Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 819 Ten Golden Kings

Ye Lingxuan, He Tianyu.

Ye Lingxuan's parents Ye Tao and Lan Miao will still stay in western Tibet. He Tianyu was brought up by Lan Miao since he was a child and has no other relatives. After the two girls and Ye Tao and Lan Miao begged, they were finally agreed to go to Jiulong Mountain. As the children grow up, they need some experience. For Lan Miao, Qin An’s appearance actually stirred up a little secret in her heart. Back then, Qin An saved Lan Miao’s life in Shenshu City. At that time, as a little girl, she had a secret relationship with Qin An. But later they never saw it again. Lan Miao also concealed the incident and never told anyone about it. Even her old classmate Lin Yang didn’t know the secret that Lan Miao had hidden in her heart. . Ye Lingxuan has a big mouth, and she talks everything with her own mother, so when Lan Miao heard that Ye Lingxuan's four sisters like to circle Qin An, she felt a little unbalanced in her heart. Why is her daughter's vision different from her own?

"Don't you like Qin An?" Lan Miao asked her daughter directly.

Ye Lingxuan was stunned at the time and said, "Why should I like him? Mom, his true age is older than you. Why should I like old men?"

Lan Miao was stunned when his daughter said so.

Yes, although some videos circulated on the Internet show that Qin An is still so young and handsome today, his age is not young after all.

Lan Miao had some regrets. It was impossible for him and Qin An. They had met in peace at the time, so their feelings for Qin An were only those of Lan Miao's girls at that time. Besides, her relationship with her husband Lin Tao is pretty good now.

If Ye Lingxuan has feelings for Qin An, then Qin An has a chance to become own son-in-law. Lan Miao feels very excited to think of such things.

Nowadays, after hearing her daughter's words, her emotions have become lost, and she has begun to blame herself. How old is she, how can she still have such weird thoughts in her heart?

Ye Lingxuan found that the expression on her mother's face seemed a little disappointed, and she became even more dizzy, and began to speculate wildly.

Mom didn't know Qin An, right? Qin An won't give Own's father a green hat, right? Wouldn't she be Qin An's illegitimate daughter? ...It seems that this is unlikely.

After all the predictions were formed, Ye Lingxuan's heart was almost anxious, but she didn't dare to find out whether her mother had such a thing.

Therefore, Ye Lingxuan vowed that when she saw Qin An again when she arrived at Jiulong Mountain, she must figure out exactly what the relationship between him and his own mother was!

If Ye Lingxuan's thoughts were known to Qin An, Qin An would have nowhere to reason if he cried.

He and Lan Miao really only met in peace, he almost forgot the female student who followed Qin Xiaoyan back then.

He Tianyu was very unhappy after Qin An left, because she failed to set foot on the airship Qin An was riding in. No way, Lan Miao was her adoptive mother, just like her own, so she didn't dare to sneak away without her mother's consent. Fortunately, Lan Miao has now agreed to let her and Ye Lingxuan go to Jiulong Mountain. In that place, Qin An can always be seen. She has to complete the major task of assassinating Qin An three times. This is about killing her mother! Although He Tianyu has no feelings for his biological mother, but the most suicidal daughter of the family, it is impossible to ignore the murderous enemy!


This mature woman is also very tangled now. She has just died of her husband not long ago, and she hasn't come out of the pain, so she has no energy every day.

While mourning Wei Sanxi, Roland would also remember the words he had said before he died.

Is the wife Qin An looking for after graduating from a job similar to himself? Is it true that as Wei Sanxi said, he is really the lover of Qin An's first love dream?

This argument is not unreasonable. Otherwise, why would Qin An go to sleep when he came to own Chinese class? Don’t you want to attract own attention and let yourself pay attention to him?

Thinking of these things, Roland's heart will be very confused, very confused!

Then among the fellows, there are four brothers Wang Yifei, Jiang Wenrui, Zhong Xiaoping, and Shan Yufeng.

They did not participate in the frontal battle in the defense battle of the labyrinth city, but actively participated in the logistics work.

After successfully returning to the Great Wall of Heavenly Prison, they were all released exceptionally. Of course, they were able to be released, in the final analysis, because they knew Qin An and claimed to be Qin An’s younger brothers. The judge gave them to Qin An when they tried them. Face, let them become free people.

No matter what, Life always needs to continue. For these four people who walked around on the edge of Death, they cherish life even more.

They took the initiative to apply to leave West Tibet and go to Jiulong Mountain. Sunlight City is a nightmare for them. They plan to start a new life in another place!

All the people who are going to Kowloon City were very busy after Qin An left. Dong Junwei, as the highest-ranking official at his heart, is naturally responsible for presiding over all matters related to the large-scale migration of hundreds of thousands of people. He also brought some of his own henchmen with him, such as Ye Liangchen and so on.

West Tibet also intends to build Jiulong Mountain into a fortress of the end times, which can be regarded as coincident with Qin An's ideas.

So at this time, in the north of China, 600,000 people from the Dark Light City are also rushing to the Jiulong Mountains under the leadership of the old city lord Rost.

They have now joined the 50,000 people sent by the Qin League and fought several encounters with the corpses along the way. Although they are struggling, they are not far away from the Jiulong Mountains. And while walking, they attract more people who wander around to join the team from time to time, so the number of the entire team has now reached one million.

In this team, there are also many acquaintances of Qin An.

Zhou Jiawei, Mozai, the three brothers Hu Wenwu, their wives Wu Fengjiao, Zuo Shanshan, and Lu Fei.

Weng Die, Soraka, Wang Yunzhi, Wang Hui.

And Northern Dipper, Qin Bing, Shi Jing, and Wang Fang who returned from Korea.

At the same time, in the south and east-west directions of China, Jianzhifeng, a team of 150,000 people from the Tang Dynasty also received more than 4 million refugees who are gathering in Jiulong Mountain.

The entire Shenzhou Continent is now surging, and the zombie territories are moving. This has caused some small groups of people originally distributed in various places to stay in place and can only move to the more powerful Nine Dragon Mountain Alliance.

In 2039 AD, on the eve of New Year's Day, the twenty-fourth year of the last days, the coexistence of humans and zombies will be broken. In the near future, a real decisive battle between the two sides will come.

In the meantime, those awakened who are neither humans nor zombies, what kind of role will the heavenly whispers play in the battle, and what will the future of the end times look like? No one can tell, and no one can know. Even Guo Shuai, who has the Sword God of Apocalypse, can't see through the future, as if the power of his Sword God was suppressed by something more powerful!


Qin An was still standing on the airship at this time, listening to the conversation between Liu Yuanchao and Qin Xiaoyan in the airship.

Apart from them and a few pilots on the airship, the other people including Rong Rong and Gong Xue had already taken refuge in the small escape airship.

Qin An had just heard what Liu Yuanchao and Qin Xiaoyan had said, and felt very surprised in his heart. Obviously they knew the giantess opposite, so who was she?

Qin Xiaoyan knew that Qin An had super hearing ability, because the source of this ability was Hongye Sword God.

Therefore, Qin Xiaoyan spoke to Qin An with a normal volume in the cabin:

"Husband, Tibet has canonized ten golden kings. In fact, some of these ten people were drawn up several years ago.

There is only one criterion for selecting the hero of the Golden King, and that is to have absolute strength!

Tianyi Golden King Cheng Gang, his wing swarm attack skills can kill tens of thousands of zombies at the same time.

Liu Yuanchao, the golden king of Baili, he and He Keliu can make the zombies in Baili take the initiative to retreat.

The legendary golden king is you, and the strength is naturally strong enough to go without saying.

I will also introduce you to the seven golden kings.

I heard that three of them have returned to the city of Sunlight in Western Tibet.

They are--

The Golden King of Singing Soul is said to be a female supernatural person with an upgraded vocal structure. Her singing voice has a very powerful lethality. As for how strong it is, and what effect it has, I don’t know. I have only heard of her. , But never met this person.

The golden king of the demon fox is also a woman. The parasitic beast in her body is a super mutant, and it is named the soul-eater demon fox in the apocalyptic book of creatures! This guy has a super soul attack ability, should belong to the brain upgraded type, it is said that even soulless zombies will be controlled by it!

The golden king of all souls, this person is the most mysterious, he only knows that he is a man. When the end of the world broke out early stage, he ranked first in the total list of heroes in Western Tibet. He killed countless famous alien species, but he was a zombie territory. After his formation, he disappeared. As a secret weapon in Tibet, he was hidden by the snow, and no one knew what specific ability he possessed. Hongye Sword God once told me that he is probably another Sword God host hidden in West Tibet, because the Sword God ranked 15th among the 49 Sword Gods is called Wan Ling!

Except for the six of you, the other four gold-level heroes that were drawn up a few years ago are not in the country.

One of them went to Europe, and has not returned for many years in search of the missing mother who traveled to Europe in the last days.

He is a second-generation upgrader, and his father’s parasitic beast was originally a pangolin, so his name is--

The Golden King of Earth Tiger has super-upgraded its own power genetic factors, and has an exaggerated ability to walk on the ground.

Two more went to United States, they are a man and a woman.

The Juli Golden King is a male, and the parasitic beast's original form is just a small ant, but this ant has evolved into a super alien, giving the Juli Golden King a powerful and physical movement function that ordinary people cannot imagine.

The Golden King of Corpse Armor is a female. This Golden King is very special because she is an awakened and the parasitic beast in her body is a jumping zombie. The title of her Golden King is actually controversial. Some people think that the Awakened is a different kind and should not be sealed. However, more people believe that the banning of the Awakened is beneficial and harmless to humans.

The Golden King of Corpse Armor has a more complicated background in Western Tibet. She is the cousin of the Golden King of Juli and the biological daughter of Huo Jianfeng, the commander-in-chief of the Night Watch Corps.

Hey, some past events are also sad. About ten years ago, General Huo Jianfeng knew that his daughter had become an awakened and would secretly eat human flesh, so he almost killed her personally. Her mother desperately wanted Protecting his daughter, he was killed by General Huo Jianfeng. Later, the old general's daughter left alone. His cousin Juli Golden King was very worried, so he followed her. I heard that General Huo’s daughter had cut off her father-daughter relationship and changed her mother’s surname to Tang before she left. What was her name? Tang Jiudie? It seems to be the name.

In short, I heard people say that they went to United States.

In fact, the Western Tibet government planned to accept Tang Jiudee. Otherwise, when someone proposed the canonization of the top ten golden kings ten years ago, Tang Jiudee’s name was a direct candidate. After all, she could control the zombies. Ah, this is only good for mankind, but there is no harm. Tang Jiudie is really a kind-hearted girl.

So in addition to the above nine, the remaining golden king is the giantess who is flying towards us on the opposite side! "

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