Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1814 Two-pronged approach

The night was fairly comfortable, and Qin An even slept. For this reason, he fainted Empress Fu, fearing that she would run away or scream indiscriminately.

At the beginning of the day, Qin An went out and stole a set of palace clothes. He wandered around in the palace and found that everything was in order, and the layout of the city was also changing. The alert level should have been raised several levels on the wall. The defense of Qin An was also changing. The big kites were still flying in the sky last night, but the locations where the kites were released were all out of the city. They were distributed in many places outside Xudu City. Qin An thought this might be a form of formation.

At this time, people like to use formation to deploy soldiers in battle, using soldiers to form different positions with various traps, weapons, etc., which can often allow soldiers to exert a combat effect of 1+1 greater than 2.

Qin An was a little tangled after investigating around.

Liu Xie has been taken care of by more heavy soldiers. The inner city is heavily guarded and no entry is possible except for entering. The defense on the outer city wall is also very strict. The fortification trap suspension bridge outside the city has begun to be constructed. Look at this posture. Qin An felt that the situation was not so good, and the coach in the city must have guessed that someone would come to play Xu Du.

It's not easy!

In this era, in addition to some official roads, there are many wild and dense forests.

Moreover, people lack natural knowledge and there are many wild beasts in the forest. Once they enter, it is easy to encounter danger. Therefore, people seldom walk on wild roads, and troops with large base numbers rarely enter the mountains and forest wasteland. The role of.

It's just that the 10,000 people trained by themselves already have the qualities of a field team, and traveling through mountains and rivers is the profession.

Therefore, it is not easy for them to be found when walking through the mountains and forests. So the defense level of Xudu suddenly became Ascension, which is naturally the reason for the coach’s sentiment. Tang Yu, and Tang Yu must have a way to attack the city, right?

Walking in the city is not easy anymore. Qin An almost grasped some information and returned to the room he was in before. Before Empress Fu woke up, Qin An took out a bowl of instant noodles and ate directly.

Interspatial Ring is an absolutely static space. These instant noodles are put in after soaking, and they are just like the ones just soaked.

Qin An checked what was left in the Interspatial Ring by the way, and he could see the situation inside through his spiritual will.

It is already very big, like a square, with things piled up everywhere, a little messy, Qin'an's Mental Energy has also been reduced a lot, it is difficult to feel everything in the Interspatial Ring casually.

Wandering around for a while, Qin An's eyes suddenly lit up.

Black armor!

This is transformed by the soul of the black armored iron beast sword spirit. It has the defensive ability of the sword god and also has the attack attribute of the sword god.

It comes in two forms, one is a cool-looking shed trot, and the other is a combat robot, which means that it is like a deformed Vajra with the strength of a sword god, with a black armored iron beast sword. The spirit is the body and the super mobile weapon with the ancestor of Magical Beasts as the soul.

NS! How can I forget it?

Qin An quickly went up to check the performance of the machine, but was a little bit lost afterwards.

Although the weapon system can still be used, the Sword God level attack effect is obviously gone.

Hey, yes, it can be used at least, and this thing is considered a super weapon in this era. With it, it shouldn’t be a problem to take Liu Xie away. It’s just that it’s difficult to take away Liu Xie’s family safely. I had known that I had put a Longyan fighter in the space, and it was easy to take away dozens of people with this thing.

After confirming everything in the Interspatial Ring, Qin An withdraws his consciousness and finished the instant noodles. Empress Fu just woke up, so Qin An took out another portion of instant noodles for her to eat.

"What is this?"

Empress Fu fell asleep and her mental state was stable. After eating the instant noodles, the special taste attracted all her attention.

It was so delicious, it was a delicacy she had never touched before, and the fresh taste fascinated her.

"Instant noodles, how does it taste?"

"Well, it's delicious."

Empress Fu might be hungry, or she could only accept the situation at this time, so she looked pretty good.

After eating the noodles, Empress Fu's condition is better, and her confidence in her words has also become sufficient."Who are you? We have left the palace now? You know that I am the queen, and you will definitely die if you arrest me."

"Death? Fu Ling, it's too early to die. From now on, the fate of you and Liu Xie will change because of me. Wait slowly."

"You are bold! How can you call your Majesty's name directly!"

"Hey, there should be many people in this palace who dare to call your Majesty Liu Xie directly?"

Qin An didn't care. He didn't want to invite an uncle by his side and treat Liu Xie with courtesy. It was almost impossible for him to treat him as an emperor.

Empress Fu was very angry. She felt that the man in front of her was too rude. She couldn't speak for a while and ate the instant noodles dullly. Then she realized the man in front of her.

His strange clothes are gone, and now he is wearing the costumes of the palace officials. It looks much more normal, and he looks very upright, not like a bad person.

I really can't figure it out, what are the guards in the palace doing? I even let myself be caught here, but no one came to rescue myself for such a long time.

The queen will be dumbfounded and remembered many details of yesterday.

Do they really want to let themselves die? Otherwise, why would it shoot the rocket so directly and light the palace? Is it all arranged by Cao Qi?

Empress Fu still didn’t understand so many things, she just felt her head confused, and finally entangled again, why does this man always call her Fuling? The name is given by her parents, even if she is a big Han empress, she changes without saying change The truth, right?

Qin An didn't leave this room, but lurked here with Empress Fu for two days and nights, until the city became chaotic.

Could it be that Tang Yu is here? Is it so fast?

Qin An found an empty hiding place in this compound, released the black armored chariot, put Empress Fu inside, and left alone to check.

It didn’t take much time for Qin An to figure out the situation. It was not Tang Yu who came back, but Miyue who returned. She was found when she entered the city, so she escaped all the way and was chased and killed. Became chaotic.

Just when Mi Yue was about to be trapped and unable to escape, Qin An found her and quickly took her away.

"Hey! Where have you been? I can't find you!"

Mi Yue had just gone through too many fights and was a little panicked, pouting, flushing, and short of breath.

"I was exposed, so I hid in the city, how about it? Has the news been sent to Tang Yu?"

"Yes, yes, but the correspondent sent back news about Tang Yu Big sis, saying that he was going to fight Luoyang."


Qin An was stunned with fright, Tang Yu was too courageous to go fight Luoyang?

"When do you do it?"

"I said it was the assembly last night, and I will do it tonight. Now the sun has been set for a long time, maybe they have already rushed into Luoyang City."

As soon as Miyue’s voice fell, I saw billowing white smoke rising in the northwest direction. I don’t know what it was after burning. The white color actually overwhelmed the darkness of night. Although the distance is estimated to be more than ten kilometers, But you can see clearly in the night.

"What? The city gate was breached?"

Cao Zhang, who was stationed in Luoyang with a yellow beard, had a green face.

"Where are the people? How many are there?"

"It's not clear! Some of them got into the city during the day when the city gate was opened. Now it is a female general who is guarding the city gate. She uses the heavy-handed golden hammer, which is very powerful! Sirius and Cheng Faliang A general lieutenant was beaten to pieces by the hammer only after he had a face-to-face encounter with her. I don't know how many soldiers rushed in outside the city!"

"Trash! Is Inner Sect also lost?"

"Well, the female general smashed the Inner Sect with a hammer!"

Hearing the soldier's report, Cao Zhang could no longer calm down, and immediately ordered the military attache to assemble and quickly remove the garrison in the military camps inside and outside Luoyang City.

It was really unexpected. When my father left, he said that someone might go to Xu Du. He had already transferred a part of Luoyang's soldiers to the past. How come that Xu is all right now, and Luoyang has been broken into the city? This is really unimaginable.

When Cao Zhang couldn’t figure out what was going on, Tang Yusun’s younger sister Pound had led people all the way to the palace and rushed into Cao Cao’s palace. All of Cao Cao’s more than a dozen wives were there. In addition, his seven or eight The son and three daughters are also there.

Tang Yu was really good this time, and he gave Cao Cao's nest directly.

In fact, if only a frontal charge of 10,000 soldiers is not enough to win Luoyang, Tang Yu's advantage is Heaven's Surprise. Because there was no newsletter before, no one would have thought that someone would come to Luoyang. More importantly, Tang Yu was so brave. No one could stop her golden hammer from fighting all the way. Whether it was a weapon, a horse, or a warrior, all of them were killed in a single blow.

"Little Sister! Cao's family members have been arrested by more than two hundred people, where are we going now?"

Little sister Sun, who has been with Tang Yu all the time, was a little excited. This kind of golden life and iron horse used to be her fantasy, but now she is close to her.

"They want to mobilize is not something that can be accomplished overnight. It is estimated that the people who came are just some guards who guard the city. There are not many people. We rushed out according to the original plan when they did not react and went to the north gate!"

"But they have horses, most of us are infantry!"

"Didn't you have your grenade ready when you came? Didn't you play it? The order goes down and runs while still!"

Grenade. Bullet! This weapon is the most primitive and simplest weapon Qin An can make. It has been mass-produced in the field army. It has an assembly-line production process. Everyone in the army is equipped with five, and 10,000 people are 50,000.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang invented landmines in the late stage campaign, but he did not apply gunpowder to military weapons.

Therefore, the hand grenade is too advanced. After the order was given, the soldiers of the field army began to pull the grenades. After a while, the city of Luoyang burst into flames.

In the face of this chaos, Cao Zhang was a little bit confused. The power of the attack was too great, and the sound of the explosion was strange and mysterious, which naturally made people frightening.

Zhuge Liang in the south likes to invent some strange things. Could it be that Liu Bei's army has arrived? Who is that female player?

Not much care, Cao Zhang was afraid of Luoyang's loss, and had personally led his soldiers out to find the enemy to fight.

Before rushing to the south gate, a soldier came to report that Cao Cao’s palace had been robbed. I don’t know how many infantry soldiers passed by. After that, Cao’s mansion became deserted, with more than a dozen dogs, more than 30. The sheep were taken away.

As soon as Cao Zhang heard this, her mother, Mrs. Bian, who is also the future Queen Wuxuan Bian of Wei Wei, was also in the palace!

Thinking of this, Cao Zhang was almost crazy, so he immediately ordered the beacon tower to be lit and the surrounding cities to send soldiers to encircle and suppress.

He also understood that if the number of people who came in was less than 100,000, they would not be able to gain a foothold in Luoyang. After all, there are soldiers stationed in nearby cities, large and small, and once the masses are not negligible, even if Luoyang is occupied, the counterattack against Luoyang will be instantaneous. Between.

So perhaps the purpose of this group of people is the Cao family, they will run away if they snatch them!

Really dying! If all members of the Cao family were taken away, then Cao Cao wouldn't kill him when he came back.

Cao Zhang was in awe of his father, worried about his mother, and naturally got angry!

At this time, Xu Du's Sima Zhen was also very hot.

Xu Du had made all the preparations inside and outside, waiting for someone to come and kill him, but he didn't expect that Luoyang's firework signal for help would spread.

How could this be? Did someone fight Luoyang?

The rising of this white smoke meant that Luoyang was in a hurry, and all nearby cities needed to send troops for reinforcements.

How many people are there in the enemy? How could Luoyang send out such a signal?

Sima really doesn't understand, do you want to move? Or is it waiting for further news?

The fireworks are delivered by beacon towers. I want to wait for the messengers from Luoyang to arrive. It is estimated that it will be noon tomorrow. At that time, I will dispatch troops and estimate that Houtian will be able to reach the outskirts of Luoyang at night.

That Cao Zhang is really too cautious! This level of fireworks has not been lighted in years, how dare he just light it up? Could it be said that Luoyang is in danger?When Sima was really entangled, suddenly a soldier ran into the house to report that the palace was in chaos. A huge black monster broke through all the lines of defense. I don't know how many people were killed. But Liu Xie, his concubine, and all their children disappeared.

Qin An felt that it was fairly successful, using the robot form of the black armored chariot to completely attract all the firepower.

A group of guys from the Three Kingdoms period were probably scared to death when they saw the black armored chariot. Qin An took advantage of the chaos and killed the guard who guarded Liu Xie, and then took him and his family to sneak in the palace with the help of Mi Yue.

At the same time, Qin An used his mind to control the black armored robot to release a few Spiritual Qi high-energy cannons, smashing all the gates of Xu Du on all sides, and then ran to Beicheng with Liu Xie.

"Dammit! Tang Yu doesn't care about my life or death!"

When running to a place where no one was there, Qin An finally roared in hatred.

Fortunately, there is black armor, otherwise it would be impossible for him and Mi Yue to escort Liu Xie's dozen or so family members out of the city together.

Now he also dare not care, his attention is highly concentrated, while sneaking and clearing obstacles.

If Tang Yu comes to attack, where does Xu Du himself need such trouble?

Miyue also brought other news about Tang Yu, and she and Qin An agreed to finally meet on the grassland.

She went out to save trouble. It was estimated that it would take a few days before Luoyang went all the way to the north to enter the grassland. However, she went out from Xudu and estimated that there were already heavy troops gathered in Luoyang. Cao Cao in the west would definitely return. If you want to enter the grassland, you can only head north. Go, but there are a lot of cities over there, and this journey is estimated to be very thrilling in the past.

It's really not easy. In the end, Qin An killed Xudu Beicheng. There were a lot of chasing soldiers behind him, but the black armored robot also came and fought with them. Qin An took Liu Xie and the others to continue to escape, just like that. After stopping, chasing and running, Qin An finally asked all the chasing soldiers and took back the black armored chariot until early in the morning.

Liu Xie's family population is not too complicated.

Empress Fu, Concubine Xu, Concubine Lan, Concubine Feng, and nine nobles.

Liu Xie's eldest son, Liu Feng, is sixteen years old, and Liu Xi and Liu Yi are also over ten years old.

Empress Fu has two sons for Liu Xiesheng, Liu Han and Liu Tang are still very young, one is eight years old and the other is less than three years old.

In addition, there are a few young daughters who are not big.

Liu Xie didn't know exactly what was going on. He was held by Qin An all the time, and the others just ran along.

Concubine Lan Lan was surprised all the way and wanted to escape most, but Mi Yue saw her so hard that she had no chance to escape.

This place is already in the center of the three big cities of Xudu, Luoyang, and Hanoi. There is a large mountain forest. The so-called mountain is actually a slope above the ground nearby, but the so-called forest is unusually lush.

Although people also need wood at this time, the natural environment is superior and the population is small, so the forest trees have not been smashed. Some large trees have reached almost 100 meters in height, which is very spectacular. I don't know how many years they have grown.

In short, this forest is suitable for hiding, but there are many beasts in the forest. Qin An even spotted a pack of wolves. When a dozen wolves rushed forward, several of Liu Xie’s noblemen were scared to pee their pants, without Qin An’s orders, sturdy Mi Yue directly rushed up to kill all the wolves, skinning and cutting the meat and planning to roast them.

The ethnic minorities are really amazing, but Qin An doesn't know whether this wolf meat is delicious?

Finally settled down in a place that was quite empty, with the sun rising in the east and the mist in the forest.

Liu Xie's clothes were torn to pieces by Qin An, and he looked haggard at this time.

"General, who are you? Why did you bring me here?"

Liu Xie's expression looked a bit agitated. He had been detained for twenty years and had always wanted to leave the prison and walk around. Now that he came out, the things he experienced were really weird.

"Return to your Majesty, my name is Qin An, and I am a loyal minister of our big man. I only want to help you restore the hegemony of Jiangshan!"


Liu Xie didn't believe Qin An's words at all.

Empress Fu was watching with cold eyes. She was actually a little sad. She had been missing for a day and night. Although she had been on the run again just now, Liu Xie didn't even come over to greet her. The husband and wife's kindness is actually unbroken, but now this Liu Xie has nothing. Don't care, even if Qin An really has the ability to help Liu Xie, he is not suitable for being an emperor.

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