Before leaving, Qin An took the singing old woman away, and now that the camp was empty, he called her to the side for questioning.

"Grandpa, are you going to make a second Grandma Rong? I was shocked after hearing the story of you and Grandma Rong. When you met her, she was an old lady. Taking you over turned her into a young man to marry. Now, this taste is really a bit heavier."

Qin Yabei was a self-familiar at first, and after spending a long time with Qin An, he became completely familiar with it. What was there to say, made Qin An flushed.

"It's tasteful enough, think about it, Tang Yu is his boss, Qin Xiaoyan is his neighbor, Li Na is her classmate, Lan Yue and Liu Ru have that kind of relationship, and Weng Lan’s two Little Sisters, I just want Said, this is not pure lust, but inferior to animals!"

"Wow! Beauty, how do you know my grandpa so well? It seems that you definitely didn't meet by chance. Is there a story? You won't be the mysteriousX girl who has been with grandpa for the past five years, right?"

The corners of Qin An’s mouth twitched. He wanted to separate Qin Yabei from Rhein, but Qin Yabei was very interested in Rhein, and Rhein himself couldn’t drive away, so now he has formed the situation he least wants to see. .

Ignoring the two noisy women, Qin An looked at the old lady in front of him. She was shaking and eating the food Qin An gave. The dry skin looked dull and there seemed to be no meat under the skin.

"What is my name? I have forgotten too! Honorable sir, my body has always been not very good. Although people will not be infected with diseases in the last days, you must know that some people's health will still be bad, just like me. I’ll die at my age! I think I’m dying, thank you for your food. May God bless you, they said Youyu God Stone in this game world, I originally wanted to come in and try my luck, but now I know myself It's a wishful thinking. Everyone wants that thing. How can an old woman like me get it?"

The woman spoke fluent Chinese, and it is estimated that she had lived nearby for a long time.

Qin An tried it, and now many of his abilities cannot be used. I wonder if Xuantian's selfless symbiosis is still useful?

He raised his hand and placed it on the top of the old woman's head. After a while, the palm of his hand rose and a faint green light penetrated into the old woman's body. Strange things happened afterwards. An old lady turned into a speed that could be seen with the naked eye in three minutes. A beautiful beauty who looks only about twenty years old! Her skin is bronze, her hair is faint golden light, her eyes are slightly blue, her teeth are white, and her figure is bumpy. Her long sexy legs and plump buttocks make people think about it.

Qin An recognized at a glance that this was the original vocal of the song "A Good Life", Lianna Lewis.

At this time, Qin An, Qin Yabei, and Rhine were alone in a small forest. There were tents for resting. There were no other people in the small forest, so only Qin Yabei and Rhine saw this scene.

Rhine's face became a little pale.

This Qin An is too terrifying, how could he still have such a powerful Sword God ability? He shouldn't have any abilities outside of the game world. Could it be that his restrictions on him are so weak?

Qin Yabei had a look of excitement. He felt that grandpa was really amazing. He could turn an old lady into a graceful girl in a flash. Isn't this like a fairy?

Lianna herself hadn't realized what had happened, but she could clearly feel the changes in her body.

Looking down, Lianna was shocked, she couldn't believe how her own arm was as smooth as a girl's skin.

Qin Yabei enthusiastically took out a small mirror and showed it to Lianna. Lianna was stunned for a few seconds, and then she cried bitterly, as if she was sealed off.

Qin Yabei felt that she could understand that if she changed from an old lady who seemed to be dying of age to an ordinary person, she would be so excited, right?

There was no smile on Qin An's face at this moment. He sat on the green grass, looking at the crying woman opposite, frowning slowly, and then whispered:

"The doomsday that broke out in 2015, the global suffering, no one can escape. Lianna, you have no abilities, and it seems that you are alone now, so after so many years in the apocalypse, life is not easy, right? Really kind people are not. May survive in the last days, so... do you have anything to confess? I can make you young and start a new life, and I can take back everything you have in an instant, so it’s best not to lie I, tell your story."


Lianna was really too excited, she was already a little demonized and her mind was not clear.

No one can describe how people feel when Huiran turns from an old age to a youthful state. Only through experience can we understand the taste.

Perhaps it was too much stimulation. After Qin An's questioning, Lianna, who was not clear-headed, told her story to Qin An without any reservation, allowing Qin An and Qin Yabei to see a weak person who lived to this day in the last days. This story is full of sadness, blood and tears, human thinking, crises and challenges.

Qin An felt that if Lianna's story were written into a novel, it would definitely be more exciting than Own's life, because she was always a weak person, but she became popular.

It's just that this novel may be uninterested, because the feeling that Lianna, as a female pig's foot, brings to people is completely depressive, gray, and breathless!

Qin An moved his gaze to Rhine's face, and saw that she was calm and did not feel at all about Lianna's story.

How did that happen? Even if Qin An has been so experienced, he will still be sighed after hearing the story. Sometimes she feels hateful for Lianna, and sometimes she feels extremely pitiful.

Why did Rhein not respond?

Thinking of how she looked when I forced her to kiss her yesterday, she was clearly a woman with high emotional intelligence, shouldn't it be so numb? Unless she had known about Lianna in advance.

Think about this woman is indeed too weird, maybe as a system super NPC, she has the function of reading other people's memory? I used to have this ability, but now I don’t have it.

Qin An didn't talk to Rhine and listened to all Lianna's stories. How do you evaluate it? She has done many bad things, but most of them are for survival, and a small part is for venting. Desire to relieve pressure. If judged by the pre-apocalyptic legal rules, she can be shot, but as a person in the apocalypse, many of her practices In fact, there is nothing wrong with it.

Qin An hesitated and finally decided not to kill her, let her sing her favorite song all over, then let it go, let her fend for herself in the future.

This woman is just an episode. Humans always have many encounters, but not every encounter creates sparks of love and passion.

Lianna was naturally grateful to Qin An, and she knocked her heads for six consecutive times before leaving. She respected Qin An as if she were a god. In the years of her life, this respect will never dissipate.

After sending it away, the evening was finally approaching, and a maroon horse galloped into the camp and went directly to the central handsome tent.

Qin An naturally noticed her, and was a little surprised afterwards. I didn't expect to see her in five years. Is this Jingyi so heroic?

"Where is the Five Swordsman!"

Inside the tent, Jingyi, who was wearing a black tight-fitting leather jacket, had cold eyes.

The Wudao man hurried forward.

"General, I am here!"

"How many people gathered here?"

"80,000, and more than 10,000 are on the way."

"Okay, let you rate 30,000 people to return to the tiger's mouth within five hours, and confront the Archimi City troops who are pursuing us, no mistake!"


Everyone is stupid. Asking them to give up their positions and retreat to gather here is not saying they want to attack the zenith? Why did you turn around and beat Archimi again? Is it to lure the enemy deeper? But the problem is that Archimi has assembled the troops now, and there are also the support of the Star-Moon Empire behind him. The people on his side used to beat them and it was no longer a good time and place. How could Tang Yu issue such an order? Marching and fighting is the most taboo against changing orders. Now Tang Jade Slip is playing with fire, and panic is unavoidable.

But the Five Swordsman is a Five Swordsman after all, Tang Yu's absolute supporter, although there are many doubts in his heart, he still took the order and left quickly.

"Where is Qi Yang!"

"The villain is here!"

"Qi Yang, order you to lead the remaining men and horses, bypass the Devil Mountain of the Zenith, and seize the cities of Gucheng and Yucheng where the Tiange Territory and the Protoss territory meet. Now the soldiers and horses of the two cities are concentrated on the top of the Zenith. The city shouldn’t be difficult, so I’ll be waiting for the news of your victory tomorrow on the eve of dawn."

"Yes! The villain takes the lead! But...Auntie, are we not going to the top? The guide says that the game items will be refreshed tonight. If we don't go to the top, wouldn't we not get it? There are five swordsmen with only 30,000 soldiers, how do they deal with Archimi and the Star-Moon Empire with a total of 160,000 troops?"

The question of Qiyang is actually something that everyone cares more about.

Jingyi has indeed matured a lot, she is no longer the little girl of the year, her eyes still look very cold, and her expression looks very majestic.

"There are some things you don't need to know. All the plans are in the heart of the master, Tang Yu. Do you want to help Tang Yu manage and control it?"

Qi Yang hurriedly said that he didn't dare, and then led people to back down and execute the order.

In the woods on one side, Qin An frowned and thought for a while, suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at Rhine.

"Since you know everything, you should also know Tang Yu's plan? She definitely can't just send a five-sword man with thirty thousand wrongs to fish eggs and hit rocks. Is this a routine of distant and close attacks?"

Rhine didn't seem to want to hide Qin An either, so he nodded and said:

"You're pretty smart. It's a distant and close attack. Tang Yu has planned these things a long time ago, but the matter itself is not that simple. No matter what, the forces of the Five Swordsmen and the troops from the Star-Moon Empire will fight together tonight. Archimi’s viable strength. After this battle, Archimi will completely surrender. Tang Yu can get Archimi, Gu, and Yu at dawn, and reintegrate more than 200,000 troops! After dawn, everyone will return. Zenith, in a decisive battle with Tiange’s troops, snatched the body talisman from them. However, Tang Yu didn’t really care about the battlefield here. The reason for this arrangement was just a play. Tang Yu really wanted to eliminate it. In fact, it is the Kingdom of Qin in the East China Sea! Whether you believe it or not, you are Tang Yu's favorite man from beginning to end. Five years ago, Qin Er'an hurt you. Tang Yu has wanted to avenge you for a long time!"

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