Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 825 The 28th Sword God

Qin An unexpectedly saw an almost transparent giant crab, and suddenly appeared behind the crowd. It packed everyone except Wu Zhongguo and Wang Qinfang beside him into its stomach while walking!

Because the crab is almost transparent, Qin An can still see the people wrapped in the crab's belly.

The next moment, the translucent material elements that make up the crab began to fluctuate like a gust of wind, and then retreated more than a thousand meters away in a flash, and the people wrapped in its stomach were also taken away!

Such a scene is really sci-fi, making Qin An completely dumbfounded.

Wu Zhongguo was also alarmed by the strange sound behind him, and when he looked back, he found that more than 300 people under his men had already arrived far away from him!

This happened almost in an instant, so Wu Zhongguo was also frightened, not knowing what happened.

At this moment, Qin An's own body also changed, a hot breath rose in his heart, and then swept through his body.

This is......

A surprise suddenly rose in Qin An's heart!

This feeling is so familiar, he has experienced it several times before!

And this feeling of scorching whole body means that his combination with Xuantian Sword God has broken through a bottleneck!

In other words, now Qin An should have a 50% breakthrough with Xuantian and entered the sixth-level Sword God Realm, and his upgraded physique started the upgraded process after the Sword God physique breakthrough. At the same time breakthrough to sixth-level!

Only by accident, Qin An accidentally entered the sixth-level Realm of the double body!

This is really a surprise. Qin An has been stagnating at the peak of the fifth-level double-body for many years. He didn't expect to break through inadvertently. Why is this?

He gently opened the collar and looked at own's chest.

I saw the imprint of the five-color flower wrapped in a heart-shaped trace, and it really turned into a six-color flower! He really entered the sixth-level Realm, which means that all his abilities will be ascension!

At this moment, Xuantian's voice sounded in Qin An's heart.

"Haha! A breakthrough of 50%, Qin An, long time no see!"

"Xuantian, what is going on? Why did I suddenly break through?" Qin An was very curious.

Xuan Heavenly Dao: "Speaking of shame, the reason for the breakthrough is thanks to the giantess next to you! She is also a host of the Sword God Body, and the Sword God in her body is ranked 28th on the Sword God List. Speaking of the wind, this sword god has something to do with me! The moment his power was released just now, it also inspired my sword god's power, so you can break through the bottleneck and enter the sixth-level of the double body!"

"What, Lu Ya is also a sword god body? Feng Dong? So her ability to give birth to wings and fly is a sword god skill?"

Xuan Heavenly Dao: "Yes, now the Wind Sword God Ji mainly engages with the opposite man named Wu Zhongguo. Then I will take this opportunity to tell you the story about the Wind Sword God and the relationship between him and me. Bar!

Wind is a natural phenomenon caused by air movement, and its driving force is the sun's radiation.

Sunlight shines on the surface of the earth, which raises the surface temperature, and the air on the surface expands and becomes lighter and ascending when heated.

After the hot air ascending, the low-temperature cold air flows in laterally, and the ascending air gradually cools and becomes heavier and falls. Because the surface temperature is higher, the air will be heated to make it ascending. This collision of cold and hot air generates wind.

The above is the people's understanding of wind before the end of the world, and on the Star of Sword Spirit, the wind in the general sense is also formed in this way.

Then there is another kind of wind outside the earth, called Universe wind.

Humans believe that the universe had a big bang 15 billion years ago. This statement is not accurate, but the universe is indeed undergoing some kind of changes similar to the big bang, so let's assume that this big bang theory is true.

After the Big Bang, the stars and the Galaxy are still flying outwards.

Theoretically speaking, the mutual gravitational force should slow down the speed of this expansion, but this is not the case. In fact, the expansion is still accelerating, and this kind of expansion phenomenon of the universe is called the universe storm by humans!

In other words, in the so-called center of the universe, the big bang is actually still happening, and its explosive power provides a huge potential energy that makes the universe storm exist and do not know when it will disappear.

Human beings have been able to observe those Universe storms before the end of the world. Different material elements are mixed together and emit colorful light, making the entire Universe space dazzling and unusual, and in that dazzling, material energy is intertwined with each other. The blasting force produced is unimaginable for human beings. If the earth is put into it, the earth is likely to be easily crushed by the Universe storm!

On the Star of Sword Spirit, a young man once comprehended the power of the wind and built a divine sword, and using the comprehend ability of a sword god, the wings of the divine wind began to soar between the universe!

After that, his body was immersed in the super energy body Universe storm, entangled and refined by countless kinds of energy, and finally possessed the four skills, and realized the ability to summon the spirit of the sword god, and became the sword god!

He occupies the twenty-eighth place on the Sword God ranking, and is named Feng Dong!

Of the four abilities of the Wind Sword God, the first is naturally the Kamikaze Wings! On the earth, the kamikaze wing skill allows the host to condense translucent colored light wings on the back at any time, and such wings can always exist or disperse at any time, which can keep the host flying for a long time!

The second wind movement technique is the story of the wind, which allows the host to feel some abnormal fluctuations within a hundred miles of Fang Yuan through the flow of air. This feeling is not accurate, because there are too many factors that can cause the abnormal wind, such as loud shouts, such as the howling of beasts, such as hundreds of people walking together, so we have to slowly record all kinds of air The law of change allows the host to determine what abnormal factors are that have caused abnormal fluctuations in the air around him.

The third wind movement technique is the eye of the storm! This ability is a bit exaggerated. It is a large-scale group attack skill. The wind host can summon the power of the Star storm to rotate at high speed on the ground. The fifth-level ability should be able to spread to a range of five kilometers. Advanced abilities with enhanced physical abilities can resist her attacks, and ordinary people or zombies will be crushed instantly!

The fourth technique of wind movement is the fantasy of wind! Wind is everywhere in Universe Star. Of course, this concept of wind is different from the narrow concept on the earth. In the Universe, any superposition of potential energy and the form of energy generated after impact can be understood as the existence of wind! Therefore, the strength of the wind is far from what people on earth can imagine! So although wind is an intangible thing, the energy generated by it can be seen and felt. Then these winds that can be seen and felt are actually the existence of a physical substance. The fourth skill of wind movement, the fantasy ability of wind, is the ability to use the wind to summon fantasy things. You can call it a summoning ability. You can also say it is a creature creation ability, in the wind. Wherever it moves, a powerful material form has been born, and the host can give it to the soul, making it a creature of the wind, between roaring and heaven and earth.

The crab-like thing you see should be the product of wind fantasy, it has actually been endowed with soul by the host. Because of the existence of the wind, a brand new race will be added to the earth in the future, that is, the wind elves! They have a semi-transparent body shape, can control the power of natural wind, and have a simple consciousness. With the improvement of the host ability of the wind moving sword god, these wind spirits will also become smarter!

Don't be surprised, because the sword god's abilities are really infinite, and he is not the only sword god who has the ability to create a race like the wind.

The twenty-ninth-ranked Sword God Magic Machine you come into contact with, as the host of the God Machine Sword God, Ling'er can also create a mechanical race with independent wisdom.

There is also the thirty-fourth underworld. Although his host Lin Ping is dead, he can still use the fourth ability of the underworld to become the ghost king and create a ghost race! "

Qin An heard that his scalp was numb. Isn't this too exaggerated? Can you create a new race with wisdom? It seems that this group of aliens called the Sword God is indeed a god-tier skill.Xuantian continued:

"Then what is the relationship between Feng Dong Sword God and me?

This started when he was cultivating in the universe storm,

The so-called universe storm is a kind of process matter that is entangled with countless material elements and releases infinite kinds of energy, and then cannot escape because of the mutual attraction of energies.

During the cultivation of the wind, not only his body was refined, but in the center of the universe storm, there was also a Universe meteorite fused with many substances, which was the stone of the mysterious sky!

After the wind turned into a god, all the energy in the universe storm was sucked into the body, and the stone of the mysterious sky fell to the star of the sword spirit, and it happened to be obtained by me. The road to sword becoming a god!

Therefore, Feng Dong can be regarded as the guide of my start on the path of the sword god. Although he and I have different attributes of the sword god ability, they have the same power!

Therefore, just after he released the power of the sword god, I was able to benefit, thereby inspiring your body, and letting you and me break through! This is a coincidence, maybe it is also a kind of fate!

Qin An, in the future, you will help me take care of the host of Feng Dong Sword God, which is the giantess. After all, I owe them favor, which means you owe them too, understand? "

Listening to Xuantian's words, Qin An felt a bit greasy in his heart. He felt that the favor Xuantian owed should not have much to do with him, so he was unwilling to provoke a giantess! His fate for women is messy enough, and he doesn't want to add some unexpected troubles to himself!

"Xuantian, isn't it possible for you to wake up this time for a long time?

So don't waste it, I'm like knowing what kind of monster the Heavenly Seal Lord God in the universe is?

Lord Tianyin made a five-year agreement with me. I don’t know why. This is very unreasonable. I am now a lonely man, but Lord Tianyin has an army of hundreds of millions of zombies. Why did he make a five-year agreement with me? What about the annual appointment? It's as if he deliberately wanted to make me stronger. I always felt that there was some conspiracy in it, but I couldn't understand it!

Xuantian, wouldn't the sword god be able to pinch it? You can help me figure it out, what is going on? "

Qin An anxiously asked what he was most concerned about at the moment.

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