Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1818 Eighth-generation grand-daughter-in-law

Qin An only felt his body numb.

Gulian's voice is so clear, how is it like the usual silly?

Turning his head quickly, his lips drew between Gulian’s lips, feeling as if he had been electrocuted, and quickly took a step away. Looking at Gulian’s still cute expression, red long hair shawl, The pale blue eyes like Barbie dolls are very charming, but they look weak, and they are the kind of eyes that sell cute dogs to their owners.

As expected, Ziyan was not dead, and brought a strong man called Chuxia? Also one of the four women.

This is nothing, the problem is Guren! Why should she tell herself these things?

Concentrate on letting the sense of hearing come out. There is nothing unusual within a few hundred meters. If Ziyan and the strong man named Chuxia really come, where will they be?

There is no reason to question Hong Lian's words. Even if she is lying, it is probably only a set arranged by the three women. Qin An doesn't mind entering this trap.

Let the wolf head lead the turtles to train the standing posture. Qin An pulled Honglian into the dense forest. After a few laps, he finally found two women who were riddles in the forest about three kilometers away from the temporary base. Honglian naturally followed Qin An's still grabbed the corner of his clothes.

"Qin An is really strong, early summer, otherwise we'd better go back to rescue soldiers, Honglian and I almost folded in his hands."

"Have you contacted Guren?"

"I sent her a signal, but didn't get a response. You know Honglian is always ignorant."

"But she is not a fool."

"Of course not stupid, and IQ is very high, but her logic is different from ours, no one knows what she thinks on weekdays, I have been with her for so many years, I have never heard her say a word, naturally. There was no communication, but I don’t think she would be exposed when she was with that Qin An. Her clingy and harmless appearance, Qin An would not kill her."

"Well, how is it now?"

"Early summer, you are here, naturally everything depends on you, do whatever you say."

The feeling of early summer is very similar to that of Mi Yue, her face is like a little girl of thirteen or fourteen, but her figure is hot and mature, her appearance is not stunning, but she is very attractive.

Carrying a very strange weapon on her body.

She has a cylindrical metal handle with a length of one meter and five centimeters in diameter, which is relatively thick. The head connected to it is like a large lantern. It can be clearly seen that the outer circle of one meter in diameter is a hollow and transparent one. Round ball, inside is gold, blue, green, white and black metal balls. Is this a hammer? Probably not, how could the hammer be hollow.

In any case, Qin An believes that this weapon is by no means simple, and that Ziyan trusts Chuxia's strength so much that Chuxia should naturally be strong.

In fact, this place is still some distance away from the two of Ziyan in Early Xia. Qin An concentrated on eavesdropping, and then Honglian was already talking in Qin An's ear again.

"The top ten masters of the Dead Sect were originally ranked in no particular order. Of course, the god of death Qin Yang is the most powerful, but after arriving in the world of the Three Kingdoms, it is not necessarily true. In early summer, it is an Eastern human race. , The Dead Sect had already started mass production of sword gods a few years ago, but those sword gods may not have been able to beat the naturally occurring four soul sword repair masters, so in early summer, I, Weak Shui, and Ziyan were not sword gods, but Still able to enter the top ten master rankings. Now that we have crossed, many ordinary Sword God masters of the Dead Sect have arrived in the Three Kingdoms, but they still can't beat a few of us. Among the three of us, Chu Xia has the strongest strength. Five Spirit Sky Soul Umbrella It is one of the hundred great swords of the Sword Spirit Star. This thing is completely natural, the five-color ball rotates and the energy is endless, it can be attacked and defended, and it is a very abnormal weapon."

"The Five Spirit Heaven Soul Umbrella, one of the hundred great swords!"

Qin An has heard of this. The so-called Hundred Great Swords are not ranked in order, and there is no uniform standard. They are just talking about a hundred divine swords. They have powerful power, even if they are ordinary one-spirit swords. It can also display the strength of the sword god level in the hand.Of course, this weapon should also reduce its attributes when it reaches the Three Kingdoms World, but it is estimated that it will be quite strong. I don't know how it compares with Zhen Ejian.

Now this is not what Qin An cares most about.

Turning his head and looking at Honglian, Qin An's eyes had a hint of doubt.

"What the hell are you?"

"Hey, I'm not a thing."

"Then tell me what is the purpose of these? Do you want to take refuge in me completely? Or do you play with them? Why are you acting stupid if you are not stupid?"

"Pretend to be stupid? No, I just don't like to think about problems, I like to let others think for me."

"Also, I asked you several questions."

"Oh... I will take refuge in you, and I will follow you in the future. Who makes you so good?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I now regard you as an enemy. If you don't make me clear, I will kill you immediately."

What Qin An said was very serious. He felt that Honglian was too suspicious. If he continued to bullshit with himself like this, then he really couldn't be tolerant. This is not the world of fiction. The aura of own immortality has disappeared.

Honglian was obviously very smart. Seeing Qin An's serious face, he stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, and then he smiled:

"I know something about you. You don't seem to have experienced those ten thousand years?"

"What ten thousand years?"

"I heard that you were trapped in other spaces in the East China Sea Knight Island, so you have not experienced the game world and the entire novel world for ten thousand years!"

Qin An understood the meaning of Honglian.

Zhuge Liang trapped himself and the demon on Xia Ke Island, only a hundred years had passed in the world of Xia Ke Island, and ten thousand years had passed in the world of novels outside of Xia Ke Island.

"Looking at your expression, I understand...For a book, the past ten thousand years is just one line, but for a world, many things can happen in ten thousand years! Your dead soul Space has always existed. Back then, Qi Rou found the Qin family and told them that if he wanted to not miss you for 10,000 years, he had to enter your necromantic space and wait for you to rewrite the fate of everyone. Many people in the Qin family, And many people related to the Qin family have followed Qi Rou into the Necrosphere, and they are now in a dormant state. Only if you modify the ending of the novel world can everything come back and bring them back to life."

"Why do you know these things so clearly?" Qin An was even more surprised.

"Hey, it's very simple, because there was one of your sons who didn't follow Qi Rou into the world of the undead. He wanted to continue living for a woman."

Qin An was a little dumbfounded, he didn't know these things.

"I don't know these things? It has something to do with you. Remember that you once saved a little girl named Li Ying? She grew up next to Qi Rou, and later had your youngest son Qin Busheng. Feelings. When Qi Rou took a group of people through the energy space-time tunnel into the commander’s space, Li Ying chose to leave. She wanted to see the world, so Qin Busheng chose to follow Li Ying to live. The story after that is very simple. Qin Busheng and Li Ying are married, then let me tell you a terrible family list!"

Gu Lian coughed, then smiled and said:

"[Qin Busheng] married Li Ying,

She gave birth to sons [Qin Haichuan], Qin Haida, Qin Haixi, and daughters Qin Zichan and Qin Zijuan.

Qin Haichuan later married Shangguan Yan'er and Sima Ruqing's two wives. Shangguan Yan'er gave birth to his son [Qin Lang] and daughter Qin Hongmian.

After Qin Lang grew up, he married Ruth Eldy and gave birth to his son [Qin Jiaoyang], Qin Jiaojiao.

Qin Jiaoyang's wife is Jiaziyan Liuxiang, a woman from the Xiangying clan. It is the first thousand years of a 10,000-year history. You have to know that your family members have a long life span, and they have immortal youth. The emperor finally got the Universe Divine Stone, but the Universe Divine Stone did not let him rule the entire Universe, but broke the control of the game world. From then on, the emperor's sword pointed to the world and established a huge and unified empire. Jiaziyan Liuxiang is somewhat famous. She is a female leader of the northern continent. She possesses the Jiazi Sword God and has reached the level of the Sword God. In fact, there were already a lot of Sword Gods on Earth at that time. Regardless of the cultivator, it seems that it is easy to gather sword spirits on the earth. To return to the subject, after Qin Jiaoyang married Jiazi Yanliuxiang, he carried forward the Qin family's heirs. With a life span of 800 years, he and Jiaziyan Liuxiang had 47 sons and 65 daughters! After bringing up all the children, they disappeared. The children and grandchildren said that they might find a place to live in seclusion and live a pure life. Among the forty-seven sons, one is called [Qin Jia Tieqi].

Qin Jia Tieqi established a republic on a piece of African land. There are more than 100 people in the harem, but he has not as many sons as his father. One of the children is called [Qin Jia Nanshan].

Qin Jia Nanshan traveled around the world, arrived at the moon base, fell in love with the demon girl Mo Ling, and gave birth to his son [Qin Jia Molong]!

Qin Jia Demon Dragon is a half-human and half-devil physique, can be transformed into a dragon demon, with very powerful genetic abilities, this person later returned to the earth and fell in love with a woman...that's me! "


Qin An thoroughly petrified.

"Since then, I have been with Qin Jia Molong for two thousand years. My physique determines that I will not have children. The Northern Dipper people are genetic insulators. It is a pity that no one can make me pregnant. In fact, for many years, I was with Ziyan, but I left her for two thousand years and stayed with the Qin Jia Devil Dragon. Later...Ziyan found me and asked me to accompany her to do some things and kill some People. I left the dragon for a year. After returning, he was already dead. He was killed by the emperor’s side. This made me very painful. He sneaked into the emperor’s palace and killed the enemy. He almost died and escaped. Come out. After that, I completely returned to Ziyan's side. Until ten thousand years later, the dead sect suddenly issued the highest order to kill, and Qin An, who had disappeared for ten thousand years, appeared, and many masters reunited on Xia Ke Island! Time-space gate is not It’s so easy to open. I’m one of the first masters who have entered time and space to reach the Three Kingdoms world. Actually, I’ve been wondering if I will meet you? Maybe I have a fate with your family. We were divided into two groups. Ziyan and I met you without taking any detours! Qin An, do you know who I am now? I am your eighth-generation granddaughter-in-law!"


Will there be such a thing?

Qin An really didn't realize that his own blood had lasted for so many generations, and so many people!

Qin Busheng, the youngest child?

And Xiao Liying, Qin An vaguely remembered saving her.


The emperor's people also killed own offspring! I'm really speechless, isn't that also a descendant of Qin Shihuang?

Do not!

His own line has nothing to do with Qin Shihuang, he has always been full of malice towards himself, if he sees it, there is no love, only want to kill!

But....... Why did the red lotus in front of me become the eighth-generation granddaughter-in-law of own? This is really unacceptable.

"So, old ancestor, although I have been in the dead sect for many years, it’s just because I don’t like thinking and choice. Now that I have met my ancestor who is the only relative in my life, do you think I will follow me obediently? You? I actually only wanted to see your strength when I started with you at that time. There is nothing else. I didn’t expose Ziyan’s death fraud. I am worthy of the sisterhood for many years. From then on, I have nothing to do with them anymore. The dead sect has become something outside of my body. From now on, you will be my faith. Isn’t it an ancestor? I am very dependent on people. The first was Ziyan. After staying with Qin Jiamolong for two thousand years, I found out that men are more suitable for me, so I will follow my grandfather in the future! Well! Let's make a happy decision! These two people will be dealt with in a while. Ziyan is not my opponent, but you need to defeat it in early summer. Yes, it’s not difficult to deal with her. You don’t need to retain any kindness, just kill it directly. She is a very evil person. According to your thinking and concepts, it is all evil, so let it go and kill. And Ziyan, In fact, I always wanted to do something with her...After all, my dragon died because of her. If she didn't call me away, the dragon would not die."

Gulian said that there was a little tear in his eyes.

The corner of Qin An's mouth twitched twice, but he still couldn't accept it. It was too unexpected!

This is even more bloody than the bloody TV series, which made Qin An sigh."Then... are these children of the Qin family doing well?"

"Some of them are no longer in touch. According to you people on earth, even if they are distant relatives in the past five generations, they can get married. Although Qin Jiamolong is your eighth-generation grandson, your bloodline is very weak in him, I There are not many contacts with the Qin family. Qin Jia Molong likes to be alone, but I have met Qin Jia Tieqi’s daughter from another son’s family, called Qin Jia Sad, a pretty little girl, she and the Qin family There are many blood contacts. Although Qin Jia already looks like a double surname, they regard you as the ancestor of the Qin family as the ancestor. Everyone in the world knows that Qin An is resurrected, and things about the world of novels are also circulating. I heard that Qin Jia Sadly, I’m regrouping the Qin family’s bloodline and want to come to the Three Kingdoms World to help you. You know, your family’s line has been severely suppressed by the emperor’s coalition over the years, but it has not been destroyed by the regiment, and most of them are strong. Survived."

"Are they coming to me?"

"Yes, you have disappeared in the new world for ten thousand years, and suddenly there was news that you are still alive, and they naturally want to come to you. This is also the family motto left by Qin Busheng back then. Once you know where you are, all All disciples of the Qin family's bloodline need to go and look for it! Although I have seen very few Qin family members, I know that your bloodline has grown to a terrifying level. There are many descendants and grandchildren, and I want to come and see your old ancestor! "

Ah...Sigh, there is no way to describe the complex emotions.

Think about having a grandson, great-grandson, great-grandson, little great-grandson...

Qin An wants tears to fill his eyes, life is like this, what does the husband want?

"Well, is he still alive?"

"I don’t know, Qin Busheng and Li Ying are also ancestors to the descendants of the Qin family. They have disappeared for many years. However, most of the Qin family’s bloodline believes that he is still alive. Not good, but Li Ying got the true biography of Qi Rou. It’s very powerful. It’s not a problem to travel smoothly in the territory of the Sea Clan. Today’s Earth Galaxy is divided into three major forces, which can be considered peaceful, and extraterrestrial planets are injected into Mars and Mercury. With different races, the Earth Sea World is occupied by the Sea Clan, and the Earth March is the power of the emperor. They just wiped out the characters related to you, the protagonist. Isn’t that unfair?”

Qin An's face was cold, and he nodded slowly.

Why does his family suffer so much unfair treatment? Is it because he is the protagonist that the original author wants to give up?

"Okay, believe you for the time being, you are telling me more about them when you come back, since you are willing to be with me, then I can accept you temporarily, but don't make a fool of yourself."

"Do not worry!"

"I'm going to kill Chuxia, you go kill Ziyan, a quick fight!"

When the voice fell, Qin An had already left, and Honglian and Ren's technology was absolutely top-notch, so naturally they followed quickly.

When the two appeared in front of Ziyan Chuxia, Ziyan's expression was shocked and then gloomy.

"Honglian, don't make trouble at this time, come here, the early summer big sis is here, it shouldn't be a problem for the three of us to kill one Qin An."

Suddenly, Honglian hugged Qin An from behind, and then put her head on Qin An's shoulders, and said with a smile: "The four women are chaotic in the sky. Actually, I miss the years when we first became sisters many years ago. Later, we separated, weak water. It’s so murderous and early summer, which makes me dislike it! Ziyan, you are fine, you don’t seem to be willing to kill people, but I know your nature is actually very bad, you always pretend to be weak and provoke men Love and kill for you! In fact, we weren't the same people at first, and since Weak Shui died long ago, the four sisters should have completely separated! Ziyan, today I am your opponent, you say I can't kill. you?"

"Gulian...you even said something! But why do you think this way? We have been together for so many years, you..."

"You also said that we have been together for so many years! I asked you, did you call me away from the dragon at that time, did you deliberately? Because you know the emperor's people are coming to trouble!"

Qin An's gaze kept falling on Zi Yan's face. After Hong Lian had finished speaking, he could see that Zi Yan's expression was unnatural at a glance.

No need to say more, the death of Qin Jia Demon Dragon must have something to do with Zi Yan. This is a grudge and hatred that Qin An has not participated in, so let Honglian solve it by himself. Qin An does not want to bother about it. Too much right and wrong, not to mention useless!

Those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish, Qin An couldn't say such things, but that's what he thought at this time.

Suddenly forward, Zhen Ejian was in hand after moving, and her body had fallen to the side of the early summer...

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