Could it be that I played with Lanyue so much last night, so I encountered so many supernatural events today?

First, I saw the great migration of the bizarre tribe and giant trees, and then the stupidity who claimed to be the three brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang came out to rob, and now I encountered the mysterious three sisters of the Wuma clan. What is the situation?

The three women obviously should have some strange abilities. First of all, they are not afraid of the cold, and can escape the surveillance of their own super hearing. Qin An has never encountered such a thing.

Lan Yue, who was hiding behind Qin An, spoke to the three women at this moment:

"You said that you saw us as soon as you walked out of the house? Why didn't I see a house behind you? Do you live in the forest?"

This is of course the question Qin An wants to ask.

Wuma Tienan spoke first, his voice was exactly the same as Sima Danxin.

"Hehe, we don't live in the forest, our home is very beautiful, there are lakes and mountains, there are also strange birds and insects, like a fairyland. If this Big sis is interested, you can come to our home as a guest."

After speaking, Sima Tienan pointed to the big tree behind him, where there was nothing but the tree.

Lan Yue's face became a little pale, she was angry.

The woman on the opposite side obviously looks two 15 or 16 years old, but she calls her Big sis?

Although her real age is indeed very old, she looks very young. Why should the other party call her Big sis? Does she look very old in their eyes?

At this time, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei had adjusted their breaths, and walked again and said that they were looking for food.

Qin An is no longer interested in them, just three ordinary people with no abilities, most of them are mentally ill, let them fend for themselves here. Qin League is a place with a legal system. If they really do something to block the road and rob, there will naturally be people in charge of public security to take care of the funeral.

Now Qin An is interested in the three women in front of him. He wants to see what secrets they have.

"Okay, thank you for your kind invitation, why don't we go in and sit down?"

In fact, this can be regarded as a daring master of art. Qin An now has the ability of a god or a demon. If he is said to be at a loss when facing the tide of big corpses, he is really not afraid of three women.

If by any chance there is any danger, just put the blue moon into the dream space, and the dream space cannot move after it appears in one place, so if you can't beat the three women, just hide with the blue moon. After that, I believe that using the extremely fast Movement Technique, you can always escape if you find a chance to escape!

Among the three sisters, Big Sister Wu Ma Danxin frowned, and seemed to dislike the second sister inviting others into her own home.

However, since Little Sister has already spoken, it seems that if you don't invite the other party, you won't give the second sister's Face.

In desperation, Wu Ma Danxin could only say: "We rarely meet outsiders. Since the two are interested in this, please come and sit at home. However, we have already introduced ourselves. Can you please tell me? What about your name? I can see that this gentleman should have some abilities like us. Are you a member of the Qin League?"

Qin An was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Wuma Dan to be very frank, and directly told about the three people's abilities. Since this is the case, Qin An is not going to conceal his own identity. Anyway, if the other party is asking for trouble, it is estimated that he already knows his own identity.

"Hello three girls, my name is Qin An, and this is one of the seven main cities of Qin League, Lan Yue, the lord of Qin Lan City!"

"You are Qin An!!!"

The three women suddenly yelled together, and Qin An and Lan Yue both trembled with fright.

What's wrong with this? How come the triplets, who were just gentlemen, turned into wolf roars at once?

"Is it the leader of the Qin League legend?" The third sister Wu Ma Siqi asked softly, her face turned reddish, her eyes turned out to be looking at her first love.

After finding that the woman's expression was a little abnormal, Lan Yue said before snatching Qin An: "So what? So what? Not so? What do you want to do?"

On the opposite side, Big Sister Wu Ma Dan spoke in heart, but it was with Wu Ma Siqi.

"Sister, since the woman is Lan Yue, and this man is with Lan Yue, then he should be the leader of the Qin League and the person we have been waiting for. Why ask again?"

The second sister, Wuma Tienan, looked at Qin An and said, "I thought he was an old man, but I didn't expect him to be so young. It's great!"

The third sister Wu Ma Siqi still looks like a spring, shyly said: "No, no! I feel so shy, Sister Big Sister, I'm going home first, you guys... are you talking to him! "

When the voice fell, Wuma Siqi turned around and left, but she only took a step before she disappeared, as if there was an invisible space door there.

Wuma Tienan sighed and said, "The man of fate has finally appeared, Big Sister, I am also going back, and I am going to put a stick of incense in front of my mother's spiritual position!"

After saying this, Wuma Tienan also turned and disappeared.

In the end, Wuma Dan looked at Qin An with a smile and said, "Qin An, we finally met. Our three sisters have been waiting for this day for ten years. Now that you are here, you should have returned to Qin League, right? Today? Your wife, Lanyue, is with you, and we won’t invite you into the house. However, we will find your place later and move our house to you. When that happens, as long as you need our three sisters, We are willing to be your woman at any time. This is also a promise that we have kept for ten years and have to fulfill! So, let's do this first, remember what I said! We should see you again soon! "

After Wu Ma Danxin finished speaking, like her two Little Sisters, she turned around and took only one step before disappearing.

Qin An and Lan Yue were already dumbfounded, completely unaware of what happened?

After ten seconds, Qin An woke up, stepped forward to the place where the three sisters disappeared, shook his hand back and forth twice, but found no abnormality!

What is going on with this f*ck?

It was Qin An who had a lot of experience, and was also confounded at this time.

Lan Yue's voice sounded a little coldly, "Do you know these three women?"

Qin An hurriedly raised his hand and swore: "How can I know them? I have never seen them! I swear!"

"Then how do they say that they are willing to dedicate themselves to you at any time? They also said that I am here, it is not convenient for them to invite you to their home! In other words, if I am away, they will directly invite you in, and then dedicate myself?"

Qin An felt that Own's head seemed to start to hurt.

"Blue Moon, don't be kidding, I'm not such a casual person. And this is not the point. The key now is who these three women fell on the ground and why they said that just now! I think this kind of thing can suddenly disappear. , As if there is a space gate here, it should belong to the sword god! In other words, these three women are likely to be the sword god body!"

At this point, Qin An's thinking became clear.

"They say they are willing to dedicate themselves to me at any time, which means they are willing to give me too much Sword God power in their bodies! Why do they want to do this? Who made them do this? This is the point!"

When the voice fell, Qin An suddenly reacted. Although the triplets disappeared, this is not to say that they are really not here. Maybe they are looking at themselves and Lan Yue at this time, and they can still hear what they said. if!

Forget it, let's leave this place first! It seems that after returning to Qincheng, he will go to study with Guo Shuai to see if he can pass the abilities of the Apocalypse Sword God to see through some things he didn't understand!

Thinking of this, Qin An stepped forward and hugged Lan Yue, who was in a bad mood, and said: "Let's go back first! They are so weird, we must be careful when we go back!"

Although Lan Yue was upset in her heart, she had already figured it out through Qin An's analysis. It might not be possible that the three women are now hiding in the void to spy on them!

At this moment, I don't have any abilities. If the Girl of the Night Witch is there, they can all be invisible. I wonder if they are in a void space?

When Lan Yue was thinking about it, Qin An had already ran to the southeast as if flying with her.

When their figure disappeared in the darkness, the three Wuma Sisters reappeared.

Wu Ma Siqi raised her mouth up high, and said uncomfortably: "He runs so fast, do we look ugly? He wants to stay away from us so much?"

Wuma Tienan snorted coldly: "Sister, you and Big Sister rarely go out on weekdays. I don’t know what happened between these men and women. Qin An doesn’t dislike us for being ugly, because we are not ugly at all, but beautiful. If Celestial Immortals! So the point is that Blue Moon, Qin An is afraid that she will be jealous, so he pretends to be serious! I don’t believe that there is a man in this world that can withstand the charm of our three sisters, if there is, then he must not normal!"

Wu Ma Siqi said uncomfortably: "Why are Lan Yue jealous? We are not trying to take her man! Usually they live their lives, I only want Qin An, our future mate, often come back home to accompany you. Let's do it!"

Wuma Tie Nan shook his head helplessly, not knowing how to explain to the innocent girl.

Big Sister Wuma Dan said in his heart: "Well, this matter is already destined anyway. We don't need to think too much about it. We just wait for Qin An to get married with him when he needs us! I can't let the three of us get married. Sister, he gave his own body to him without a name. How can we meet our dead parents in this way? Little sister, let’s move now. Let’s go to Qin Lan City to find out if we can know Qin An’s residence. Just put the door of Tianju in his bedroom!"

Wuma Tieman said: "Yes, Big Sister is good! At that time, we can put on sexy clothes and climb into his bed in the middle of the night. I don't believe he can push us down!"

Wu Ma Siqi blushed and said: "This is not so good, right? And... and I only have a bellyband! Sister, can you lend me some of your sexy clothes to wear?"

Wuma Iron Man said: "Stupid girl, you don't know, bellyband is the most lethal for men!"

Big Sister Wu Ma Danxin's face was already blood-red at this time, and she roared: "Two guys who are not ashamed or ashamed, haven't I told you? You have to go to court and get married before... before you can marry him, what are you thinking about? "


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