When I got up early in the morning, the neighborhood of the small town was extremely lively. Many of the Qin's troops rushed here and were eating breakfast in the collective resettlement camp. The number exceeded 20,000.

Qin An awoke and lay on the bed. He heard from these people about the Tianding Mushroom battlefield, and felt a little melancholy. This battlefield is just like the arena of Roman times. It will never die. I don’t know how many people there will be. Die.

Stretching lazily, Qin An's arms suddenly froze, and when he looked sideways, he saw Rhein on the sofa, staring at him with wide eyes, making a fuss.

The eyes were bloodshot, red and swollen, like a ghost in a horror movie.

"Hey, don't you watch me all night without sleeping? I think there are some things that need to be figured out. Although I forcefully kissed you from an ethical point of view, from a physical point of view, we only have skin contact. It’s the same as a handshake, so you don’t need to be too excited or resentful. After all, you are an adult or a super NPC. The rules of the jumping game can even open up another path of life for me. You are like a fairy, this world I haven't met you like this...dead person, so you are good enough. You shouldn't care so much just because your lips are touched by me. You have to be open-minded, don't you know?..... .Well, your breasts are indeed quite broad, and the shape and growth direction are the types I like. No matter what, you must know that everything last night was accidental."

Qin An's eloquence is actually good, but he doesn't like performance most of the time.

But that was before, not now.

In the past five years, Qin An has two different memories of ups and downs. This makes him feel that life is just a drama, and different deduction styles will have different destinies. If so, why not? To live so seriously.

This can be regarded as a disguised way of seeing through life, Qin An can be regarded as sublimated from the easy-going personality, at least he already knows how to find fun.

Rhein really surprised Qin An, her face was puffed up by Qin An's remarks, and her eyes were full of tears.

Does this look like a mysterious character, just like the little girl next door?

Of course, it does not rule out that she pretended to be, but Qin An still felt that Rhein in front of him looked more interesting, so whether she pretended or not, he was more willing to piss her off.

There is a saying that you cannot live by committing sins.

Qin An was refreshed, but when he left the room and saw everyone at Albemarle, he was dumbfounded.

There were hundreds of Qin's generals gathered here in the morning, and Qin An had hardly seen these people.

The reconstruction of the Qin family began after the Battle of the West Coast of the United States. The original old team, the people in the Celestial Space, were almost dead, and now their souls are still not resurrected in the Necrotic Space.

So the Qin family rebuilt after Tang Yuwenglan and others returned to Liancheng in Kowloon were naturally fresh blood, so it is normal for Qin An not to know it.

Although these people don’t know Qin An, they have admired for a long time. This is a legendary existence. It’s a pity that five years ago they were depressed without knowing what happened. When they were defeated, they went to beg for food in despair, so people think that Qin An It's just that.

Last night, after Qin An’s return, the murder of the four mysterious masters in black has been raged, so people gathered in front of the small hotel early in the morning, wanting to see the legendary master of the Qin family. It is really legendary. It has been more than ten years since the Battle of the West Coast, and Qin Anke has never returned.

This was all normal, and it was Rhein that was not normal to embarrass Qin An.

When Qin An appeared in front of everyone, Lai also followed, insisting that Qin An put her to sleep last night and let Qin An be responsible.

She also used her swollen and torn lips as evidence.

Qin An naturally had a hard time arguing, and couldn't beat Rhein for a while, or wouldn't he be able to kiss Rhein's lips even more swollen in the public?

Therefore, misunderstandings arise.

The soldiers all talked to each other secretly: the name of the stallion is indeed well-deserved, and this beautiful woman fell asleep just after he was reborn and returned to the family, and she bit her lips. It was simply utter conscience!

The spread of the story is a terrible thing.

When Qin An slept with a woman last night, swelled her lips and bit her, and the words were spread out, the situation became uncontrollable.

"Have you heard? Patriarch Qin An came back. Yesterday, he got a girl to sleep and forced a kiss. The kiss was so wicked, and the lips were swollen like sausages, and the skin was broken! I kissed for more than 30 minutes in total. , Someone saw it with their own eyes, it's amazing!"

"Have you heard? Qin An is back. I saw it with my own eyes. In the small forest, he pressed a female soldier to the ground, stripped off her clothes three times, and lay down on him with a tongue kiss. The woman's tongue was swollen like a sausage, and the skin was broken! After several hours, the woman couldn't scream in the end!"

"Do you know who the male lead of the Qin family is? Big pervert! He may have lost his memory five years ago, but now he came back and raped a female soldier in the woods. I don’t know how many times he did it. As a result, he was caught by a group in the morning. The soldiers stuck in the woods and swelled all over his body. He deserves it!"

At the Qin’s house, I received news last night that Qin An’s ability had been replied. Now I am with the Five Swordsmen. Qiu Jinse happily stayed up all night. When I got up in the morning, I heard the little girl taking care of her. Say:

"I heard that grandpa really went crazy last night and rushed into the barracks and raped a female soldier..."

It is conceivable that no matter whether this is true or not, Qiu Jinse's feelings after hearing this, originally wanted to bring the children to meet Qin An, but in the end he didn't have the thoughts.

Qin An still doesn't know the radiant effects of Rhein's actions, and he is already overwhelmed by himself.

This woman didn't look pure at all. When Qin An talked to some people, Rhine would make up stories with others. For example, a few meters behind Qin An, Rhine was walking with Qin Yabao at this time.

"You actually know my name is Qin Yabao?"

"Yes, he mentioned you after I did that in bed with your grandpa yesterday."

"No, he still mentioned me? He doesn't really want to marry you in, right? My grandma has enough!"

"No need, I won't let him marry me, that's boring. He is actually quite good in that aspect. Although we just met, I decided to follow him in the future! You don't need to call me grandma, after all we watched It’s not a few years old, so call me Big sis."

"You just said that it's actually pretty good...what does that mean?"

"In that respect, it's just the bed. To put it bluntly, the bed skills are quite good, that is, a man is lying on top of a woman, and neither of them wears clothes..."

Hearing this, Qin An couldn't listen anymore, turned around and grabbed Qin Yabei and brought her to his side, keeping her away from Rhine, and told Yabei what it means to see no evil, and to hear no evil!

The mighty team arrived at the foot of Tianding Moshan at noon, and people were immediately shocked by the strange landscape in front of them. It is estimated that such a scene can only be seen in the game world.

The so-called Tianding Mushroom is a huge mushroom that has been enlarged by an unknown number of times. The top surface of the mushroom is flat, and the column supported below is estimated to be more than 10,000 meters high. You can imagine how big the top circle of the mushroom is. I see, it is estimated that there is a diameter of 20 kilometers.

Under the zenith, there are many large magic circles, and you can directly teleport to the zenith when you walk in.

Some small teams have entered the zenith to search for information. The news that is currently coming back is only to know that Tiange’s almost 100,000 troops occupy all the item refresh points. If you want to obtain the quest items, you must fight them. A fierce battle is about to break out.

The shaded area under the zenith has become a safe zone, and it is impossible to fight underneath. It will only be carried out after entering the zenith.

Qin An inquired more about the game props and level 60 BOSS.

Wings of the Sea is surrounded by the sea and mountains on the inner circle map.

The entire world seems to have only 18 60-level maps, which can be regarded as 18 map world copies. Once the BOSS is attacked, a new country can be established in it, and then various tasks and monster spawning maps can be opened, so that the player has more powerful game combat power, so that it can be attacked. Level 70, level 80, level 90 and more BOSS afterwards will eventually get the Universe God Stone and pass the entire game world.

The Boss of Wings of the Sea currently knows that one attribute is Haste. According to the strategy website, once Wings of the Sea is turned on, it will have an absolutely infinite speed. This speed can even surpass the time and space of the shuttle, allowing two points to reverse, and any time can be ignored. concept! So once the wings of the sea are turned on, it will become an invisible and immortal monster, and it must have the same attack attributes as ghosts and gods. Therefore, one of the prerequisites for defeating it completely is to have the anchoring charm, so that after the seawing has activated its haste state, it can be anchored and then attacked.

It is not something that can be completed within one or two hours to attack a BOSS, so collecting some game props to limit the activation of BOSS attributes at a specific moment is a necessary condition for attacking BOSS.

Qin An was naturally full of sighs when he learned about these things, and the battlefield was dead since ancient times. I don't know how many soldiers gathered here will see the rising sun tomorrow morning.

All the soldiers seemed to know what they had experienced after rushing to the top of the sky tonight, so let the food camp take out all the food at the bottom of the pressure box, at least to have a good meal before tonight.

If you want to drink, you have no chance. The battle is coming. Everyone wants to stay awake. All units put the wine together and put it together. All the captains have agreed to see who can come down tomorrow. Then there will be drinks. !

The speaker looks very bold, but the listener feels tragic.

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