Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1824 Settled In The Woods

Xiaanna also frowned, her eyes falling on Qin An's body.

The two sides didn't have much contact this day and night, and they kept on their way.

He seems to know a lot.

Through the various small things on the road, you can judge what kind of road you should go on, without making detours at all.

The reason why Xiaanna feels that he does not make detours is entirely because Qin An occasionally shows confidence on his face, and when he has confidence, Xiaanna feels that his choice must be right. This is also affected by the self-confidence. The influence of subjective consciousness.

The so-called love at first sight may start with trust. When a woman is willing to trust a man unconditionally, it is also deep love.

Xia Xana is not a beauty, not ugly, an ordinary woman.

In this era of the Three Kingdoms, she has been working hard to control own destiny. In order to be the boss, she even forgot how to be a woman, but she will still be a woman after all.

Once a woman has something on her mind, it will be very tangled.

Xianna used to be a king, but now that she becomes a woman, she becomes sensitive.

Honglian, who has been with Qin An every day, is not only a woman, she is also the best Xiana has never seen before, not inferior to Little Sister Sun, and may be even stronger than her in style. And the little girl Miyue in the arms of the team is also beautiful to make her jealous.

The skin of a Southland woman is good, and she is so white that she looks at her heart, let alone a man?

Because of various emotions, Xiaanna often slips the phone number, often in a daze.

"Patriarch, what plans do we have?"

Tuobadan's freedom was not restricted. At this time, he ran to Xianna to ask for instructions. He felt that the wise patriarch would never hand over the tribe to a man named Qin An. There must be a plan.

How did this kid know that the matriarch who had always been a respected Bingshan had already been sprouting in her heart.

"Well... I naturally have a plan. Don't worry, and don't do anything at will. I don't want to increase unnecessary damage."

"But my brothers are very impetuous. Everyone doesn't know why we are with those natives. Our food..."

"This is my decision, do you have any questions?"

"Yes, the patriarch!"

Xia Na's face became cold and her voice turned cold, and Tuoba Dan was afraid, so she stopped talking and withdrew.

Qin An naturally heard their conversation and was very satisfied with Xana's performance.

You can use weapons and armors as bait. Food is indeed a problem that needs to be solved. He didn’t bring out too much supplies in the mountains. Tang Yu’s supplies should be cut off soon, that is, if he can’t solve the food problem, everything The plans are empty!

Cao Cao's food collection policy has been implemented, and now if you want to get a large amount of food, the best place to go is to find some big cities to snatch it. The only big city closer to this place is Jinyang, that is, Taiyuan!

Qin An has arranged for someone to go to Taiyuan City to collect information, and the few natives have not yet returned. Grain must be robbed. Now I don’t know whether to rob Taiyuan or other tribes in the grassland. Whoever grabs it is a stopgap measure. It is better to go to Heilongjiang quickly and establish an own food production area. The foothold is really important.At this moment, Qin An's scouts finally returned partly, and luckily they found Tang Yu's trail and brought people back.

Qin An was very excited, and brought Xiana and Honglian to greet him with a whiplash. Five miles away, he met Tang Yu, Pound and more than 4,000 soldiers under their leadership.

As soon as Pound saw Qin An almost crying, he jumped off his horse and knelt down and said in mourning, "Holy Son! I finally saw you again!"

Qin An saw his skewed armor, and knew that everyone's life should be difficult these days.

Jumping off the horse helped Pound up to encourage and comfort him, Qin An finally set his sights on Tang Yu.

I saw that the down jacket on this woman was gone, replaced by a black armor with a golden hammer in her hand. Although she was still majestic, her face was slightly gray, and her expression was a little tired. Little scars.

Finding that Qin An was looking at himself, Tang Yu's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly:

"There are always chasing soldiers behind us. We can't stay here for long."

"So you really arrested all Cao Cao's family?"

"Well, or else do you think they want to chase me down?"

Xian Xana was originally a large number of Tang Yu behind Qin An, and she opened her mouth in shock when she said this.

Captured Cao Cao's family? This is touching the tiger's ass, no wonder Cao Wei's army has been mobilized so frequently during this period, and they often encounter it.

"I have some people here. I think so, it's better than the nearby Anza camp. We now need to rest, we need to merge, we need resources, and we will talk about the retreat in a few days. There is a large forest here, and there is a big river. As a barrier, it is really a good place to camp, and we also need some time to build some weapons and equipment."

This is a helpless move for Qin An. If the team continues to move forward without merging, then there will be problems.

Tang Yu was so clever. Seeing Qin An's expression, he had already figured out his embarrassment, and he didn't know where he had brought a group of people. It seemed that he had not yet integrated.

"Then set up camp in this woods. When I just came here, I found that a place should contain rich iron ore. I will send someone to mine it for refining. Fire belts and various traps should be set up in the forest. The horse team is basically useless. It’s not easy for the infantry to enter the woods. They dig trenches outside the woods and set wooden stake fences as the first defensive position. In this era, positional warfare is not popular. We can use mines to deploy outside. Use bows and arrows for long-range defense. Cut wood to build ships through the river, or transport mines from the river! Since you need to adjust, adjust it all at once, so as not to be annoying afterwards, so this will be our first city, here Train a good soldier, not afraid of life and death. After the First World War, the rest must be good soldiers and strong generals! I suggest building brick yards, stone yards, building simple walls, bunkers, watchtowers, defense towers, etc., formed in the forest and can depend on each other. The barrier defense system is ready to make all preparations for the following war."

When Tang Yu walked while talking, Qin An nodded frequently.

Tang Yu was indeed Tang Yu, and after returning, he helped Qin An sort out many things.

"What about the food? I sent someone to Jinyang to investigate."

"Taiyuan? What we have to do is defensive posture. It is not easy to go out and grab the city with walls. I don't think we need to be too impatient. We are far from Cao Cao's many big cities. If they want to gather teams and encircle us, we need some time. Of course, they will also transport food after the campsite outside the forest, and they may also transport food to the main cities and counties of the state and Taiyuan. After all, it is not easy for them to break into the forest, and the battle will continue for a while. So we just need to advance Arrange for the two teams to be intercepted near Taiyuan and Bingzhoucheng County. After looting the grain, they will be transported into the forest by water. They have no boats, and they will shoot arrows at the shore to intercept at most. We will thicken the cabin and lengthen the board. They can hide them when they shoot arrows. Nets can be hung in the water on both sides of the hull. Those arrows are not easy to hang on solid wood, and they will be intercepted and accumulated by nets when they fall into the water. Didn’t Zhuge Liang use the tactics borrowed by the straw boat? Wouldn’t it be great for us to come to the wooden boat to borrow arrows and to transport food?”

Qin An really admired it.

It seems that although Zhou Yu's memory in his mind is awakened, he is still Qin An. Otherwise, how could he not come up with such a good strategy? Sure enough, Tang Yu is different.

Xiaanna squinted her eyes slightly. She and Tang Yu had a face-to-face meeting. Knowing that this female player was so powerful, she didn't expect to be so clever.

They want to stay here for a period of time. They just want to integrate the Huns, natives, slaves, and their original soldiers. Then Qin An will have a team of more than 10,000 and 8,000 soldiers, and cooperate with the woods. This barrier can deal with tens of thousands of troops without defeat.

Wait until everyone merges together to break through the waterway.

This big river spans several tens of meters, and big boats can pass by. Xianna is actually a very smart person, but she can’t figure out where to get such a big boat? If it is made, who will?

Even if the ancients were smart, they still lacked a lot of insights. It is not easy for them to understand what they have not experienced before.

Tang Yu saw Xiaanna and Honglian as he walked around.

Tang Yu was also a little surprised when he saw Xia Na. He didn't expect Qin An to deceive them. This is a bit difficult. The troops on both sides have fought, so it is not easy to integrate.

Looking at the red lotus over there, Tang Yu raised his brows, and Qin An really f*ck has a relationship with women. He went out for a while and followed a few more women!

The brigade followed Tang Yu forward, looking weak.

However, after seeing Qin An, they still tried hard to straighten their backs. This is the result of the training, and they still need to have the appearance of the head coach.

Qin An looked at these soldiers with emotion, but still said that he was not in charge of the soldiers with compassion.

When he came out, there were 10,000 people. Now that he has been away for a while, he is more than half dead. Qin An feels a little uncomfortable in his heart, more apologetic.

In this way, the brigade entered the forest with Qin An, Tang Yu and others, and met the natives and Huns who were resting in the woods.

The soldiers who came out of Hanzhong saw so many people here, as if they were still in their own group, and felt a lot more at ease. This period of time is really not easy.

Qin An asked Pound and Langtou to arrange for the soldiers they brought back, and then took Tang Yu, Xia Na, Guo Jia, Zuo Ci, and Fang Ziji to the meeting.

Guo Jia and Zuo Ci also looked a little haggard. They were kidnapped by Tang Yu along the way. Unlike Miyue, Miyue likes lively and is willing to follow Qin An.

When Guo Jia heard that Qin An had brought Liu Xie to this place, he was dumbfounded in shock, then shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said:

"The two are really the only strong men I have ever seen in my life, and I am afraid that Lu Fengxian will not be your opponent in the rebirth. However, I am a Han citizen, and I was an official under Wei Gong before. I really can’t live with the two. If the two insist If I want to stay here, I will ask for an errand and am willing to serve Wei Gong's family, just to take care of them!"

Zuo Ci Lao Dao hurriedly said:

"My lord, I would like to go with Feng Xiao. It is a joy to play chess every day!"

Qin An knows the strength of the ancients. Guo Jia had served Cao Cao for many years, and he would never use it for him. However, when he arrived in Heilongjiang, he wanted to establish a foundation to settle the party. Talents like Guo Jia Zuoci are available. Therefore, it is not difficult for them to let them go to accompany Cao Cao's family.

After they left, Tang Yu, Xia Na, and Fang Ziji were left, which also represented the tripartite forces.

Qin An spoke about the own plan in front of the three of them.

Fang Ziji is bitter. He is a businessman and his home is in Bingzhou. Now it is absolutely unwilling to let him go deep into the bitter cold land of the Northeast.

So he also resigned, not willing to participate in Qin An's affairs, and willing to give those slaves to Qin An for free.

Qin An didn't refuse, and smiled at the other Ziji and said:

"Subji, you slaves, give me first, and I can give you an IOU. When I get to Heilongjiang in the future, I must ask someone to send you food. Our business can continue, and I will often buy from you in the future. Slaves, we will become a long-term relationship of supply and demand."

Fang Ziji didn't know where Qin An was talking about Heilongjiang, he didn't care about it, and he nodded as long as Qin An was willing to let him go at this time.

Qin An felt that it was really useless to leave Fangziji, so he asked someone to arrange to escort him out of the woods, and then asked someone to follow to see where his home was. After entering the grassland, he went to find out the distribution of various forces in the grassland. To lay the foundation for entering the grassland and going to Heilongjiang in the future.

After Fang Ziji left, there were only three people left.Tang Yu and Xia Na have been silent, looking at each other, Qin An only then realized that they were competing with each other.

After a light cough, Qin An told Tang Yu the process of encountering the Xiana tribe.

After Tang Yu heard this, coldly smiled and said, "It turns out that you are a prisoner, and so are you."

"Hmph, don't say these hard words for the bereaved dog!" Xiaanna actually faced each other tit-for-tat.

Qin An was a little entangled, why would Tang Yu's temperament still quarrel with Xia Na? This is not like a queen should do.

There is so much hostility between the two people, and Sun Xiaomei has trouble with them again, let alone integrating the army, it is troublesome to integrate these three women, Qin An feels that Own has a long way to go in the future!

"Tang Yu, Xiaanna has a good temper and communicates well with people. As I said just now, she went to fight our team because she took money from others. The confrontation between the two armies has been like this since ancient times, but we are not Hatred, why can't you cooperate if this is the case? So don't ask too much."

Qin An believes that Tang Yu should be an open-minded person. This kind of thing shouldn't need to be relieved by himself.

"Cooperate? I don't want to cooperate, I just hire! Xiaanna, after ten days, I will give you an armor as a reward. This armor is not an ordinary armor. It is not only light but also explains that ordinary archers want to shoot with arrows. Wearing armor is a matter of enlightenment. I can also equip flatter with the same armor. After I get to Heilongjiang, I can equip you with sharp weapons and provide you with a lot of food! But you have to understand, I just want to hire you , Not cooperation."

"What does it have to do with you? I found it by Qin An, and he told me to cooperate, that is cooperation! If you have the kind of armor you mentioned, Qin An will naturally not be stingy with us in the cooperative relationship! Why you Make it unnecessary?"

Ah? Is the style of painting wrong? This Xianna was originally a captive of own, but now she feels as if she is willing to act with herself when she speaks?

Looking at Tang Yu, Tang Yu just glanced at Qin An.

Qin An saw the meaning in Tang Yu's eyes, and his old face immediately blushed, a little embarrassed.

Tang Yu clearly blamed himself for attracting bees and butterflies.

The conscience of heaven and earth, he has been very honest recently. Although he has met many beautiful women, he has never thought about it.

However, women are very accurate in this regard. Could it be said that Xianna is fancying herself?

This is not surprising. The grassland peoples are originally sturdy in temperament, and they look like little meat, and it is normal to be regarded by others.

Qin An was a little proud and a little embarrassed.

After the meeting was quiet, Qin An quickly figured out that it would be good if Xiaanna had kindness to herself. It would only be a matter of time before she turned to merge with a group of people from the Huns. The modern intensive training that is prohibited in parallel should be moved out and practiced. , Even if the hearts of the people are not integrated, the unity of the least team will come out.

"Okay, no matter whether it is employment or cooperation, the teams on both sides can now be integrated. I plan to let Pound and Mi Yue each lead a team out of the city to intercept food, and then the remaining Tang Yu will be responsible for the fortifications. Xianna and I are in charge of training soldiers and let Honglian make weapons. She is a member of the Northern Dipper star, and she seems to be a family of craftsmen born to the sword spirit star. She should have some skills in refining."

The memory went on like this in a somewhat weird atmosphere. Tang Yu was still unwilling to pay attention to Qin An, but Xiana suddenly became eager to Qin An and took the initiative to pay attention to Qin An. How should the two teams be combined? The fusion made Qin An flattered, but there was a cool breeze on his back, always feeling that Tang Yu was staring at him secretly.

At this time, soldiers came in from outside and said that they had found a hidden town in the center of the forest, named Jinshan, with a population of more than 400 households.

Qin An didn’t care too much. He told people to look at them but don’t disturb their life. He was just a passer-by. He wanted to abduct the grassland tribe because their life was difficult. It’s better to fight with him as a soldier, but he didn’t want to. Ups and downs of civilians who escaped the world.

After the soldier who sent the letter went down to deliver the order, they studied the details of the action with Tang Yu and Xia Na. After that, the meeting ended. Everyone moved and began to build a base in the woods and train troops to prepare for battle!

This forest is really very large, the types of trees are thick and thin, and the wood resources are very rich. During the period, it was accompanied by many strong vines. These plants have long been extinct in modern times, but now they are very common.

Tang Yu didn't have time to pay attention to Qin An's affairs, and asked a few people to start planning.

With Jinshan Town as the center, Tang Yu asked the sword slave to find Qin An to come to Zhen E Sword. After that, he personally took the Zhen E Sword and cut down almost two hundred trees in front of him in ten minutes. Too sharp, cutting a tree is like cutting wood.

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