Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1817 Savage Chief

Qin An paid attention, and wanted to understand how to do it.

He is a modern person, and he still doesn't understand a group of savage tribes, that would be a shame.

Isn’t the strong respected? Then he challenged their patriarchs, as long as the dozens of the most powerful guys are obedienced, and then he will popularize the husband and wife system for them, and let them know that it is actually easier to cultivate diversified by diversified genetic fusion. Gene offspring is the right path for human evolution.

Thinking of this, Qin An instructed Mi Yue to be optimistic about everyone in Liu Xie, and then left the hiding place with the follower Honglian, intending to challenge the tribe's chief directly.

Qin An really didn't want to bring the red lotus, but this woman was completely devilish and it didn't make sense.

Qin An finally realized a problem. Honglian was not obedient at all. She would only selectively listen to certain things, such as letting her beat people, get things and so on. And most of the time, she is more independent of her own.

Qin An didn't understand Honglian's thinking, and the time to get along was relatively short, so he could only do this first, but he never dared to relax his surveillance on her.

Our Lady is not good at this point. In fact, if I killed Red Lotus from the beginning, there would be no trouble now.

But he didn't do anything at first, and now Qin An can kill the seemingly harmless woman even more.

Taking the troublesome Red Lotus to the open space in front of the cave, Qin An quickly attracted attention. A group of cavemen surrounded them with wooden spears, very cautious.

A leader they called the wolf head walked out of the crowd. He was five meters tall and his muscles were very scary. The waist circumference made of tiger skin was very short. Qin An could even see him occasionally between his legs when he walked around. The exposed weapon.

In fact, Qin An has seen many naked people in the last days, but this is not the last days, but ancient times.

I have a feeling that many parts of the world have not yet been developed. Columbus only landed on the New World America on the south bank of Paria Bay in 1502. It is still more than 1,300 years away. How can this not be embarrassing, capital Doctrine has successfully colonized the world in such a short time, and it is fierce enough.

Maybe after everything calms down, you can get a big ship, then leisurely go to the sea and go to America as a colonizer, and build a peaceful home there.

When Columbus arrived, I would beat him and the western tooth extraction behind him. Hey, it should be interesting to think about it?

"who are you?"

The tone of the wolf's head is a little weird.

Qin An has been listening to them just now, has thoroughly understood this dialect, and automatically has a translation in his heart, and he can speak.

With a smile on his face, Qin An said to the wolf head: "I want to challenge you! Because I am stronger than you, and I am the messenger of the gods. To lead you to open a Sacred battle path, you must all obey me!"

No matter how much it is said, these people are still very superstitious. Qin An thinks the myth is OK. Anyway, he has this strength, and he has done this kind of thing. The last days soul boy deceived a group of modern people. .

"God's messenger?"

"Yes, I am called the Son of God!"

Langtou was a little surprised. It was the first time he met a foreigner who could speak their language.

The clansmen nearby also all talked about it.

"Wolf's head, I want to eat his meat, I don't believe he is an angel from the gods, I want to kill him!"

A man who looked stronger than a wolf head walked out of the team, very mighty.

The people of the tribe all screamed from their mouths, very excited, calling Couli's name.

This ethnic group has no words, and Coulee is just a lost sound, like a wolf's head.

As early as more than 700 years ago, there were already named wolves on the Mongolian grasslands. These people are the descendants of the races on the Mongolian grasslands and have wolf heads. It is not surprising that Gu Li is a translated name."My warrior, let's go, pierce his hypocritical skin and let us see if he is the messenger of the gods or the minions of the devil!"

The cavemen are not all fools. Whether or not Langtou believes Qin An's words, it seems that he doesn't want to give up the position of tribal leader.

Qin An sighed slightly, then he could only kill people. As the so-called killing chickens and monkeys, how could he become a holy son if he could not show the power beyond their cognition as an outsider.

The leader challenge of this race can be opened at any time. A group of tribesmen form a circle to form a arena. They allow outsiders to challenge, but outsiders have to defeat all the warriors before they can fight against the tribal leaders. This is a kind of wheel war, very It's not fair.

Of course Qin An would not be afraid, walking into the circle, frowning all the time.

"Hey, Guren, I want to fight with others, can you not follow me?"

Hong Lian has been pulling Qin An's clothes corner for a whole day, not wanting to give up at this time.

Qin An is about to fight, it is impossible to bring Honglian with him.

"Outside the circle, or I won't take you with you in the future!"

Qin An decided to use threats. Honglian looked stupid, but she could definitely understand Own's words. She just didn't listen to her own words.

When Qin An spoke to Hong Lian in a very serious tone, tears filled Hong Lian's eyes. Looking at Qin An's pitiful appearance, she finally listened to his request and did not move forward.


Sure enough, this guy is not only not stupid, but also very clever, knowing how to advance and retreat!

It seems that I have to be more careful about her in the future to see what she is.


After Qin An settled in Honglian and entered the circle, Gu Li immediately roared and rushed up, running very fast, so he carried a gust of wind.

Hey, it's a pity that in order to achieve the goal, we can only give up some things in principle.

After Gu Li rushed up, Qin An's body did not move. He raised his hand and grabbed his arm. He threw his body suddenly and flew more than ten meters away and hit the mountain wall. After falling, he rolled down the mountain.

Coulee’s strength is one of the best in the tribe. Seeing that he was thrown directly down the mountain, everyone backed in fright, all legs bent down, and his body fell. This was a start to escape, and it was also a start. This attitude of respect for the strong is a kind of physical quality formed by the ancients in the long evolution.

A strong male member of the tribe ran down the mountain quickly, and it took ten minutes to get Couli up. Qin An did not speak during this time. His mood was depressed, because he knew Couli continued his head when he fell down the mountain. I hit the raised rock twice, and now it's dead.

died! It's really dead!

People in the cave were so scared to make a sound.

The warrior Coulee was thrown to death by others. This is too powerful. Could it be that the other party is really the Son of God?

Qin An's heart immediately became cold after killing a person. This was his characteristic. Once the killing started, he became the most ruthless killer.

"Who else?"

Facing Qin An's challenge, Langtou felt a trace of fear.

So he didn't want to face this man himself, and ordered the other warriors to fight Qin An.

The tribe has a relatively simple and direct upper and lower hierarchical relationship.

Once the patriarch has issued an order, others must obey it even if they are afraid.

So Qin An started a series of gladiatorial fights. After ten games, three people were killed and seven were injured.

This can be regarded as being merciful. If Qin An really kills, none of these ten people will survive.

In general, although these people have strong physical strength, there is nothing special in their tactics. If Qin An fights in a group without using weapons, Qin An may still be a little strenuous, and there is really no difficulty in heads-up.

A large group of cave people were completely conquered by Qin An's arrogance, and at this time they knelt down.

They revere the mighty strength as if they feared the gods, so they already believed in their hearts that Qin An was the son of Heaven Sacred.

Langtou was still a bit cunning. When he saw that all the masters in the clan had been killed by Qin An, he knew that the situation was over, and he couldn't beat the man in front of him anyway.

Their race has not yet accepted foreigners as leaders, but it's not that they can't, so Langtou didn't do anything with Qin An, but chose to bow down and surrender.

Qin An simply became the leader of the savages. It has to be said that the ancient people were still too narrow in the world view, especially the isolated savages. Otherwise, the colonists would not be able to rely on a few broken ships. You can colonize a continent with just a broken gun.

Qin An asked Mi Yue Liu Xie and the others to come over, and the follower Honglian grabbed Qin An's back skirt again. Qin An was really afraid that she would hold him like this for the rest of her life. That was really bad.

"General Qin, do I have to rest here tonight?"

Liu Xie has accepted the fact that he was plundered by Qin An. He can't be the owner anyway. It's good to follow Qin An out and walk around. He has been suffocated to death in the palace these years, and he can come out to take the mountains and rivers. , I thought it was worth it to die.

"Well, your Majesty will rest here today. From now on, these people will be our private army. Their physique is strong, and a little training is the best field army. With their protection, your Majesty can be safer."

"Field Army?"

"It's the army fighting in the wild...Okay, time is about the same. Your Majesty will take the family to find an empty cave to sleep. I will let Mi Yue guard the outside."

Qin An was polite to Liu Xie as he should. He was an emperor after all. As long as he didn't make trouble for himself, he wouldn't be embarrassed by him.

Liu Xie and the others had all seen the battle between Qin An and the savages just now.

By Liu Xie's side, Fu Ling occasionally glanced at Qin An secretly. This man was so strange that she had already left a deep impression on her.

In addition to seeing Qin An, she will also go to see Princess Lan.

Sooner or later, she is going to clean up this woman, maybe she should find a chance to have a good relationship with Qin An, after all, it is Qin An who speaks the most.

Qin An watched Liu Xie's group leave, and began to think about how to communicate with this group of wild men. They all knelt on the ground, and didn't dare to raise their heads at all.

Since they are savages, even if they are wise, the environment of Life is still very bad. Human trash is everywhere, and every body has a strange smell.

Qin An suddenly realized a very disgusting thing. The paper of this era has just been invented not long ago. People don’t even know how to wipe their buttocks with paper. Most people with status use sticks, like this kind of wild people probably use weed leaves. Wipe the bark?

No, it seems that the first thing I have to do is to sort out the personal hygiene habits of the team, so as not to be smoked to death by them.

In this way, the first order Qin An, who became the leader of the savage, gave them was to take a bath at a waterfall not far from here. The sight of a large group of people bathing in the moonlight is also spectacular. Miyue is beside Qin An. Everyone blushed.

"Ah, this group of people don't even wear clothes, they are more brutal than Nanban!"

Qin An thinks Miyue is also funny. They are all primitives. In fact, it is half a catty. It is estimated that Miyue's clan tribe will not be much better than that of Langtou, and she even laughs at others.

"Headman, since you have become the new tribal chief, the title of wolf head will also be given to you. Please tell me, can I still be a warrior in the group in the future?"

"Of course, after all, you know the situation of the tribe well, and I need you to help me manage it. This tribe is going to participate in the battle, and everything will change in the future. I don’t need your name, because I am the Son of God, and Not your patriarch, I will have many tribes in the future!"


Langtou doesn't understand Qin An, mainly because of the grammatical and vocabulary. Qin An can speak their language, but in fact, Qin An has a more complete language system and uses more words.

The wolf head is only able to express some meanings, and does not have a very complete vocabulary, so it is not easy to communicate.As the night went by, Qin An didn't go to the cave, but jumped on a big tree to rest.

The nervous Honglian naturally followed Qin An, and when Qin An was about to fall asleep, she actually crawled into Qin An's arms.

In a daze, Qin An thought of the demon, a woman who loves to hold her own.

The original sleepiness disappeared. Qin An looked at the starry sky and thought of Xiao Qiao again. He only felt that the emotions in his heart were extremely complicated. He didn't know where he was going in the future, and he didn't know if the people who loved him could meet again.

Ten days later, Qin An led the wolf tribe into the true hinterland of Taihang Mountain.

I should have gone further, but encountered many things along the way.

There are no chasing soldiers, but there are too many wild animals in the mountains and forests.

These people have no difficulty dealing with wild animals, but they face some animals in awe more than Qin An.

Especially snakes and wolves, they almost see that they are about to flee or bow down. It is difficult for Qin An to control the people, so he can't spread knowledge of nature to them right now. This cannot be explained clearly in a moment, so along the way, in order to save this group Earth Leopards, Qin An didn't take much time, and after the tenth day, Qin An decided to stop on the road and give them political lessons. Naturally, it was difficult to popularize them, but they should establish the principle of prohibition and do not encounter the unknown next time. Things, they scattered again, and they couldn't find it.

Qin An asked all the people of the known tribe to sit in front of him, and then used his sturdy language to start bragging.

"I know, you have a lot of questions, a lot of fears, but I have told you very clearly! I am Sacred, everything in this world is under my control, I am fearless, so next time you If you encounter any situation, don't run far, just come to me and you can know?"

A group of turtles looked straight at Qin An, and the opening remarks obviously failed.

"How about this, tell me what are you afraid of?"

"Long worms! They are the devil!" a sturdy man said tremblingly.

The so-called long worm is a snake.

Qin An curled his lips, he was prepared for this training.

Taking a look at the side, Mi Yue quickly ran to the forest to get out a dead snake hidden inside.

This is a python, a full ten meters in length, and the thickness of its mouth, which is terrifying.

The tribe members were so scared that they wanted to escape when they saw the long insects, but Qin An flew over and smashed the tongue.

It was really disgusting. The slimy liquid made a kick. In order not to make the earth leopards feel fearful, Qin An could be regarded as fighting it.

"See, this is what you are afraid of. I trample it to death as easily as trampling on anything else. Do you hold them up as the devil? Well, the next time you see it, tell me. I will go over and kill the devil immediately. Now! You are the people of God, how can you be afraid of the devil? This is disrespect for God, you know!"

The surroundings were quiet, and everyone saw that the patriarch had trampled the terrible long worm to death. It was incredible.

"Well, go ahead, what are you afraid of?"

"Fear of sky fire!"

Qin An quickly asked Mi Yue to get a pile of firewood to light a bonfire, and then took out the fire extinguisher to put it out directly, which made the people speechless again.

The advantage of having space is that I always want to throw something in when I encounter it. After many years of intense Qin Anxiang can find anything when he uses it. His abilities are like Doraemon in the cartoon Doraemon that he watched when he was a child. All-purpose small belly pocket, you can take out any problems inside.

In this way, the turtles became enthusiastic and said all kinds of things they were afraid of. Qin An answered them one by one, using facts to prove that he was the most terrible. What everyone was afraid of was nothing but a dish for him. Nothing more than a side dish.

Such an approach really worked very well. The turtles began to howl and beat their chests like gorillas in estrus. They felt that the patriarch was a real NB. Although it was very disturbing to follow him out of the cave, but after this training, everyone was uneasy. It's all a lot easier.

Behind Qin An, Honglian wore a pair of black leather pants and high heels under her feet. His upper body was already milky white and easy. It looked simple and sexy, but it was not the dress of this era. Anyway, these people seem to be the original turtles. Strange enough.

When the turtles were excited, Honglian, who had never spoken before, suddenly hugged Qin An from behind, and the cherry-red fleshy little mouth gently spit out a short sentence in Qin An's ear.

"Ziyan Diyang is not dead, she has the ability to dismember, reorganize, and regenerate! I just saw the flash signal she left me in the forest. Not only did she come, but she also found the strongest of the four chaotic women. Coming, early summer!"

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