Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1810 Xudu Palace

The gate of the yard was closed, and several people hid in the yard temporarily.

At this time, the beacon and wolf smoke in Wuguan city had already risen everywhere, and the observation post in the distance did not know where the other wolf smoke would be lit, and the news was passed on to Luoyang.

Now that Cao Cao is in Luoyang, he is likely to lead his troops out when the border is in a hurry. If that happens, the trajectory of history will change.

In 211 AD, Cao Cao didn't go to fight Ma Chao, but arrived at the Hanzhong border.

In any case, if Cao Cao leaves Luoyang, then he can go to Xudu. The plan of bringing the emperor to the north is only the first step. The second step is to accumulate strong strength and then fight Zhuge Liang!

Guo Jia comforted Dong Yu and asked him to cook, and then invited everyone to sit down in the courtyard.

"Hey, Bongxiao, I turned on the algorithm to touch the sky, but I couldn't see through anything. What are these things that seem to have lost their mind?"

Zuo Ci didn't know if it was intentional, so he called Guo Jia directly.

Qin An frowned. Is this middle-aged member of Cao Cao's first counselor, Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao?

Thinking of this, Qin An didn't intend to waste time, and directly took Zuo Ci's words:

"These things are called zombies, this... Mr. Fengxiao, if you want to know the details of zombies, I can tell you."

When Qin An spoke, Mi Yue kept walking around him, wondering how the sword Qin An had just held disappeared? Didn't carry it on your back?

When Zuo Ci heard that Qin An actually knew the origin of this monster, he hurriedly asked urgently.

Qin An smiled and shook his head, and looked at Guo Jiadao:

"The world knows that the first adviser next to Wei Gong was Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao, but according to my research, Fengxiao had passed away from illness three years ago. Now his husband is named Guo Jia and the word is Fengxiao. Is this a coincidence? To be honest, I seem to know the story."

Guo Jia’s expression has not changed much. After he met Qin An, he felt that the other party was not easy. Moreover, Zuo Ci revealed his words just now. It is meaningless to continue to conceal, so he smiled and said: "Strong man, let me down. It was Guo Jiaguo Fengxiao who was next to Wei Gong."

"Oh? This is really strange. Feng Xiao is like a fish in the water by Wei Gong's side. Why did he retreat in a rush, or cheated to death?"

And since then, Guo Jia has never appeared again, so fights in history have no objection to Guo Jia's death period.

"Hey, this is hard to say in one word! Strong man, the reason why Feng Xiao cheated and lived in seclusion is really a last resort. I really can't tell others."

Qin An wasn't satisfied, but since Guo Jia refused to say that he couldn't help it.

"Well, since Feng Xiao has difficulties, I'm not asking about it. If you want to know about zombies, let me talk about it."

Qin An has done scientific popularization for several people, so that they don't know how powerful zombies are, and they may be broken if they become zombies after being bitten.

Guo Jia, Zuo Ci, Feng Niang, and Dong Yu were all at a loss. What kind of monsters would become a zombie if caught by them, losing all consciousness, as if they were dying.

No wonder there are so many zombies in the city, but where did the first zombies come from?

Qin An also didn't know clearly. What he thought was that because the energy channel between the two worlds might be opened at any time, some areas of the Three Kingdoms world would be affected by the novel world, so the resurrection of the dead to become zombies should also be a random situation. . Obviously, there is no way to explain this situation to others.

"Hey, hey, is that also a zombie?"Miyue suddenly raised her finger to the distance, and several people in the courtyard looked sideways, only to see a huge figure appearing a few hundred meters away.

"Ah...that is the upgraded species among the zombies, and also the abnormal appetite among the zombies race. It will eat everything and then use food to complete Jinhua. This one is already D13?"

Qin An feels that this is not a good sign. It doesn't matter if the zombies appear randomly, how can the zombies that appear evolve at such a speed? This giant zombie is more than 20 meters tall and has purple-red muscles all over, exuding metallic luster. There are 13-color spar engraved marks on his arm, which means that he has been Upgraded thirteen times, that spar engraved marks It should have an offensive effect and ability.

"Gentlemen don't set up a dangerous wall...Everyone, Wuguan City seems a bit dangerous. Let's get out of the city soon?"

Zuo Ci had an idea, but before others could reply, Mi Yue had already stepped out of the wall.

Zuo Ci paled with fright, and shouted behind Mi Yue; Guo Jia went to call out Dong Yu and asked her to pack some food and bring her to get ready to run away; Feng Niang held her baby and followed Qin An, she knew Qin An is great. Qin An followed Miyue out, and stood at the door without moving forward.

Miyue is too impulsive. Giant zombies at level D14 are terrifying. Upgraded zombies over D10 have very powerful regeneration capabilities, and will use those spar rune marks to release spell attacks.

Now I want to single out a D14, it's hard work, let alone Mi Yue.

Before Qin An came up with a countermeasure, Mi Yue had already started with the giant zombies. She was kicked tens of meters away in one round, and she fell to the ground and couldn't stand up for a while.

"This silly boy..."

Qin An was a little speechless. Seeing that the giant zombies had stepped through many houses and was about to chase Miyue, Qin An hurried forward, and several jumped to Miyue's side, and rescued people when the giant zombies fell with their feet.

"Damn, is this dizzy?"

Qin An quickly backed away holding Miyue. At this time, Zuo Ci and others also stood in front of the courtyard, saw giant zombies running towards this side, and hurried into the alley together to escape.

The giant ran fast, it locked Qin An, and reached Qin An in a few strides.

Qin An held Mi Yue with one hand, while holding Zhen E sword in the other hand, he turned and cut it away.

Cut off the giant's ankle at once, but without waiting for Qin An's next move, the giant's foot has regenerated, and the speed is beyond Qin An's prediction.

Hey, I really miss the previous Zhen'e Sword, a blue Sword Qi can kill this giant in seconds, but now it's not easy to handle.

The giant's running speed is very fast and his legs are long. Qin An can't even run it, and he almost stepped on it several times.

In desperation, Qin An could only step on the broken wall and run up to the roof. Unfortunately, the house here is only three or four meters high, which is far from the height of the giant's twenty meters.

At the beginning, Qin An could directly transmit the decapitated giant. Although his body is flexible and vigorous, it is not easy to wipe the giant's bare body to reach the top of its head, especially when he is holding Miyue. I tried several times without success. In the end, I could only run out of the city with Miyue in my arms, all the way up the mountain, and when I reached halfway up the mountain, I turned my head and looked at Wuguan. I saw a city full of bleak scenes inside the wall, from here. Looking at the faint blood mist of the drifters above the city, one can hear a roar of zombies coming from the city.

This is really another dangerous city!

Putting Miyue aside on the grass, Qin An directly sat on the ground with his eyebrows furrowed, then took out a cigarette from the Interspatial Ring to light it, and took a sigh.

"what is this?"

"Cigarette, he is a smoker."

Behind him, the voice of two women talking suddenly sounded, and Qin An didn't need to look back to know that it was Tang Yu and Sun Xiaomei.

"How's it going?"

"Pound sent a message just now that the enemies around Wuguan have been eliminated. We have lost about a dozen soldiers, annihilated more than a thousand enemies, and captured several thousand prisoners. They are encircling Wuguan City on the periphery. I issued an order. After the order, all the zombies in the city will be wiped out."

When Tang Yu answered Qin'an Culture, he squatted down to see Miyue.

"Yeah? Where did you get this girl, she's so beautiful! This is already out of the world of fiction, why is your love for a woman so good?"

"Don't talk nonsense, she is only fourteen years old."

"Huh? This one grows really fast."


"What are you going to do now?"

"What else can I do? I'll go back and kill the giant zombies, and then we will head northeast. After the team has cleaned up the ordinary zombies in the city, they will also head east. The road of the Long March is about to begin..."

"Where to go first?"

"Bypass Nanyang and go to Yingchuan Xudu."

"Do you think Cao Cao will come out?"

"Well, after the beacon spreads the news, the news of Wuguan City's destruction will also come. This is close to Hanzhong and is connected to Liu Bei's site. How could Cao Cao not come? And he will bring heavy soldiers, so he will directly enter Hanzhong. NS."

"Isn't that Zhang Lu killed by you?"

"As long as we take Liu Xie away, Cao Cao will naturally return. Oh, by the way, I have to go back to find a few people and introduce them to you."


"Guo Jia and Zuo Ci!"

"Oh my God, did you meet them? No, right! Isn't Guo Jia dead?"

Tang Yu was a little excited. There is really nothing to see when he travels to the Three Kingdoms. Except for some small towns where humans live, there are forests and grasses everywhere.

Since there is no scene, you can only look at people. Guo Jia and Zuo Ci are heavy enough. If you can see these two people, it would be a worthwhile trip!

Qin An didn't explain to Tang Yu any more, because he didn't know why Zuo Ci wanted to die, so he left like this and returned to the city to fight.

Three days later, the team evacuated the Wuguan area and walked east for 200 kilometers to find a place to hide.

Qin An, the ten thousand people, has never stopped training and has definitely become the most powerful team in this era. When Qin An took over this unit, he trained them on the skills of killing zombies. After experiencing the actual combat in Wuguan , Qin An is already confident that he can pull this team into any arena.

The scouts collected some news. The Cao Jun of Hangu Pass has already had a thousand people heading south, and the destination is naturally Wuguan; it seems that troops are also being assembled in the direction of Luoyang. I don’t know when the army will leave Luoyang. The news is spreading too fast. Slow, it is not easy to get these news within three days.

Qin An asked Tang Yu to fight in the rear, and then rushed to Xudu by himself, but unexpectedly met the little girl Miyue on the road the next day.

Originally didn't want to take her, but this girl offered to exchange terms, she knew the secret of Guo Jia's suspended animation.

"Do you really know?"

"Of course! The old Dao and him hit it off right away. We have been entrenched here for a long time, so when the old Dao found out the cause of his suspended animation, I naturally knew it."

"Well, then, tell me why, if it is true, then I will take you to Xudu."

"In fact, it's nothing. It's not just a hit. Although the Sun and Liu Alliance is strong, Cao Cao is exhausted after years of fighting, but the North still has the ability to attack the South. Guo Jia even made some plans. Something happened at this time. There was a concubine next to Cao Cao, who is now Guo Jia’s wife, Dong, she has been with Cao Cao for four years, and no one knew that this woman was actually a pawn that Zhuge Liang had placed beside Cao Cao. It's a pity that this woman is a bit stupid. He didn't collect much information for Zhuge Liang in four years, so he decided to use her to do other things. That is to use medicinal liquor to make Guo Jia drunk in Cao Cao's bedroom, and then he had a husband and wife relationship with him. Actually. Guo Jia had no choice but to get out, because there was no solution to this matter, unless Dong Yu was killed. The hero was sad at Beauty Pass. After that happened with Dong Yu, Guo Jia actually fell in love with her and couldn’t bear it. They killed her and escaped. This is actually the best choice. Otherwise, if things go out, then Guo Jia I's reputation will be ruined."

Qin An was speechless, but he didn't expect it to be like this!Hey, many of the plots in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms are the stories of the Three Kingdoms in the eyes of the people of the world in the future. Then, what the real Three Kingdoms is like can only be understood by crossing over.

A counselor like Zhuge Liang cannot judge him in terms of good or bad. In order to win the national war, some unscrupulous tricks are normal.

Guo Jia went so far as to succumb to death, which shows that Cao Cao is not a real corporal of courtesy and virtuous, at least he may not be broad-minded in terms of women.

In this way, Qin An took Miyue and drove for another ten days before finally reaching Xudu.

Liu Xie, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, has lived in Xudu for more than 20 years. It is divided into inner and outer cities. The outer city is heavily guarded. There are some people living in the city. The inner city is where Liu Xie lives and is also heavily guarded.

It is not difficult to get into Xudu City, but the inner city is really three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry. The city wall is surrounded by a circle. If you want to go in without being discovered, it is absolutely impossible for Qin An to reach out now.

Cao Cao has left Luoyang with an army of 80,000 and headed straight for Wuguan. I believe Tang Yu should also get the news, and then came to Xudu with something wrong.

So what should I do now? Wait, or think of a way to enter the palace to see?

Just when Qin An hesitated, Mi Yue, the silly little beauty, had already made a choice for him, and went to a restaurant near the royal city to find a job, and this restaurant still delivered food to the royal palace...

When Qin An carried two large baskets of food into the palace with the old man Wang, he couldn't believe it.

The people who came to watch Liu Xie were also tired. For so many years, no one came to pay Liu Xie's attention, so their guards seemed tight, but in fact they were full of loopholes.

"Boy, your Little Sister is really good-looking. We may not be big, but there are rare foreigners. My Little Brother is a director on the household registration side. Only then can you come to my store to help. Remember, Qian Don't say you just entered Xudu, here is the residence of the King of Han, Wei Gongrende, afraid that outsiders will assassinate the king, so the management of personnel movement is very strict. The adults in the palace love the adult board the most, so be careful. ."

Qin An smiled and nodded, knowing that this old guy was in love with Mi Yue, and wanted to be his own relatives, and to understand the marriage of his dumb-looking son, only then did he take pains to obtain temporary residence permits for himself and Mi Yue. , But this is good, it saves a lot of trouble, but the plan to marry Miyue is probably lost. The little girl looked cute, but she was a real flying eagle. The sky can make her soar. How could a small restaurant in the capital be able to hold her?

After entering the palace, Qin An was very surprised. Unexpectedly, it was very luxurious. The pavilions and pavilions were very exquisite. The rockeries and small lakes were very beautiful. It was the most beautiful place Qin An had ever seen after coming to the Three Kingdoms World. It was much better than Zhang Lu’s house. Now, Zhang Lu looks like a private house, without the majesty of the emperor. As the last descendant of the big man, it seems that Liu Xie is doing well, but there is no freedom.

As the palace people turned a few big circles, they finally arrived at a courtyard. Qin An was very surprised that Liu Xie, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, was also there, wearing a dragon robe, sitting on the dragon chair in the pavilion.

By Liu Xie's side, there are so many beauties, all of whom are stunning. Among them, the most attractive one is a woman sitting next to Liu Xie.

She looked less than thirty years old, and she couldn't tell her height because she was sitting, but at least it was estimated to be at least 1.7 meters.

Aristocratic women in this era don't wear pants. A long dress with one-piece covers all the body shapes, so that Qin An can't see what her figure is.

But the beauty of the facial features is really indescribable.

Since meeting Sun Xiaomei, Thirteen Swordsman, Dong Yu, Feng Niang, and Mi Yue, Qin An has learned a little about today's beauties.

On the whole, it was even higher than the modern level. This made him a little bit unbelievable, but it was indeed the case.

There is no cosmetics on the face, but the delicate skin is still flawless, and the facial features have not been used, but they are scattered and so as to completely achieve the environmental proportions of modern people's aesthetics. It is said that women with this appearance are actually quite ordinary, discounting Qin An Very speechless.

Perhaps in the next few hundred years, people's aesthetic concepts will change, so the record does not indicate that there are many beautiful women in this era.

This is also very normal. Otherwise, why come to the Qing Dynasty, every imperial concubine looks like a village woman, without any sense of beauty, or even ugly.

In short, the woman sitting next to Liu Xie is very beautiful. Qin An’s ears have been collecting information, and it didn’t take a while before she knew that this woman was Liu Xie’s queen named Fushou.

Speaking of this, this woman is somewhat famous. Seeing her husband being bullied, she was really hated and afraid, so she wrote to her father to help him get rid of Cao Cao. She was timid to take over her father. This matter will be known to Cao Cao in a few years, and then Empress Fu will be disbanded and died, with a miserable end.

Looking sideways at this woman, Qin An frowned and felt a little regretful. How could such a beautiful chick be called such an unpleasant name? No wonder short-lived.

Maybe when I pick up Liu Xie and leave Xudu, I can ask the queen to change her name? What is it called?

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