"Ma'am, ma'am, you go slowly, the servants can't keep up."

Shuangyue was following Tang Yu at this time, her expression tangled, how could the madam of the dignified Saint Child do such a thing as cutting down a big tree?

Hey, thinking about this journey, Madam also did all the things women shouldn't do, so Shuangyue really didn't know what to do.

"Don't be so close to me, be careful to hit you... You go to the blacksmith named Tiandi. Didn't I draw a picture and let him make many iron tools? Go and see if you get it right. ."

Tang Yu had long been conceiving a battle of positions, so he asked the blacksmith to make some shovels, hammers, nails, iron saws, etc., just to prepare for construction.

After Shuangyue was chased away, Tang Yu continued to make wood. The Zhen E sword was so easy to use. It didn't require any effort to slice the tree directly.

The soldiers who came out of Hanzhong have become Tang Yu's personal soldiers. After all, Tang Yu has taken them to escape from the dead again and again during this period. They knew Tang Yu's abilities and regarded her as a real general. .

Tang Yu commanded some soldiers to pile up the planks he had cut off one by one, and within a short while, he had piled up a hill of planks, and the woods turned into a wood storage yard.

Feng Niang was also standing not far away with her baby in her arms. She is now Tang Yu's maid.

Tang Yu finally traveled to the feudal world. Naturally, he also wanted to enjoy the style of being the master. If it wasn't for Feng Niang to bring her children, Tang Yu would let her be her own slave and maid, but now she can only be the hereder.

Feng Niang is a very clever woman, who will come in particular. It is estimated that it was not easy to be Zhang Yun's concubine before, and she did not work hard to compete with other concubines, so she was so smooth.

"Feng Niang."


Hearing Tang Yu shouting, Feng Niang hurriedly ran from a distance.

"Go to Guan Yong, General Manager of Engineers. All the carts we made before were discarded on the road. There is a lot of wood here. Let them come over and make some carts. Then I will get earth and rocks. I want to build a house."

Tang Yu didn't plan to let herself sleep outside, nor did she plan to go to the earthen house in Jinshan Town. She wanted to build another house beside the town.

After Feng Niang took the order and left, Tang Yu found other soldiers, and began to arrange the layout of the entire forest system while working.

"With this house I built as the center, the radius of the woods is almost five miles away. Let's mobilize 1,000 people to chop the trees first. Instead of cutting the inner circle, cut out two isolation belts with a width of ten meters on the outer circle. Trees can be made into various defensive facilities. I will tell you how to do it later... Let’s mobilize 500 people. Qin An needs military training. This is also a more important thing."

At this time, Shuangyue brought the tools made by the blacksmith, Tang Yu asked someone to come over to dig the foundation, and then called another soldier and said: "You go to Qin An, and let him take care of Xana's borrowers, those from the Xiongnu tribe. Women and children are borrowed, and there are probably a thousand people. They have knives on them. I want them to help me make handcrafted giant arrows with knives. Then I will build some ballistas, or use fixed crossbows to release the fortress... Shuangyue, I will draw you a sketch in a moment, telling you where to dig trenches, where to build arrow towers, and where to bury landmines. I already have a similar idea in my heart. Landmines should be buried first. I will not only stop what is coming. Cao Jun, also use them to trap the group of Huns, lest they cause trouble, now we can’t make trouble inside. Let’s draw it for you now, and then you can lead people to build the fortifications according to this picture. You can’t give the picture to others. Look, I will let Hammer Slaves and Sword Slaves follow you. With them, no one will not listen to you."

Tang Yu had already made a chair for himself when he was speaking.

The sharpness of Zhen E's sword is really exaggerated. Cutting wood is as easy as cutting paper with scissors.

Tang Yu has spent a hundred years on Xia Ke Island. Qin Er'an only visits her once a week, so she spends most of her time alone. The lonely Life has taught her to do a lot of things, build houses, and do things. Furniture is not a problem.

The foundation was still being dug over there, so Tang Yu continued to arrange various matters while making furniture, but he was very busy and not chaotic.

After the soldier found Qin An, he told him Tang Yu's appeal. Qin An was with Xia Na before, so he told her directly.

Xiaanna has a refreshing personality, and since she has a good impression of Qin An, she is naturally willing to help Qin An.

She is also a very smart woman, knowing what Qin An wants now, fusing troops is as important as building defenses.

Xiana can fight Tang Yu in other ways, but it won't affect Qin An's affairs, so she agreed to Qin An's request without hesitation, and directly dispatched women and children from the clan to help Tang Yu make wooden weapons.Qin An really didn't expect that Xiaanna would agree to this, and did not resist at all.

This is obviously not a good sign, could it be said that own peach blossom luck is here again?

The current Qin An is not the same year. He has gone through so many things. He is separated from almost all the women around him, which makes him confused by feelings and does not want to entangle them.

Therefore, he was very afraid that Xiaanna would have feelings for him. He was going to fight Zhuge within one or two years. The feelings around him and Tang Yu were unavoidable for him, and the others had nothing to do.

It seems that I must keep a distance with Xanadu in the future.

"Xiaanna, then gather all of our people, let's take a look at the attitude of the people on your side."

"The heroes of my clan are not so easily tamed."

"As long as you think my idea is feasible, I will do the rest."

Xiaanna nodded slightly, but she also wanted to see Qin An's ability.

In the woods near Jinshan Town, there is a clearing where five thousand Huns, one thousand and five Han Chinese Army, six hundred slaves, and one thousand natives are all gathered together.

After the assembly of more than eight thousand troops, they have occupied every part of the open space, and some have even reached the woods because they can't stand.

Qin An blew a whistle, and the indigenous people quickly left the open space and quickly climbed up the tree, one by one like monkeys.

The Turks, the Hanzhong army, and the slaves were all dumbfounded. There were people who despised this group of natives before, but now they are all shocked.

It's too powerful, how can they climb trees like that?

The space was let out, and Qin An and Xia Na asked everyone to stand before Xia Na came out to speak first.

"Everyone, we have been moving around in Bingzhou and Caowei for these years. The prairie in the north is our hometown. But because of the nasty people of the Xianbei tribe, it is difficult for us to stay in the prairie! I want to ask everyone, if there is a chance, Do you want to fight back to the grassland, take back the cattle and sheep that belong to us, and take back the women that belong to us?"

A group of Huns looked at each other, and then lazily replied that they obviously didn't have much confidence.

"Since you want to, then I will take you back! I saw this man? He is called Qin An. He will become a member of our clan and will help us become stronger quickly. You must know that we can't fight the enemy without strong combat power! "

The Huns were all stunned. They had been waiting for the patriarch to give orders, thinking that they would definitely compete with the people here, but this was the result that they didn't expect to usher in?

"Patriarch, he is not a member of our clan, how can he integrate into us? And the woman named Tang Yu is clearly the main general that the enemy army met before. She killed many of us! This kid and that woman are in the same group, why are we? Want to accept him?"

Xiaanna raised her eyebrows, and her eyes narrowed when she saw that it was Mislen who was talking.

Misrang is Xana's uncle generation, and she doesn't have much real power in the tribe, but based on her seniority, she often speaks some opinions to interfere with Xana's decision-making.

Xianna looked at her uncle's Face and let him on weekdays, if it was a trivial matter, she would do what he said occasionally.

Now Misleng has come out to make trouble again, and it's a problem.

Just as Xia Na was pondering, Qin An walked out and looked at the Huns in front of them:

"In one month, I can make you the strongest cavalry warrior in the world. Each of you will have a dozen abilities and become a real grassland hero! In two months, you will own the land, which is pure The black land, I will let people produce plenty of food on these lands, harvest in autumn, you will not go hungry in winter, you can eat fragrant white rice, soft white Steamed bun, golden potato sweet potato, and All kinds of fresh vegetables! By next year, you will have own women, own children, and own families! If these things I said today cannot be realized, then I am willing to kneel down and plead with you! How? I have only one request, Follow me and your patriarch and make you extremely powerful!"

Picture painting is a kind of power trick. Qin An has so many years of experience, even if he is not a natural king, he can say something.

Qin An's words made a group of Huns foolish.

Everyone was whispering, Namis Leng snorted coldly, and said:

"Our soldiers on the grasslands were originally the strongest! It's just that there are so many people in the Central Plains, and there are so many enemies on the grasslands, so we can't defeat them! What's the use of being strong?"

"You are already very strong, but by no means the strongest! As I said just now, if you all have one dozen ten strengths when facing any enemy, there are almost eight thousand fighters here. With 80,000 soldiers fighting against each other, what kind of team do you think can fight against you in this world?"

Misleng laughed.

A team of 8,000 people can fight against 80,000 people. Isn’t this a idiotic dream?

His smile made all the Huns behind him laugh.

"Why are you?"

Misleng asked loudly after laughing.

"Why? Do you still need to question? According to what I have learned, you and my Hanzhong army only had contact with one cup of tea, and more than a thousand people died. Why did you ask me why? , Take the knife!"

Qin An gave an order, and a soldier of the Hanzhong Army ran over and took out an ordinary saber.

This knife looked ordinary, but there was a sword soul stone inside, which was extremely sharp and shaved iron like mud.

Qin An tested the sharpness of the knife in front of the Huns, and cut off six or seven ordinary metal weapons in succession, but the Hanzhong saber was intact.

The eyes of the Huns were straightened. They were warlike and naturally liked weapons. Seeing the iron-cutting sword in Qin An's hands, there was a light of greed in their eyes.

"This kind of knife, follow me, and you will have it in a short time, because I promised you that you will be the strongest cavalry in the world! Give me the armor!"

Qin An handed the knife to the soldiers and told them to wear the armor made of sword soul stone.

"Come, use the knife in your hands to slash me!"

The Huns looked at each other, and there were two men who looked very sturdy and moved forward with their swords in their hands.

"Come on, see if your blade is sharp, or the armor is strong enough, use your best, don't lose the face of Xana's tribal warrior."

Xian Xana's bright eyes widened, and she was surprised and worried.

Although the two people who came out were not warriors, they were also very powerful warriors. Although the knives in their hands were not treasures, it was not difficult to smash cows and sheep with the strength of their arms.

Why is Qin An so confident, what kind of treasure armor has such a strong defensive ability?

Seeing that this armor is not heavy at all, but there are some black iron pieces inserted on the clothes. It is very light. How can it resist the chopping of two strong men? Shouldn't the armor be thicker and stronger?

Before Xia Na wanted to understand, the two great men had already taken action, and they had no affection for Qin Anke at all, so they exhausted all their strength.

Xiaanna's face turned pale, thinking that she would see Qin An's blood splashing on the spot soon, she couldn't help secretly regretting it, and she felt that she might be more proactive and help Qin An complete the integration he wanted.


Two crisp noises surprised Xianna and shocked the audience.

Qin An was safe and sound, and two really good-looking knives were broken directly!

In fact, Qin An was somewhat surprised by this result. He did not expect that the knife would be broken. The own armor was only strong, but did not have anti-injury effect. This only shows that the grassland people’s iron-making technology is still poor. It's very crisp, and it breaks in one inch.

In fact, it’s okay if only one is broken. Qin An’s luck is really good. The luck of the two summer Naris is really bad, but both knives are broken, which creates a strong visual impact. Everyone They all held their breath without speaking.

Qin An coughed twice, took off his armor, and pointed his hand at the Hanzhong army."Don't think this is a baby. This is just the body armor worn by the ordinary soldiers of the Hanzhong Army. If you are willing to follow me, you will be able to equip it in a short time! Think about it, you have an invincible offensive weapon. With the unbreakable armor, who is your opponent? As long as you follow me, these are all yours!"

Qin An's tone was very passionate, and now he really fooled a group of brash men who had never seen high-end weapons.

Qin An was going to administer some strong medicine, so he let the soldiers bring the grenade again.

This thing was too fierce, and Qin An threw it out and hit a stone, and actually exploded the stone. The flying debris and iron beads broke all the bark of the nearby tree.

"Tian Lei!"

Qin An never expected that the effect of a grenade would be so great.

The Huns hadn't responded yet, but a group of natives jumped down from the tree and knelt to the ground without stopping.

After that, the Huns also knelt down and squatted their heads, muttering words in a dialect. It took Qin An for a long time to figure out what it means to fear gods.

Their knowledge is really lacking. Both the natives and the prairie people know much less knowledge than the Central Plains people. In their concept, they can only use the power of a hand grenade explosion and the power of falling from the sky to knock down a tree. Thunder and lightning are connected together, so they all think that this thing is a god that can provoke the thunder!

Qin An was stunned for a while and laughed, and said loudly: "Don't be afraid! This is just a little trick. If you follow me, everyone will have the ability to summon the sky thunder, and then have armor weapons, and have Tianlei, you fighters who claim to be eagles on the grassland, are you confident that you can beat ten one at a time?"


Can you summon the sky thunder?

Isn't that something that only God can do? If you can summon the sky thunder, wouldn't it be equivalent to becoming a god?

If you become a god, killing ten ordinary people is not like playing, let alone ten, even one hundred and one thousand are without fear.

Because of these things Qin An showed, people have a little confidence in what Qin An said just now.

In this era, for these rashers, having strong force is wealth.

They are eager to obtain these things Qin An said, because of their desire, all the things they uphold are willing to temporarily put aside, if what Qin An said can be realized, it is really a good thing.

Some kneeling Huns slowly stood up, and began to have another wave of discussions with people around them.

Mi Sileng was also shocked by what Qin An showed, and for a while, he didn't know what to say.

Qin An felt that they needed to give these people some time to understand and digest, and he also had to discuss with Xianana about the team regrouping and training, and the fortifications in the forest should not be delayed.

Turning her head and telling Xianna of her own thoughts, Xianna naturally had nothing to say, and she herself did not wake up from the shock.

What Qin An meant was to send everyone out for camp construction. One day later, they were divided into two groups. One wave started regular militarization training, and the other wave continued to build bases. After all, Cao Cao’s army should leave here. It's not far away, maybe it will be found within a few days.

Xiaanna again stated her position to the people. This time she was very accurate. She was going to work with Qin An. If there is anyone who wants to resist, that's good, complete the repair of the base and leave.

This is of course an expedient measure. In just a few days, the team will become more integrated under the planning of her and Qin An.

Therefore, the ancients said that the water thrown out by a married woman, if this woman fell in love with a man, she would definitely be willing to sacrifice all her efforts for it.

In this way, the construction of the woods in Jinshan Town started like a raging fire, and Pound Miyue also took people away to go to the official road to get food, everything seemed to be in order.

As night slowly came, Qin An, who had been busy all day, finally had the opportunity to find Tang Yu.

After being separated for so long, we still have to relive the past.

When he arrived at Tang Yu's place under the leadership of the soldiers, a smile appeared on his face. A big house had already been built here!

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