Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1813 Tang Yu's Decision

Fushou experienced the strangest things in life. Qin An said she didn't believe anything. In her perception of Realm, Qin An's dressing performance is no different from that of a lunatic.

When Qin An communicated with Fu Shou, he felt that this woman could not listen to her own words.

It doesn't really matter, as long as she persuades her to stay quiet for two days and not to expose herself.

As I was thinking, the noise outside suddenly attracted Qin An, is this the soldiers mobilizing? Fushou's yard has been surrounded!

how can that be possible? Will I be found out if I am very careful?

Unless you have been secretly monitored long ago, and the person behind you must be a master.

Haven't heard of any powerful people in this little Xudu?

"Queen Fu has fornicated the internal officials and fornicated the harem. Please listen carefully, and send all arrows to me and shoot me the little palace man who has fornicated with the Queen!"

I fuck!

Who is this? Want to kill people directly? So decisive!

Qin An was really surprised. The bowstrings sounded outside, and Qin An hugged Fu Shoufei on the beam of the room before he could think.

"I didn't have any fornication! I didn't!"

How could Fu Shou stand up to this kind of framing, as the saying of being the queen of a country trampled on her values.

Qin An didn't have time to pay attention to her. The arrow shot from outside was actually a rocket, and the house was on fire. Not only was this to kill people, but it also seemed to want to destroy the corpses!

Why do you want to commit such a bad hand?

It's impossible to target yourself, so the soldiers outside must have been ordered to kill Empress Fu. Is it Cao Qi's command? Qin An thinks it may not be. Cao Qi is still a rough person in general. If he had to do it, he would not take advantage of such an opportunity. Could it be Sima Zhen, the principal of the city?

When he guessed in his mind, Zhen Ejian was already in his hand, slashing to split the roof, and Qin An jumped onto the roof with Fushou in his arms.

"Coming out! Coming out!"

"This kid has skill!"

"Enclose the house and don't let him leave!"

A group of soldiers shouted, and there were torches everywhere outside, and they had already surrounded this place from all sides.

Qin An raised his hand and shot the glass filament, connected to a big tree 30 meters away, and then leaped forward for ten meters to glide. When he was about to fall, he contracted the glass filament, used the traction force to travel for a few meters and then stepped on the rockery in the courtyard. Then, shrink the glass filament again and fly directly out of the wall.

The soldiers who had entered the courtyard were dumbfounded. How did they see the technology of this trapeze?

Qin An left the yard and flew to the tree, only torches were still everywhere!

Huh? What it is?Qin An suddenly discovered that many kites had risen around the palace. These kites were big and scary, and some were even more than five meters in length. What surprised Qin An more was the kite traction lines, which were made of metal.

The production level of these kites is a bit exaggerated. Has anyone mastered this technique in the Three Kingdoms era?

Before in the own world, Qin An only knew about Guan Yu’s Azure Dragon Yanyue Knife, Zhuge Liang’s Wooden Niu Liuma, and Crossbow Arrows. He was already amazed when he saw Miyue’s Nine-Blade Moon Gun. It's like an acrobat's equipment, but it can be manipulated by Miyue.

So what are these big kites at this time? Qin An definitely didn't think it was just a kite. Perhaps it was a weapon that hadn't been handed down to the world and he had never heard of it? Otherwise, who would fly kites around the royal city at this time?

There are many people around.

Since Qin An’s journey through, he has discovered that the physiques of the people in the Three Kingdoms era and Chile are improving. Although they are still ordinary people compared to himself, they are stronger than ordinary people recognized in their worldview. Become an elite.

This change is becoming more and more intense. Qin An and ordinary soldiers in his team exchanged empty-handed games half a month ago. It would be a bit difficult for a hundred people to deal with him together. Now facing the soldiers around, although there is Zhen Zhen E Jian was in hand, but Qin An still felt that it was not easy to fight.

The weapons in these people’s hands were heavy and powerful. Qin An could cut off the opponent’s weapon with the Zhen E sword, but his arm was also shaken. If the collision was so intense for a long time, it would make him hurt. The muscles became tense, and the nerves were somewhat exhausted.

Qin An knew that he couldn't take a long time, and killing these ordinary soldiers was definitely much harder than killing zombies. He had to find a place quickly, either hide or escape.

"Keep your distance! Keep your distance! Watch out for his weapons!"

"Kill my brother, I will fight you!"

"Hurry up and inform Lord Sima, the killer is very fierce, we need more people!"

"Go and ask Master Thunderstorm to do it!"

At this time, Qin An was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. He had killed almost two hundred people without much effort. There were broken corpses everywhere, blood spattered everywhere, and a bloody smell was already in the air.

The guards were finally terrified. The soldiers who were able to guard the city of Xudu had some skills, but these people couldn't insist on meeting Qin An at all. This difference in ability was enough to scare everyone.

Qin An found a breakthrough when people were in a panic, and quickly passed through the courtyards and palaces.

At this time, the sky was a bit dim, and the rain-gathering clouds were squeezing thicker and thicker, and finally a flash of light flashed across the sky, and then patches of thunder resounded across the fields.

After a short while, another thunderstorm struck, and the lightning hit a kite flying in the air. After that, the electric flower fell along the kite line and disappeared in an instant.

Damn it!

These kites are actually used to pull thunder and lightning? Who is so powerful, has this kind of method unexpectedly.

Qin An didn't think much about it when he was frightened, and continued to run with Empress Fu. At this time, it was unrealistic to hide it. Although no one dared to come close, Qin An's whereabouts were kept under control.

A few minutes later, on the edge of the inner city wall, Qin An was once again surrounded by guards. The soldiers who came this time were obviously different. They were wearing armor that covered most of their body, and they all held three-meter-long slender spears in their hands. What makes Qin An most concerned about is that they also have metal wires tied to their bodies, and these metal wires are connected to the wires on the kite.

It is estimated that there are leather insulating objects in their armor, while the metal outer armor and spear are used as lightning release equipment. If the lightning falls and is attracted by the kite, it is likely to pull the lightning down as a means of attack.

In other words, this trick requires the weather as a basis, and he is also unlucky. It just happened to catch up with the thunder on a cloudy day, so the opponent sent this kind of thunder and lightning soldier.

In fact, these soldiers should not be good.

They only have lightning attributes, just like the minions with lightning skills in the game. The lightning skills cannot be released at any time, and the random chance of releasing may not reach 1%.

However, this approach shocked Qin An too much. Why didn't he hear that Cao Cao had a lightning soldier? Who is so talented?

Think about it, maybe it is because the probability of the Raiden Soldiers being able to really play a role is very small, so they did not build any merits, so there is no name for them in history.

"Hahaha! Young man, who on earth are you who dare to sneak into the palace to snatch the queen? Fortunately, my master, wise, has already seen through your conspiracy and tricks. Tonight also coincides with the celestial phenomenon, let you see the old man's thundering formation! If you know how good you are, you will be able to catch it quickly. If you let the old man take a shot, you will suffer."

In a building not far ahead, a white-haired old man was shouting with a smug expression on his face.

This should be the thunderstorm lord shouted by the soldier just now, right? Believe that this name is just a title.

Hey, it can be considered a talented person. The scientist of the Three Kingdoms period is absolutely more powerful in invention than Zhuge Liang. Unfortunately, the practicability is too poor. This Thunder Soldier is okay to scare and scare people.

Qin An didn't talk to the old man. He avoided the stun gun that stabbed in front of him. At this moment, there was no electric light from above. The attack power was no different from that of a normal stab gun. Qin An didn't care.

After raising his hand to shoot the glass filament and entwining the hanging rope of a lightning soldier, Qin An hugged Empress Fu and shuttled through the crowd, but after a while, the ropes connected to the lightning soldier were entangled with glass filament.

Under the traction of this kind of force from below, the kites released from the sky began to gather in one place, and at the same time the thunder and lightning soldiers on the ground began to be pulled together to lean on each other.

Finally, another bolt of lightning flew across the sky, and the lightning fell quickly, causing all the soldiers to fly in a circle of lightning, which looked very spectacular.

"Haha, smart is smart enough, but unfortunately it's useless for birds."

Qin An had already broken through the encirclement while speaking, and reached the vicinity of the city wall.

The soldiers became more confused now, and countless people saw the scene of Qin An holding Empress Fu flying and jumping onto a wall more than ten meters high.

This is really shocking, what kind of person can jump so high upright?

After Qin An left the palace, he quickly found a densely housed area and got into it. In a blink of an eye, he escaped from the chasing soldiers behind him, and then found a big family near the palace and jumped in.

There were many houses in this family, and there were many empty rooms. Qin An found a house that seemed safe and no one would come, and brought Queen Fu in. After that, he took off the Spider-Man hood, and sweat was already on his forehead.

The clothes are also useful, but the air permeability is too poor, which is really suffocating.

After taking off his headgear, Qin An took off the one-piece clothes again, leaving only the black vest and boxer shorts inside.


Empress Fu is really strong-willed and has not fainted yet.

Although the room was dark, she could still see Qin An's undressing.

"Who are you! Why do you treat me like this!"

Empress Fu's voice was very soft. The experience just now was too terrifying, so she was still very afraid of Qin An.

"It's not that I want to treat you. Didn't you wake up in the process just now? It was the guards of the royal city who wanted to kill you, so that's why they set rockets directly at your palace! You don't need to be afraid of me, maybe I didn't. To be clear, then I’ll tell you again, I’m here for King Qin, and I’m going to take the Emperor away from Xudu and rebuild the majesty of the big man."

"Rebuild the majesty of the man? But where can we go without Xudu?"

"This world is boundless, you can go anywhere."


Empress Fu couldn't understand what Qin An said."Well, in short, don't be afraid of me, Empress Empress. We will be able to leave this place in ten days."

The city was completely chaotic at this time, gongs and drums were beaten everywhere.

Qin An didn't care very much, no matter if he was discovered, what he wanted to take away the emperor was to make the world known. It would be meaningless if he didn't make a noise in Xudu.

At the same time, Sima Zhen's mansion has received reports on the progress of the situation.

Cao Qi jumped into thunder, and must tell to deal with i foreign invaders.

Sima Zhen stopped him, frowning and said: "The Thunderbolt of Master Thunderstorm is very powerful. Even if there is no sky thunder cheering up, it is difficult to deal with the formation. Moreover, there are so many soldiers in the palace to help, and this kid is actually A person drove away the empress and hid the trace after successfully escaping? The battle is not simple. The bravery of this person is afraid that it is not necessary for Lu Bu Dianwei to be weak at the time!"

"My lord, you are a Confucian general, so you can't pretend to be arrogant and raise the ambition of others! I will go out and lead my troops to search the city, and I will definitely find this kid and the queen back."

"No! The key today is not this person! I just said that the enemy in the direction of Ding Wuguan will definitely come to Xudu, so the adults should go to rectify the defense of the inner city, and I will arrange the defense of the outer city. The whole city is blocked, and this person will naturally be found."

"Well, it was originally my duty to rectify defense, sir, then should we report your guess to the lord."

"No, the lord is so clever, how can he not think of the things I can think of? It's just that now he still leads troops to Wuguan and doesn't care about Xudu at all, which proves that he is not afraid at all! I want to do it. It’s not easy that a group of people have been planted near Luoyang or Xu County, waiting for the enemy from the west. But when the adults reach Wuguan, they can change from passive to active. Going west can take Hanzhong, going north can kill Ma Chao, and return east. You can contain this enemy!"

"The adult sees it thoroughly, the villain admires it...Is it really for the time being left alone?"

"Of course you have to manage. You only need to send a few waves to each house and every household. Our outer city guard did not report the news. This proves that he never Xudu immediately. This person has mixed into Xudu as a pioneer. Except, it will be a disaster when the enemy comes to attack the city!"

Sima Zhen's mouth raised a mocking smile."I now hope that there will be an enemy army. The four generals around me have studied tactics for many years, but they have never really fought against the enemy. Although they don’t care about fame and fortune, they really need a battle for themselves. Prove the meaning of existence. General Cao, don't worry too much, everything is still under our control."

Seeing that Sima was so calm, Cao Qi finally felt relieved.

At this time, what Simazhen and Qin An did not expect was that Tang Yu had already led the 10,000 people under him to gather at a place only 80 kilometers away from Xudu, which was only forty-five kilometers away from Luoyang.

In the camp tent, Tang Yu sat in the first place, Sun Xiaomei sat beside her, underneath sat Pound, Guo Jia, and Zuo Ci.

Zuo Ci and Guo Jia were completely forced. They didn't want to join the army at all, but after leaving Wuguan, they were basically under house arrest by Qin An. They wanted to go but couldn't.

Zuo Ci is okay, he is just walking around anyway, and now he is very happy to be around beauties of Tang Yu and Sun Xiaomei's level.

Guo Jia was depressed, he didn't want to return to Cao Cao's nose again.

"Everyone! You all know what my husband thinks. He wants to fight Xudu, and then take Liu Xie north to the grassland. My current idea is different from his. This place is very hidden. It is estimated that our people will be able to gather tomorrow morning. Complete. It is only ninety miles away from Luoyang. If we leave tomorrow night, we will arrive in Luoyang the next evening, so why not just go around?"

"Madam, are you going to fight Luoyang?"

Guo Jia's mouth is already open and can put a bird's egg inside.

"Yes! Because I think Xudu's place is unlucky. Although we were hidden along the way, 10,000 people scattered and marched, but it was impossible to completely avoid Cao Cao's eyeliner. But Cao Cao still led his troops to Wuguan. Why? I think maybe he guessed our intention. Although Xudu is on the plain, there are also deep mountains and dense forests nearby. Maybe there are already many soldiers in it. If we encircle Xudu, the ending It was probably due to internal and external attacks, and Cao Cao felt that we were not a threat, so he went to execute his own army map. In this case, we might as well go to Luoyang. It is estimated that there will be tens of thousands of soldiers stationed in Luoyang City after Cao Cao has left. No one would have thought that people like us would attack the city. It’s not considered a siege. Just send five hundred soldiers to enter the city gate first, and when our brigade rushes into the city, let them guard the city gate and guarantee the way. It's just smooth."

"Madam, but we can't occupy Luoyang City, what's your intention for going here?"

"There is nothing to say! I believe Qin An, if I make trouble in Luoyang, then he must have a way to take Liu Xie out of Xudu. We don't need our support at all. In those days, Cao Cao and the emperor commanded the princes, we will do it this time. I took orders from his family members to Cao Cao. Of course, even if all his family members fell into our hands, he would not listen to our orders. War is inevitable. If it needs a city to fight each day, it is better to let Cao Cao chase us, and then we can choose the battlefield and the method of duel, which will become passive to active! I know Cao Cao’s family Basically, they are all in Luoyang, only Cao Pi guards Yecheng. If Cao Cao’s other children are taken away, Cao Pi’s heart will not know whether he will be happy or happy? Cao Cao is fifty-seven now, isn’t he? Cao Pi is still a five-man Zhonglang Will... Hey, in short, I think it must be fun to catch Cao Cao’s family! We only need to go in the south of Luoyang city, and then leave from the north of the city. There is no need to stay in this battle. Just go through Luyang! It's definitely easier than going to hit Xudu!"

In the tent, the few people were already stupid, completely speechless. They always thought that Qin An was stunned and wanted to go to Xu Du. This was already very unreliable, and his wife was even more of a problem. Biaozi, actually going to play f*ck in Luoyang? Is this crazy?

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