Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1798 Battlefield

Revenge for yourself?

Slaves and masters cannot take the initiative to fight.

So what exactly is Tang Yu going to do?

Qin An and Qin Yabei were very curious, but Rhine stopped talking.

Qin An felt a little boring, and suddenly realized that the relationship with Rhine was very funny. She was obviously going to kill Own and wanted to kill her, but now she can sit here and chat unscathed. It's really wrong!

Now that Jingyi is here, Qin An asks Yabei to take him to see Jingyi. If she can't get rid of the nasty Rhine, let her be a transparent person, because she can't help herself easily anyway.

Leaving the grove of shelter, there was already some chaos outside, and the soldiers ran back and forth, very busy.

Qin An and the three people passed through the crowd for a long time before they found the military account where Jingyi was located. When they entered, they saw that this girl was actually holding a small mirror in her hand and shining at herself.

Qin An couldn't help laughing, because Jingyi's dress was really funny, it turned out to be a pair of armor, it really seemed to be a general who led soldiers to fight in ancient times.

"Wow, grandma, you are so mighty!"

Yabei bounced over and plunged into Jingyi's arms.

Jingyi hurriedly put away the mirror, with some embarrassment on her face. Before she could speak, she saw Qin An at a glance.


Jingyi was so surprised, she was busy rushing here before, and she didn't even know the news of Qin An's return.

"Haha, little belly!"

A sincere smile appeared on Qin An's face. At that time, she left to enter the dungeon world and Jingyi was by her side. It's great to meet again now.

The only regret is that what Jingyi knows about herself may be another memory that she can't understand, right?

"Master! You are finally back!"

Jingyi is also a big man, but she has a simple temperament and has always been very sincere to Qin An. If it weren't for Qin An, she would still be a little palace lady, she would be tortured to death by the female masters in the palace if she wasn't careful.

Jingyi and Ci'an have read almost all Qingchuan novels, so they have a deep understanding of the Qing Dynasty Gongdou.

Pulling Yabei and ran to Qin An, Jingyi threw away Yabei's hand and gave Qin An a warm hug!

"Ah, auntie, you really have the opposite sex and inhumanity!"

Jingyi hurriedly blinked at her when Yabe said so.

Yabei's little head is not stupid, but she still can't tell from Jingyi's eyes what she means.

Qin An is the best at observing words and expressions. Seeing Jingyi and Yabei's eye contact, he immediately understood her thoughts, so he rolled his eyes and started thinking.

"Hey, Jingyi, I have had a miserable five years!"

"Master, don't think too much, just come back! Don't worry, even if you have no abilities, you will be my master. Jingyi will definitely protect you!"

Qin An was really moved, holding Jingyi's small waist, suddenly felt that her armor was a hindrance, covering her originally petite and soft body.

"Hey, little girl, I actually don't want to come back, do you think there will be troubles with enemies coming to me? I'm so scared."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, my lord, if someone dares to find you annoying, Jingyi will definitely let him have no bones. I am very powerful now!"

Jingyi's eyes were a little moist as she spoke.

This story Qin An is still unfamiliar no matter how many times he recalls it.Five years ago, after he was defeated by Qin Er'an, he left Kaitian City alone and was finally killed by Archimi.

It seems that many people have come to him, including Jingyi.

But he just refused to look back, preferring to stay there and begging instead of going back to Qin's house.

Why is this incomplete memory like this? Why did Rhein let himself live such a life, just to kill himself? Too complicated, I can't figure it out!

"Okay, Jingyi, don't cry. Your master, I really come back. I don't need anyone to protect you. In turn, I will protect you. I just joked with you just now. I am very strong now."

Qin An decided not to tease Jingyi. Looking at this girl, she was about to cry. She didn't expect that she was so affectionate for herself. The reason why she blinked with Yabei just now should be to show that she should treat herself well and tenderly. Because Jingyi may think that she is still very fragile.

This kind of feeling may have nothing to do with love, but Qin An can figure out that if he was an eunuch in the Qing court and was brought into this world, he would probably be more happy than sad, right?

"What? Did you even reply to your ability?"


Qin An couldn't tell, because his current ability made him unable to see through.

"What do you mean by it?"

Jingyi couldn't understand Qin An's words.

Yabei stepped up over there and pulled Jingyi away from Qin An.

"Auntie grandma, grandpa is holding you tightly like that, eating your tofu! It's not ashamed that you let him hold you stupidly, don't you want to change from my auntie's grandma to a little grandma?"

Jingyi blushed when Yabei said, but Qin An laughed.

From then on until the evening, Qin An waited for news in Jingyi's tent. She wanted to know what Tang Yu had arranged.

After dinner, the answer was finally revealed.

The troops from the Star-Moon Empire and the Nine Swordsmen outflanked the commander-in-chief troops, fighting with Archimi.

In just one hour, Ajimi suffered a heavy loss and collapsed, and the Star-Moon Empire and the Kaitian City allied forces won a complete victory.

When the leader of the Star-Moon Empire rushed to the top of the sky, Qin An and Jingyi realized that it was Ci'an who had led the troops, and the so-called Star-Moon Empire's army was basically the people of the Qin family.

A few months ago, Tang Yu reached an agreement with the king of the Xingyue Empire to form a united country to occupy all the territorial resources between the Xingyue Empire and the Heavenly Emperor.

The war with Archimi was actually just a cover. Within a few months, Tang Yushen unknowingly allowed an army of 80,000 to enter the Star-Moon Empire, and at the same time 80,000 soldiers of the Star-Moon Empire also entered Heavenly. Emperor Kingdom, and entered the territory of Kaitian City to be stationed.

In other words, the army brought by Qin Potian and others to the east to go to war with Qin in the East China Sea is not a soldier of the Qin family at all, and does not have the slave status of Kaitian City, and can take the initiative to fight against Qin in the East China Sea at any time.

This is really trying to hide from the sky!

In order for the 80,000 army to come back without knowing it, this confidential work needs to be done very rigorously.

No news has been spread, so the troops Tang Yu sent to deal with the Qin State in the East China Sea is a wonderful soldier!

Qin An wanted to understand the ins and outs of the matter and couldn't help but admire Tang Yu. When he secretly decided to see her, he must make up for the debt he owed her for many years.

In fact, Qin An owes a lot of people to women. When Ci An comes to see Qin An, she naturally expresses her emotions. She is not as direct as the little girl, but she keeps looking at Qin An with beautiful eyes on the wine table.

"What's the name of the little eunuch in the royal dining room of our palace?"

"Xiao Anzi! The worst. I often steal mouths in the kitchen. I have seen it several times. He threatened me at that time, saying that if I dare to tell the masters, he would break my leg!"

Qin An heard the heartless smile, and Jingyi naturally laughed too, but Ci An couldn't laugh.

She originally wanted to use this incident to damage Qin An implicitly, because she couldn't understand Qin An's calmness. The Qin family didn't know how much they had been worrying about him over the past five or five years. How could he still be so at ease?

However, Ci'an found out that there is also an Anzi in the name of own.

That is to say, Xiao Anzi doesn't have any lethality in front of Qin An. Even if he can kill a thousand enemies, he will eventually harm himself by 800. It is not worthwhile to think about it, because Qin An's face is obviously thicker than own!

All meeting is always joyful, Qin An is in a very good state, in the eyes of others, he does not seem to be a frustrated person for five years.

Although curious, no one wanted to mention Qin An's past five years, fearing to stimulate him.

Naturally, Qin An wouldn't mention it either. He couldn't figure out which of the two memories was true and which was false.

When the moon rose to a high level, the coalition forces ended the battle ahead of schedule, and waited until dawn, when all nearby troops finally regrouped and entered the teleportation array after a short rest.

The commander of this army became Ci'an, the deputy commander was Jingyi, and the subordinate generals were naturally the Wudaomen Qi Yang and others.

After entering the battlefield, everything around him changed.

The player’s armor was sealed by the system, and the attributes of all soldiers were frozen. The people who were the coaches automatically mounted the horses. The large group only walked for a short while and met the phalanx of the Tiange troops. All of this is set by the system. , The unique mode of confrontation between the two armies in the battlefield copy.

"Dear players, you are in the red camp, and the general ram teacher of the blue camp has already gone out. Please send the player to the camp! This time the victor can equip soldiers with special props and shields on the battlefield! Please note, the enemy The square faction has already occupied the Jade Stone Canyon. In this gorge, the anchor is constantly being refreshed. If you want to participate, you must defeat all the enemy forces."

After the system gave the reminder, people all became nervous. Qin An is now riding a war horse and is the warrior on this side.

What makes him depressed is that Rhein actually has a war horse, she is obviously not in her own camp, the system NPC is really a cow, in this game world, she must be omnipotent.

"A warlord is very important to play against. One person can go up many times, so there is no waste. I will just shoot."

Cian is very simple. She feels that she is the strongest here. In this case, there is no need to end one by one. In case of losing the soldier's bonus opportunity, she will go to the opposite side. In a team battle, it is said that everyone The special attributes of all will disappear, including the warlords, can only rely on the system bonus to live, so this warlord battle really can't lose!

Qin Anke had long been eager to try.

Qin An is no longer interested in pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. He wants to vent and see what strength he is now.

People would not believe it, he didn't know whether he was strong or weak?

It was awesome to kill the then empty hunter, but in Qin An's own opinion, he didn't use any too clever means at all, that is, he drew his sword, went with the sword, and then the head fell to the ground, nothing else.

Is this really awesome?

Don't understand.

Therefore, Qin An hurriedly stopped after hearing that Ci An was about to end, and then went down by himself.

Many generals and soldiers of the Qin family were all sweating.

No one cares about Qin An who wins this kind of thing. It is best if you can win, if you lose...

There was already the soldier who had no eyes praying.

"Ami Tofu, Tathagata Buddha, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, Jade Emperor, God old man, my patron Qin Anqi won the victory, if you lose, it doesn't matter, just don't be depressed..."

The captain of the foreman nearby went up and kicked the soldier to eat shit.

"Fuck, what are you screaming!"

The soldier left dingy, the foreman sighed and secretly said: "Depression doesn't matter, just don't beg anymore. The Qin family now has a name and a surname, so I can't afford to lose that person!"

Qin An rode to the strongest side of the battle formation, and he understood the heart of the Qin family's children behind him, and he only felt ashamed.

It seems that the five years in his memory have been a complete injury to the Qin family.

Well, now, it's time for a shame!

Regardless of this, Qin An decided to go all out, and must let people see his strongest side, and then firmly keep it in his heart and send it out.

His Qin An is really back!

On the ground, the player named Teacher Ram comes from the Tiange race. It is in the form of a half-beast with a huge sheep head. It is about three meters tall. He is sturdy and has no clothes on. The muscles of the whole body are like physical metal. The objects between the legs are very eye-catching and daunting.

Qin An felt cordial. It was normal for half-orcs and orcs to be naked. I rarely saw orcs in my two memories. Is this a kind of reunion now?"Hahaha, I am a teacher of Rams, who is the guy on the other side, why don't you sign up and die?"

This alpaca was very imposing, and the shouts fluctuated back and forth between the camps of the two armies, and even most people could hear it.

"This voice is really loud, I'm Qin An!"

Compared with Teacher Gongyang, Qin An's voice is like a mosquito, basically no one can hear it.

"Hmph, I don't even know what to say, what ring did you come out to fight?"

The teacher of the Ram yelled, an emerald green knife was already in his hand. This is a fifty fifth-level super artifact called the Biyin Wolf Sound Knife!

The shape of this knife looks like the Azure Dragon Yanyue knife, but its blade is longer and looks more powerful and precious.

"Boy, go to hell!"


With a neigh, Teacher Gong Yang waved his knife dozens of meters away from Qin An.

Seven sword shadows shot out from above the blade, spinning towards Qin An.

When they fly in the air, they release all kinds of beautiful melodies, which can shock people's hearts and create hallucinations.

This is also a skill in the game. The Ram teacher is a hidden professional sonic mage. This trick is called the sound-breaking maneuver. It is a very awesome seven sword shadows that do not need to contact the enemy, and can use a deterrent method to quickly reduce the enemy’s blood volume. .

Therefore, when Ci'an, Jingyi, and Yabei saw that the blood bar on Qin An's body splashed with 8000 blood, they were all shocked.

"No, the blood volume drops too fast! The attack hasn't reached it yet, so if you are hit, wouldn't it be a direct spike?"

"Ahhhhhh! Auntie and grandma, go and save grandpa!"

Yabei was in a hurry.

"No, other people can't participate in the battle state, unless Qin An can take the initiative to withdraw, and now that the enemy's attack comes, it is difficult for Qin An to retreat!"

With a few words of effort, the enemy's attack had fallen on Qin An, and people found that the value of the flying blood volume had reached 200,000, and they were all frightened and dizzy.

200,000! What is this concept? The total HP of a level 60 meat shield class is estimated to be 200,000. Qin An seems to be a mage, and he will never exceed the level of 60. Isn't it a dead end this afternoon?

Qin An was actually a little upset. He was at level 300 and his blood volume was almost 300,000, but his defense was too low, so the enemy hit him 200,000 blood in one fell swoop. Wouldn't he be dead if he came again?

Therefore, we can't wait for the enemy to make another move, we must rush to kill the Ram Teacher before the second attack.

"Fuck, did you see it? Daddy hit him with 200,000 blood? Haha, how could he have so much blood, it must be a spike! But how could I get 200,000 blood? Could it be this kid? No defensive ability, what is this f*ck! Hahahaha!"

Teacher Gong Yang actually has some cute coins, but he is a little proud of the 200,000 HP that floats from Qin An.

I have never done so much damage before, how can I not be proud.

However, when he turned around to talk, Qin An's figure suddenly left the horse and leaped to the side of Teacher Gongyang. After a sword was passed, the teacher Yangyang turned his horse back and his body was broken in half and hung up!

"How could this be? Can the warlord leave the warhorse in the battle?"

Qi Yang, who had checked the strategy a long time ago, exclaimed. At this time, he couldn't care why Qin An could still live and fight back after losing 200,000 blood.

Because Qin An has surpassed the shackles of the game system, the strategy clearly stated that the player in the battlefield cannot leave the horse, and must walk and move while standing to release his tricks, but Qin An can actually be out of control.

People talked with each other in shock. Among Qin An's camp, only Rhine remained silent and pale.

too strong! How can it be so powerful? Shouldn't Qin An be so good? Where is the problem except? Could it be that he made a ghost? Impossible. He can't restrain Qin An at all. Only he can have an effect on Qin An. Why is this happening? Rhein couldn't figure it out, even her creator was trapped in this chaotic world.

Qin An was very happy to realize that his friendship had killed an enemy in seconds.

It seems that he is really good at listening, because the enemy is strong enough, and one move can cost him 200,000 blood. Such a powerful enemy is killed by himself with one move, so as long as he is the first to shoot and not be hit by the enemy, who is his What about the opponent?

Thinking of this, Qin An turned back on his horse, then raised the Zhen E sword, pointing to the local camp and shouting: "Who is the next one to die? Come out quickly, and go home to sleep after the fight!"

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