Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1819 Arrived in Bingzhou

In early summer, I didn’t dare to be careless. The sword weapon Wuling Tianhun Umbrella was directly held in my hand. The hammer head turned at a high speed, and the five metal balls quickly burst into light. After that, the five-color light was released through the hammer head like a transparent glass cover. A five-color transparent light umbrella with a lower circle diameter of almost three meters.

Qin An's Zhen E sword has been cut down, and early summer waved a huge five-color light umbrella to resist.


Without obstruction, the five-color light umbrella was directly split open. This scene made the three women pale with fright.

One of the top 100 sword weapons, the Five Spirit Sky Soul Umbrella has very balanced and powerful offensive and defensive capabilities. Although it is a transparent umbrella, it has hardly been defeated in defense.

But in the face of Qin An's Zhen'e sword, it has no resistance. How could this be possible?

Chuxia had already retreated five meters back, and Qin An quickly followed forward, his sword was faster than the others, and he cut across Chuxia's waist.

Chu Xia knew that he had no way to defend, and only a counterattack could solve the immediate predicament. She was almost overturned and bent over, trying to avoid Qin An's sword.

A master of Qin An's level has been able to control Zhen Ejian like fire and innocence. When she bent over in the early summer, Zhen Ejian also instantly changed direction, from horizontal batching to vertical cutting.

When he bent down in early summer, he held the Five Spirit Heavenly Soul Umbrella in one hand and poked it at Qin An. The five-color light that had disappeared from the hammer head shot out again. It was more than three meters long and pierced Qin An's chest at a faster speed.

Qin An easily dodged just by dodge, and Zhen Ejian's castration on his body continued to cut towards Chu Xia's waist.

Chu Xia's body had fallen to the ground and rolled outwards forcefully, Qin An cut through the air with a sword. The weapon in the early summer was very long because of the energy of light and shadow. When it rolled, it swept towards Qin An again.

Qin An directly cut off the light and shadow with a sword swinging sideways.

Although Zhen Ejian did not have the same infinite length barrier as before, the sharpness of the sword was still invincible.

After resolving Chuxia's attack, Qin An went up again and fought for more than a dozen rounds. He beat Chuxia back again and again, without the strength to fight back.

In the Three Kingdoms world where abilities are eliminated, physical strength and weapons are the basic elements of combat effectiveness. Qin An’s physical strength may not be the strongest, but Zhen Ejian is too strong. The weapons created by the creator of the novel world are definitely heaven-defying. .

Qin An fought fiercely with Chu Xia, and Honglian and Ziyan were already at a disadvantage. Ziyan was always at a disadvantage. She uses the sword spider to deploy the group function very strong, but the single attack is not weak, and there is no strong defense method. Hong Lian is a purely powerful fighter, Qin An is definitely not weak, and Hong Lian's power is more than ten times more powerful than Qin An, so you can imagine how abnormal it is.

Moreover, she is considered to be a special restraint of Ziyan. Although the alchemy stick was cut several times by sword spider silk while traveling, she could immediately take out other sticks from the soil and continue to attack.

The two fights wasted some effort, but the ending was not suspenseful.

After almost five minutes, Qin An finally seized the opportunity to slay Chu Xia with a single sword. Soon after, Honglian also knocked Ziyan into fleshy flesh.

"Hey, I didn’t expect Ziyan to be so powerful. If you didn’t kill Chuxia and attracted her attention, it would take me some time to kill her. Let’s burn their bodies now. Chuxia is not alive. When it comes, Ziyan is not necessarily, her limb regeneration ability is very powerful."

When Guren spoke, the dried tree trunk had already started to ignite, and the two corpses were burned on the fire.

Qin An frowned and looked at it. He didn't expect these two women to die like this.

When Guren burned them, there was no expression on his face, but the emotions in his eyes were complicated.

This can be regarded as cremation of her two sisters. Qin An suddenly felt that she understood Honglian. Perhaps she had long wanted to part ways with the other three of the four girls, but she had hesitated and never had a chance until she met herself.

Of course she is not the decisive factor. Perhaps she remembered the kid named Qin Jia Molong in her heart. Love will always be the greatest energy in the universe. It can change a person and a story.

"Let's go back."

When the fire burned out, Qin An walked back, and Honglian returned to the boring and cute appearance, pulling Qin An's clothes corner back to the camp.

Sima Zhen led five thousand people to walk in the Taihang Mountains for ten days."My lord, are we really not lost?"

"The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. When they were born, their left hand was north and their right hand was south. They were walking northwest, so we should also go northwest. The two groups who robbed Liu Xie and the master’s family were estimated to be At the same time, the lord’s side should have received the news, and I believe he will return to preside over the overall situation soon. Zhonglang will also lead his troops from Yecheng, and will gather troops and horses to encircle the north along the way. Hey, this battle It was a bit miserable to lose. Who would have thought that they would come to attack Luoyang and Xudu, and with just a few people, they would have succeeded."

"I don't know the person who went to attack Luoyang, but the kid who made trouble in Xudu is really too powerful, and the giant in armor, I don't know what it is. Our weapons can't cause damage to it."

Sima was really depressed when Cao Qi mentioned the black giant.

He hadn't thought of a way to crack that thing, but Liu Xie was taken away, and he had to catch up again. This is also considered to be a duck to the shelves, and he can only fight for it.

"Report your lord! The enemy battalion commander was found twenty miles ahead!"


"It should be the one who robbed the emperor, but their number is a bit large. It is estimated that two thousand, all of them are barbarians in the mountains, and the leader is the general named Qin An!"

Hearing that he discovered Qin An, Cao Qi was very excited.

"General, let's encircle and snatch Liu Xie back."

Sima Zhen squinted his eyes and shook his head after a long period of thought:

"No, their origins are weird. People like us are not sure enough to catch them. Let's set up camp here, and continue to monitor the enemy's movements. We will stay here and the enemy will not move me. Don’t move, don’t confront them head-on. Our goal should be to get an insight into Liu Xie’s position and take action when we wait for reinforcements to come and encircle."

Sima Zhen's approach is naturally quite right. It would be wise to face ordinary enemies, but it was a pity that he faced Qin An.

When Sima Zhen's forward scout discovered Qin An's camp, Qin An naturally found them too.

It didn't stop for a moment. Less than two hours after killing the two of Chuxia, Qin An had no choice but to sneak into the area of ​​Simazhen's camp with Honglian.

"Old ancestor, how do you do it?"

"You should call me Qin An."

Qin Anzhen did not adapt to his new status and suddenly became his ancestor.

He actually didn't like the eighth-generation grandson-in-law next to him. This woman was neurotic, and Qin An wasn't sure when she would behave.

"Hey, all right, Master Qin An, what should we do next?"

"Kill, the group of people guarding Xudu are all Cao Cao's sincere subordinates. Even if they are willing to surrender, I still dare not accept it."

"Well, you go kill those little soldiers, I will deal with the generals!"

Honglian, who had already taken the Five Spirit Sky Soul Umbrella as her own, was now very wary. In her opinion, it was not difficult to kill a few ordinary people in the Three Kingdoms era.

Qin An agreed with Hong Lian's opinion. Anyway, it was all killings. It seemed that the big killings were the same. Since we are going to embark on a bloody road, all this is inevitable.

After waiting until nightfall, the two began to move.

The gap in strength is actually quite big. Honglian sneaked into the center camp first, and successfully used the Five Spirit Heaven Soul Umbrella to smash Sima to pieces. This general who has been a bodyguard for Cao Cao for many years, in fact, has not changed his fate, after all. His footprints are not carved in history.

Qin An lit a cigarette outside the camp.

Here is a mountain depression, with a 100-meter broken mountain wall on the east, and a dense forest with a slope extending upward on the west. The road to the south is not smooth, and the road to the north is also steep.

Qin An was waiting on the western slope. After killing people, Honglian would flee here, and the enemy would naturally chase them. Then in this forest, as long as Qin An is not facing the enemy in a series of battles, dozens of ordinary soldiers will face each other. Rushing over, for Qin An, it was only a matter of shooting a sword several times, and killing them didn't require too much effort.

I don't take human life as a thing. I don't know if this is progress or lagging behind?

Soon after the chaos in Simazhen's camp, Honglian ran out of the camp, and then Cao Qi brought Simazhen into chasing after him.

Qin An waited for a group of them to appear after running past his eyes, and began to intercept and kill the chasing soldiers behind.

This killing was a bit miserable. Although Qin An possessed a cold-blooded gene, it was impossible not to care about it in his heart. However, the strength of the gene determines the behavior. The heavier the bad breath in his heart, the colder his killing and the more bloodthirsty aura.

After killing for a while, the situation changed.

After all, the enemy is not an ordinary citizen, and Qin An is not as strong as before.

The killing of more than two hundred people made the soldiers timid and smart. After the archers gathered, the pikemen began to appear to surround Qin An.

Qin An used Zhen'e Sword to protect his body from harm. After being trapped for less than a minute, the Pikemen had already opened their positions to surround Qin An, and the shield soldiers rushed forward to block the Pikemen.

Qin Anfei jumped to a group of shield soldiers. After the long sword was drawn, he split the shield and hacked three people to death.


A shout pierced the eardrum, and dozens of spears pierced Qin An together behind the separated shields.

Sima is so proficient in tactics. It is really not easy for Sima to train this group of soldiers perfectly. It is also a pity that a general is a talent.

Qin An didn't hesitate at all. With Zhen E Sword, he had everything. He erected the long sword on his shoulder, and after a round, all the long spears were cut off.

"He has great weapons! Go online!"

The commander’s voice was very loud, because although his commanding soldiers had been frustrated, they had obviously not lost their squareness.

There is a bit of conscience on this Internet.

They are all made of thick vines woven together to form a net. The square becomes longer than five meters, and the width of the grid is less than 20 cm.

If ordinary people are fierce, they will be covered by these nets, a total of six.

Naturally, Qin An is not an ordinary person, and Zhen E sword does not need to exert any force when it comes out of the sword. Its sharpness can break the enemy when it meets. Unless it is separated from Qin An, close attacks cannot help him.

Breaking through all the nets, Qin An flew out, and Zhen Ejian flew back to his hand after spinning for a week. A dozen people died nearby.

"No! I can't control it!"

"Slave team! Go!"

Qin An really admired him. This group of people hasn't given up their hope yet, what is the battle slave team?

The pikemen withdrew, and a group of armored soldiers of almost two hundred men charged up.

In fact, this group of soldiers had reached the periphery long ago, because their bodies didn't look strong and Qin An didn't pay attention, but now they discovered their usefulness.

It turned out to be a death squad.

Two hundred people quickly formed a circle, and then rushed towards Qin An together.

Qin An quickly swept the sword around and shredded the bodies of more than 20 people, but the others were not afraid, obviously they had been trained for a long time.

Before Qin An was launching an attack, he had reached Qin An and hugged him.

"Shen Gong Ying! Shoot him in the head!"

With a bang, the forty-two archers were ordered to shoot arrows together. The arrows were so fast that they all shot Qin An's head accurately.

Really fucking awesome!Qin An sighed, this is the special soldier in the archer!

The so-called archer of the gods are obviously all archers in the camp.

What a pity, it seems that I must not underestimate the role of soldiers in the Cold Weapons Age. We must strengthen the training of soldiers in the future, not only to equip them with the most advanced weapons that can be obtained in this era, but also to make individual soldiers ascension.

Although it felt a pity, Qin An still had to kill.

Still in that state, Zhen Ejian can display the strongest attack power without exerting force. Although a group of people have embraced Qin An, as long as his sword is still in hand, it is invincible.

Suddenly, the blood mist floated, and the broken limbs flew across. Qin An’s one week old was cut off again. After being free from the restraints, he quickly dodges, avoiding all flying and shooting arrows, and no longer giving the enemy a chance. People.

Qin An has many years of experience in fighting zombies, and he can kill a bloody path without relying on teleportation in a group of zombies, let alone a group of people who are not braver than zombies.

When the death squad was destroyed, the people around finally ran away and began to want to escape.

Qin An actually didn't have to rush to exterminate him, but he had no intention of staying at ease.

The reason why people are kind and don't like killing is just that they don't want to bear the consequences of killing. When all the consequences are ignored, what about becoming a God of Killing?

If you charge five thousand people head-on, the soldiers actually have some chances of winning, but they have no chance of entering the forest and being intercepted by Qin An.

This is when the tiger has entered the wolf pack, and the soldiers who have no confidence are beaten crying and calling their mothers. The general who commanded the attack on Qin An first ordered the retreat after judging the situation of the battle, and he could only be killed if he ran late.


Cao Qi and others who went to chase Honglian had been killed by Honglian.

With more than ten times the power of Qin An, using the Five-Spirit Heavenly Soul Umbrella, Honglian's combat effectiveness has been increased by many times. Killing these people is like playing.

If you don’t use a black armored robot, today’s Qin An might not have been able to beat Red Lotus. After all, Red Lotus’s power is too great. With the Five Spirit Heavenly Soul Umbrella, although the weapon still can’t compete with Qin’s, it can be long or short. , Can be defensive or offensive, with the strength of the red lotus can exert a more powerful combat effectiveness.

Therefore, it is easy to hit Cao Qi with a few people. It is easy to hit a mole.

After Hong Lian returned to cooperate with Qin An, it was even more powerful. Sima Zhen's army was even more miserable. In this battle, more than 2,000 people were killed. The images of Qin An and Hong Lian were deeply remembered by the survivors and became nightmares. It was passed to Cao Cao's ears, and the water in the north was muddied by Qin An.

After another ten days, Qin An finally walked out of the mountain with a group of people and arrived at Ya'erdi, a borderless city on the border of the grassland.

Now he has a few available people around him.

Miyue seems to like to be with Liu Xie's family. Although Liu Xie has been trapped for many years, he still understands the history of the Han Dynasty, so Miyue likes to listen to Liu Xie telling these stories, and Qin An arranged for her to watch Liu Xie's family. People, Qin An is not afraid that Miyue will be brainwashed, he has more stories, and telling a story to Miyue in his spare time is just to communicate feelings.

Langtou is a smart guy. After being in contact with Qin An for 20 days, he also understood Qin An’s strength better. He knew that he hadn’t resisted this man at all. In that case, he could only surrender and serve Qin An as a cow and horse. Qin An took advantage of it. The wolf head controlled the cavemen tribe very obediently, and also gave them some rules. Ideological education is also going on at the same time, at least they must establish their own values ​​and worldviews.

Hong Lian became Qin An’s personal super beater. In any situation, Qin An didn’t need to take action by himself. Hong Lian would loosen the corner of Qin An and rush to get rid of all obstacles. Qin An also gradually accepted that she followed the own every day. Embarrassing thing. Of course, Qin An will stop Hong Lian when going to the toilet. Hong Lian’s thinking is sometimes normal and sometimes abnormal, but she always knows what to do and what not to do. This is also what Qin An is willing to accept. An important reason for lotus.

Two thousand people did not enter the city. Qin An only took Honglian into Yaldi. It is already located on the border of the grassland. There are almost 10,000 people in Tucheng. Many ethnic minorities will do business with the people of the Central Plains here and change their horses. , Sundries, very prosperous.

This year, Ke Bineng, who was aiming to reunify Xianbei, had already expressed his surrender to Cao Cao. He was accumulating troops in the north to prepare for the unification of the grasslands. Qin'an was not on the Xianbei site yet, and he did not even enter the future Inner Mongolia. It was only in Shanxi and Taiyuan. The city is several hundred kilometers away, and the neighboring minority is the Binzhou Huns, which is the so-called Southern Huns in history.

In 202 AD, the southern Huns belonged to Cao Cao. For the stability of the north, Cao Cao divided the Southern Huns into five tribes. Each tribe chose a nobleman as the commander and the Han Chinese as Sima to supervise them. At the same time, Cao Cao also included the middle and lower Huns in Bingzhou into the Han nationality. In this way, the Southern Huns were completely incorporated into the Cao Wei regime, and the North completed the actual reunification. However, this measure turned many lower-class people of the Huns into slaves, and Life's life was also unspeakably miserable.

When Qin An entered Yaerdi, he felt very cordial. This city looked like a dangerous city in the last days.

There are not many buildings in the whole wall. The stalls are irregularly distributed. Some sell people and some sell horses. The goods are more abundant than expected. Qin An even saw some colored glaze. Ball products, this can be regarded as early ancient crafts.

Slave society ended its transition to feudal society as early as the Spring and Autumn Period, but it does not mean that feudal society has no slaves.

Qin An only turned around a few times and found a slave market. In fact, it was very conspicuous. For a large group of people, from the appearance of these people, it turned out that there were monsters, ghosts and snakes, and they should come from many different places.

This aroused Qin An's curiosity, what kind of slaves would he sell? It attracted so many people.

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