Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1829 Two Women Fighting Wisdom

Qin An didn't do it right away, because he found some abnormalities in Yang Xiu.

As soon as he called the battle, Yang Xiu ran out with another civil official. They didn't have any weapons suitable for horse warfare. They probably didn't come to fight. Could it be negotiations? Let yourself replace Cao Cao's family and Liu Xie with him? How can it be so easy?

"General Qin, Yang Xiulai just wants to know your purpose of arresting the emperor and the family of my father-in-law, please don't laugh, you must tell, this is related to the lives of the Xiu family!"

Qin An was speechless. He felt that Yang Xiu was also a strange flower. How did Cao Cao persecute him and come to seek sympathy from him.

"Master Yang joked, you and I are the enemy, if you catch me, I will catch you. If you want to come and snatch it, I will continue!"

"General Qin, I really didn't laugh, if you have the conditions, you can mention it, as long as I return the person back, I will try my best to agree, otherwise...Do you know what the order my Patriarch gave me?"


"Plant trees with one heart, my Wei Dexing!"

Qin An's eyes narrowed slightly. What did Cao Cao say about these eight words?

Qin An really didn't want to understand that Yang Xiu was known as a very wise man in history, and his understanding of crossword puzzles was even more professional. Although Qin An was not stupid, he couldn't guess it for a while.

"In short, if the general does not return the people, you will definitely not escape. Don't think that you can use hostages to threaten my father-in-law! Three days later, when all the soldiers and horses are assembled, you will be killed by our army!"

Hearing what Yang Xiu said, Qin An received a prompt.

Planting wood together, is it an anagram?

When Yi Wang thought about this, Qin An Maosai suddenly started.

What Cao Cao meant was that he would not worry about hostages in his hands, and would do his best to wipe out these people.

It really is a traitor!

But this is also normal. His concubines and children are nothing but a bargaining chip in life, and they do not hold much weight in the eyes of a king, and the emperor of the big man dare not move. After all, he was once a Hanchen, even if he is carrying the emperor. The princes have been able to completely determine the fate of Liu Xie, and he respects Liu Xie on the surface. In this era, the more people with status and status, the less dare to do things that the world cannot do. Therefore, if Liu Xie died because of himself, Cao Cao would have an excuse to directly ascend the throne, and even throw the pot to Liu Bei Sun Quan, saying that they had sent this team.

Afterwards, Cao Cao wanted to ascend the throne only to find a reason, after all, the North was already under his control.

Qin An didn't dare to underestimate Cao Cao, absolutely believe that he is not a guy willing to be threatened, but Qin An is not afraid, he actually needs a war.

The brothers who have carried guns together are definitely brothers of life and death. Although the own forces have not yet merged, it should not be considered a bad thing if they fight a small battle together.

Qin An smiled calmly and looked at Yang Xiu who was anxious: "Master Yang, you should go back. Soldiers are here to cover the water and soil. I will wait for Cao Jun to fight. In addition, I should make it clear to you that you came to see me in such a hurry, it should be because Please rest assured that you will not be able to accomplish this task because you will not be able to enter the woods on the basis of the eight characters of'Planting the wood with one heart, my Wei Dexing'."

Hearing what Qin An said, Yang Xiu was stunned, and then he woke up.

Yes, he seems to be a little too impatient. The enemy is on the opposite side. He hasn't figured out his origins yet, and too much communication is useless.

It's really strange, the other party seemed to know it well after signing up.

We must know that although Yang Xiu is very famous in history, in today's era when the media is missing, he is far less famous than those generals. It can even be said that even in Luoyang, not many people know who Yang Xiu is.

Not only did Qin An know his official position, he was also able to quickly guess the meaning of those eight characters. It was really not easy.

What is in this forest? Has an army of 100,000 deployed?

Yang Xiu couldn't understand the depth of the enemy, but he wanted to understand it.

Yes, even if you want to kill Liu Xie, can you kill it if you want? Doesn't it have to pass the enemy's level?

If you can't break through the enemy's defense, you can at most count yourself as a crime of disadvantage, and nothing else?Thinking of this, Yang Xiu immediately said to Qin An's cupped fist: "Yes! I didn't even think of these things. I was rude and rude! Then Xiu will go back. I hope that the general is not the one to brag, and we will go straight into the woods from the south, you If you can't beat it, just run from the north. There is still a chance tonight."

Qin An was really a little surprised. This Yang Xiu was really a strange person. His thinking was so broad that he was not restricted by feudal ethics at all.

Cao Cao gave Yang Xiu an order of eight characters. This is obviously an act of dumping the pot. If Yang Xiu ignored the death of the hostage and caused the death of the hostage, he would probably be punished by Cao Cao. Now Yang Cultivation Base is able to escape this calamity. I went directly to the front of the battle to communicate with myself, and told me the direction of the offensive. It was really f*ck that people did not kill themselves for their own sake. It seems that there is definitely not only one person like Lu Bu in the Three Kingdoms era, Yang Xiu is also a man to survive. The guy who can give up all principles.

After Yang Xiu said these words, he drove his horse back to the city. Qin An rode his horse and watched from a distance for a while, and found that the opponent's formation had begun to change. The group of people who had been camping all stopped what they were doing. Begin to gather to form a battle formation. Is this going to attack the woods directly?

Qin An regrets that the main general has not made any moves. It seems that the storytelling novels are all nonsense. The ancients did not blindly worship the former main generals of the army. The war between the two sides was to use the number of people to charge each other.

Watching Yang Xiu lead people away, Qin An was not interested in screaming.

Things are a bit unexpected. I didn't expect that Cao Cao would be so vicious. He didn't want his wife and children. This meant that the enemy would attack his side without any leeway.

The defensive system of the Jinshan Town position has begun to be constructed. Although it is not perfect, it can be dealt with. No matter which direction the enemy attacks from, they will suffer heavy damage.

Qin An and Yang Xiu felt that they couldn't despise the ancients. Yang Xiu gave him a different impression and imagination. So what would Cao Cao look like? I have to compete with him tonight anyway, if the winner can be distinguished in one battle, that's also good.

Thinking of this, Qin An also returned to the position, and quickly let people begin to arrange.

Of course, it will not just be the defense of the southern front. The other three sides must continue to complete the unfinished defense projects.

Ancient battles were really cumbersome. It does not mean that the two armies rushed over to fight each other as soon as they met.

Tang Yu, Xiaanna, and Honglian finally came out to help, but Sun Xiaomei was always in the army. She hadn't freed herself from the sad emotions, and she didn't want to talk to Tang Yu. Compared with Xiaanna's mind Too much.

In this way, after three o'clock in the middle of the night, Cao Jun launched a charge to the position, and the battle began!

"Can it work?"

Xiaanna was somewhat nervous, she had never fought a positional battle.

"Relax, after this battle, the number of deaths of our sergeants will not exceed ten! The enemy will inevitably be defeated like a mansion!"

Qin An didn't speak, Tang Yu spoke next to Xiaanna.

Xiaanna didn't have a good impression of Tang Yu, but she didn't bother to quarrel with him, so she didn't speak.

Tang Yu glanced sideways at Xia Na, frowned slightly, and felt that this woman was really not easy.

"Okay, let's do it on the battlefield here. I'm going to see if Cao Cao is coming behind the enemy. I know he will definitely come. If we can catch him, then we will relax."

"Shall I go with you?" Xianna said.

"No, I have a black armor beast, but it is more convenient for one person to enter or retreat."

Qin An had already summoned the black armored chariot and flew away while she was talking. Xianana was in a daze. This scene was really amazing for her, and she couldn't understand it anyway.

After Qin An left for a while, Xiaanna calmed down, and then leaned closer to Tang Yu's side.

"Your relationship is not good."

Tang Yu curled his lips and said softly: "Our relationship is not good, but I am destined to be his woman, and he is destined to never have other women, because he has enough women, and he doesn't have the energy to fall in love anymore. Others. Don’t worry, I will tell him to stay far away from you so as not to trouble. I will also tell him that if you come closer, I will not forgive him. The reason why you think our relationship is not good is because of him. Always flatter me, but I ignore him, right? So you should also know my weight in his heart, and sincerely suggest you stay away from him, he is not a man you can bear.

Xiaanna's face changed one after another, and she didn't expect Tang Yu to say so much.

"You think I'm your threat? Little sister Sun, Honglian, and Miyue are all women who are many times better-looking than I don't know. I think you are ignorant of them, but you actually think I'm your threat. Can I understand that, do you think there is still some fate between me and Qin An?"

Tang Yu rolled his eyes, feeling a little frustrated.

Is she old? How could she be so clumsy that Xiaanna was on her mind. This ancient woman was really smart. To be honest, Little Sister Sun was simply cute compared to her.

Hey, she really cares about Qin An, and she will be jealous when a threatening woman appears next to him.

Tang Yu bit his lip and secretly had a plan to never let Qin An open the harem again. He was no longer the protagonist of the novel world. As long as he worked hard, there would be no other women around him.

"Report! Mrs. Son, the enemy horse team has rushed up, and the infantry is following."

Soldiers came to report.

Tang Yu did not show any impatience. At this time, it was the Hanzhong army who was defending in the trenches. The Huns did not participate in the battle. They all stood behind the trenches and watched the battle.

They haven't received much training yet, so Tang Yuning can let the Hanzhong army rush forward. With the previous arrangement, Tang Yu feels that it should be no problem to defend the position, and it also allows the Xiongnu and the natives to see how powerful the battle is.

"Are you in no hurry?"

Xiaanna didn't actually look at Tang Yu, she looked ahead, but she still noticed Tang Yu's state.

"You always seem to like to observe me?"

"Well, you are a very special woman. Like Qin An, you have a taste that does not belong to this world. You are very special."

Tang Yu sighed, shook his head and said, "So I don't like Weng Die."

Xiaanna frowned, thinking for a while before she said: "Weng Die? Isn't she a very smart woman? You mean, you hate women who are as smart as you?"

"I know it, but what you said is wrong. Compared with me, there are still many gaps! Do you know my layout in the camp these days?"

"I know you have made a lot of institutions, and you have researched them yourself, but I don't know what they are."

"Then you just watch it and let you have a long view."

"Those black iron balls buried in the ground can really deal with the Cao Jun Ma team? Although the Cao Jun Ma team's riding and shooting are not as good as our Huns, they are all covered in armor and their weapons are long and sharp. It is really difficult to deal with."

"So it gives you a long experience."

Tang Yu raised his head proudly. At this moment, there was a sudden explosion in the front, frightening a group of Huns and indigenous people defending along the trenches. The Hanzhong army in the trenches had never seen such a big scene, although it was a bit psychological. Prepared, but I was shocked when I saw the flames igniting 100 meters away from the position.

Xiaanna's eyes widened by Tang Yu's side. She is so knowledgeable. What is such a powerful thing?

Cao Jun was more shocked than the people here. Suddenly the mine exploded, and the layer of oil on it burned immediately.

The material search team not only found an iron ore, but also an oil spring. After getting it back, Tang Yu used it to create a blasting fire belt with a width of ten meters.

War horses will panic even if they are on fire, and many horses and people were injured and killed by the flying iron in the explosion. After dumping a piece in the front, the horse team at the rear naturally couldn't pass through and fell into a sea of ​​flames.

A little smile hung on Tang Yu's face, and suddenly turned his head to look at Xia Na and said, "Do you think you can help Qin An a lot? In fact, you are still a long way away!"

While he was speaking, Tang Yu had already stepped forward, and said to a lieutenant in Hanzhong who was in charge of commanding: "Everyone is on alert. I will kill and let some little girls see and see. What is a means!"

When he finished speaking, Tang Yu had already flew across the trench. The hammer slave followed Tang Yu to catch up and sent the blood jade golden hammer. Tang Yu hurried forward with the golden hammer and reached the burning fire a hundred meters away. Bring them in and fight, like a tiger entering a pack of wolves, one by one, they start to kill frantically.

Xia Na Fei got on her horse, straddled the trench and moved forward eighty meters and then held the reins, watching Tang Yu kill another person.

She knew that Tang Yu was very fierce, and she had already experienced it when she was hostile before.

But at this time, from the perspective of a bystander, it can be seen more clearly how much strength does Tang Yu have? The hammer will fly up and down, and it will be smashed into meat sauce if it comes close. It's really amazing!

This Tang Yu is indeed not an ordinary person, Xiaanna frowned slightly.

It seems that he really said too much in front of Tang Yu. Tang Yu and Qin An are obviously having problems now. Perhaps Qin An offended Tang Yu because of something, so Tang Yu played a small temper with him again. Now that he appears that Tang Yu is jealous, doesn't this mean pushing her to Qin An?

Hey, it's not wise!Xiaanna was a little upset.

In the rear, the unruly Huns saw the patriarch rushed out of the woods, and immediately mounted their horses and rushed forward. Everyone has the ability to control the horses to leap into the trenches, and they are very bullish.

When they arrived, they stood in a row behind Xiaina, and they were all dumbfounded when they watched Tang Yu killing in the sea of ​​flames.

What kind of giant monster is this woman, she is so powerful, killing people is the same as slashing cabbage.

At this time, some Cao troops finally rushed out of the fire, but their bodies were still burning, and they were already a little dizzy, howling and rushing towards the Huns.

Xiaanna rolled her eyes!

Damn it!

It turned out that the reason why Tang Yu spoke so high-profile just now was to stimulate himself.

First, she ran into the enemy camp to kill. She couldn't see her distance clearly. She wanted to see her methods so she moved forward. The own people naturally followed, and then the enemy rushed out of the flames and had to take action!

This must be calculated by Tang Yu, she accidentally controlled her own emotions!

Xiaanna raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, took out a weapon in her hand and chopped up a living person who had come back.

What else can I say? let's hit! Damn Tang Yu actually put herself on the set, so that she will look good sooner or later!

As soon as Xianna did it, the other Huns also did it.

The battle was a bit easy. The enemy suddenly came over with fire on his body, all in a hurry. The Huns were also very fierce at first, so they naturally rushed to slaughter them.

It's just that the first pass of the mine fire brought Cao Jun didn't pass. The battle lasted for an hour. When the flame was almost out, Cao Jun had already lost 8,000 soldiers, and all the rest were defeated.

The Huns are warlike and have never fought such a happy battle before, so how can they let the enemy run away?

I also forgot the rules about orders and prohibitions that I learned today, and they all got red eyes.

Xiaanna rode forward depressed, and found that Tang Yu had stopped fighting. She was smiling and watching a group of Huns rush forward.

"Xiaanna, Cao Jun's camp is not an attack by the entire army. It will definitely place traps such as fences and horses. I suggest you chase people back quickly to avoid being defeated by others."

"How can my Huns warriors be afraid of them..."

Xiaanna shut up halfway through talking, damn it! Isn't this Tang Yu's aggressive method again? She just wanted to let herself rush into the enemy camp and break Cao Jun!

Thinking this way, Xia Na is even more annoyed. She only thinks that Tang Yu is really not easy to provoke. She has fully understood the emotion of owning. In fact, she is not so irrational, but it is a matter of Qin An. She will never go too far with Tang Yu. Calm, so mistakes are inevitable.

Forget it, if you want to get back this matter, you can only wait for yourself to break Cao Ying, and then give Qin An light credit!

When Tang Yu and Xia Na were fighting, Qin An already drove the black armor around the camp of Yang Xiu, and went back to find Cao Cao's army.

He wanted to use the black armor to catch Cao Cao directly. He didn't know if Cao Cao could stop him.

It was only ten miles away, and it didn't take much time for the black armor to arrive.

The company camp here has become a movie, and Qin An doesn't know whether Cao Cao is or not, so he always wants to go in and make a break.

Without hesitation, the black armored chariot had rushed into the camp, and a group of Cao soldiers were dumbfounded, not knowing what this thing was.

Qin An broke through one hundred meters, had reached the camp, and finally encountered obstacles.

Several chariots pulled by horses rushed over.

Qin An was speechless while sitting in the black armor, and it was such an old method, he was naturally not afraid of all he had experienced.

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