Sun Xiaomei was a little melancholy.

After she and Tang Yu robbed Cao Cao's family, it was a rough and difficult situation. After leaving Luoyang, they were chased and intercepted by people in front of them.

Tang Yu gathered 10,000 troops, and the journey to the north was difficult. There were battles every day. There were fewer and fewer troops fighting back and forth. When he entered Shanxi, it was already less than 5,000.

Just three days ago, Tang Yu belonged to another fierce battle.

Huang Xuer Cao Zhang led an army of 20,000 behind Tang Yu. The 43-year-old Cao Ren from the Shangdang took 8,000 people from the east to copy bread, and Li Yong, the deputy general of Hanguguan, took 8,000 from the west. Facing the north and outflank, the three-way team has already formed an encirclement to Tang Yu.

Originally, Tang Yu also chose the route of running out of the encirclement, but unexpectedly encountered the Suzhina tribe.

An unexpected encounter started in this way, Tang Yu's 5,000 people against the 8,000 people of the Su Rina tribe's horse team.

In fact, there are only 3,000 real strong fighters among the 8,000 people. The others are elderly, women and children, and should not be able to beat Tang Yu. But just after the two sides fought, Cao Ren’s troops arrived, and Tang Yu was forced to leave the battle in a hurry. Sun Xiaomei and the waitress were trapped in the Surina tribe and failed to evacuate. Tang Yu analyzed the situation on the scene and ordered the retreat and retained vitality. .

The maids around Sun Xiaomei all died to protect her, and Sun Xiaomei was eventually captured by the Su Rina tribe.

This result is certainly not what Tang Yu hoped, but she really couldn't help it.

Sun Xiaomei is not Tang Yu after all. She doesn't understand why Tang Yu didn't come to save her. If she comes, Sun Xiaomei feels that own maid will not die.

Before, whether she was with Sun Quan or Liu Bei, she didn't realize the importance of the waitress around her.

After meeting Qin An and his wife, she learned some new ways to get along with others from them, so she had a better understanding of the waitresses and really regarded them as the people she cared about. Because of this, she could not accept the death of the waitresses, and even more could not forgive Tang Yu.

Following Su Rina's tribe for nearly a hundred kilometers, her fate will be sad today, because she was rewarded by a female leader named Su Rina to a madman as a slave.

Su Xiaomei had the desire to die, but she was bound, and there was no way to die.

Just when the vulgar man was about to assault her, Su Rina's camp suddenly went into chaos, and it seemed that the sound of a horn from a distance made the camp irritable.

Nomads can make their homes anywhere, and naturally they can walk at any time.

The rough man was called Tuoba Dan, and he was also a Su Rina warrior. The so-called warrior was a strong enough to be respected by the people. Since Su Rina can reward Tuoba Dan with Little Sister Sun, it can be seen that this man is a powerful guy.

Soon after the horse team set off, they ran into someone returning from the front. The news of Asda's death was communicated. Su Rina immediately became angry. Through the returning people, she learned the whereabouts of Qin An and others, and immediately commanded the army to rush forward. Qin An can be considered as a front and back foot to fight together.

In such a situation, Qin An broke through Su Rina's front line in black armor, and went straight to Su Rina's marching camp in the rear.

As soon as you come in, it is like a tiger entering a flock.

The black armored chariot is a super bug. Although it is not much stronger than ordinary cars, it is still a super weapon in this world. It relies on the sword Spirit Stones to provide power and weapon support. As long as Qin An has the sword Spirit Stones, it can Keep going.

Qin An found Little Sister Sun soon after entering the camp. This was too unexpected for him. Why did Little Sister Sun fall here?

Without even thinking about it, Qin An directly let the black armored chariot rush towards Little Sister Sun. At this time, Little Sister Sun was watched by few people. After all, she had been bound strictly.

Qin An opened the door of the car, jumped down and swung a sword to kill several guards, and then dragged Sun Xiaomei into the car.

"Why did you come here? Where's Tang Yu and the others?"

"Qin An..."Sun Xiaomei saw Qin An as if she was dreaming. She had imagined that Tang Yu would come to rescue her, but she didn't expect that the person would be Qin An. And from Qin An's words, it is not difficult to hear that he did not know that he was caught here, that is to say, it was not Tang Yu who asked him to come.

The black armored chariot has an automatic driving system. Qin Anteng took the initiative to untie Sun Xiaomei's rope, and found that she was not dressed properly, and a large piece of white flesh was exposed on her chest. Qin An hurriedly took out a set of clothes from the Interspatial Ring and covered her.

"Huh, seeing Tang Yu not taking care of her, I went to fight Luoyang. I guess the soldiers in the northern cities and cities have already begun to mobilize? Is your journey very rough? Now that I saw you, I think Tang Yu should Is she not far away too? Is she okay?"

"Don't mention your wife to me! She abandoned me, took some people and ran away, killing all my waitresses."

Qin An exhaled a long breath when he heard Little Sister Sun say this, as long as Tang Yu was okay.

He can understand Tang Yu. She is definitely not a bad person, but she is a decisive person. The reason for not saving Sun Xiaomei must be because the situation is forced by the crisis. It seems that he has to surrender Su Rina quickly, and then look for Tang Yu to make peace with her. , This place shouldn't be a long stay.

"Hey, let's change the mourning, she must not come to save you because she knows that she can't save you."

"Can't save me? At that time she could obviously come to save me, she was afraid of being surrounded!"

"You are right to say the same. If it is herself, I think she will still be emotional, but as a military commander, she must be responsible for the lives of more people. Madam Sun, in our concept, life and appointment are both They are equal. If she was certain that she would be able to save you at the time, I think she would not give up on you. She must be unsure that she chose to protect the lives of more people. No matter what, I hope you don’t blame her. "

Sun Xiaomei bit her lip without speaking, her face was flushed with tears in her eyes, she felt wronged, helpless and complicated.

How could she not feel complicated, because she hated Tang Yu to death, but she didn't expect to be saved by her husband again.

And Qin An's words seemed to make some sense.

Thinking about the situation at that time, you can see Cao Jun chasing soldiers in the distance, and there is smoke and dust in front of him. If Tang Yu didn’t have to leave the battlefield as quickly as possible, he would be surrounded. Adding Su Rina’s troops, they would be surrounded. Three-sided attack, a little entanglement into the battle, there will be more Cao Jun surrounded by nearby, and then they will really be wiped out.

But no matter how right Qin An said, Little Sister Sun couldn't let it go. After all, her sisters were all dead, and she was almost pushed on the grass by a vulgar man to do that kind of thing.

Qin An didn’t have time to go to the mood of the little girl Sun. He wanted to find Su Rina quickly. At this time, a group of Huns had surrounded them. Many of their horses were broken by black armor. The Huns quickly pushed the injured horses to the ground. As an obstacle, he wanted to restrict the black armor's actions, Qin An controlled the black armor to bypass the obstacle, and a chariot suddenly drove in front of him!

The so-called chariot is a huge metal cart drawn by eight horses. Two Huns control the horse on it. They decisively rammed the black armor directly.

The black armor failed to escape and directly collided with eight galloping horses. The flattery was hit and flew, and the car was mounted on an iron wagon. It leaned to the left and almost overturned.

Sun Xiaomei was mourning the spring and the autumn, she didn't expect the car to roll over, and her body fell directly into Qin An's arms.

Qin An deformed the black armor when he lost his balance.

After the black armor was deformed, the cabin became a bit crowded, and most of the space expanded into the outer space of the robot, which caused the little sister Sun in the cabin to be tightly squeezed into Qin An's arms.

" stay away."

"Where is this big me?"

Qin An's attention was still watching the outside through many screens, and the black armor had jumped up several meters to avoid the obstacles in front, and ran forward.

The Huns were sturdy and sturdy. They didn't mess their feet because of the appearance of the robots, but they couldn't attack the robots, so they took out a lot of horse ropes to tie the giant's feet.

The power of the black armored robot is so great that even if it is hung by a rope, it runs around with the person on the other end.

This is really amazing. In the Xiongnu horse team, the robots are invincible and invincible.

The voice system collected the voices of a group of people at a distance of 500 meters, and Qin An finally found the trace of Xia Na, so he made the robot strode over there.

When it came to the front, Xianna's appearance had been shown in front of Qin An through a video.

This is a girl with some strong men, not a beautiful woman, but not too ugly, Wuguan is still upright, but the combination is really ordinary. She is almost 1.7 meters tall and has a good body shape. What surprised Qin An was that she was wearing vest-like clothing, her muscles were tight and her skin was smooth, and she seemed to have a special smell. At this moment, she was riding on a pure black horse with a spear in her hand, an arrow gourd on her back, and an iron bow immediately on her back.

It's her!

Qin An controlled the hatch of the black armored robot to open, then put Little Sister Sun aside, and jumped out by herself, a distance of five or six meters away, and went straight to Xia Na.

Xian Xana had a surprised face at first, and she was even more surprised to see a man suddenly leap out of the monster giant's body.

But she was not frightened. She grew up right away since she was a child. She has been fighting with others all her life. She has never been afraid of anyone.

When Qin An's body arrived, Xiana's spear had also been pierced.

Qin An raised his hand to grasp the barrel of the gun, and the spear suddenly changed from a thorn to an upward thrust. Not only did it escape the hand that Qin An grabbed, it also changed from a thorn in the chest to a thorn in the head.

I really didn't expect this woman to move so fast, if it weren't for Qin An's greatness, she would definitely sting.

Qin An avoided the spear in midair, but his hand still caught the handle of the spear.

What a Xianna, holding the spear in one hand and the horse back in the other hand, Thomas came directly and floated on the horse, kicking one foot towards Qin An's crotch.

Qin An was upset, this little lady wanted to abolish herself, and it was really ruthless to start.

With the force of Qin An's arms, his body used the power of the spear to make his body stand upright.

Xiaanna was shocked. Qin An's body was obviously about to fall down just now, but at this moment, she grabbed the spear and came upside down. How strong is this arm strength? She had never met anyone with such strength and physical skills.

After Qin An stood upside down, he leaned over and smashed at Xia Na. Xia Na decisively gave up the spear, her body had already retreated to the horse's butt, and she drew two long arrows from her back and held it in her hands to stab Qin An.

Qin An's dumped body spread his legs in the air, avoided the long arrow, and then hooked Xia Na's waist.

When Qin An sat on the horse upside down, he also wrapped Xianna around her waist with her legs, and pulled her down in front of him.

Xiaanna made a fist with her right hand and hit Qin An's front door as she leaned against Qin An. After Qin An turned her head away again, he brought her body closer to Xiaanna, and forcefully hugged her into his arms.

" killed my warrior?"

Xiaanna's face finally changed. The series of fights just now were completed in the electric light and flint. Qin An's power speed was only seen in Xiaanna's life. It is impossible not to be shocked. Her clan can be mixed for many years without being caught in this generation. There is a reason for people's extermination. She once worked with Xiliang Ma Chao, unbeaten with 30 moves, and finally managed to escape. You can imagine how powerful it is.

"I killed it, and divided the body with a sword. Are you Xianna?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Qin An! You will be mine from now on!"

What Qin An said was of course not intending to possess this woman. He hadn't even paid attention to the best women like Misun, Miyue, Honglian, and Empress Fu when he was around, not to mention the ordinary face in front of him.

So Qin An only meant possession. He wanted to possess the Xiana tribe and make them the first pot of gold for him to conquer the world in the future.


Xiaanna was a little uncomfortable.

This is a twenty-five-year-old leftover woman whose father was killed by the leader of the northern Xianbei tribe. These years, as the clan leader, she has been living hard for years. She is a glamorous queen character on weekdays, in order to suppress the men in the clan. , She was more ruthless than men, and more fierce than men, which made the Xana tribe survive.

So even though she was surrounded by men, she seemed to be separated from them forever by an invisible wall. No matter where she had encountered Qin An, even the heroes of the prairie children couldn't stand Qin An's wonderful work.

After Xianna's stunned effort, Qin An has taken out a rope to tie Xianna's hands behind her back.One thing that is very depressing when working with Qin An is that the items that will appear in Qin An's hands at any time are simply impossible to guard against.

Xian Xana was originally surprised because she was caught by someone, but she was taken aback by Qin An's words. She was even more blinded by the sudden appearance of a rope in his hand, and she was bound.

"Your patriarch is already in my hands, everyone gets down and half kneels, or I will kill her!"

In Qin An's hand, Zhen Ejian suddenly appeared across Xia Na's neck.

Everyone in Xana's tribe was shocked. What's the matter? Where did a great sword come from?

"Don't think I'm joking, get off the horse quickly, or your patriarch will die!"

Zhen Ejian was so sharp, Qin An moved slightly for a year, but the blade did not touch Xia Na's skin, but a blood stain had already appeared there.

A cold sweat broke out on Xiaanna’s forehead, and only she could feel the threat of Zhen Ejian the most. This was also a crisis she had never experienced in her life. The black armored robot stood beside Qin An, which was also very deterrent. .

At this time, without waiting for the nearby Huns to react, one person suddenly shouted violently from a few tens of meters away: "A group of scum, why are you standing stupidly when the patriarch was caught?"

The speaker was a brawny man with a full face and beard, riding a vigorous black horse, holding a 1.5-meter-long wide-backed machete in his hand, looking very fierce and mighty.

"Azile, what are you doing!"

Xian Xana trembled, and Qin An could hear the fear in her voice.

Humph, it turned out to be fighting in the nest.

It seems that Azile should be the deputy in the tribe. Now Xianna is controlled by herself. Only people who don't want her to live will come and do it. Azile is known to everyone, but unfortunately no one can save Xianna at this time. .

"Women, I thought you were so powerful, and the brothers who just lost your freedom will turn against you. Are you tired of what the patriarch did?"

"You have to control! You'd better let me go. Azile won't care about my life or death. If I die, you can't escape! Don't think your surrender behemoth can help. Although this thing is powerful, it's a lot Our people should be ready for time, and there must be a way to control it!"

Qin An chuckled, she actually thought that the black armored robot was a behemoth, and she could only think about it with her cognition.

Without waiting for Qin An to speak, Azile had already rushed to Qin An's side, raising the sword in his hand to smash Huashan directly.

Qin An couldn't let Xiana die here, and without her, she wouldn't be able to control the entire tribe.

Holding one end of the rope in his left hand, Qin An quickly wrapped Xianna around her body a few times, tying her up a little stronger, the sword of Zhen E in his right hand was raised up, and the blade directly cut Azile in his hand.

Azile's horse passed by Qin An, how could Qin An let him run, raised his hand to cut off the horse's leg, and then leapt over with Xianana in his arms and looked at Azile's head with a stab.

After Ma Qing fell, Azile's body was also dumping. Seeing Qin An hacking at him, he wanted to dodge, but he couldn't dodge Qin An's hand speed.

Xiaina's body trembled a little. She saw Azile's body easily cut into two parts by Qin An with her own eyes, without a trace of blood on the blade.

This sword is also too sharp. It broke Azile's heavy sword first, and then broke his body. Just now, I felt that the sword wind entered the flesh without touching it!

Who is this man anyway? His toughness completely surpassed own cognition.

After Qin An killed Azile, the soldiers who followed Azile were crazy. There were so many dozens of them, and they rushed towards Qin An without fear of life and death.

The haircut that Qin An possesses is best at fighting the crowd. Zhen Ejian's attack speed is getting faster and faster, and it takes less than two minutes to kill the first person to the 23rd person.

At this time, no one dared to step forward anymore, and these people who shot them were considered to be Assile’s personal soldiers. Their skills were not weak, at least they were strong men and strong, but they were not an enemy of Qin An at all. There was no chance for the siege, and the contact with Qin An would be killed. It was basically a one-on-one singles.

Seeing that no one dared to come, Qin An stood upright and pulled Xia Na into his arms. The black armored robot transformed back into a sports car form. Qin Anfei jumped completely and shouted at the crowd: "You kneel, or she will die. !"

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