"Who are you?"

Wu Zhongguo, who had not spoken, finally spoke softly after looking at each other for a while with the handsome young man.

Qin An sighed, but did not pay attention to Wu Zhongguo, but raised his head to look at the giantess standing aside.

Mud horse...This position can only see people's forehead and eyes, her nose and mouth are blocked by the towering chest, really like two mountain peaks, this is too huge!

After sighing secretly in his heart for a few seconds, Qin Ancai shouted: "Hey, giantess, can you hear me?"

Lu Ya felt a little upset in her heart. She felt that this man who appeared suddenly was very annoying, because he had overturned her own cognition just now.

The case has been solved, why did he insist that Wu Zhongguo ate Wang Qinfang's daughter? Even Wang Qinfang doesn't have this idea!

Therefore, Lu Ya said angrily: "You don't need to shout loudly, you kid. My hearing is much better than ordinary people. Even if you speak in a low voice, I can still hear you. I really want to know who you are, as I just said. What does it mean?"

Qin An smiled and said: "The Western Tibet government has officially designated the top ten golden kings, which means that you are now a veritable Tianjiao! And I am your companion and one of the top ten golden kings. The title is legendary. It's Qin An!"

"Legendary Golden King? Qin An?"

Lu Ya was stunned. She had left Tibet for several years, but she had never heard of such a person.

He seems to be twenty years old, but since he can be regarded as the golden king, he shouldn't be so young, right? Why have I never heard of his name?

This is not to blame for Lu Ya's ignorance. Although Qin An’s name has been circulated in western Tibet, it is only concerned with government officials and a small group of people. Most people didn’t care who Qin An was before. Even if I occasionally remember that the honorary leader of the Nine Dragon Mountain Qin League is also called Qin An, when I really meet the deity, it is still impossible to connect the two.

Qin An saw Lu Ya’s doubts and continued to smile faintly: “Lu Ya, the reason why I reported my family directly is to prevent some misunderstandings between you and me. Some unnecessary conflicts have occurred. The airship you have been to is actually above me. You found the situation here, and I also found out at the same time, so I followed up. I have heard what you said just now. I didn’t want to come out originally, but in this case I had to come out.”

Speaking of this, Qin An paused, and then faced Wu Zhong National Road again: "You haven't answered what I just asked, and you haven't spoken to defend yourself. Did you eat the girl named Xiao Ai? Sad? You don't want to eat that little girl at all, but when your nurse mother Taozi puts the little girl who just took a shower into your arms, you couldn't bear the unusual smell of meat on her body, right?"

Lu Ya lowered her head, looking at the little Qin An in her eyes, she was even more surprised, unable to understand the meaning of his words.

But although Lu Ya is not smart, she is not too stupid. She felt that since this man named Qin An said so, he must have a reason.

Then, Lu Ya is willing to wait and see what Wu Zhongguo said. She also wanted to see what kind of stuff Qin An was like.

To Lu Ya and everyone else's surprise, Wu Zhongguo actually burst out laughing, then looked at Qin An and said, "How did you know?"

How did you know?

What does this mean?

Did Qin An get it right? Xiao Ai was really eaten by Wu Zhongguo? !

Everyone panicked, but Wang Qinfang was silly there. She stared at Wu Zhongguo in a daze, and the tears in her eyes poured more turbulently.

Qin An sighed again: "Awakened, also known as anomalous appetites. I have seen a few of them. It is difficult for them to live in the human group. It is because the smell of human flesh will make them lose their humanity, and eventually they will lose their humanity. People eat as food! Wu Zhongguo, I believe you must be a very good person before you become the awakened, otherwise you cannot hide in the human group for so long without being discovered. This shows that you have this strong Self-control ability. Normally, you leave your camp to hunt for food, right? Then be your good person under your hand? Hey, the blame is that Granny Tao gave Xiao Ai a bath last night. It made the human flesh on her more intense, and it was put in your arms, so you couldn’t hold back the mother-in-law Taozi and ate her? Maybe you really can’t blame you, but the Awakener After all, it doesn't belong to human beings anymore, and the Awakened are the natural enemies of humans just like the Heavenly Whisperers.

Wu Zhongguo, if I want to kill you at this time, you should have no opinion? After all, you really ate an innocent little life! Do you deny it? "

The crowd boiled for a moment. They couldn't believe what Qin An said. How could their leader Wu Zhongguo be the Awakener?

Lu Ya was even more surprised. She had been living alone all these years, so she had never seen a man like Qin An.

At this time, Qin An was full of aura, calm and mature, and his words were sonorous and convincing.

For some reason, Lu Ya felt that what the man said might be true. Just why would he know these things?

Wu Zhongguo's eyes became sharp, and the color of his eyes was covered with a layer of gray.

He spoke word by word: "I was also asking you just now, how did you know?"

Qin An still said in a faint tone: "The biggest difference in body structure between the awakened and humans is that they don’t have any sex organs! It’s a coincidence that I have the ability to see through, so I can see the difference between your legs in your pants. The scene... that bald appearance is the same as all the awakened people I have seen! And your gray skin like a zombie, and the gray hidden in your pupils! So, you are not an upgraded person at all , But the awakened one!"

"Haha! Good! That's great!

Boy, your name is Qin An, isn't it?

The secret that I am the awakened has been hidden by me for several years, no one knows it! Why are you saying it?

Yes, you guessed it all right!

Xiao Ai was indeed eaten by me, and I really regret it, because I don't want to admit that I have become a cannibal beast!

This incident was about to pass. Although I didn't explain, Wang Qinfang has believed what everyone said just now!

In order to make up for the debt to her, I just vowed to take good care of her in the future. After all, I really don't want to do that kind of cannibalism!

It's a pity, but you told me my biggest secret and the fact that I couldn't accept it the most!

How to do it? This secret of mine cannot be known, because I am used to the way of life hiding in the human community!

So, people here are dying now! This way I can change a place to live a quiet life again!

Qin An, you have to understand that you killed everyone here! You are the real murderer! "

Wu Zhongguo's appearance was a bit crazy at this time, and everyone around him was frightened by him. He couldn't believe that Wu Zhongguo was actually an awakened one.

Frowning slightly, Qin An secretly released the three-phase female demon, letting her enter the ground to open the sealed space of ground seal. The power of the sword god can make Qin An feel the crisis in advance, and Wu Zhongguo feels very dangerous at this time. The parasitic beasts in this guy's body should also be zombie? What could it be? Why do I feel cold on my back? This feeling is really weird! Even though I didn't seem to have felt this way when I met the five bodies before, is it possible that the man on the other side named Wu Zhongguo is stronger than the five bodies? impossible? Qin An's nerves became tense.

I thought it was just a chance encounter with a little monster, but it seems that the guy on the opposite side is still a big boss!

While Qin An was nervous, Lu Ya also felt a sense of crisis in her heart. And the person who made her feel this way is naturally Wu Zhongguo!

Poor self, almost broke the wrong case. Unexpectedly, the child named Xiao Ai was really eaten by Wu Zhongguo.

Lu Ya is thirty-five years old this year, and she is a mature woman, and the sign of human maturity is actually to understand herself better than when she was immature.

Lu Ya knew that she was not a smart person, she was just more straightforward. When she was young, it was precisely because of this personality that she offended many people in West Tibet, so that they maliciously slandered herself on the Internet.

It seemed that this man named Qin An was quite clever, and his guess was similar to the facts. Fortunately he is here today! Otherwise, Wang Qinfang might not know how her daughter died until death. This would be a sad thing!

Thinking of this, Lu Ya feels inferior. She is a big woman who is incompatible with ordinary humans. That is to say, she is destined not to intersect with any human beings. She has now seen this through and has no choice but to accept it! So she doesn't like to let own have a good impression of any human beings, especially the opposite sex. She is afraid of that feeling!

When the sadness in my heart rises, The next moment turns into anger. This is another characteristic of Lu Ya's personality, that is, she is emotionally unstable. She understands herself and knows that this evil fire in her heart must be released at this time, otherwise God knows what wrong she will eventually commit. She was in Western Tibet that year. But over a hundred innocent lives have been killed!

Since Wu Zhongguo is a dangerous awakener, he himself has already admitted, then there really is no need to waste time, and it clearly doesn't make any sense to continue listening to him!

Therefore, even Qin An did not expect that Lu Ya would make a sudden move, and the abilities used were extremely strange!

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