"Qin An is coming back? So soon?"

Lu Xiaocha became excited at once.

"Husband, you don't know, my biggest regret when I went to West Tibet this time was that I couldn't say a word to Qin An.

Hey, I missed a fateful encounter for life!

Blame Lanyue Big sis ran away when it met Qin An, and didn't take me with you!

Sister Liu Jia, and our mother Li Hong was brought to Qincheng by Qin An from Destiny City when she was pregnant, so Qin An is considered to be our mother and daughter's benefactor, I really should thank him face to face!

Husband, are you right? "

Guo Shuai nodded, did not speak, and looked around casually. At this time, people in both Qin City and Qin Shang City had gone to the building, but the people in the Wanderer Camp, which was only more than 500 meters away from Qin City, were still there.

His eyes flickered, Guo Shuai turned his head to the north, and saw two black cars driving out of the mountain one after another, coming here.

A few minutes later, the first car drove to a nearby stop, and came down from above a very strong old man.

In fact, he is not old, and there are not many frowns on his face, but his hair is already gray, and it can be seen that he should be a worrying master on weekdays.

Following him out of the car was a short middle-aged man. This man has been with the old man after getting out of the car. He should be a personal bodyguard.

Guo Shuai still held his own wife unscrupulously, and waited for the old man to walk around before he smiled and said, "Master Lu, you moved very fast. The shops in the city of Qin merchants and the guards of Qin city were all withdrawn last night?"

This old man is exactly Lu Haichuan, the leader of Eagle Eye City, who is 67 years old this year.

He smiled very boldly: "You personally arrived at Eagle Eye City yesterday and told me that Qin An is about to return. How could I miss the time? I have sent the businessmen to prepare a new market near Eagle Eye City. The thousands of defenders stationed in Qincheng, I also let them go with the merchants, and they are still responsible for protecting the safety of the merchants. As for the people on the wandering camp, I want to leave it to Qin An. He just When we return, do we always need some people to send!

Hey, speaking of how time flies, it turns out to be more than twenty years in the blink of an eye, things are not humans! "

Guo Shuai said, "I also want to thank Mrs. Lu for his generosity. He was really willing to let out the place near Qincheng..."

Lu Haichuan hurriedly waved his hand and said: "Guo Shuai, don't say that! I knew Qin An before you! At that time I was the leader of the material search team in Destiny City, and Fang Lei was Chen Chuhe's personal soldier. It was Qincheng who came to Qin An with Qin An to have today's worth.

It's a pity that Qin An left afterwards and never came back, otherwise the current Qin League must be even more beautiful!

Therefore, the city lord Qin An came back, even if I went directly to the city lord’s mansion in Eagle Eye City to give orders, I would not refuse it, not to mention this small place and this city of Qin was originally his. Naturally, what was built by the people was Qin Cheng's property, and it should be returned to him.

But...Guo Shuai, do you think Qin An really only wants this place? After all, he is still the nominal leader of our Qin League...It stands to reason that he should go to your Qin Lan City. Why did he choose to settle here? "

Guo Shuai smiled lightly:

"Lao Lu, when can I not be allowed to say what Guo Shuai said? I'm a magic stick who can pinch!

By the way, I will ask someone to send you 2000 mechas obtained from western Tibet, enough for you to build a strong mecha unit! "

When Lu Haichuan heard what Guo Shuai said, his old face blushed, but he was not talking.

At this time, another car came to Guo Shuai's trio, and a middle-aged man walked out of the car. It was Fang Lei, the lord of Huoyi City.

Fang Lei has practiced martial arts. Although he is now in his forties, he still looks like he is in his early thirties, and his body is also very sturdy.

After he walked over, he looked at the short middle-aged man next to Lu Haichuan, curled his lips and said, "Old Lu, the more courage you are now, the more courage you are now. Wherever you go, you have personal bodyguards?"

Lu Haichuan didn't seem to hear the sarcasm in Fang Lei's words. He calmly said: "I am neither a superpower nor practice martial arts, so I naturally have to bring some protection around me. I am not an old man, I am afraid of death. It’s just that now I have wives and children, young and old, so I have to think about them, right?"

Fang Lei's expression was even more disdainful and said: "I'm not afraid of death yet, well, I won't argue with you anymore. The longer I have known each other, the more I don't like you as a fellow."

After speaking, Fang Lei turned his head to look at Guo Shuai, and asked, "You said my Dage will be here today?"

Guo Shuai nodded and said: "Yes, I calculated that Qin An must be in Qincheng today. Boss Fang, is your news well-informed? I went to Boss Lu yesterday to ask for the site. You know the news today? I didn't disclose it to the outside world. what?"

Fang Lei snorted coldly:

"Huh, don't be squeaky, kid, I didn't plant an owner by Lao Lu. This is not a confidential incident at all, and the return of Dage is still a big news for Qin Meng. There are always some quick-mouthed people who will Outer speaking. Now, I am afraid that the entire Qin League has been a sensation, right? Hey, Dage has been away for so many years. Now the relationship between the seven cities of the Qin League is delicate, and even if I want him to gain real power, I can’t do it. Just like Old Lu Said that he has wives and children, and I, Fang Lei, also have a group of brothers who have been with me for more than 20 years, and I have to think about their interests too!"

Guo Shuai was taken aback for a moment, and then secretly gave Fang Lei a thumbs-up in his heart. From what Fang Lei said just now, it was a bit more realistic than Lu Haichuan.

Yes, this is the biggest problem today.

Although Qin An is still the leader of the Qin League, he has been away for more than 20 years. It can be said that there is no prestige here, and it is impossible to have real power immediately.

Guo Shuai took Qin Cheng back from Lu Haichuan's hands after making some calculations.

"The two bosses don't need to worry, our lord has been floating outside for more than 20 years.

When you see him, you may think that he hasn't changed much, and that he is still that young man.

But now, his inside should have been very different! "

Guo Shuai smiled lightly, speaking calmly.

Fang Lei frowned and said, "Dage won't be the same as you and Lan Yue, hasn't he grown old? It's true that some people who admire the Sword Divine Body can have immortal youth!"

Guo Shuai shook his head and said, "This has nothing to do with the Sword God Body. As the saying goes, the secrets of heaven cannot be revealed. The things you envy are actually in your hearts. It is not difficult to become immortal, and you can do it too!"

"Oh?" Lu Haichuan showed a hint of surprise on his face, and said: "Then when Boss Qin An comes back, I have to get close to him, I think the answer should lie with him?"

"Haha, Mr. Lu is really smart! Then let's just wait here, waiting for my Dage's arrival."

When Guo Shuai said this, he suddenly raised his head and saw three huge black helicopters flying over.

"It's great, I arrived early, everyone, before welcoming me to Dage, it seems that we have to welcome two new batches of friends!"

Two batches of new friends?

Lu Haichuan and Fang Lei looked at each other and did not understand the meaning of Guo Shuai's words.

Guo Shuai took the initiative to raise his hand, and led the two of them from the three helicopters to the highway extending from the mountain, where a convoy was approaching.

"The leading troops of 50,000 people in western Tibet have reached the main city of Jianzhifeng last night. They dispatched heavy troops to open up the path between western Tibet and Jiulongshan in three days and wiped out a few small groups of corpses. I am. Knowing that Dage has some friends in western Tibet, he sent a car to the main city of Sword's Edge last night to pick them up.

The people from Darklight City and God Tree City from the northeast also entered Jiulong Mountain. I also sent people there to pick up some of Dage's friends that I knew when he was strayed outside.

Since he is me, Dage, and I claim to be the man behind him, I naturally want to send some greeting gifts when he returns.

I think maybe what he wants is very simple, is to meet his friends back then!

It's a pity that Sister Lan Yue has a stubborn temper. Although she has returned to Qin Lan City and knows that Dage is coming, she refuses to come out to see him. "

Lu Haichuan and Fang Lei's eyes converged at the same time. Qin An had just returned to Jiulong Mountain from west Tibet, and the 50,000 troops in west Tibet reached the sword's front?

It seems that some of the information I found before should be accurate. The forces in western Tibet are really going to move inland, which means that the balance of the three powers in Jiulong Mountain will be broken. No one can tell what direction local affairs will develop!

At this time, the three helicopters arrived first.

Zhou Jiawei, Hu Wenwu, and the three brothers at Mozai are supernaturalists, so although they are over 50 years old, they are not very old. On the same plane with them are Zhou Lin Feng, the son of Zhou Jiawei, and Hu Tiejun, the son of Hu Wenwu's Wenwu. The two boys are now in their 20s, and both have inherited the abilities of their parents.

On the second plane, Zhou Jiawei's wife Wu Fengjiao, Hu Wenwu's wife Lu Fei, Mo Zi's wife Zuo Shanshan, and Mo Zi and Zuo Shanshan's daughter Mo Wenya were sitting with them.

On the third plane, sitting on the plane were Weng Die, Soraka, Wang Hui, Wang Yunzhi, Northern Dipper, Qin Bing, Wang Fang, Shi Jing, and Zhao Junyu.

The people who were strong in the first two airplanes were okay, because they and Qin An could only be old acquaintances, and the time together was short. It would be an exaggeration to say that there is really a deep friendship between them.

In the third plane, except for Soraka, the daughter of the city lord of Darklight, and Zhao Junyu, who met Shi Jing in Ruyan City, the other seven people were all excited.

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