Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1826 What do you want from me

The moon sets, the black cries, and the night lingering.

The night in the forest is beautiful, and Qin An can see the sky full of stars when he raises his head.

There were originally big trees here. The big trees were cut down to build a two-story wooden house. A courtyard was surrounded by wooden boards with a height of five meters around the courtyard. A flat floor was laid in the courtyard. Qin An walked across the floor and entered the wooden house. On the first floor, I was a little surprised.

The wooden house is actually very neat, not to mention the complete furnishings, and there are also many small bottles filled with wild flowers and weeds.

Tang Yu moved so fast, he made a home in one day.

Qin An went upstairs after a turn. There was only one bedroom upstairs, and there was actually a bathroom. In the bathroom, there was a wooden toilet and a wooden tub, which were already filled with water. Next to the wooden barrel was a large wooden pool with drainage. The pipe is connected to the toilet flush bucket, and the design is very delicate. The water in the large wooden pool after bathing can be introduced into the one or two mezzanine reservoirs, and then the water can be used to flush the toilet.

I don’t know how Tang Yu did it, he could guarantee that water would not leak out of the wooden box. After all, he had more than 100 years of modern human wisdom, and the blood master sword god didn’t know how many years of memory wisdom. simple.

In addition to the bathroom, there is a kitchen and a living room on this floor.

Qin An visited and didn't find Tang Yu, so he went to the bedroom and opened the door to see Tang Yu was kneeling on the ground and pouting his buttocks, while Frost Moon and Feng Niang were rushing to help.

"Hi, I have a bed here."

Qin An said with a smile, and Tang Yu said without turning back: "You can just bring me the quilt, and I will make my own bed."

"It's really self-reliant. You got the nest right without seeing you for a day, but I was busy running for a day, training soldiers and sending people to look for iron ore, and I had to build the position according to your plan. Fortunately, the peripheral ones. The trenches have been dug almost, and the fire belts in the inner circle are also fixed. I heard that you have also laid a lot of landmines. I also made a lot of traps in the south. Once the mechanism is opened, the enemy will definitely not be able to invade."

When Qin An spoke, his hands were not free.

The windows of the house were still empty. Qin An Interspatial Ring had only a few pieces of glass but there were curtains, so he took it out and hung it up on his own initiative.

The wood-colored bedroom became a lot warmer after hanging the curtains. Tang Yu got up and took a look, somewhat satisfied, so he beat his waist and walked over to watch.

Qin An wasn't stupid either, he didn't help out at this time to please what he thought.

So he went to kneel on the floor instead of Tang Yu, and began to connect the boards that had been in the bedroom. After a while, he sat down on the bed and placed it on the bed that Tang Yu had made in advance, a solid bed. Finished.

Qin An took out the quilt and laid it out, and deliberately placed two pillows on the bed.

Tang Yu frowned slightly when he found out, but Qin An didn't look at Tang Yu, but took out the vanity mirror and many cosmetics from the Interspatial Ring.

Qin An inspected the Interspatial Ring a few days ago and found many good things.

For example, a sword spirit technology generator uses the sword Spirit Stones as an energy source and converts it into a substance similar to electricity, which can make the lamp glow, which is more efficient than ordinary generators on the earth.

This thing looked like a small black box. Qin An fixed it to the wall with nails, and then connected three wires.

One of them pulled down the roof. A chandelier was made, the other was connected to a socket and fixed on the wall, and the third was pulled down to install the socket in the kitchen, so that the induction cooker can be used at least.

Looking at the surprise, Tang Yu forgot about the two pillows, and complained to Qin An, "Why didn't you take out this good thing earlier?"

"Hi, hi, I forgot that there are these things in Interspatial Ring. I only found out after I checked them. What do you think they are?"

After Qin An returned to the bedroom, he took out...a computer from the Interspatial Ring.

"Gosh! And this one? Is this old-fashioned?"

"Well, the Lenovo machine in 2015 before the end of the world. I found it in a family in United States in 2018. It installed the Chinese WIN7 system. It installed many stand-alone games and downloaded many movies. It is estimated that the owner of the home is a Chinese. "

Qin An has installed the computer and turned it on in the speaking room, and turned on the music player. When a sad song rang, Shuangyue who walked into the room with hot water was stunned, wondering what the sound-producing square was. Ghost.

Tang Yu also froze, then sat on the bed and listened quietly.

"You stopped on this familiar street

Read all the lines you prepared

I'm still telling lies

Can't block the direction you are going

At least I'm generous when I separateI will choose to bypass that street later

I wish I could meet in another street

Missing is striving and will not forget

Blame me for not being able to follow your direction

If the more you love, the more passive, the more generous

What do you want me to do

Your sudden text message is enough to make me sad

I can't forget you don't need to remind me even if it ends like this

What else can i do


After listening to a song, Tang Yu sighed for a long time: "Xue Zhiqian's "What Do You Want Me?"..."

Qin An didn't speak, took out the broom and mop and started cleaning. After cleaning the second floor, he went to clean the first floor. Then he took out many things in the Interspatial Ring to make the house more cozy. The kitchen utensils were full.

After fixing all this, Qin An went upstairs again, it was already eleven o'clock at night.

Shuangyue went down, Tang Yu's bedroom was hidden, and Qin An walked in, there was still the song in it-what do you want me to do.

This song touched Tang Yu's mind.

Yes, what exactly does she want Qin An?

Why hasn't she been able to get together with Qin Er'an for so many years?

She has always felt that she can be with any man, but the fact is that she has been alone for more than a hundred years, and she is still single. She feels that she can marry Qin Er'an. She has had feelings for a hundred years, but she still hasn’t. After marrying, and after being with Qin An, he can be treated so peacefully.

Qin An turned off the computer, Tang Yu ignored him, turned over on the bed, and remembered many things in the past.

I thought I didn't care, but I don't know why. Today's Tang Yu is very sad, and Qin An's song like this makes her even more sad.

In her life as a woman, Tang Yu felt that she was actually quite pitiful, an unspeakable emotion.

"Tang Yu, can you lend me half of the bed? I must do nothing. You know, it's late. I think your bed is very big..."

"Do you think I'm a little girl? You want to sleep in my bed and do nothing to me?"

"Well, really, believe me, I swear!"

At least Qin An didn't think too much at this moment, he just wanted to chat with Tang Yu.

Tang Yu didn't speak any more, and there was no movement after a long time.

Qin climbed onto the bed with the courage, but fortunately he was not kicked out of the bed by Tang Yu.

"Hey, you are also over a hundred years old. All my experiences are more than one hundred years old. At this age, we should really have a good chat."

Tang Yu still didn't speak, Qin An felt nervous all over while lying on the bed. It was a long time since that feeling. It seems that many years have passed since the last time I had skin with Tang Yu.

The two of them lay down like this, and time passed by.

Outside the house, Qin An could hear a sentinel from the Quartet sending a message to the guard at the door. No enemy has been found within ten miles, and he might be able to sleep peacefully tonight. The construction of the entire camp did not stop. Everyone used the moonlight to arrange them. The main thing was to dig trenches and traps. Before the traps in the forest were set up, it was impossible for the soldiers to rest.

It was estimated that it was past twelve o'clock in the night, and Qin An, who couldn't sleep, tossed and turned many times before finally holding Tang Yu in his arms.

Tang Yu turned around in Qin An's arms, stretched out his small fist and slammed Qin An's chest twice.

"Bitch, don't you say you can't touch me?"

"I...I didn't say not to touch you, what I said was to do nothing!"

Qin An is shameless and shameless. Touching and doing nature are two concepts. Love is created, but not touched.

This kind of thought is very shameless, and of course Qin An is embarrassed to say it, but can only bear Tang Yu's piercing gaze with the cheeky.

Tang Yu stared at Qin An for a while, his nervous body finally relaxed, allowing Qin An to hug her.

The iceberg in my heart melted instantly.

How could it be possible that Tang Yu had fallen in love with a man in his life, and at best he had been in love with Qin Er'an for a long time, but he did not have any love.

At this age, people who can understand life and themselves often lose a lot of passion.

Tang Yu was like this. Before, she had decided to marry Qin Er'an with all her heart, but Qin An snatched this time and space. Is this her fate? She is the most struggling heroine in the novels of Dangerous City in the last days!

Lowering his head and leaning against Qin An's arms, Tang Yu said in a very soft voice: "Go to sleep, don't say anything, just sleep like this, I'm so tired today."

Feeling the gentleness shown by Tang Yu, Qin An was full of excitement, but he didn't dare to make any trouble, because he was afraid to offend this woman.

"You are so amazing. You built such a big house. I heard that most of them are done by yourself?"

"No way, I'm not satisfied with their hands. Did you look at the water supply system in the bathroom? Only wood and nails. The material is missing. Fortunately, there is a sharp Zhen'e sword. I have done a lot of card slots to achieve perfection. Tightness."

"So you are great."

"It's just a life experience. I've been in a Buddhist temple before, and I built a Buddhist shrine. I didn't let others help me."

Qin An naturally knew that the other person in Tang Yu's mouth was Qin Er'an, and he was even more excited now.

It seems that he finally moved back to the game, at least in Tang Yu's heart, Qin Er'an became someone else again!

Now that he has made progress, Qin An decided to continue to pursue and fight, of course, it was not like pursuing a little girl, to directly push Tang Yu at this time.

They are all grown-ups, and passions can be as light as water, and sincere emotions can be deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Qin An wondered how to pursue Tang Yu again, while hugging her and asking about the past 100 years.

This time the heart-to-heart talk is very important. Only when Qin An understands Tang Yu's past hundred years can the relationship between the two be completely closer.

Tang Yu really opened his heart.

Maybe it's because of Xana.

Tang Yu's love with Qin An was actually a loss.

She is always away from Qin An, and there are always many women around Qin An, resulting in her not even having a status until now.

No matter what, she is willing to talk to Qin An about her past hundred years.

One hundred years ago, Tang Yu planned to marry Qin Er'an, but Qin An suddenly appeared to grab his relatives.

Tang Yu was excited at the time. After all, she loved Qin An more in her heart at that time, but she didn't expect Qin An to be trapped for a hundred years to save the demon.

At the beginning, Tang Yu was waiting, waiting for her patience to gradually lose, losing the taste of Life, feeling that his destiny was sad, so he chose the life of pure heart and little desire, sincerely worshiping Buddha, and staying for several decades.

It would be fine if her life ended here, but she wouldn't get old yet, she still possessed incomparable youth, and she was still the tender and tender Tang Yu.

It is actually very difficult to practice Buddhism in a lifetime, but becoming a devil with one thought is only a matter of a moment.

Tang Yu finally walked out of the Buddhist hall and returned to the mortal world again, and then slowly developed feelings with Qin Er'an.

After cultivating Buddha for so many years, she has become an iron tree. When it is about to bloom, Qin An appears for the second time. She originally thought that she could completely abandon him, but the truth is like that. In order to marry Qin Er'an, she did not hesitate to commit suicide. Forced to retreat Qin An.


Tang Yu's tears shed inadvertently.

I remembered the song "What Do You Want Me" that I had listened to many times before.

The lyrics of this song are nothing, the key is the deep tone and the title itself.

Tang Yu loves Qin An, and she naturally understands Qin An.

No one is going to make a comparison with the women around Qin An. If someone does something like this, then they are likely to find that it is not Weng Lan who know Qin An best, but Qiu Jinse and Tang Yu.

Qiu Jinse and Qin An can be regarded as a kind of love that was once difficult to overcome. If Qin An fell in love with Weng Lan first, he might have loved Qiu Jinse even more.

Tang Yu knew Qin An because she had visited the camera in Qin An's house and knew everything about Qin An in the family. This kind of mastery surpassed Weng Lan. People are animals that can disguise themselves, and in time in front of their wives and parents, there will be things that belong to them in disguise. But for Tang Yu, Qin An met completely naked, because she was just an observer.Tang Yu knows Qin An’s character. A little man with inner beauty can occasionally break out of the little Universe in his body to do something big, but the real Qin An should still be weak in his heart. Just like a big boy, his character determines the fate of a person’s life. People will mature at a very young age. Some people are very old but are still children. Qin An belongs to the latter. He has a lot of unrealistic kindness, if it weren't for his strength and the protagonist's aura, he would have long been a joke in the world of novels.

Although it has not become a joke, Qin An is also a tragedy in the world of novels. All his relatives are half dead, leaving him alone to travel through the Three Kingdoms world.

Originally there should be a demon beside him, but now the demon child doesn't know where he has gone, there is only one himself, and he doesn't care about him, how could he not feel uncomfortable.

It's just that he can't express it, because he feels that he is strong, he thinks he shouldn't be weak, and Tang Yu thinks that only he can understand the pain and weakness in his heart better.

Today, when he turned on the computer, the first song he played was "What Do You Want Me?", which expresses his feelings at this time.

Yes, if there is no bondage, she should leave Qin An and stay far away.

But after crossing, she accepted the matter of following Qin An, and when Qin An introduced her as his wife, she did not object.

Why is this so?

Isn't it because you can't let it go!

She couldn't let go of this Qin An anyway, but she never wanted to admit it or believe it!

Since she couldn't let it go, what would she want him to do?

He is humble enough in front of him, what else does she want?


Does it make sense?

No matter how much he says, can he make up for her over a hundred years?

Since I can't make up, how can I apologize for what I want?

Tang Yu lay silently in Qin An's arms with tears flowing quietly, finally thinking thoroughly and knowing what he really wanted.

Perhaps she just wanted to be with Qin An as she is now, lying in his arms at night, without thinking about anything, as if she were a woman.

Qin An's hand rested lightly on Tang Yu's head and fumbled her hair. Seeing that she was not talking, he didn't know what to say.

The two embraced each other quietly, not knowing when to go to bed until dawn.

The height of Cao Mengde, Cao Cao, is actually only 167. This year, who is almost 60 years old, his body is a little blessed.

However, Cao Cao is actually a military commander. In the story of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao and Liu Bei were the kings of the two forces, and their military power was downplayed. These two guys are not weak at all.

So although Cao Cao is not tall, old, and physically blessed, his heroic spirit remains undiminished.

Walking in the army on a tall horse by himself, Cao Cao got tired, jumped off his horse and got into the carriage.

"Where is Wenhe?"

Outside the carriage, an attendant heard the voice of Cao Cao and ran quickly to call Jia Xu.


"Wenhe, come to the car."

Jia Xu knew the lord's temper, and when he was modest, he was more modest than anyone else. If he was too modest, he would arouse his suspicion, so he got into the car openly.

"Lord, it's late at night, do you want the soldiers to rest in place?"

"Well, that's fine."

Jia Xu quickly sent the order to the soldiers, and the messenger immediately set off and ran forward and back, informing the forward and the rear army to stop advancing, and make corrections on the road.

Cao Cao was tired all the way and closed his eyes at this time.

"I got some news. They seem to be really from Hanzhong, but Zhang Lu is still in Hanzhong, and I don’t know who is taking the lead. They can kill my Wuguan Zhang Xi, take Liu Xie, and attack Luoyang. It's very powerful. I ignore Ma Chao for the time being not because these thieves have arrested my backyard. I just feel that if they don't get rid of them, it will definitely mess up my northern business!"

"My lord, the people from Binzhou have been mobilized, and our people have once again formed an encirclement on this side. They should not be able to escape! There is no news from the north, indicating that they are hiding!"

"Wenhe, the original battle of Chibi, if I listen to you..."

"My lord, that's a thing of the past, don't mention it. Now that the enemy is now, the lord's family and the emperor have been taken away again, what should we do? Has the lord paid attention?"

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