Tang Yu and Qin An guarded Diao Chan, both feeling great.

Why did you meet the first beauty? And it's also an Upgraded first beauty.

"Closed up, such a person can't let her contact others casually. It's a pity to kill. I will let my personal tailor design her a set of clothes that won't show her appearance."

After listening to Qin An's account, Tang Yu said his own idea, and then glared at Qin An.

"You don't want to make her an idea, do you?"

"Of course not, she is too beautiful to be true, anyway, I will give her to you, you will deal with it."

Qin An's voice fell and turned around and left. There were really many things outside that needed him to work on. He really didn't have any thoughts about Diao Chan. He was curious if he didn't see it, and it was nothing more than that. I am no longer the protagonist of the novel, and there is no need to meet a Chinese horse who loves one more.

After leaving the wooden house, Qin An went to the shipyard to give instructions. The ship must be set up quickly, ready for the team to enter and exit, and get tools for the transportation of materials. The shipbuilding technology of this era is too low, and Qin An can only do it himself. The blacksmith's shop also wants him to take care of it and make some special abrasive tools to forge more objects.

It was one morning after all this. Qin An was too late to eat, and went to personally direct the training. After Pound and Miyue left, Qin An felt that there was still a lack of people around him. Although Xianna was smart, she also used her own training. Don't understand.

After a busy day, at night, Qin An went to the house built by Xia Na.

The quality of this house is completely incomparable with that built by Tang Yu, and it does not look warm at all, like a thatched hut.

When Qin An entered, Xiaanna was the only one sitting at the table, with a lot of wine and food on the table.

"Where is Guren?"

"I found her a more fun game and asked her to go fishing by the river. There are big fish here, but it turns out that she likes to eat fish the most. She likes to do her best. Naturally, she thinks it's more fun than following me."

Qin An only felt a black line on his face. Before, he thought that Honglian was reliable, but he didn't expect to be fooled by an ancient person.

In fact, Honglian was not fooled by Xianna, a woman's instincts were very accurate. After a few days of contact, she just thought Xianna would not harm Qin An, so she stopped monitoring her. Honglian thought that only if she didn't monitor her, could she truly open her heart and become a gang with Qin An.

"Sit down, I let someone get some food, I don't know if it suits your taste."

Qin An nodded, and after sitting down, he unceremoniously grabbed a leg of lamb and ate it. He didn't eat at noon, and he was also hungry.

"The soldiers have been set up, and the formal training has been carried out today. Let's talk to them later. There is no discussion about the prohibition of the order."

Xiana was training soldiers with Qin An in the afternoon, so she felt that the prohibition was actually somewhat reasonable. In the past, when I took them to war by myself, it often appeared that some members of the tribe were too excited and rushed to fight without waiting for their orders, or when they were asked to retreat, no one would listen.

If it can be ordered and prohibited, then the real group of people will form a rope to fight.

Thinking of this, Xiaanna thought of the principle of unity that Qin An said in the afternoon.

He got a stick and broke it easily, and then he got a bunch of sticks up and let the tribal warriors break it, but no one could break it.

This is unity. A person's strength is always weak, and only when there are more people together in order will it be stronger.

Xiana felt that Qin An was very reasonable, and there were many thoughts that she had never touched before, so she was also willing to talk to Qin An.

"Okay, I'll go back and tell them, it's time for dinner, can we not say anything else?"

Qin An rolled his eyes, this girl really couldn't wait, even unwilling to pretend to say some nonsense.

Qin An has never lacked women around him, but there has been almost no denying him. He did not expect to be molested by an ancient lady now.

Without speaking, Qin An continued to eat. Xiaanna kept introducing to Qin An the food on the table. Most of them were bacon, which was the food they had stored. Although the taste was average, it could fill the stomach.

Seeing that Qin An didn't talk for a long time just to eat, Xiaanna sighed and began to tell her story.

This story is not wonderful. Xiaanna said that she was originally a simple little girl on the grassland. After her family was killed by the big tribe, she left the grassland with the own tribe and turned herself into a rough woman for revenge. . She originally liked the culture of the Central Plains, and when she was young, she deliberately taught Ke Qing to teach with her, and she almost had the chance to become a lady of everyone.

Qin listened quietly, feeling that Xiaanna was not easy.

After talking about the past, Xiana started talking about now.

"I'm past the age when I should be married, but I haven't been able to find a suitable lover. Qin An, would you like to marry me and make me your concubine?"

"Cough cough cough..."

Qin An almost didn't choke to death, he never expected Xiaana to be so direct."You... slow down."

Xiaanna raised her hand in concern and hit Qin An on the back.

Qin An calmed down. Own was unwell, and looked up at Xia Na.

Qin An actually admires her with a face that is not beautiful and ordinary, but also a good-looking face. A woman who is so real and dared to speak out for her own happiness is rare in this era.

"Xiaanna, I can’t let you be my concubine. This is not an excuse. I have experienced many women in my life. Among them, there are more than a dozen confidantes. Now they are all trapped in one place for some reason. I must save them. Come out, I will not consider personal feelings until then."

"What about Tang Yu?"

"She is one of my confidantes, and the only one who is not trapped."

"Where are you trapped?"

"A place we can't go, the only way to save them is to defeat Zhuge."


In the era when there was no network signal, even Zhuge Liang was not well-known in the world. Xianna didn't know that there was such a god-tier military division in the south.

"So you have to go to the north to establish a territory and gather people, all to defeat this man?"


"I can help you!"

"We can actually help each other, don't you also want to fight back to the grassland to avenge your family, and get back what belongs to your tribe?"

"Yes, but it doesn’t really matter to me. When a woman is my age, it’s very tiring without any support. I want to find a husband, raise many children for him, and establish a family belonging to my husband. Our blood continues. For this purpose, I don’t care about other things. Actually I don’t trust the plan of entering the grassland you mentioned, but I am willing to help you only because you are you, so if you don’t let me be a concubine , My concubine can't find a reason to take risks with you. This may take the lives of many of my people."

Qin An smiled calmly:

"Actually, it is not necessary! If I am willing to marry you, it must be because I love you, so you can't use emotions to threaten me. If you are willing to cooperate with me, I will definitely live up to you and your people. If you are not willing If you cooperate with me, then we can part ways. Even if I only take a few thousand people under my hand, I will rush to the grassland and go to Heilongjiang to build a cavalry that can fight Jingzhou!"

This sentence is not impassioned, but some of it touched Xia Na's heart deeply.

If I am willing to marry you, it must be because I love you!

Such a naked emotional narrative, Xana has never heard such a thing.

Many of the brides of the Huns were snatched back. If a man fell in love with someone's woman, he would just go to the house with a gift. If the snatched person could not resist, he would only recognize the family.

Where do they know what love is.

The word love originated from the Latin word love. The use of the word true love in China was the beginning of the vernacular in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

So Xianna doesn't really understand the meaning of the word love, but she can feel it.

If you feel it, you can understand it.

Yes, men and women have been carrying out that kind of activities since ancient times in order to continue their offspring. The smarter human beings, the more ideas and the more complicated the meaning of love.

Why didn't she find a warrior to marry like other women in the group?

Xiaanna actually didn't figure out the real reason. After meeting Qin An and listening to him, Xiaanna understood. It was because of love.

I fell in love with Qin An, but Qin An didn't want to be with her.

Xian Xana frowned, thinking about what this logical relationship is like.

There were not many romance novels in that era, and the feudal ethics and ethics made things like love very ethereal and illusory. Xiaanna knew how to think, and she was a smart woman.

Qin An finished eating, wiped his lips and hands, and looked at Xia Na and said, "If you want, I can tell you about the world. We can get along as good friends. It’s not a simple life that will give you a husband and a child, but it will allow you to look at the world and see things you never imagined."

"What is the world?"

"This is where our Life is. You know the grasslands and Binzhou. Do you know what's in the south?"

"have what?"

"There are more people, more scenery, and the sea in the southernmost place. Have you ever seen the sea?"


Xiaanna was confused, obviously she hadn't seen it before.

"The sea is boundless water. It is not known how many times larger than the river. The deepest place can reach more than 10,000 meters!"

Xianna's eyes were round.

She understood what Qin An meant. The sea should be a particularly large river, but what the hell is the river with a depth of more than 10,000 meters? I really don't even think about it.

"Do I have a chance to see the sea?"

"Of course, you have to go, and I will take you there when I have a chance. Go to see the seagulls, to see the whales..."

"What is a whale?"

"It's a fish bigger than this house."

"How could there be such a big fish?"

Xiana felt that Qin An was telling lies again.

"There must be, and in this era, there may be a lot of whales in the sea, and you can meet them soon after you go out to sea."

Xiaanna stopped talking, her heart was full of infinite illusions, but she still couldn't think of the appearance of a whale.

Qin An felt that Xiaanna should be told something to open her mind and don't be trapped by herself.

There are not only male and female relationships in this world, but also many beautiful things.

In three hours, Qin An talked from the sea to America on the other side of the sea, from America to the Arctic Ocean, from the Arctic Ocean to Europe, and from Europe to Africa, and Xana was stunned.

"Do these places really exist?"


"I really want to check it out!"

"If everything is over, if I'm still alive, I want to visit these places too! In the meantime, how about taking you on a tour?"

"Are you really willing to take me?"

Xianna's eyes twinkled, staring up.


Qin An nodded quickly, his eyes extremely firm.

Coming out of Xiaanna's room, Qin An exhaled a long breath. After all, he was not left to stay overnight. He drew a line of cakes for Xiaanna again, hoping that he would not fail to speak in the future.

Turning back to Tang Yu, I saw that another wooden house had been built near the house, surrounded by more than a dozen soldiers guarding them. When they saw Qin An, they met together.

"Does anyone live here?"

After Qin An asked, he soon understood it. Needless to say, Tang Yu must have arranged Diao Chan here.

Sure enough, the soldier replied that it was a woman in black, with a cloak covering her face and her appearance could not be seen.

Now that Tang Yu had made arrangements, Qin An did not visit Diao Chan, but ran into the room to get close to Tang Yu.

"I thought you lived in that Huns woman's house."

"Hey, she wanted to let me stay there, but I convinced others with virtue."

"How to convince people with virtue?"

"Tell her the vastness of this world, and let her not be obsessed with love at first sight."


Tang Yu was sitting on the bed while talking to Qin An, turning on his computer, playing single-player poker.

"This thing hasn't been touched for many years. If I am at ease in the future, I will return to the previous Life, open a small supermarket, do business and make money by myself, go online without problems, bring and bring children, I now long for this kind of Life, I didn't think about it before. pass."

"Ha, that's great, I want to do this too."

Qin An was a bit intolerant. The key point was that Tang Yu's attitude towards him after this encounter was too good, making him feel that he could go further.Sitting next to Tang Yu, he stretched out his hands and hugged Tang Yu's shoulders.

"I think it can be against K."

"What if the family is right 2?"

"No, it should be. I just saw four 2s out."

"Oh, I didn't pay attention to talking to you just now."

Tang Yu seemed to be playing cards seriously, but Qin An's heart grew grass, holding Tang Yu in his arms, his posture became more and more ambiguous, his mouth almost stuck to Tang Yu's ear.

How can a man who has a healthy body and is still vigorous not be emotional when he comes into contact with a beautiful woman with emotions.

Looking back on the many years of entanglement with Tang Yu, it is really not easy.

Tang Yu looked calm at this time and didn't seem to pay attention to Qin An's movements, but her ears were red, and Qin An could feel the temperature above her earlobe when Qin An's lips stroked her earlobe.

The atmosphere was obviously ambiguous to the extreme, and at this critical moment, suddenly the door of the room was knocked.

Qin An is very depressed. Who will disrupt the situation at this moment?

When I opened the door in the past, it turned out that it was a messenger.

"Holy son, a large number of Cao troops were found ten miles to the south. There are a lot of them. Our scouts met with the other scouts, and the people who killed them, the enemy forwards are estimated to reach our first trench soon!"

Qin An was really depressed, but he could only get up and leave the house.

"I'll see who the opponent's chief is. It's best to meet Cao Cao. If he can also be caught, the pursuit will be in chaos. Cao Pi will inevitably succeed Cao Cao as the leader in Yecheng, and Cao Zhi will not live in peace. Once Cao Wei is in chaos, it will be easier for us to go to Jingzhou."

"Well, you go, call me whenever you need to."

Tang Yu is still very calm.

Qin An left annoyed, and when he reached the door, he heard a sigh from Tang Yu's mouth. This sigh was like a stimulant, filling Qin An's body with strength, and strode forward.


In the second half of the night, Yang Xiu brought 20,000 armored soldiers to the forest trenches of Jinshan Town and set up camp.

None of the released scouts returned, which made Yang Xiu feel that this forest must not be easy, and that the night was really not suitable for action, and Yang Xiu had to think about how to do it with Zhang Pingsheng.

Cao Cao didn't want to be controlled by others, he wanted to make himself a cocoon. It was really vicious, so what should he do?

Yang Xiu hadn't closed his eyes for the past two days, and had been discussing this matter with Zhang Pingsheng, but to no avail.

Before the camp was established, the soldiers reported that there was someone in front of the camp.

Yang Xiu and Zhang Pingsheng almost cried after looking at each other. Now several generals in their army are of average strength, but the other party is a robber who can rob people from Xu Du and Luoyang.

"Dezu, you can't act lightly before you think about how to do it, it's about your wealth and life!"

"In my whole life, I know it naturally, but at this moment I have to meet the enemy's generals and see how they came from. This matter must be met before I can figure out a solution."

Speaking of this, Yang Xiu, with bloodshot eyes in his eyes, immediately flew on his horse. Zhang Pingsheng followed him and ordered five hundred men and horses to rush out of the company and arrive in front of the formation.

At this time Qin An ran out alone.

He always wanted to try the feeling of the two armies fighting, and he also wanted to have Guan Yu's momentum of going through five stages and beating six generals.

It was just a little disappointed. The two generals who came out didn't even wear armor, and they looked like they weren't generals at all.

Under what circumstances, Cao Jun actually sent two civil servants to lead the battle?

When he was puzzled, one of the handsome men in white had already taken a torch and came forward to speak.

"In Xia Yang Xiu, with the word Zude, I don’t know where the general came from, so he robbed the emperor of the great man? He also robbed the family of my father-in-law. These things are really a bit innocent. How can a man win and kill? Things?"

It turned out to be Yang Xiu...

This is indeed a civil official, but most of the civil servants in the Three Kingdoms period were not without the power of a chicken. They all had some skill. Besides, I didn't know if the civil servants would change, so Qin An didn't dare to care.

"It turns out that it was Master Yang. In Xia Qin'an, the unknown, it was only a temporary interest to rob them."

Yang Xiu almost vomited blood after hearing it. He was intrigued for a while? Who would believe it?

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