Crisis is everywhere in the last days.

Qin An had a deep understanding of this sentence for a long time.

Destiny City had been abandoned fifteen years ago. Why did he see Chen Chuhe, a scrawny old man, in an empty room in the Pentagon?

This is obviously somewhat unusual.

Fifteen years ago, there were more than 10,000 bones in the Pentagonal Tower. In other words, all the people in Destiny City died. How could it be so coincidental that only Chen Chuhe survived?

And why do people all die in the Pentagon? Instead of dying outside the Pentagonal Building? You must know that the state of the Pentagonal Building is full of more than 3,000 people. Chen Chuhe's plan back then was to close the Pentagonal Building so as not to let the idlers wait inside.

"Have you encountered a siege of zombies here?" Qin An asked Liu Yuanchao.

Liu Yuanchao shook his head and said:

"There was no such thing as five years before the end of the world. There are dynamic maps of the distribution of zombie communities in Western Tibet over the years, and there is no record of large-scale corpses arriving in the vicinity of Hanghai City. This is a pending case. Didn’t I say that? Several groups of investigators have been sent to West Tibet, but they have not been able to find out the real reason for the deaths of over 10,000 people here."

Qin An's heart became more and more disturbed, and he had a bad premonition.

"Xiaoyan, can you hear me?"

Qin An tried to contact Qin Xiaoyan.

Qin Xiaoyan had just walked one kilometer away from here, and was looking for a place to take a bath with Gong Xue, Rongrong, Li Na, and He Keliusu.

The super hearing ability can now play a role as long as Mental Energy is not affected by special emotions, so Qin Xiaoyan heard Qin An's voice.

"Well, what's wrong? We haven't found a place to take a bath yet. Hey, Rong Rong said that Li Na can be turned into a warm and depressed place. After all, she does not have a system to prevent cold. It is so happy to have Rong Rong by her side!"

"Come back, you guys who are strong are all gone, I'm afraid there will be an accident here."

"Accident? Are there any safety hazards nearby?"

"There is an old person in the Pentagonal Building. I'm not sure if he is considered a dangerous person. In short, come back and guard the camp first. After I check it out, it will not be too late for you to take a bath after dinner at night."

Naturally, Qin Xiaoyan would not refuse Qin An's proposal. Although several members of the team were of good strength, everyone knew that the crisis in the last days was often unpredictable, and even the strongest sword god body would fall without paying attention.

So Qin Xiaoyan returned to the camp with a few women, Rongrong turned into a ring of ten thousand thoughts and returned to Qin An's hands. Qin An again asked Qin Xiaoyan to pay attention to using the Spiritual Sense ability to investigate the surrounding area before entering the area of ​​Destiny City. Quickly ran to the Pentagonal Building.

While running, Qin An has been observing Chen Chuhe's movements with super vision and hearing, and the scrawny old man has been sitting in a room almost forty meters above the ground.

The room was extremely dark, because there were no windows around and the door did not open.

There was nothing but a bed in the room, and Chen Chuhe was sitting on the bed at this time.

Qin An secretly said in his heart: It seems that he didn't know that we people came to Destiny City, otherwise he wouldn't react at all. But this is even more strange. If Chen Chuhe is really an ordinary downcast old man, why should he stay alone in a dark room? Has he been here all these years? How did he survive alone?

A few minutes later, Qin An, who was full of all kinds of doubts, had already reached the bottom of the Pentagonal Building, and then turned on the Phantom Movement Technique to instantly enter the inside of the Pentagonal Building. After several turns, he finally stood in front of the room where Chen Chuhe was located.

After hesitating slightly, Qin An did not enter immediately, but instead summoned Anya, one of the nine blood spirits, and made her appear in the room first.

Anya has the ability to deceive people's hearts. Anyone who just looks at her eyes will be deceived.

Qin An is already very cautious in doing this. After so many years in the apocalypse, it is normal to have such a cautious heart.

The Nine Blood Spirit is by Qin An's side, has a high IQ and sense of autonomy, and can speak.

Wearing a red dress, Anya chuckled out after stretching her waist.

"Hey, it seems to have been asleep for a long time.

Master, you have to let us out for more air in the future.

Now your sword god level is getting higher and higher, and our spirit is getting closer and closer to human beings. Although it can't exist for a long time, it is still possible to walk around outside for tens of minutes. Our old man on the way home doesn't know where you left him, really! "

An Ya's voice was beautiful and full of temptation, and Qin An got goose bumps.

You should know that when the Nine Blood Spirits first became Qin An's supernatural powers, they existed completely like puppets. Now they not only have wisdom, but can also speak like human beings. As their host, Qin An will naturally be a little uncomfortable.

"Anya, go see his condition!"

Qin An uses consciousness to communicate with Anya.

Anya wasn't talking nonsense either, she wriggled her plump buttocks and walked forward, and she soon reached Chen Chuhe's side.

At this time, it is almost New Year's Day in 2040. Although it is located in the south of the Yangtze River, the weather is also very cold. The outdoor temperature is less than ten degrees, and the room looks like eleven or two degrees.

But Chen Chuhe only wore a white vest on his upper body, black shorts on his lower body, and a pair of worn slippers on his feet, as if he was not afraid of cold at all.

He dressed up like this, very much like the super master, Fire Cloud Cthulhu in the movie "Kung Fu" by Stephen Chow before the end of the world.

It's just that Chen Chuhe is too skinny now, with bones in his skin, and he looks really like a skeleton man.

"Hey old man, raise your head and look at me. Are you alone in this small black room? Would you like Big sis to accompany you? Big sis's skill is very good?"

Listening to what Anya said, Qin An's body trembled again, and only felt that a black line had already risen on his forehead.

This way of speaking is obviously the same as that of the people on earth. It seems that the nine blood spirits have also learned many things about humans in their own body!

After Anya finished speaking, Chen Chuhe didn't respond. He still sat there, closed his eyes, breathing steadily, as if he was asleep.

Naturally, Anya would not stop there. She gently touched Chen Chuhe's face with her own finger, and when she found that he was still unresponsive, she stroked Chen Chuhe's head with her entire hand.

At this moment, an accident happened, and a trace of fierce aura that even Qin An outside the room could feel suddenly surged from Chen Chuhe's body.

Anya was attacked by that ferocious aura and let out a scream, and finally turned into a red light and shadow and returned to Qin An's body.

Qin An was so frightened that he retreated two steps. When he opened his perspective eyes and looked inside, he saw Chen Chuhe had already opened his eyes!

His eyes are really weird! It turned out to be piercing. Because of the existence of these eyes, it seemed to be a person about to die from illness, but now it suddenly became like a hidden Martial Forest master.

He turned his head sideways and looked outside the door. Those eyes met Qin An's eyes, making Qin An suddenly shudder.

His body shuddered suddenly and quickly, Qin An knew that this was the power of the Sword God calling him, and the situation he faced at this time was already very critical.

When seeing Wu Zhongguo and Wu Zhongguo, the host of the troll zombies, Qin An had this sense of crisis, and at this moment, the body's reaction was stronger than the previous two times!

Muddy horse, what's the situation? Could it be that Chen Chuhe, who is as skinny as wood, is actually more terrifying than Wu Zhongguo? Is he also a super boss?

And what is the ferocious aura that rushed out of him just now? One of the nine blood spirits, Anya, was killed in a flash! ?

In the room, Chen Chuhe's old wrinkled face showed a weird smile.

He opened his mouth tremblingly, and then said in an extremely hoarse voice: "Who did I think it was? It turned out to be the former little friend Qin An! You look much younger than before. I heard people say in the last two years. You have left Qincheng for many years, why? Now you have finally returned, haha, welcome.

Little friend Qin An, did you pass by here, or came to see me, Chen Chuhe? "

Although Qin An has a wealth of experience, he can't help but be surprised at this time.

Now the entire Pentagonal Building is in darkness, and there is still a door between him and Chen Chuhe, which means that Chen Chuhe has the same night vision and perspective capabilities as Qin An.

This was not what shocked Qin An the most.

You know that Qin An hasn't seen Chen Chuhe for twenty years, and when they met back then, they just hurriedly met.

According to the truth, it is absolutely impossible for Chen Chuhe to recognize Qin Anlai.

In other words, this Chen Chuhe should have super Mental Energy, which gave him a memory that is different from ordinary people!

Now Qin An also has this ability, because Mental Energy is powerful, so that Qin An will not forget the people or things in the past. Although he may not be able to catch up with Rongrong, Qin An's memory is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

Centralizing own Mental Energy, Qin An opened the strongest Realm state, and any wind and grass within a few kilometers of Fang Yuan was controlled by Qin An's consciousness.

Raising his hand to push the door open, a yin wind pounced on his face, and then the smell of moldy and rancid came out of it.

Qin An frowned slightly, and before walking in, stood in front of the door and said:

"Old Chen, haven't seen you for many years. Are you doing well?"

Sitting on the bed, Chen Chuhe was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed out loud after a long time.

"Haha! For more than 20 years, although your appearance has not changed much, you have grown a lot after all.

Qin An, is this the question you came here to ask me?

You look at me like this, does it seem to be good?

Ha ha! ......"

Chen Chuhe's laughter was a bit crazy, perhaps because the laugh was too strong, tears were already in his eyes.

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