Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1809 The real author is Weng Lan

"Damn! How could this happen? Weng Lan is my first heroine. What about Qin An when she is dead?"

Ma Liang felt that this was the most depressing thing he had ever heard in his life.

"Qin An will naturally have his own destiny. As I said, the destiny is already rotating. The ones that should come will come, and the ones that should meet will always meet. At this stage, you didn't write a book to hurry. The town will let you rest, and then make up for the novels you haven't written in the past few days. I want to read it!"

This is the only thing that makes Ma Liang feel at ease.

In fact, the novels he wrote are no longer serialized on the Internet, and Qi Rou is his only reader.

"The particular feeling I wrote recently is that I want to make this book completely unintelligible from the documentary line, make it a cool text, and make Qin An invincible! What I am writing now is not Qin An’s story, but A real novel."

"Hahaha, write according to your ideas, make Qin An invincible, and make Qin An invincible in the world."

Qi Rou's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was some expectation in her eyes.


The conversation between Qin An and Huo Qilan was quite pleasant, because Huo Qilan was obviously a teammate, helped him guard the children, and then came to find himself.

Although she looked a little confused, she also let herself find some clues about Rhine, which was a good thing.

If Rhein is a French beast, and she is following the flame beast, she is thinking that it is not easy to bring herself into other space orbits, right?

Qin An thought to himself, and then left the food court with Huo Qilan and rushed to Cuiyu Island.

From the outside, Cuiyu Island has been completely covered by green plants, and various magic circles and spell cards are placed around the island.

Qin An even saw the Curse of Sleeping Heaven, which was a powerful spell that trapped the Sword God to death.

"Hmph, trying to trap Demonic Beasts is not easy. It seems that Demonic Beasts have been resisting these years, and Cursed Beasts have been thinking of ways to reinforce this battle. Unfortunately, there is only one Supreme Curse. Otherwise, there is no need to spend it. I have a lot of strength. Qin An, go in by yourself, I know you are very strong now. Go inside and bring the demon out, and I will help you clean up these desperate little guys outside. The flame beast is the ancestor of energy. Energy fluctuations will be limited, including the energy of the game world. So unless a few other guys come over, all supernaturalists are as weak and deceptive as children in my eyes."

Qin An chuckled, disagreeing with Huo Qilan's idiom application ability.


Huo Qilan was very straightforward. He randomly found an angle and rushed towards the checkpoint of Cuiyu Island. There were some supernatural guards patrolling there. From the outside, the guard was heavily guarded, but in fact, the hearts of the people were long gone.

Most of them have been stationed in this place for eleven years. There has never been any foreign invaders, but the space of the prisoner formation is getting bigger and bigger, and they have already occupied an island. I really don’t know what the prisoners inside do. Arrived.

Seeing that a fiery red figure had arrived, the idle guard had died before he could react.

After killing, Huo Qilan didn't rush into it, but continued to run around. Everyone who met her was killed in a flash regardless of their identity. Qin An sighed secretly. It seemed that the own method was relatively soft compared to the own method.

Not wasting time, Qin An rushed forward and rushed into the forests of Cuiyu Island.

There are no more people here. As soon as Qin An walked into the forest, a series of electric glows flashed in the forest. These electric glows had powerful lethality, and the defensive physique under the Sword God could not tolerate it. The spell card is issued.

Without fear, Qin An walked in the electric light, and in a short while, he reached the enclosed area of ​​the Shuntian spell card.

The so-called curse of the trapped sky is an energy magnetic field formed by the explosion of many low-level spell cards. It can not only prevent people trapped inside, but also prevent people from entering. It is said that there was a sword god who was caught by this trapped sky curse. Qin An himself had used this kind of thing several times before he was trapped and killed the magic card, so he naturally knew how powerful it was.

So now that I have become a BUG, ​​can this sleepy curse block own's footsteps?

Qin An was a little nervous, tried a few times, but failed to break through the energy magnetic field.


"Zhen E!"

After the voice fell, the unpretentious Zhen E sword appeared in his hand, and after a sword was swung away, the energy magnetic field of the Heavenly Sleeping Spell that seemed to have no flaws was directly cut off.

At this moment, even Qin An was stunned.

"Hey, Zhen E, Zhen E, what kind of evildoer are you!"

Putting Zhen Ejian away, Qin An sighed for a while before moving on.

In the Palace of King Qin in the East China Sea, Qin Er'an has received a report that someone broke into the forbidden area. It took only a quarter of an hour. The electric light spell and the sleepy spell are all invalid. The intruder does not know who it is, but has already entered. Inside Cuiyu Island.And on the periphery, there was a woman with flames on her body who was slaying frantically. No one could get close to her, and she didn't know what abilities she possessed. In short, anyone who was a little closer to her would be killed directly without exception.

Qin Er'an waved back the reporter and immediately asked for the curse of the beast spirit.

"She actually came!"


"A flame beast who likes to hide his identity and pretend to be a variety of ordinary people! Hmph, I didn't expect that the helper I was waiting for did not come, but an enemy came."

"Master, what are we going to do now?"

"The magic circle trapping the demon child is extremely complicated. Even the Flame Beast can't break in, so don't worry. Even if that person has some abilities, he probably won't be able to pass my level, but it's you, you can get married, since he Come, it's hard to say whether your Tang Yu is still willing to marry."

Qin Er'an was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No, I have been single-minded to Tang Yu in the past few years. I have only treated Weng Lan like this in this life, and she shouldn't change her mind."

"Hahaha, Er'an, I am not single-minded to the demon, but when I appeared and told me all the affection for her for many years, she told me to get rid of it. The woman is the most ruthless thing, so you can do it yourself."

Qin Er'an's face became a little pale, and there were a lot of killing intent in his eyes. He was clearly Qin An's fellow. Why can Qin An get so much love, but it's so difficult for him to get a share?


The scene in the dense forest is constantly changing. Qin An knows that this is a puzzle and it is very complicated. If he can't find the direction, he may be trapped forever.

How to do? How to crack the puzzle?

Qin An tried to split the magnetic field with the Zhen E sword, but found that this place was originally a broken space. Although a sword swiping can change the landscape in front of him, he could not find the right path.

Really entangled, then let his heart find it.

Qin An closed his eyes, closed all Spiritual Sense, holding a strong belief, wanted to find the faith of the demon, took a step at will, and then walked forward.

Not knowing how long he had been walking, Qin An opened his eyes and saw a long corridor in front of him, with doors on both sides of the corridor.

This structure is like the kind of university dormitory.

It seemed that he was still in the maze, and when Qin An thought so, suddenly an exclamation came from behind him.

Turning her head quickly, she saw a girl wearing pink dot panties and a purple cropped short shirt covering her mouth.

"Hey, which subject do you belong to? You are really brave!"

After the girl saw Qin An's face clearly, the panic on her face finally disappeared slowly, and in turn became fierce.

Qin An's appearance was very upright, and he looked handsome and looked like a good person, so the little girl put down her vigilance.

"I... are you a phantom?"

"Taking drugs?"


"There is no best, it's speechless, don't be sloppy and say! Who brought you in?"

"I walked by myself."

Qin An replied subconsciously, and then felt that he was very retarded, so why not talk to an illusion?

Just as she waved her hand to disperse it, the girl had already shouted:

"Hey, hey! Who's from who's? Come out and claim it! Or I'll give it to the old man downstairs!"

The girl's voice is very loud, or it may be that the dormitory here is not soundproof, and several dormitory doors were opened within a short while.

"Ah! Whose handsome guy is this?"

"Haha, no one wants our dormitory!"

"Go, go, all of your dorms are like wolves and tigers, and you still have to swallow the little fresh meat. Come to Big sis, and Big sis will protect you!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Qin An was stunned, could it be a hole in the wire? Are they all female fairies?

Suddenly, a tall figure rushed up and took Qin An's hand.

"Sisters, Big Sister, Aunt, little grannies! This is my house, don't make any noise, don't make any noise!"

After the woman said these words, she pulled Qin An and left. Qin An originally wanted to refuse, but looked at her pure white shorts that showed half of her ass and hesitated again.

It was during the time of hesitation that he had been pulled into the dormitory by the girl.

There was a booing outside the dormitory, and it was obvious that everyone was disappointed that there was no excitement.


I quickly looked at the eight people here, and finally my eyes fell on a girl who was 1.7 meters tall, beautiful in appearance, wearing a little conservative dress, and wearing a pair of light-rimmed glasses.

Why does this girl feel a little familiar? It looks a bit like Weng Lan.

"Liu Xia, who is he, do you bring him back?"

The girls in the dormitory were shocked, watching Liu Xia and the strange man start putting on clothes very nervously.

Weng Lan stood there in a daze, looking at Qin An for a long time, and finally covered her mouth and her eyes widened.

"Weng Lan, what about your painting?"

"In...in my cabinet."

Weng Lan's voice trembled a little, while Qin An was already completely adorable.

Fuck, TM crossed again? Could it be said that he would have to cross by the side of Yan Beast? Where can I travel through? The girl holding own is called Liu Xia, but she looks different from Liu Xia. Liu Xia is the kind of sexy figure and pure face, and this girl is completely sexy, there is no trace of purity, and the hotness makes him unacceptable.

And this Weng Lan, looking very quiet, wearing glasses makes her full of artistic atmosphere, but own Weng Lan is not like this, but a strong woman! Yes, Weng Lan played the role of a strong woman from beginning to end.

At this moment, an equally beautiful girl ran to the cabinet, turned the sky and finally found a portrait, then took Qin An's face, and screamed in surprise.

"Fuck, this TM is exactly the same, can't it be a hell?"

Qin An hurriedly turned his head to look. It was a portrait of a character with a ruin in the background. The moon in the sky was bleak, and there were broken limbs and blood flowing in the ruins.

In the center of such a background stood a handsome man in a denim uniform with a huge long sword in his hand.

Qin An hardly thought, and immediately recognized the man as himself and the sword as Xuantian.

Ah...I'm confused, it's probably an illusion anyway, so as long as you clear everything in front of you, can you return to the real space?

I was thinking about it, just listening to the girl next to me named Liu Xia talking.

"Weng Lan, you painted this painting two years ago. Do you know this man?"

Weng Lan shook his head pale.

"Don't know? This painting is a portrait of the male protagonist in the novel you wrote. Didn't you paint according to the appearance of the man in front of you? If it is completely out of thin air, it would be amazing! Did you see him? How similar is it to the male protagonist in the portrait? It's just that the one in the portrait is a bit fatter, and this one is more slender."


What's the meaning?

Qin An didn't understand, just at this moment another girl screamed.

"Oh my God! Weng Lan, I remembered, the monster we encountered in the dormitory today is a guy with no facial features on his head, a big mouth on his hands, and a black body all over his body. Isn't it the one you wrote in the novel? Are you from the bloodbone tribe? It's an alien, that of the sword spirit star!"

"Ah? That is the monster you two met today? How could it be?"

"How can't it be! Look, isn't this Qin An in Weng Lan's phenomenon? The appearance is not bad at all. If Qin An can appear, the blood bone tribe can also run out!"

In the dormitory,

Big Sister Liu Ru wiped her nose, sorted out own sexy nurse outfit, turned on the computer and prepared for the live broadcast. The discussion in the room was so boring that she wouldn't believe it.

Weng Lan wrote a novel two years ago called "A Dangerous City in the Last Days". To be precise, this novel was originally written by her and her boyfriend Qin An at the time. The protagonist uses Qin An's name, and the heroine is naturally Weng Lan. At that time, everyone thought it was interesting, so I asked Weng Lan to write all the people in the dormitory.

Qin Xiaoyan, her character is actually lively and active, but her heart is quiet. The role she chose is to be Qin An's neighbor, and then she has an ambiguous relationship with Qin An.

Li Na, the role she wanted was classmate Qin An, and the plot of burning a heart-shaped scar on Qin An's chest was proposed by her.Tang Yu is a good Big Sister with a gentle personality, who cares about everyone, an absolute Virgin-class figure, but her idol is Wu Zetian, so she asked Weng Lan to write her as a character like Wu Zetian.

Wang Fang is a Tsundere personality, originally didn't want to participate, but seeing the sisters are very keen, so let Weng Lan arrange a supporting role for her, just play with the protagonist and die, without the need for a follow-up plot. At that time, I was laughed at by the sisters in the dormitory.

Liu Xia looks wild, but she lacks love in her heart, so she must make herself unique in Qin An's eyes.

There is also the second sister of the dormitory, Lan Yue, who actually didn't participate.

However, the sisters were all involved in the storyline, and everyone felt that they couldn't let her go, so they secretly added a role to her, and also made her become the daughter of the boss Liu Ru in the novel. In reality, the relationship between Liu Xia and Lan Yue is really cold, so in the novel, the author Weng Lan also arranged for them to quarrel with each other.

This novel was signed and serialized on the Zongheng Chinese website, and the name of the internet writer is Panda Run.

In fact, Weng Lan was only interested in writing novels. Later, when she wrote about 3 million words, she broke up with her boyfriend Qin An, who was a high school classmate of Weng Lan, and the two went to university together.

Their relationship was actually only ambiguous. After going to college to confirm the boy and girl friends, they didn't even pull their hands. They were very innocent.

In the process of getting along as a boyfriend and girlfriend, Weng Lan found that Qin An had many shortcomings and was not the boy she wanted, so she separated.

Now that they broke up, the book was called "A Dangerous City in the Last Days", written by Weng Lan in the early stage, accompanied by Qin An, and the novels written by several sisters in Weng Lan's dormitory went to the palace, and no one paid any attention to it.

The second week after the novel was broken, and also the second week after Weng Lan and Qin An broke up, the bad news came that Qin An was in a car accident and died.

Ever since, Weng Lan completely put the novel of the last-day crisis in her own memory for storage, not thinking about it, because when she thinks about it, she will be sad, and her thoughts will be complicated for her youthful feelings.

The computer was already turned on, Liu Ru hesitated, opened the web page and searched Zongzhong Chinese website, and then searched for novels about the apocalyptic city on the web page.

This novel is about the story of Qin An, Weng Lan and a group of women surviving in the last days. Where did they break the change back then? It seems to be chapter 642...The last days...I don't write it after the protagonist of the story goes to United States to find the heroine.

Liu Ru lay on the table lazily, scanning at random, then his eyes became a little straight.

Weng Lan has indeed stopped writing this book of decimals a long time ago, but why is this website still being updated?

Liu Ru immediately became energetic, and quickly opened the first chapter of the tenth season of the Black Iron Forest, which is Chapter 0643 of the total number of chapters, the Black Iron Prison.

"In 2039 AD, the end of the world comes in the twenty-fourth year.

In China, in the mountains behind the Heroic Academy of Noah City, Tibet, there is a prison called the Dark Iron Prison.

This large prison, built at an altitude of 3,800 meters, covers an area of ​​160,000 square meters and contains more than 4,000 prisoners. The students of the Hero Academy are guarded in rotation. Of course, there are more than 1,000 prisoners who cooperate with the students to manage the prison. Regular soldiers are on standby.

Zhang Geng and his stupid brother are about to be escorted into the 303 cell in Block D of the Black Iron Prison.

‘Hey, cheap hands! Deserve it! ’

Zhang Geng muttered to himself softly, looking helpless.

He only brought the silly brother into Noah City yesterday, but he didn't expect to be in prison now.

Zhang Geng is 24 years old this year and was born in the year of the end of the world.

The young man is not handsome, but he has good features, thick eyebrows and big eyes. He is an experienced person, he has traveled in countless places, and he has also had many women. It's just that most of those women come from the dust, and Zhang Geng has forgotten about Rivers and Lakes with them after he was happy.


What is written here?

Didn’t write the plot after going to United States? Have you jumped directly for 22 years to return the protagonist to West Tibet? What a pit!

That's not right! This is not the point!

Liu Ru raised her head, looked at Weng Lan, and whispered softly: "Bamei, are you still writing the novel "Dangerous City in the Last Days"?"

"Ah? Why did you mention it suddenly...I stopped writing it a long time ago."

"Then you sold the copyright? Other people are continuing to write?"

"How is it possible that my book has poor grades, who will buy the copyright?"

"But this book... has been updated to chapter 1886. The update time is today, and the chapter name is "The Real Author is Weng Lan". The plot is that Qin An in the novel passes through the maze and arrives in our real world. , I met you, the real author, and I...I am reading this chapter..."

Liu Ru paled while reading.

The room is silent!

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