Wang Hui and Wang Yunzhi were naturally because of Qin An. The two women hadn't had a quarrel with any man for so many years, and they were obsessed with Qin An. Among them, Wang Yunzhi is different from Wang Hui in that she possesses the sword god of the earth seal in her body, and she had a real relationship with Qin An back then.

Weng Die was also a little excited because he was about to see Qin An, which was a special emotion. Qin An is his brother-in-law and the one who saved her life in the early stage of the last days. Of course, there is very little love in this kind of emotion. After all, Qin An has never expressed any love to her, and she also feels that her relationship with Qin An is just family love. Weng Die is still single now. It's not that she doesn't want to find a man to marry. It's just that her IQ is a bit high. Any man who approaches her can quickly understand their thoughts through some small details. The love between a man and a woman is not innocent in itself. Some people are for sex, some are for power, and some just want to rely on it. So Weng Die, who has realized the intentions of the men, has been unable to make up his mind about what kind of person to marry. Therefore, she gradually became a leftover woman, and finally became a leftover woman who was more than 50 years old. Fortunately, she hasn't grown old yet, and she still looks like her twenties, otherwise she would really lament that the years will be merciless.

The reason why Qin Bing was excited was because of Qin Xiaoyan, he had already obtained some news about Qin Xiaoyan from the guide. Sure enough, own Big sis is still alive. I didn't expect to become the host of the sword god body just like my brother-in-law Qin An. He has been living in West Tibet for these years. And it is very likely that this time he will follow Qin An to Qincheng. How can you not be excited? Twenty-five years after the end of the world, their siblings have been separated. The so-called long-distance reunion is a great blessing in life!

The guides that Guo Shuai dispatched were personal soldiers around him, so he knew a little bit about Qin An's affairs, including those former friends of Qin An. Therefore, Shi Jing also heard the news of Dage Batian and his sister-in-law Guo Xiaomei from the people who led the way, so she also looked forward to the reunion of her siblings.

Northern Dipper is a very real person. The most critical moment of his life was his experience of being trapped underground with Qin Bing, Qin Bing's mother, He Qin. And that time, it was Qin An who rescued them from the well, so Northern Dipper would never forget this life-saving grace. So how can he not be happy when he is about to reunite with the savior?

Wang Fang is because of his own son, Fang Lei!

She had always known that her son Fang Lei was in Qincheng, but after landing in Lushun Port, she fled to North Korea to avoid a tornado, and later went to South Korea. Over there, like Northern Dipper and Qin Bing, she met her sweetheart, then became a family, and quickly had her own child.

Unfortunately, they accidentally made grudges with the people of the Mo Ling sect, and eventually their family members died tragically. Therefore, they have been wandering around these years, killing many people of the Mo Ling sect, which is regarded as revenge for the family.

When the group of people got off the three planes, Wang Fang saw Fang Lei standing next to Guo Shuai at first sight. However, Fang Lei did not recognize his mother in the crowd, because Wang Fang looked like she was in her twenties now. As one of the thirteen wolf riders, she was also in trouble with Qin An, and she was also rescued by Qin An. Those who survived their lives naturally did not forget Qin An's kindness. The ecstasy of symbiosis had an effect on her.

Wang Fang ran towards Fang Lei almost in tears, and plunged directly into his arms.

Fang Lei was stunned at once, looking at Guo Shuai at a loss.

He is now a middle-aged person who is almost fifty years old. Although he is only in his thirties, he is by no means a spearhead. Therefore, there are not many surprises for the sudden affair, but more fright.

Just when he was about to push the young woman in his arms away, Wang Fang raised his head, looked at Fang Lei's eyes with tears, and trembled: "Xiao Lei, can't you recognize me? I am your mother. Ahhhhhhhhhhh yes, maybe because of the ability, i didn't get old, but got younger. haha, an old lady who is already seventy years old looks like a twenty-year-old girl The same, it’s no wonder that you didn’t recognize it. But Xiao Lei, you are taking a good look. You are recalling the way your mother was when you were young. Did you really forget me?"

Fang Lei is petrified!

He thought that his mother was dead long ago, so even if he found that the woman in his arms looked a little like the mother in his memory, he didn't dare to think about it.Hearing Wang Fang's family cry at this time, his heart became blank, and he didn't know how to think.

"Mom...Mom? Are you my mother?"

Fang Lei replied in a dull voice. Wang Fang heard his son calling her mother after more than 20 years away. His emotions became more turbulent. Once again, he firmly embraced Fang Lei in his arms, and finally Fang Lei finally confirmed his mother’s identity. , Tears are also in my eyes, and I can't help myself.

At this time, the pick-up convoy from Sword's Front Dacheng also stopped nearby.

The first to get off from the first car was also a young woman who seemed to be only in her twenties. Her name was Yunduo, one of the thirteen wolf riders back then.

Yun Duo is Weng Die's assistant before the end of the world. After the end of the world, he meets Qin An in the city of the mountains and becomes a supernatural person.

When the Ruyan City escaped and landed at Lushunkou, Yunduo walked with Wang Hui, Wang Yunzhi, Jess, and Liu Tian. They later met Qin An near Gaizhou Airport.

Sun Dehai, Qin An's old team member in Qincheng, appeared at the homes of Wei San and Hong Yuxi, the hosts of the Double Sword God, and almost betrayed Qin An.

After Qin An battled the two sword gods, Yun Duo and Sun Dehai stayed at Gaizhou Airport and asked them to be responsible for convening the team to control Gaizhou Airport and want to leave a way out for himself.

Later, Yunduo and Sun Dehai got married because of their long-term love, and they had a daughter named Sun Duoduo.

In the fifteen years of the last days, they evacuated from Gaizhou Airport and took over 2,000 people to join Guo Shuai and became Guo Shuai's confidant.

This time, Guo Shuai sent Yunduo to take the car to Jianzhifeng to pick up people.

So when the convoy arrived, the first people who came out with the clouds were Vajra, Ba Tian, ​​Guo Xiaomei, Wu Zhen, and Liu Wenli.

By this time, Thirteen Wolf Knights had gathered twelve people, and only Wu Yan didn't know where it was.

Vajra, Tyrant, Northern Dipper, Qin Bing, Guo Xiaomei, Wu Zhen, Liu Wenli, Wang Fang, Yun Duo, Shi Jing, Wang Hui, Wang Yunzhi After everyone met, naturally there was another scene of tears in their eyes. Among them, Wang Fang The one who cried was the fiercest, because her feelings were released the strongest.

Afterwards, Cheng Gang, Cheng Jiayao, Shangguan Feiyan, Roland and others also got out of the car one after another.

Suddenly, under Qin Cheng became lively, some were crying, some were laughing.

Before long, another group of people arrived from Qin Lan's main city, but Liu Wenjuan led the team.

Then Liu Wenli and sister Liu Wenjuan have been missing for many years, so naturally they were sighing and staged all kinds of real dramas in the end times.


In the Wanderers Camp near Qincheng, Yin Hanchao, Ma Qiang, Wu Yan and Liu Xia had just gotten up and were walking out of their respective rooms and gathered in the courtyard.

Yin Hanchao said with a big belly:

"What is the situation, what are the people in Qincheng doing? It was noisy last night, why is it so noisy in the morning, we are two or three kilometers away from there, right? It's really irritable that we can hear their noises. ."

Wu Yan dressed casually, with a pair of slippers, a pair of shorts, and a small white sling on her upper body. Today is the first day of 2040. Although the sun is very bright, the temperature is still relatively low, but as an upgrader, Wu Yan is naturally not afraid of cold. She was talking while brushing her teeth. Although she was slurred, she was able to express her meaning completely.

"What do you care about them? We have lived here for so many years, and no one has been bothering us. Now it's good for someone to make a fuss nearby, add some joy. Today is the Chinese New Year! Hey, one year old again! "

Yin Hanchao was a little upset, and shouted at Wu Yan:

"What are you complaining about? Ma Maqiang and I are getting older year after year. You Liu Xia have long been immortal youth. What a shame!"

Wu Yan laughed and did not speak. After brushing her teeth, she looked to Liu Xia, who was still sitting on the stone stool in a daze, and said:

"Little girl, what's the matter with you? Uneasy?"

Liu Xia was called by Wu Yan and finally recovered, and said depressed: "Big Sister, can you stop calling me a little girl?"

Wu Yan said, "Didn't someone call you that way back then?"

Liu Xia curled her lips and said, "But it's not the same year anymore? And someone doesn't know where they are!"

Ma Qiang has been busy making breakfast with the stove in the yard. Hearing what Liu Xia said, he stopped, turned and smiled mysteriously at her, and said:

"Liu Xia, do you know that I was born in Tibet?"

Liu Xia nodded dumbly and said:

"Then what?"

Ma Qiang said:

"Yesterday, an old comrade of mine at Jianzhifeng called me and told me a few things, including the bloody battle that took place in western Tibet a few days ago."

Liu Xia pouted without catching a cold. For these years, the four of them had been living in a secluded life without listening to outside the window, so Liu Xia was not interested in the Battle of Blood.

Ma Qiang continued:

"He said that this blood-cry battle can be won. That labyrinth city has a lot of credit because they shared and attracted one-third of the zombies.

He also said that in the city of the dungeon, the heroes who led many supernaturalists to fight against the zombies are also indispensable..."

Having said that, Ma Qiang looked at Wu Yan again, then sighed:

"Hey, blame me for speaking of it. I have been reluctant to pay attention to outside affairs over the years, so some news that could have been inquired about has not been known until today.

Among the several heroes titled kings, there are two people who are probably our be precise, they should be your acquaintances. Do you know who they are? "

Liu Xia and Wu Yan are still not interested, and they don't even have the thought to ask.

Yin Hanchao gave Ma Qiang some faces, and said, "Who is it?"

Ma Qiang took a deep breath, and then slowly said, "Qin An! Liu Yuanchao!"


The two women, Liu Xia and Wu Yan, were petrified at the same time, and were stunned in the courtyard, unable to make any sound for a long time!

##Thirteenth Season Kowloon Citylink

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