After listening to Qin Xiaoyan's words, Qin An directly activated the teleport ability and returned to the airship, then quickly walked into the cockpit and reached Qin Xiaoyan and Liu Yuanchao's side.

"This giantess is also the golden king? You mean she is her own?"

Qin An asked Qin Xiaoyan in surprise.

Qin Xiaoyan frowned slightly, and finally nodded reluctantly.

Liu Yuanchao sighed and said instead of Qin Xiaoyan:

"The tenth golden king is called Tianjiao!

More than ten years ago, there used to be a very famous woman named Lu Ya in West Tibet.

Lu Ya is very beautiful. It is said that she was the most beautiful among the many beauties in Tibet at that time. Of course, this is just one of the reasons for her great fame.

Lu Ya is very Tsundere and very high-profile. At the age of sixteen, she began to get involved in the entertainment industry in Western Tibet. Many men wanted her, but she had a higher eye than her, and she never looked down upon anyone. For this, she has offended many people. If she only rejects other people's pursuits, it is enough. The key is that she will also tell the reason for rejecting others in the audience, and will expose all the bad things of the other party, which is very embarrassing.

At that time, the people thought that Lu Ya's behavior was unacceptable. They wanted to see what kind of man Lu Ya would find in the future. Everyone was looking forward to her marrying a very scumbag! It can be seen from this that Lu Ya is actually a very unpleasant woman. Apart from being beautiful, she has no particular advantages anymore.

People always grow up. Lu Ya was single when she was 21 years old. At that time, many of her peers had given birth to several children. Moreover, because of Lu Ya's bad temper, her suitors have become a lot less, which makes Lu Ya fall into a crisis and embarrassment of emotional blankness.

However, although Lu Ya is not smart enough, she is very hardworking. When she wanted to fall in love, she naturally lowered her own criteria for choosing a mate, so she chose the best one from the few men who were still pursuing her and made him a boyfriend.

When the two people confirmed the relationship, Lu Ya's high-profile personality returned. She promoted the news that she finally belonged to her on the Internet, and at the same time praised the man about whether there is something in the sky or something underground. Only then did people know that Lu Ya's small mouth would not only harm people, but also praise others in such a way.

The next story should have come to an end. After all, the topic queen has true love, and the man's conditions are really good, so people think that there are no Eight Trigrams to tell. They can't let them bless Lu Ya, right?

However, everyone didn't think about it. Lu Ya just finished the press conference and said that he had a man he liked, and that man died in a car accident next time!

As a result, the people boiled again, pushing Lu Ya to the forefront again.

Lu Ya was also very depressed. She just pulled the hand with the man. Why did that guy die unluckily?

But Lu Ya should also feel very fortunate. Fortunately, her relationship with him is not deep. Even if the person dies, it will be fine. Look for it again. Anyway, there are other men beside her.

With this idea, after a while, Lu Ya finally had a second boyfriend, this time she chose an upgraded one.

To everyone’s surprise, when the news that Lu Ya had a boyfriend again was exposed by the media, the upgraded person with good strength was actually given to him by a zombie cannibal when he was on a mission near Sunlight City. Kill it!

At this time, the entire Sunlight City exploded, and the name Lu Yakov came into being.

The story is not over yet. Lu Ya found three more boyfriends in the next half a year. You might have guessed it, because this is very bloody. After the three men confirmed the relationship between the boyfriend and the boyfriend with Lu Ya, All died because of various accidents.

Then, after experiencing five men, Lu Yakov’s name was confirmed. Mental Energy, the man in the apocalypse, was already fragile. The crowded out of the entertainment circle, all the previous scenery left her, Lu Ya completely changed from a goddess to a poor worm.

If things end like this, maybe Lu Ya will fade out of people's sight in a few years, maybe her name of Kef will be forgotten by people, then she will be able to find someone to marry in a low-key way, but unfortunately, her destiny will be with her. Made a big joke.

Because of the change in status and status, Lu Ya couldn't accept it for a while, and her mood became extremely depressed, so her parents took her out of Sunlight City to relax in a nearby beautiful place.

Unfortunately, during this outing, they encountered a zombie snake. Lu Ya’s parents lost their lives. After being bitten, Lu Ya was fortunately rescued by a team of five heroes passing by. She was not dead. Become a T virus carrier and awakened to become a super mutant after three months!

The so-called super-mutation is the huge transformation of the body, and Lu Ya is also the only person who has been discovered so far with the ability to increase the body's mutation. She has the same self-healing ability as an ordinary upgrader, but also has the power, speed and physical defense that an ordinary upgrader can't reach, which makes her a super strong. However, Lu Ya did not feel complacent because of this, because her parents are dead, and they are her only blood relatives in this last days. From then on, she will become a lonely family and will remain alone.

This is obvious, aside from the reputation of Kefu, no man is willing to marry a woman with a height of 100 meters. Imagine that when a husband wants to kiss his wife, he can only kiss his wife’s toes, but can’t see her lips...Which man would like to have this experience?

Therefore, Lu Ya, who became a woman, once again became the laughing stock of the people. Lu Ya’s own family is no longer inhabitable, and she is unwilling to stay in the city of Sunlight, so she went to build a huge house in the forest outside the city. The Western Tibet government will take special care of those with supernatural powers, so she sent someone special. Many supporting facilities were specially made for Lu Ya, such as huge clothes, furniture, and even TVs and computers.

This was originally a good intention, but Lu Ya, who has a computer, can see the cynicism of the people on her through the Internet. At the beginning, she could bear it, but the words that circulated on the Internet became more and more vicious.

What is destined to die alone,

What 10,000 men can satisfy her huge body,

What does she not only kill off her mother but also her father.

Finally, Lu Ya couldn't bear it. She rushed into the city of Sunlight and began to wreak havoc. Not only did she destroy a large number of urban buildings, but after a building collapsed, almost all of the more than 100 residents inside were killed.

At that time, Zangxi had drafted a proposal for the canonization of the top ten golden kings, and planned to turn them into superheroes. Lu Ya was exactly on the list. So when the murder of Lu Ya happened, Zangxi was a little panicked. They I didn’t want to lose a strong like Lu Ya, nor blatantly shield her, so in the end Lu Ya was exiled. On the surface of Tibet, Lu Ya would never be allowed to return to Noah City, but in reality it was just to let Lu Ya go out. Just avoid it. It is precisely because of the departure of these nominees for the golden kings that the canonization of the top ten golden kings has never been released.

Lu Ya actually blamed herself a little after she accidentally killed someone, but the emotions in her heart were more resentment. She hated the rumors that made her so unbearable, and hated the scams on the Internet!

After leaving West Tibet, Lu Ya started a wandering life. Someone saw her go to Russia a few years ago, but she has never been seen since. I really didn't expect that we would meet this woman who was called the Tianjiao Golden King by Tibet.

Hey, I was in Noah City in the year when Lu Ya's accident happened. I have witnessed her rise and fall. According to my observations at the time, Lu Ya was actually a young with a very immature mind, a little willful, and a very unstable temper. woman. I just don’t know if her temper has changed a little after these many years..."

After Liu Yuanchao's voice fell, Qin Xiaoyan suddenly frowned and said, "But Lu Ya doesn't seem to be able to fly, right? Why is she now growing wings? Look at her translucent wings of colored light, it doesn't seem to be substantial. Is this also her ability to evolve?"

After hearing Qin Xiaoyan's words, Liu Yuanchao was taken aback for a moment, and then together with Qin An looked at the big screen in the cockpit, only to see the pair of wings of the giant female Lu Ya, which was very strange.

"What is her parasitic beast? Dragonfly?"

Qin An asked, because he felt that Lu Ya's wings were similar in appearance to the dragonfly's wings, but they were different. The biggest difference was that she had only one pair of wings instead of two pairs like a dragonfly.

"I don't know, Lu Ya had no parasitic beasts when he left West Tibet." Liu Yuanchao replied.

Next, no one was speaking in the cockpit.

Qin An could see that both Qin Xiaoyan and Liu Yuanchao seemed a little uneasy, and were very puzzled. Is this Lu Ya really so annoying? Can the unexpected encounter between the two sides cause trouble for the people on your side?

Time slowly passed, when the airship descended to an altitude of only two kilometers from the ground, the extremely fast-flying giantess Lu Ya finally arrived near the airship.

Her body is almost half the size of an airship, and she feels more oppressive at close range.

Lu Ya actually discovered the existence of this airship as early as ten kilometers away, so it flew quickly. At this time, she saw the real body of the airship. She smiled coldly and said, "I said it is such a big size. What is it? It turns out to be an aircraft belonging to West Tibet!"

The airship has sound collection equipment, so everyone in the cockpit can hear Lu Ya's voice, even if the two sides are still five to six hundred meters away.

Qin An frowned slightly, Lu Ya's tone was poor, this giantess wouldn't really be so stingy to make trouble for everyone else, right?

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