Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 854 The Three Sisters of the Wuma Clan

Even in the twenty-five years of the last days, the various stories of the three historical figures Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are still widely circulated.

Although people will encounter crises at any time in the last days, mankind is still not dead, so some history will be passed down by word of mouth.

Qin An once went to Wangyou City in the Land of Doom, where the so-called forces of the Three Kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu appeared, and their leader was the Three Body. This shows that the characters in the Three Kingdoms still have a great influence on people.

Now, three silly people popped out in front of them, claiming to be Xuande, Yun Chang, and Yi De... and they were going to rob themselves and Lan Yue, which made Qin An somewhat Didn't know whether to laugh or cry, Lan Yue seemed to find it interesting too. She looked at Xiao Xianrou and said:

"Hey, is your kid a man? If you really want to get rid of sex, why do you want to ask the two of them for their opinions? Really, pretending to be Zhang Fei, I don’t even know how to smear black and gray on your face. You look better. I'm still white, where does it look like Zhang Fei?"

The little fresh meat was taken aback for a moment, and then cried out in disbelief: "Two Big Brothers, how does this woman know my name? I didn't say anything just now!"

Da Er and Red Face frowned and thought, and finally said with a red face: "Two virtuous brothers, I have been wandering in this strange world for ten years. Do we have to live in such a muddle-headed way? We are all heroes, really. You should not continue to do these nasty things of blocking the road and robbery to get money."

After a pause, the red face turned to Qin An and Lan Yue's cupped fist and said: "Forget it, we are soft-hearted people after all, we won't grab you today! Goodbye!"

After saying this, the big red-faced man turned around and pulled up the little fresh meat and ran away. Big ears also took the initiative to keep up. The three of them got into the woods and ran away in no time...

Lan Yue and Qin An looked at each other, and they were stupid again, didn't they say they were going to rob? Why did you run away?

Qin An activated the Spiritual Sense ability of Gyeoping Sky, locked the traces of the three of them, and then, without asking Lan Yue's opinion, directly picked her up and chased after her.

People are curious. After all, these three guys are too weird, and Qin An really wants to figure out who they are.

The red-faced three ran extremely fast in the mountains and forests, of course this was compared with ordinary people.

It didn't take much time, they had already run for almost three kilometers, thinking that they had gotten rid of Qin An and Lan Yue before stopping.

Little Fresh Meat, who claims to be Zhang Fei and Zhang Yide, panted heavily and said, "Big Brothers, how did we run away? The dinner hasn't settled yet!"

Da Er, the guy who claims to be Liu Bei, said: "Yide, you are really stupid. Fortunately, Brother Yun Chang is witty. Don't you see that they are supernatural beings?"

Zhang Fei was shocked, and said: "Abnormal person? How did the two brothers learn about it?"

Guan Yu sighed and said: "If you say you want sex, if it is an ordinary woman, she will kneel and beg for mercy, or turn around and run away. But her reaction is calm, saying that you can just pass it if you have the ability. This shows her I am not afraid of us at all. A woman who is not afraid of three strong men like us must be dependent on something, which means that either she is a supernaturalist or the man next to her is a supernaturalist!"

Zhang Fei suddenly realized, and exclaimed: "That's it! It's really dangerous, thanks to Brother Yun! If they are supernatural beings, our brothers can't fight!"

Guan Yu nodded and said: "This world is full of dangers. We must be careful if we want to survive. Xuande, Yide, there is one thing I am curious about. In the past few years, it was nothing when we wandered in those western countries. But since I came to this country called China last year, I have encountered several people who said that I look very much like Guan Yu. This is really strange. I am Guan Yu. Why do they say that I look like? How did you meet Guan Yu?"

Liu Bei said: "Yes, I have encountered this situation several times! They said I have big ears and long arms, just like Liu Bei. It's so weird about his grandmother, I'm not Liu Bei!"

Zhang Fei said, "I haven't encountered such a thing before. Today is considered the first time. I just reported my name Yi De, and the woman actually knew that I was Zhang Fei!"

Guan Yu patted his forehead fiercely, and then said: "Could it be that there are three people with the same name and surname as ours in this country? By the way, it must be so, I think they should be very famous, and Xuande and I happen to be with us. Among them, Liu Bei and Guan Yu are close in appearance, so they were admitted to mistakes one after another!"

Liu Bei and Zhang Fei thought about it, and both felt that what Guan Yu said was reasonable, so they praised him again.


When the three guys were discussing, Qin An and Lan Yue were five hundred meters away. Qin An relayed what they had said to Lan Yue, only making Lan Yue dizzy.

"Who are they, why are they so weird, aren't they really mentally ill?" Although Lan Yue used a questioning tone, she already felt that the answer must be like this.

Qin An frowned and said:

"I don't think so. Guan Yu is obviously quick-minded. Didn't he easily judge that some of us are supernaturalists? Then he chose to retreat decisively. Liu Bei seems to have discovered something, indicating that he is also not Stupid. This is really unreasonable. If the three of them simply imitated Liu Guanzhang, it would be fine, but Liu Bei and Zhang Fei called Guan Yu the elder brothers. Why is there such a contradiction?"

"Yeah! How did Guan Erye become Guan Dage? Don't they even know the story of Taoyuan Sanjie? They are not really Liu Guanzhang himself?"

After Lan Yue said these words, she and Qin An looked at each other, and then the two said at the same time: "How is this possible!"

Although there are indeed many wonderful things in the last days, they really don't believe that the three ancient people worshipped by thousands of people will run into the modern end times! At least that Zhang Fei is different. Zhang Fei in the TV series is the same product as Hei Li Kui. How could it be Xiao Xianrou?

Just as the two were puzzled, behind them, a sweet female voice spoke up:

"In fact, the real history is like this. Of the three Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei, Guan Yu is the oldest, Liu Bei is the second, and Zhang Fei is the youngest. And Zhang Fei is not a black-faced man. It is said in the official history book that Zhang Fei This talent is full of talents, looks like a beautiful jade, he can also write good handwriting, is a Confucian general who does not know how to behave. However, this person has a temperament and prefers female sex! Compared with Guan Yu, he is better. He is indeed a military commander, with an innocent nature and a deep understanding of strategy. Although he may not be as good as Zhuge, he is also an indispensable contributor to Liu Bei. And Liu Bei is probably like this. He is actually very smart himself, but he is implicit and doesn't like it. Express his own opinions, prefer to listen to other people's ideas, and then decide and then act. In history, these three people have never behaved brothers in Taoyuan, so Guan Yu called Liu Bei and Zhang Fei as virtuous brothers, and Liu Bei called Guan Yu as the eldest brother of Yun. , There’s nothing wrong with it. History is history after all, and the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is just a story. Guan Yu’s weapon is not Azure Dragon Yanyue Knife, and Zhang Fei himself doesn’t know what Zhangba Snake Spear is. Two people, your knowledge of history is obviously Not so good! Haha..."

Qin An was shocked when he heard someone talking behind him, and immediately turned his head back to know that he had super hearing turned on, that is to say, any wind and grass within a few kilometers around him can be known to him, then suddenly appeared behind him. He hadn't noticed the breath of the three people at all before. Is this too weird?

When Qin An turned his head to look, he was shocked again, and saw that five meters away from her and Lan Yue, there were three stunning beauties who looked exactly the same.

What the hell is this f*ck? Qin An subconsciously pulled Lan Yue behind to protect her. Lan Yue leaned her head from behind Qin An and frowned when she looked at the opposite side.

These three women are really beautiful. Their height is about 1.7 meters. Although it is winter, the women are obviously not afraid of the cold. They wear the same white jumpsuit and short skirts. His slender, ultra-short lower skirt, leaked straight and curvy legs.

Lan Yue frowned deeper.

What beauty hates most is seeing women who are more beautiful than herself. Unfortunately, Lan Yue found that the three women on the opposite side were all more beautiful than herself. This is not surprising, because they look the same!

Qin An has long been numb to so-called beauties. What he cares more about is when and how these people ran behind him silently!

"who are you?"

Qin An asked in a soft voice. At this moment, he was not in the mood to pay attention to the three Liu Guanzhang. Even if they really came through history, Qin An had no interest in them at this time.

Among the three girls, the woman standing in the middle showed a bright smile and said:

"My name is Wuma Danxin. On the left is my second sister, Wuma Tienan, and on the right is my third sister, Wuma Siqi.

I hope you don’t get me wrong, we are not a minority, but an out-and-out Han nationality, originally from Shandong.

The surname of Wuma originated from the Zhou Dynasty, and his ancestors were horse breeders.

Our three sisters are triplets, I believe you have already seen it. "

Qin An frowned at this moment.

"I really want to know how you suddenly appeared behind the two of us. It's true that my hearing is different from ordinary people. If you are approaching from a distance, I will definitely hear it. So I don't want to go around! "

Qin An has already made plans to start with the three sisters. After all, their sudden appearance is too bizarre. The so-called abnormality is a monster!

Wu Madan smiled slightly, and then said: "I'm very sorry, our sisters may appear a little abrupt, but we live here, this is our home, we have lived here for ten years! We only It just happened to be going for a walk in the wild, so I met you as soon as I went out."

Qin An only felt that Own's scalp was a little numb.

Looking around, there are basically no houses within five kilometers of the square yuan, and the small villages that belong to the Qin League are five kilometers away. What does this witch horse danxin mean? She said that she met herself and Lanyue as soon as she left the house, where is the so-called door? Behind them is a forest! Could it be said that the three sisters are really ghosts?

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