In Destiny City, the six-meter wall of the year has become dilapidated, and the Pentagonal Tower has become ruined in what year and month.

Qin An vaguely remembered that he was standing on the big platform in front of the Pentagonal Building and spoke very generously.

At that time, Chen Chuhe, the lord of Destiny City, felt that too much population was a burden, so he took the initiative to let Qin An take away a group of people.

Of course, that is a voluntary choice.

Fang Lei, Lu Haichuan and others brought thousands of people back to Qin City with them. Later, they formed the Fire Wing and Eagle Eye teams and became the absolute main force of Qin City.

And many people did not leave, they chose to follow Chen Chuhe.

Today, Qin City, the super prison, has developed into a giant with seven big cities and several small cities. The Destiny City in front of him is obviously declining. Qin An uses the ability of Spiritual Sense to explore the sky, and finally it is only at the five corners. In the building, a person was found.

His body is thin and thin like a skeleton, and the old one is like a rotten wood, and it seems that he has died soon.

Although many years have passed, even though he has become completely unrecognizable, Qin An, who owns super Mental Energy, can recognize him at a glance. He is the same Chen Chuhe of that year.

What happened in Destiny City? Since Chen Chuhe is still alive, why are the other people in the city gone? Qin An's heart was full of curiosity.

In Destiny City, he and Lan Yue met for the first time. Therefore, Qin An still has a little special emotion for this place.

Zhang Geng, Zhang Qing, Suiyu, Xiaoyan, Li Na, Liu Yuanchao, He Keliusu, Gong Xue, Linger, Jindou, Jinbao, Shi Lida, and more than a dozen airship pilots dispatched from western Tibet were all standing at this time. Behind Qin An.

Rongrong turned into a ring of thoughts and put it on Qin An’s finger, while the giantess Lu Ya didn’t know where she flew. She should be looking for food. After all, she has a lot of food, and the food Qin An brought with her was simply not enough for her. Eat it alone.

Three days ago, after Qin An handed Wu Zhongguo, the host of the troll zombie, he thought that he would be separated from Lu Ya immediately, but Lu Ya refused to leave and insisted on walking with Qin An.

Qin An is helpless, he can't make a move to drive away a flying giantess, right?

So I had to compromise, but think about it, after all, Lu Ya is an upgraded sword god dual physique, and Qin An wants to build his own immortal city, and he can always use such a talent. Not to mention anything else, Lu Ya is the best construction worker when building the city wall. It takes a lot of people to move the building materials. Lu Ya estimates that it can be done easily by one person.

The original plan of the airship was to fly directly back to the Qin League territory, but when Lu Ya flew in the sky and returned to the airship with Qin An, he happened to be attacked by hundreds of thousands of zombie birds.

In the end, the airship crashed, and more than 40 of the 60 or more pilots of the airship on it were killed.

In fact, Lu Ya and Qin An are one step late. If they can arrive a few seconds before the zombie birds attack the airship, the airship will not have any trouble at all.

As the host of the Wind Sword God, the giantess Lu Ya has a super powerful group attack ability.

The Eye of the Storm raised his hand and waved it, and hundreds of thousands of zombie birds could be wiped out in an instant.

It's a pity that when they arrived, the zombie birds were already entangled with the airship, and Lu Ya's eye of the storm ability was useless.

In the end, they were able to save Zhang Geng and other close people, and they were lucky enough to be able to save more than a dozen entourage dispatched by Tibet.

Without the airship, they could only walk on land. After three days, a group of people finally came to Destiny City.

Qin An knew that after passing Destiny City and surpassing a few small peaks, he would reach Qin City. Back then, he took thousands of people from Destiny City and returned to Qin City. This is how he walked.

When you arrive at Qincheng, you can see the city of Hanghai when you walk more than ten kilometers to the southeast, where Qin An and Weng Lan once lived.

After Qin An spared a large circle after the end of the world, he finally returned to the original point. The former Jiulong Mountain has changed from a huge natural mountain area to a new huge map copy in the end of the world! Qin An must personally enter it in order to experience the tremendous changes before the end of the world.

It was already evening, and Liu Yuanchao looked at the dilapidated city wall and said to Qin An:

"Boy, let's take a rest here tonight. It will take more than two days to walk from here to your nest. The prison called Qincheng will probably take more than two days! Is there a feeling of being close to hometown?"

Qin An smiled slightly and said:

"That's not it, Qincheng's geographical location is relatively high for Jiulong Mountain, and the mountains behind Qincheng are relatively flat.

By the way, I heard that they once built a new big city after Qin City? Are there many people living there now? "

Qin Xiaoyan stepped forward and stood beside Qin An and said:

"Yes, but later the new big city was also abandoned, because the geographical position was too far forward, and the surrounding terrain was not enough to build a strong defensive wall. Now the big city connected to Qin city has been renamed the city of Qin merchants. It is a relatively large trading bazaar and gathering place for outsiders in the Jiulongshan area. It is under the jurisdiction of Eagle Eye City, which is the power of Lu Haichuan.

They also set up homeless camps outside the city to provide homes for homeless people and some less honest guys.

The city of Qin merchants and Qin city are connected together. The area is as large as more than 20 Qin city. Do you remember Liu Jiangang, the Minister of Construction and Engineering of Qin City? He also followed you from the Destiny City to the Qin City, and the Qin Shang City was planned and built by him.

Qincheng is also the super prison, and now the people stationed in Eagle Eye City are responsible for the guardianship of the area.

Today, Jiulong Mountain is the most populous place in China. The number is estimated to be 80 million, but in fact the population is over 100 million.

The Qin League, Tang Dynasty, and Jian Zhifeng each have their own territory, and troops are stationed in the connecting areas of the territory.

Hey, things here are actually very complicated, and you are a bit busy when you come back this time. "

Qin An shook his head and said:

"In fact, it is not complicated. The sword's front belongs to the west of Tibet, and Qin Cheng has inextricably linked with us. As for the Tang Dynasty... I heard that its owner is called Tang Yu... she It happened to be an old friend of mine.

I think it may not take long to integrate the forces here!

Let's take these hills near the city of Qin as our foundation. It seems that I am going to meet Lu Haichuan. Now that I, the leader of the Qin League, has returned, he should give me a foothold, right? "

Gong Xue smiled coldly and said, "Huh, you don't have any prestige in Qin League. You have been away for more than 20 years. You haven't invested a part in the development of Qin League. It's only strange that people will take care of you!"

Qin An glanced at Gong Xue in surprise. This little fat girl at the time was very docile. Where did she offend her and make her speak coldly to herself now? Is it because of desire and dissatisfaction?

Coughing lightly, looking away from Gong Xue's face, Qin An said, "I don't want too much, just return the old prison site still called Qincheng to me! I want to use Qincheng. As the center, the first city of alchemy was built on the nearby hill! As for the city of Qin merchants... hey, let’s talk about it!"

Qin An also feels that his head is big. He, the honorary leader of the Qin League, is now coming back to compete with other people's real power leaders, and he is really unreasonable in Face.

As Gong Xue said, he really didn't make any contribution to the construction of the Qin League. What should he do?

Qin An, with a guilty conscience, changed the subject and said, "Okay, let's set up a camp here to rest. I also want to meet the old people in the Pentagonal Building. By the way, you know this place is called Destiny. Is it a city? He was inhabited by almost seven or eight thousand people more than twenty years ago. Why is it now broken down? Has he been attacked by a group of zombies?"While Qin An was talking, more than a dozen entourages sent by Tibet and Western Tibet had begun to set up tents nearby near the outer wall of Destiny City.

The two real lads of Jinbao Jindou rushed to help immediately, Shi Lida and Linger went nearby to visit, Zhang Geng, Zhang Qing, and Suiyu's family began to have dinner, Rong Rong pulled Gong Xue and Qin Xiaoyan after she appeared. , Li Na, He Ke Liusu together find a place to take a good bath.

In this way, with the exception of Liu Yuanchao and Qin An, everyone else was gone.

The beautiful and handsome Lao Liu looked at the dilapidated town in front of him, and said:

"The government of Western Tibet once made statistics on the large and small cities scattered across the country. Destiny City is naturally among them. However, this city was abandoned 15 years ago. The reason for the abandonment is unknown. When I passed by here fifteen years ago, I discovered that there was no one here, and the pentagonal building was full of gloomy bones, and the number was over 10,000! All the bones are intertwined, and the entire pentagonal building has been intertwined. Piled up.

The hero at that time took photos with his mobile phone and put it on the Internet after returning to Tibet. I have seen it before. It was really scary! A dark building full of bones, you can imagine it. "

Qin An was taken aback for a moment, frowned, and asked:

"and after?"

Liu Yuanchao said:

"Later, when the group of people was leaving the Pentagonal Tower, they felt that the yin in this place was too heavy. I don’t know how these people died. Why are they all neat and tidy with only bones left, and they are piled up. In every corner of the building.

In short, the more they thought about it at that time, the more they felt weird and weird, and they became more and more afraid, so they lit the Pentagon with a fire, and then left.

You see, the current dilapidated scene of the Pentagonal Building was caused by a big fire that year, but it is very likely that the fire was destroyed when it was half burned, so the Pentagonal Building is still there today, but it's just turned into ruins.

Whether it was Tibet or the Qin League in the back, they sent people here to investigate, but they did not find out the cause of the death of the aborigines here! There have been no people living near this place, because everyone thinks it is very gloomy. In the past few years, I discovered the existence of ghost tribes, thinking that ghosts in Chinese history should always be terrifying, so Tibet began to investigate whether this is a gathering place for ghost tribes, but many people who are good at Mental Energy After I came to check, I didn't find any abnormalities, so I finally gave up. "

Qin An asked almost immediately after Liu Yuanchao's voice had just stopped:

"Then the former Destiny City City Lord, Chen Chuhe?"

Liu Yuanchao said strangely:

"Is the city lord of Destiny City called Chen Chuhe? I don't know that. After all, I don't care much about things here.

However, when several groups of investigators in western Tibet came here a few years ago, they didn't seem to find anyone. I think the Chen Chuhe you mentioned should be dead. "

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