"Hey, the smell of a man! It smells so good. I have read some books before, saying that the human body is a dirty thing, so for many animals that are sensitive to smell, the smell of human body is actually stinky, but human beings feel it. That's not all! This is why perfume was invented!... But at this moment, I think the smell on your body is so good? I really want to eat you in one bite!"

Qin An still didn't dare to make a sound.

The room fell into silence again. After a few minutes, Lan Yue, who was lying on Qin An, suddenly sat up and rummaged around Own. She finally found a gold coin!

"This is a gold coin of the end of the world commonly used in West Tibet and Jiulong Mountain. It is equivalent to one hundred yuan before the end of the world. It can be exchanged for 10 gold coins in circulation in the Qin League. The meal, of course, is only enough for you.

Now, I will use this gold coin to buy your body for one night, Qin An, are you going to sell yourself to me? Just tonight, at this moment, this is a transaction. I am not your princess, but I am willing to be your gold master. After tonight, you will still be you, and I will still be me, okay? We are just trading! "

Qin An didn't think Lan Yue was funny this time. He even felt extremely sad when he saw Lan Yue rubbing back and forth on his body.

Yes, Lan Yue is a normal beautiful woman. Because of her bondage, she has been a widow for so many years. What kind of lonely experience is this?

Moreover, Lanyue itself is not the kind of woman who can calm down. Her heart is full of commotion. When talking about things between men and women on the Internet, Lanyue acted like a little girl, more like a girl. Mature desire female.

In other words, it is really lucky that Blue Moon has not been able to wear a green hat on herself for so many years. This made Qin An really want to know who the girl of the night demon is and why would she help him in this way?

So at this time, it's not the time to think about other women.

Qin An knows that Lanyue is love own, since you love it, then love it ruthlessly! There is no need to say any extra words, whether it is a deal or an emotional release, at this time Qin An is willing to do everything for Lan Yue.

He found that he actually loves Lanyue too! At least more than you think, love a lot more!

That night, Qin An and Lanyue’s tent was filled with warmth and passion until dawn!


A ray of eyes shot through the window of the tent on Lan Yue's face.

A few bird calls awakened the tired woman from her sleep.

Lan Yue rolled over lazily, and lifted the quilt to one side, revealing a smooth and delicate piece of white.

His gaze inadvertently crossed Own's body, and Lan Yue's consciousness suddenly became clear. The traces of red on the white flesh were just the little traces left by the night battle last night.

Lan Yue was stunned for a few seconds, and then slowly closed her eyes, feeling very fulfilled and satisfied.

The carbon fire in the tent was still burning vigorously. It seemed that Qin An had added carbon again, but at this time the man who had tossed her all night was not in the tent.

How many times did you do it?

Lan Yue thought about it in her heart, but couldn't remember it at all.

It's really crazy, it turns out that she can be so indulgent!

This is actually nothing to be shy, she doesn't need to be shy in the face of Qin An, she is only asking for what she has lost over the years, and is also trying to get back what she deserves! Besides, she paid for it! There are so many gold coins, so of course she can indulge in being a desire girl!

After lying on the bed, Lan Yue was completely energetic, and then after realizing that he became angry, Qin An was not in bed! Shouldn't a man send a warm kiss when a woman wakes up the morning after Huan. Although she doesn't care about his kiss, she won't even accept it, after all, she hasn't forgiven him yet! But it's too unnatural for this kid to let her guard the empty bed alone now!

The more Lan Yue thought about it, the more angry she got, so she quickly got up and put on her clothes, ready to escape without saying goodbye!

However, when she walked out of the tent, she did not get what she wanted, because the warm embrace had already hugged her tightly.

"I thought you would sleep until night, but I didn't expect to wake up at noon. It seems that although you have lost your powers, your physical strength is better than an ordinary woman. We have tossed for more than six hours..."

"Don't say..."

Lan Yue was a little shy, and covered the man's mouth.

Qin An gently removed Lan Yue's little hand from his mouth, and then moved slightly, transporting the tent and its contents to the storage space, and even the burning carbon brazier was put into it.

Lan Yue once again sighed with Qin An's magic-like ability.

Looking at the sun high in the sky, feeling Qin An's warm embrace, Lan Yue actually wanted Qin An to let go of herself, but she couldn't say it because she couldn't bear the unique taste of Qin An's man.

Lan Yue was a little discouraged. She turned out to be a sex girl, but now she has been possessed by Qin An.

Qin An didn't know Lan Yue's careful thoughts, there was a smile on his face, as bright as the warm sun in the sky.

"Well, let's not talk about last night, I will take you to see the future!"


Lan Yue nodded cutely, wondering what the future Qin An was talking about.

At this time, Qin An had already started, and even ran towards the north, not returning to the Qin League in this direction.

Lan Yue didn't have any thoughts about where Qin An was going to take her, she just wanted to quietly enjoy the warmth in her heart at this moment. She and Qin An might eventually get together, but Lan Yue knew it was definitely not now. Even if she had developed a feeling of dependence on Qin An, as long as she thought of Qin An's abandoning her for more than 20 years in order to find Weng Lan, she would be angry and sad, and she could not completely make her heart open.

Qin An moved very fast, Lan Yue was held in his arms, and he could feel the oncoming wind, as if sitting on a high-speed motorcycle. The wind made Lan Yue unable to open her eyes, and all she could hear in her ears was the sound of wind.

A few minutes later, Qin An has taken Lan Yue for more than ten kilometers to the north. Just when Lan Yue felt her head was a little dizzy from the wind, and wanted to stop Qin An from running, Qin An seemed to have a close relationship with Lan Yue. Generally stopped.

"Lan Yue, take a look, have you ever seen such a sight?"

There was some excitement in Qin An's voice, as if he was a little boy who had discovered a novel toy.

Lan Yue looked at Qin An curiously, then followed Qin An's gaze to the north, and then opened her eyes wide and was stunned.

After a long time, she said in the same excited tone: "It turned out to be them! I've only watched some TV shows on Qinmeng TV Station before, and I finally saw it today! My God, they are... so beautiful!"


"Why should we go?" He Ke Liusu complained a little uncomfortably.

The peerless handsome man Liu Yuanchao sighed slightly: "Because everyone is busy! The large troops from Noah City and Dark Light City will soon come to the Qincheng area, the number will exceed one million! The reception and resettlement work for these people is not one or two. Individuals can solve it! First, we need to build a temporary camp, and then we need to mobilize the supplies that can be used for the lives of these people. They will be Qin An’s people in the future! I really did not expect that the big star Weng Die before the end of the world turned out to be Qin An’s. Sister-in-law!"

"Well, since everyone is busy, why are we free?"

Liu Yuanchao sighed again: "Because the old man drank too much last night and just woke up! But you be lazy ran to play with Shi Dali's little girl. Weng Die caught him right now, so naturally let you follow him. I'll come together!"

"Why doesn't Shi Dali go with us?"

"Hey, you have so many questions! Didn't she be called away by her aunt Shi Jing and uncle Zhao Junyu? Their task is to take their men to demolish Qincheng and Qin Shangcheng. This was also what Qin An did last night. Meaning, he wants to re-plan this place and build a super fortress in the apocalypse. Naturally, the previous buildings are not needed! Is there anything else you want to ask? Can you ask them all at once?"

"Oh... well! The last question, why should we listen to Weng Die?"

Liu Yuanchao said annoyedly: "Of course it’s because Qin An is gone! This stinky boy! Now this is his site. He doesn’t sit in the town and runs out. It’s simply too inefficient. When he comes back, I have to tell him well. The meaning of the word'responsibility'."

He Kelisu pouted and said dissatisfied: "Old guy, you didn't say the point! I asked why we should listen to Weng Die's assignment instead of hearing Cheng Gang, or you, or me. Big sis Qin Xiaoyan's order?"

Liu Yuanchao was stunned for a moment, and then said: "The so-called art industry has specialization! We are more suitable for fighting, how can we know how to manage a city? But Weng Die is different. She established her own gathering place more than 20 years ago. During the years in Darklight City, she has also been responsible for all the management affairs of Darklight City, so among us, the woman named Wengdie is actually the most suitable person to be the lord of the city, so we are willing to follow her arrangements. Compared with Qin An, she only has less prestige in the west of Tibet! It's good to have her. In the future, Qin An will be in charge of the overall situation, and she will be in charge of the details. I believe that after their cooperation, the future belongs to our common city. It’s a nice place!"

After listening to Liu Yuanchao's account, the curious baby He Ke Liusu nodded and finally stopped asking questions.

The target they are going to is the Wanderer's camp near Qincheng. There are thousands of people living there, and Weng Die asked Liu Yuanchao to go there to issue a demolition notice. This job is actually relatively simple, provided that there are no nail households in the camp.

After not getting far, the Wanderer's camp arrived, and it looked like a small village before the end of the world.

Hundreds of houses of all kinds are distributed irregularly, and they all look dilapidated.

Liu Yuanchao squinted his eyes and scanned, and finally his gaze fell on the courtyard south of the camp, only fifty meters away from him.

"Tassel, look at that yard, it's very big and new! The two-story building inside is also pretty good! It's luxurious compared to the ruined house nearby. Will this be the village chief's home?"

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