good granddaughter into a nympho. Qin An decided to see Qin Sanchuan must show his father's dignity and give him a good meal.

In fact, this has nothing to do with Qin Sanchuan. Qin Yabao has a relaxed personality, with the vitality of a boy, but also a superb woman Monster Qi, who can make people and act like a baby. Most men are really overwhelmed in front of such women. .

After the Five Swordsman took Qin Yabao away, Qin An finally had the opportunity to chat with everyone about business.

"We really don't know. We have been fighting with Archimi for a few months. We were about to attack the city of Archimi. The Patriarch suddenly stopped and asked us to retreat to the south to attack the Zenith. This is all right, Archie. Mi’s army is regrouping and will soon start to counterattack us. If we reach the top of the sky and encounter Tiange’s army, we will suffer from the enemy."

Qi Yang said his own worries.

"I absolutely believe in the Patriarch anyway. Her boldness and wisdom convinced me. This is why I am willing to enter the Qin family."

"Hey, Wudao, don't you have a crush on my grandma Tang Yu, right?"

Qin Yabao interrupted suddenly, making the Wudao people extremely embarrassed. He wanted to explain and felt a little bit of silver here, so he was speechless, and the flushed face looked even more suspicious as a result.

Qin An smiled slightly and said:

"Anyway, are you going to the top of the sky tomorrow?"

"The troops everywhere are marching towards the top of the sky tonight, and will gather below the top of the sky tomorrow, and go up in the evening. The Patriarch sent another leader for this operation, Granny Jingyi."

"Oh? Jingyi?"

"Yes, Grandpa, Grandma Ci'an and Grandma Jingyi are now the generals of the Qin family, and they can definitely make the top ten in the Qin family, very mighty!"

Qin An was a little pleased. Since Jingyi is coming, then he will wait here. Anyway, he has been away from home for five years. It is not bad these days. It should be a trip with these people. They are all troops of the Qin family. He also wanted to see what Tang Yu was going to do.

It was chatting for a while, and it was getting more late. Qin An sent everyone away and drove away the fairy granddaughter who had to sleep with him. When he returned to his rest room, Lai filled two cups of milk tea and sat down by himself. There was a cup of drink on the coffee table, and the other cup was naturally reserved for Qin An.Qin An felt that he had fallen into a strange situation, and everything was because of this Rhine.

"You still know the Prophet, the four men in black are here to deal with you, but you know that they will meet the Five Swordsman and my granddaughter, so you know that I will help you kill them?"

"Almost, I said, I know you well."

"Huh, who is going to kill you?"

"People you don't know, but I won't die because you are here! You will always protect me."

Qin An rolled his eyes angrily, secretly saying that he wanted her to die quickly, how could she protect her, she wanted to kill own!

Seeing that Qin An's face was not good, Laihe laughed loudly.

"Actually I like the way you hate me but can't kill me!"

What this said can really kill the popularity.

Qin An raised his hand and took off his shirt, then took off his pants, walked up to Rhine to sit down, and took a sip of milk tea.

"It tastes good, do you really think I can't kill you?"

Rhein's reaction to Qin An's undressing was not very strong, and Qin An had also taken off like this before sleeping with Qin An.

"Yeah, I am in an NPC state, and you can't do anything with me."

"Well, I really can't start a duel against you, but I seem to be able to touch you!"

Qin An took another sip of milk tea when she was speaking, and suddenly moved when her voice fell. He turned around and hugged Rhein, kissed her on the mouth, and then fed her the milk tea in his mouth.

Rhein didn't expect Qin An to be like this at all. She was stunned for three seconds, and then began to push Qin An at a loss.


How could Qin An let her go, and found that after he could kiss her, he was out of control, kissing her very wildly and violently. After a violent storm separated, Rhein’s lips turned out to be a little swollen, and there was something on his lower lip. The skin was bitten in several places, and blood was shed...

Seeing tearful eyes staring at own's beautiful woman, Qin An was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this woman was quite emotional, and she had tears after being forced to kiss by herself.

At this time, Qin An didn't feel pity for Xiangyu Yu. He coldly smiled and said, "You asked for it. Since I can't kill you, I can only eat you. Fortunately, you taste good, with a milk tea flavor. , Next time I add some ice, I like to wrap you around and let the ice cube melt in your mouth! Hahaha..."

After punishing the self-righteous Rhine, Qin An was refreshed. He felt dizzy and tired, so he fell asleep without paying attention to her.

Rhein sat on the sofa without moving for a long time.

how can that be possible?

Even after being kissed by Qin An, he couldn't resist him? How could such a thing happen?

Unable to fall asleep because of doubts, Rhine sat on the sofa and thought until dawn.

Zenith Moshan is an advanced battlefield map, which has completely different rules from other maps.

The so-called battlefield will naturally have two armies facing each other.

The law stipulates that the two armies cannot move around or attack each other at will.

The victor can add temporary random attribute values ​​to his side, and team battles can only be made after ten duels. The so-called team battles will be extremely tragic if they start at one point. No one can escape, unless one party is dead. The law also stipulates that the total number of opposing parties must exceed 10,000, and then the task items will be refreshed after the end of the war.

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