Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 852 Love and Reunion

Tassel frowned and said, "Old man, are you sure there will be a village chief here?"

"Little things, no humor at all! There is a generation gap with you! Go, follow the old man into the village, if it is really the village chief's house, it will save us going to the streets and alleys to post the demolition notice! "

While talking, Liu Yuanchao, a peerless and beautiful man, has quickly walked towards the courtyard with a double-storey attic. The tassel made a grimace behind Liu Yuanchao, and then reluctantly moved his steps to follow him.

At this time, Wu Yan walked out of the courtyard and drained the water she used to wash her hair.

She didn't sleep almost all night yesterday, mainly because Liu Xia Huali suffered from insomnia.

Since learning that Qin An has arrived in Qincheng, Liu Xia has fallen into a silly state.

She thought of the past with Qin An and the family members who died because of herself and Qin An.

Wu Yan has been with Liu Xia for many years, and she is considered to be her confidant Big Sister, so Wu Yan went to Liu Xia’s room last night. She originally wanted to talk to her before she went to bed, but they didn’t expect them to talk all night. .

After a breath of air, Wu Yan was about to return to the yard, thinking about whether to go to the group of people in Qincheng to inquire after lunch.

After all, she actually missed Qin An very much, and... and the old man, don't you know that he is still alive?

Just about to turn around, Wu Yan was taken aback, because she saw a handsome man approaching here.

who is he? There shouldn’t be such a person in the Wanderer’s camp, is it from outside?

Thinking of this, Wu Yan didn't enter the door, she stood outside the courtyard, took out a cigarette from her denim tights and lit it, waiting for the handsome guy to come here.

Liu Yuanchao also saw Wu Yan. He was in a trance, and secretly said: This little girl is probably only 20 years old, and she looks so much like that confidante, maybe he is dazzled?

When Lao Liu walked to a place only six or seven meters away from Wu Yan, he was stunned.

No, do they look alike here and there? It seems that it should be Wu Yan, right?

Look at her face, look at her graceful figure, look at her facial features...Although it is somewhat different from the confidant in his memory, he can still catch the familiar taste in the difference.

Moreover, no matter how much people change, the shape and spacing of the eyes will not change. Otherwise, why do they say that the eyes are the window to the soul?

Wu Yan took a cigarette with trembling hands. This handsome guy looked like he was only about 30 years old. Wu Yan felt that she had never seen this person.But also after looking at the handsome guy, Wu Yan was a little uncertain. The look of the handsome guy made her feel so familiar, as if they were familiar with each other.

A strange emotion was in Wu Yan's heart, and the blood boiled after running the whole body quickly. This caused Wu Yan's body to tremble a little, and the hand holding the cigarette kept shaking.

A couple of men and women looked at each other like this, one minute, two minutes, three minutes... half an hour...

They entered a place where they only had each other in their eyes. He Keliu-su walked eight back and forth between the two, but he was not able to wake them up. In the end, he could only sit aside by himself and take out his mobile phone to play an apocalyptic game. Very popular game...fighting planes.


In the world of Liu Yuanchao and Wu Yan, the space seems to have been locked, and the surroundings seem to have become pitch black and nothingness. Only one huge picture scroll bloomed again and again in the darkness of nothingness, bringing the two people back to the past.

They first met in the wild, and Wu Yan also walked with her ex-husband Liu Dongfeng and Liu Dongfeng's lover Wang Yunzhi. Liu Yuanchao just took his granddaughter Liu Xia.

That period of time was not good for Wu Yan. My own husband has openly kissed me and other women in front of her, but she has no power to stop her, she can only watch. This is definitely not a good experience.

After meeting Liu Yuanchao, Wu Yan actually didn't like the old man, because he had the same surname as Liu, just like Own's ex-husband.

Liu Yuanchao was in his seventies at that time. Before the end of the world, he was sick all over, but after walking in the end of the world for a period of time, his illness was almost healed. Even the little brother who had shrunk for several years and not used for a long time has recovered. The vitality of youth.

In the heart of an old man, there is also a standard for women's beauty and ugliness. He thinks Wu Yan is very beautiful, so in front of Wu Yan, he will be able to maintain a kind of calmness. The old man didn't think too much, just hoping to leave a good impression on Wu Yan.

In getting along, Wu Yan slowly discovered that Liu Yuanchao turned out to be a very wise person. He can easily see through a person's temperament, which is a kind of wisdom that can only be accumulated by relying on life experience.

Gradually, Wu Yan became interested in Liu Yuanchao. Whenever he spoke, she would listen to him very seriously. Then she became more curious about Liu Yuanchao. She wanted to know how this old man lived in the past seventy years. In the end, what kind of things have been experienced. Wu Yan even went back to fantasize that if she was reborn and traveled to Liu Yuanchao's youthful era, would she see a beautiful young man wearing a Chinese tunic suit and holding a red flag on the street shouting for anti-Japanese and national salvation?

All love actually stems from the imagination in my heart.

When Wu Yan began to fantasize about meeting the young Liu Yuanchao, Liu Yuanchao also began to fantasize about scenes of passion with Wu Yan in the night.

Men are obviously different from women. It is not unreasonable to say that men are animals that rely on their lower body to think.

Afterwards, they met Qin An and were trapped in the Twin Towers. Wu Yan could choose to arrange with Liu Yuanchao in a room.

Perhaps it is because of loneliness, or the personality of people in the last days is infinitely magnified.

Wu Yan started to hook up with Liu Yuanchao actively. When she shared the bed with Liu Yuanchao, she would take off herself with only her underwear. When he discovered that the old man had a reaction in his lower body for this reason, she was very excited. Lost.

The old man is too old. If he can be younger, will there be a future between them?

Time continues to move forward, and the road to the end of the world is still uneven.

They fled the Twin Towers and fought in the subway tunnel, Shanlan City was at risk, and Xijiang encountered a major earthquake, trapped in the 36 cuboid space.

In the crises again and again, she and Liu Yuanchao formed a tacit understanding. They did not say love to each other, but in fact, only each other was left in their eyes.

However... they were finally separated, not seen in twenty-three years!

Liu Yuanchao thought of all these memories, most of the time he felt very sad.

Over the years, he has met quite a few women, after all, he has become a fully functional man.

And a man's body always needs some women to vent.

But Liu Yuanchao's heart is always erratic, no woman can hold his emotions, just because of the regret in his heart!

Yes, he was not complacent after he became younger, but a little sad. If he was so young when he met Wu Yan back then, what kind of future would they have?

In short, Liu Yuanchao never thought that he would meet Wu Yan in the last days until this moment.

Liu Yuanchao was a little upset. He had been to Qincheng several times, but he had never been to this tramp camp that was only a few hundred meters away from Qincheng.

Every time he passed this camp, Liu Yuanchao's heart was filled with despair.

He almost traveled all over the country and couldn't find Liu Xia and Wu Yan. How could they hide in this camp?

Because of despair, Liu Yuanchao was even more afraid of disappointment, so he never left if he went to see this camp.


After staring at each other for a long time, Liu Yuanchao was finally 100% sure that the woman in front of him was indeed the one, the woman who had caused her dreams and fantasies countless times.

"You haven't grown old! It's great!" Liu Yuanchao finally spoke softly.

There were tears in Wu Yan's eyes.

She was actually not sure.

Because Liu Yuanchao's appearance at this time is really different from when he was old, but a word from the other party at this time has already indicated everything!

"You have become young! It's so good... you didn't lie to me, you were so handsome when you were young! I can finally believe that you must have sex with many big girls and little wives in your village .Bed, because you do have this capital!"

Liu Yuanchao blushed, but he had said this to Wu Yan, because he felt that the two had no future at all, and he had no worries when he said something.

However, it was different at this time. There were already infinite possibilities between them.

"Don't listen to me nonsense, I was bragging with you at that time!" Liu Yuanchao explained.

Wu Yan shook her head in tears and smiled: "The Liu Yuanchao I know is not a braggart, he is very real!"

Since there is no prevarication, Liu Yuanchao can only acquiesce with a wry smile.

"Well, you may be right. Let me think about what Wu Yan was like before? Passionate and bold, often molesting a poor old man at night?"

Wu Yan laughed loudly, laughing silly.

Liu Yuanchao continued: "Your taste is so heavy, you would be interested in an old man!"

Wu Yan walked forward slowly, throwing the washbasin in her hand aside, and then suddenly leaped into Liu Yuanchao's arms, tightly hugging his neck with her hands, and her legs wrapped around his waist.

Liu Yuanchao felt that Wu Yan at this time was like a snake, as if to strangle him!

Suppressing the complex emotions in his heart, Liu Yuanchao still couldn't hold back a tear of love and reunion.

He gently pressed his mouth to Wu Yan's ear and asked: "Are you married? I mean is there a man you like?"

Wu Yan sobbed: "What if there is, so what if there is no?"

Liu Yuanchao said word by word: "If there is any, I will kill him and then take you! If not, I want you to be my woman now, forever!"

Wu Yan's face was pink.

"The man doesn't have one, but he has an oil bottle!"

Liu Yuanchao was shocked. Could it be that Wu Yan has been married and had children?

Before Liu Yuanchao could think about it, Wu Yan's voice sounded again:

"I have a little Little Sister who has been with me for a long time, her name is Liu Xia, and she is now in the yard behind me.

I'm afraid she is used to calling me Big sis, and she refuses to call me grandma. Can you handle her? If possible, I am willing to give you everything I have, including every inch of my body's skin, and all my love! "

Hearing Wu Yan's words, Liu Yuanchao was petrified, looking at the door behind Wu Yan, dumbfounded...

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