Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1823 Diao Chan's Trail

Qin An really took control of the active situation. After killing Azile, no one asked for trouble. Naturally, the rest of the people were more of Xianna's cronies, worried about her safety, so they got down and kneeled.

Qin An was very satisfied with this result, and pushed Xianna into the black armored chariot, lowering the window to the rear:

"Let your people pack up and reassemble. You have been caught, and our battle should be over."

Xianna looked cold and silent for a few seconds, then put her head out of the lathe, and a strong man quickly ran up, it was the warrior named Tuoba Dan.

"Let people gather the people, camp and cook in place, kill a few sheep, I want to entertain the distinguished guests in the car."

"The Patriarch..."

"No more arrangements, go!"


When Tuoba Dan walked, he looked towards the front of the car, and naturally saw Little Sister Sun, who was originally a gift to him.

Although hesitated, Tuoba Dan finally left without saying a word to convey Xana's order.

As soon as Tuoba Dan walked away, Little Sister Sun suddenly jumped on Xia Na from the front seat, still holding a knife in her hand.

Qin An swiftly threw the knife snatch out the window, and said depressed:


"It was her people who killed my waitress, and I want revenge!"

Seeing Xiaomei Sun's hatred look, Qin An had a headache, but forgot her.

Looking sideways at Xianna, Xianna is indeed a superior, she should be a little more calm, she said calmly: "Taiyuan city guard sent me a message, let me intercept such an army, With many benefits, our life is difficult, and food has always been the biggest problem. Since someone is willing to give things, we are willing to sacrifice our lives. That’s how things are."

So, Qin An raised his eyebrows and looked at Little Sister Sun.

"Where is Tang Yu? Where did she go?"

"Huh, who knows where it went."

Sun Xiaomei's general speaking is getting better and better, and she probably learned it with Tang Yu during this time.

Qin An can also understand Sun Xiaomei's feelings. If it were himself, he would save Sun Xiaomei regardless of the consequences, right? This hypothesis is also not true, because if I can completely hand over the army to Tang Yu, and then save Sun Xiaomei alone.

Turning his head to look at Xia Na again, Qin An tried his best to soften the tone of the owner, and said softly: "The wave of people you attacked before is my team. Since you are just hired, then I don’t hold any grudges. Xiaanna, I want you to go to the grassland with me to start a journey of war."

"It turns out that you are for this purpose. Perhaps before we say these things, you can answer me a few questions. What is this monster that we can sit in its stomach and change shape? And your rope and sword come from where?"

"The monster is called black armor. If you say what it is, I can't explain it clearly. I found it in the mountains. The rope and the big sword suddenly appeared and disappeared. It was just a blind technique. , But can't tell you how to do it. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

"Just forget it if you don't want to say it!""Okay, let's get back to business, follow me to the grassland, I will let you have a new life."

Qin An feels that he is also a super modern person at any rate. It should not be difficult for a group of nomads to live a stable life. The premise is that they have to help themselves in the war. Even if this generation is lost, but if the world is stable, their offspring will always be able to Enter a social system with progressive thinking ahead of time.

"New Life? By you?"

Qin An blushed a little, after all, he didn't know what was going on, only that he had to gather a strong and powerful team in front of him.

"Well, the nomadic life is not bad, but you don't cultivate the land, and the food has been difficult for you to solve from ancient times to the present, is it difficult to understand, isn't it?"

"Of course it is, but how do you solve it?"



"I know that you are not good at farming. I can find someone to grow unfinished food! From the Northern Huns to the grassland, we will strengthen our strength along the way, and finally we can establish a gathering place in the eastern region of Xianbei, where there is a large amount of black land. We can build a home there. Although the winter is too cold, the summer is as warm as the south. We can then move south and use the black land as a food base to live in the Central Plains. The winter is not cold but the summer is warm. It's really a good place."

The black land Qin An said was Heilongjiang, but there were not many people living there, and it was the border of Xianbei in the north.

The seeds naturally come from modern times. In order to develop the space for the dead, Qin An bought a lot of seeds. High-yield sorghum rice was never seen in ancient times. The invention of hybrid rice in later generations allowed the Chinese to feed hundreds of millions of people, otherwise the country would not have developed so fast.

The main food crops in the Qin and Han dynasties were millet, wheat, rice, stalks, millet, hemp, etc. However, the early stage of the Three Kingdoms was the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and the majority of the people were hungry and cold. Portrayal. On the one hand, a large number of refugees have no food to eat, and on the other hand, large tracts of wasteland are uncultivated. So Cao Cao took the lead in implementing the farming system, using the army and the people to retain the people, and through the farming to provide the army with food and grass expenditure, this established the prosperity and prosperity of the Wei Dynasty.

Qin An's proposal of farming in Heilongjiang and then sweeping the south is not infeasible, but for the ancients who had limited worldviews, this idea was ridiculous.

"Your name is Qin'an? It's easy to say, do you know how desolate the eastern region of Xianbei is? Even the Xianbei race would not go there to graze. We could live in the past? And the north is Cao Cao's territory, he Now we are sitting on a large area of ​​land. Although we have suffered losses in years of battle, we absolutely cannot beat him. How can we head south?"

"The reason why you can't beat it bluntly is that you don't have food and grass. If you have a food base, a cavalry team is enough to sweep most of the northern cities!"

"A war is deadly."

"Living and working in peace and contentment naturally requires a price. Parents go out to fight and children can live in peace. Although you are already accustomed to this nomadic life, do you really want the offspring of own to be like you in the future? As far as I know, you will often be horse thieves in order to get food. I am afraid that a lot of people have died, right? For example, this time, what about the loss of attacking my team?"

Xiaanna frowned. The battle with Tang Yu's team didn't last long, but more than a thousand strong warriors died on her side.

Xiaanna was actually very curious about where this team came from. It was the strongest enemy she had ever encountered in her life. It was even more terrifying than Cao Cao’s cavalry during the Northern Expedition. This might be one of her willingness to talk to Qin An quietly. The reason is that Xiana was a little curious when Qin An said that the team belonged to him.

Qin An actually admired Xianna very much, what she said to her was very advanced, but she was able to ask questions so calmly, and it was not easy to consider the current situation.

After being quiet for a long time, Xiaanna said:

"So you came over and grabbed me. Are you talking about cooperation?"

"Not talking, but letting you follow me. Whether you like it or not, you have to join me. Who made you intercept my troops and almost killed their entire army. You need to do something to make up for your crime. Error."

"Our people are all eagles on the grassland. No one can cut off their wings to fly freely, not even the patriarch of me. You should see that Azile has come to rebel after I was captured. I, although other people have not made trouble for the time being, if you are too excessive and want to use me to control them, it is impossible to achieve."

"People die for money, and birds die for food. Perhaps you still don't understand this. The evolution of human nature from ancient times to the present and then to the future is actually a very fast process. The changes in temperament are much faster than biological evolution. So you can rest assured , As long as you can cooperate with me, I will naturally teach them to make them willing to fight the world with me."

Qin An's remarks weren't very convincing, but his words such as human nature, evolution, biological evolution and so on made Xiana a little confused.

In the process of contacting Qin An, Xiana went through a strange process.

Her combat power was not low. Although she had lost the battle against others in these years, she was repelled after dozens of rounds. Qin An captured her alive with one move, which seemed to her to be impossible.

The second thing was Azile’s rebellion. Xianna was scared at that time. She felt that she was bound to die and was controlled by Qin An. As long as Azile came close, Qin An would kill her first and then escape, but she did not expect When things turned around, Qin An actually killed Azile with her in his arms, and then killed Azile's guards with a perverted Sword Technique, which not only protected her, but also solved a big trouble for her. Azile kept spying on her location, and there were some relatives between them. She never knew what to do with him. Of course she was killed by Qin An.

In addition to these two things, there are ropes, big swords, and black monsters that can be transformed.

All of this is very attractive. Of course, Qin An’s facial features are neutral and handsome. In fact, he looks a little bloody and heroic, and he has the appearance of small meat. It is a perfect look. The upgraded Qin An has long been not the beginning of the end of the world. The home is Fatty, and it's normal to be able to attract people.

That's why Xiaanna talked to Qin An calmly after entering the car, and didn't think that what the man said was fake.

Such a good-looking, such a strong man shouldn't be too stupid, right? It's impossible to think randomly.

Because of the special feeling, after the subjective consciousness is integrated into the brain, Xianna will naturally have the present performance.

When Qin An said his ambitions, although Xian Xana disagreed, she still didn't show it.

Recently, the tribe is also quite rare. Otherwise, she would not go to fight with Qin An’s group of people. As soon as she touched her, she broke a thousand people. The weapons of those guys are sharp, the iron is like mud, and the tactics are also very good. With skill, the horse team rushed over to no effect. A row of swordsmen took the shining big swords and killed all the horses. After the cavalry landed, they were hacked to death by the enemy army behind. Fortunately, the battle did not last too long. , Otherwise the loss may be even worse.

After pondering for a long time, Qin An was a little surprised, and Xiaanna finally nodded.

"Okay, I'm controlled by you anyway. I can take people with you, but you can't restrict my freedom...and resolve various contradictions, such as me and this Dongwu princess, such as me With your female lieutenant surnamed Tang, and the hatred of my subordinates towards your army, you know I have died a thousand people!"

"How many people died on Tang Yu?"

"It's just a short fight. They didn't fight for a long time. They are probably two or three hundred dead. I have to say that they are very strong."

Qin An didn't take it seriously. If the soldiers trained with modern methods didn't have some strong combat power, they would be ashamed.

"In the future, our cavalry team will be so strong. Since we want to merge, I will definitely find a way to resolve the contradiction. As for your freedom, I am sorry. You can't let you walk freely in at least a short time. You must follow me. I Let a woman follow you and be your personal guard."

"Huh, personal guard? Let her take care of me, right? There is such a person next to you? I don't think there is a woman in this world who can subdue or even kill me in one move."

"Unfortunately, there is a woman beside me who may be stronger than me."

Of course Qin An was talking about Honglian. If Honglian looked at Xia Na, it shouldn't cause too much trouble.

Things went on surprisingly smoothly. The Huns and the cave natives did not fight together, and the analogy turned out to be "fusion".

Of course, there are still many problems with this integration. The Huns always want to kill the natives, and the natives also guard against the Huns. During this period, there are also a group of slaves in the state of cute coins.

Qin An knew that for himself, he must find Tang Yu quickly now, even if he has controlled Xianna, but if the number of own in the team can't suppress the Xiongnu, then it will not take three days, and the chaos will definitely break out.

Fang Ziji, Xianna was taken by Qin Antuo and left Yaerdi. At this time, they didn't realize what the meeting meant for them.

Life is so wonderful. If you go on your own, it’s a simple road. But when someone walks along this road together, the road will become faster and faster, and the road will become more and more difficult. Finally, this A road will become a big tree, and even people who walk don’t know where they will always go. However, walking this way is interesting and will not be monotonous and lonely.

The legend of "Nuwa patching the sky" took place in Shanxi. The ancestors of the Chinese nation Huangdi and Yandi used Shanxi as the main area for their activities. The Xihoudu culture and Dingcun culture sites show that humans have multiplied and thrived in Shanxi in the Paleolithic period.

At this moment, most areas of Shanxi are still called Bingzhou. It was notified by Ding Yuan, Zhang Yan, and Yuan Shao in the Three Kingdoms period, and now belongs to Cao Cao.Lu Bu was originally a general under Ding Yuan. Dong Zhuo learned that Lu Buweili's plan had not been reused, so he sent an envoy to provoke Lu Bu to kill Ding Yuan. Wang Yun once lived in Bingzhou, and Diao Chan was Wang Yun's maid, and was later dedicated to Dong Zhuo Lubu by Wang Yun in the name of a righteous daughter to help Wang Yun complete the series of contradictions.

Therefore, Diao Chan once lived in Bingzhou. After Rouble died, Diao Chan disappeared.

This woman was originally named Ren Hongchang in folklore, but she was just a small village girl in Bingzhou. The death of Lu Bu hit her hard.

It was originally agreed with Wang Yun to let Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo fight inwardly. She shouldn't have the intention.

But there is such a thing between men and women. Being Lu Bu's wife, Lu Bu sincerely treats her, and she cannot be unmoved at all.

In the end, although Lu Bu didn't die because of him, he still had something to do with her.

After Lu Bu died, Diao Chan didn't want to go back to Wang Yun's house.

Lu Bu has two lieutenants named Ding Hai and Wang Ping.

Originally, Lu Bu asked them to protect Diaochan. Although Diaochan was not Lu Bu's wife, she always treated Diaochan as her mistress.

Diao Chan didn't want to let own destiny be controlled by others, so he discussed with Ding Hai Wang Ping and asked them to retreat with him.

It is recorded in history that Lu Bu died in 198. In fact, the real death period is early 203. The ancients are behind. If the historical recorder lacks a rigorous working attitude, history can be totally different.

So Diao Chan also retired from the world in 203. She was 22 years old that year and 29 this year.

People who met her back then thought she was the number one beauty in the world, but no one knew what she looked like now, and almost no one remembered.

Qin An arrived in Jinshan Town, Bingzhou a day later.

In fact, it has entered the Inner Mongolia region, but it still belonged to the border of Bingzhou during the Three Kingdoms era.

There are not many people in the small town, only less than one hundred households, more than four hundred people.

From east to west, there is a river named Yueshui River, which passes through the southwest of the town. The whole town is surrounded by a large forest and it is not easy to find.

Qin An was found by following Tang Yu's footsteps. Last night, he encountered a wave of Cao's army, the number was five hundred. Qin An personally led three hundred people to destroy them all in just ten minutes.

This move surprised the Huns, and they didn't understand Qin An's foundation or what agreement Xiana and Qin An had reached. It's just that Qin An's killing methods have made the group of Huns who were eager to move much more honest.

Now that the patriarch has not issued any instructions, and the enemy seems to be very powerful, they naturally need to observe and observe, and then decide what to do. Although the Huns are more barbaric, they are not stupid, they are already evolved intelligent humans.

Qin An stood by the river, frowning.

Xianna and Guren stood beside him.

Qin An likes to be in a daze these days, because his mind is thinking about things from time to time. Qin An is a person who does small things and can handle small things very meticulously. It is not a specialty for him to plan the world. So he has to think carefully about how to do it in order to make the current mixed team surrender to it.

The wages of avarice is death......

So what benefits can you give them?

Qin An thought about it and thought about it. This is Shanxi. Shanxi’s mine resources are very rich. After you find Tang Yu, you should make corrections here. Find a mine and smelt cast iron to make weapons and armors. The weapons and armors of the sword soul stone are all treasures, can they always make this group of Jin Ge and Iron Horse Huns tempted?

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