After reprimanding the two Little Sisters, Wu Ma Danxin said to Wu Ma Siqi: "Okay, little sister, don't listen to your second sister's nonsense. It will lead you to damage. Hurry up and put Tianju away. Let's Set off!"

Wuma Siqi stuck out her tongue, not talking, but closed her eyes and started to concentrate.

A few minutes later, in front of her, the space fluctuated, and after the colorful streamers flashed, a large colorful disc exuding colorful light appeared.

This disc is about three meters in diameter, and it looks like a gate of time and space in a pre-apocalyptic science fiction movie.

After a few more minutes, the Colorful Space-Time Gate began to spin quickly, and finally turned into several rays of light, which shot into Wuma Siqi's body and disappeared.

After all this was done, the beautiful triplets stopped staying and ran towards Qin An and Lan Yue in the dark. Although their speed was not as fast as Qin An, they were much faster than ordinary people. Disappeared in the forest!


This night, Qin An did not sell himself to Lan Yue as he wished, because Lan Yue was in a bad mood and Qin An's heart was also very confused.

They kept on their way, and finally returned to Lanyue's City Lord's Mansion when the morning sun rose.

In the courtyard of Lanyue's boudoir, Guo Shuai is wearing pajamas, and has prepared soy milk fritters and a few dishes, obviously foreseeing that the two will return.

When Guo Shuai saw Qin An, he blinked at him and said: "Dage, are you just coming back from morning exercise with your sister-in-law? Haha, the little brother made breakfast by himself, but it took a lot of time to come. ,eat together!"

Before Qin An could speak, Lan Yue's voice rang coldly: "Fatty, did you know that I would be arrested a long time ago? Why didn't you take precautions? Believe it or not, I let Lu Xiaocha come to my room every day to accompany you. I sleep? She just listened to me!"

Guo Shuai smiled bitterly, and then said to Lan Yue: "Big sis, you know my power, it's not what I want to count, it can be counted, it is completely random! So I really I don’t know that Big sis will be hijacked, otherwise, how can we not arrange for someone to protect you? I just know that you and Dage will return safely this morning!"

After listening to Guo Shuai's remarks, Lan Yue's expression improved a bit. She sat down at the table and said, "Song Zeming is dead!"

Guo Shuai nodded and said: "He is responsible for his own sake, and he has been thinking about you! I have known about his death through the ability in advance! His parents are both old people in Qin Lancheng. Fortunately, Song Zeming is not the only son, I Explaining Song Zeming’s crimes to them, Lao Song wept bitterly, saying that his son was unworthy and should die. No matter what, this is the end of the matter! Lao Song’s family I will send someone to watch, wait. Just find a chance for him to retire in a few years! I believe he will not have the heart to avenge his son!"

Lan Yue sighed slightly, took a fried dough stick from the table and walked directly to own room.

"My abilities haven't recovered yet, it's cold to eat out, let's talk!"

When he was about to enter the room, Lan Yue turned around and looked at Qin An and said, "Remember, you are still you, and I am still me. Nothing has changed. Thank you for saving me this time, but I also let you stay with me. Earn a gold coin, we are even tied! Oh... By the way, didn’t those three women say they want to dedicate their lives to you? Accept it if you want, I won’t care."

After finishing speaking, Lan Yue walked directly into the door of the room, seemingly chic, but in fact it was a wake-up call for Qin An.

Qin An was not a fool, and naturally understood that he could only shook his head helplessly. It seemed that it would take some time to win Lan Yue's complete forgiveness.

"Dage, what three women?" Guo Shuai asked curiously.

Qin An patted Guo Shuai's head and said, "For adults, children, don't inquire!"

Guo Shuai sat down at the table uncomfortably, picked up the fried dough sticks, took a bite, and then defended: "I'm still a child, I'm thirty-seven years old!"

Qin An also sat down with a sincere smile on his face, and looked at Guo Shuai and said, "Hey, yeah, you are so old, even though you look like a small fire."

Guo Shuai smiled and said, "Isn't it all because of Dage? I have already told Lu Xiaocha, I will get closer to you in the future, so that she can like you quickly!"

Qin An got goose bumps on his body, and hurriedly waved his hand: "No, there are enough women around me, can you stop letting your wife come to join in the fun?"

Guo Shuai shook his head and said, "That's not good, your power is a good thing. I have to let it work on my little tea, or else I will still be a little fresh meat in a few years, but she will become an aunt every day. Will cry with me!"

Qin An said with some emotion: "I really didn't see that you are still an infatuated kind, unlike me, you are already a passionate man now!"

Guo Shuai said frankly: "I am the host of the Apocalypse Sword God, so I believe in fate! I watched my wife grow up. When she was in the belly of my mother-in-law Li Hong, I already knew she would become the best in my life. Loved woman! Dage, do you remember Li Hong?"

Qin An said: "I remember, my first good brother in the last days, Li Wenjie's mother. The young man who made Li Hong pregnant was called Lu Yan, Li Wenjie's classmate, they died together, and I was unable to protect them. By the way, how is Li Wenjie’s girlfriend Liu Jia now? I remember bringing her back to Qincheng with your mother-in-law at that time."

"Liu Jia didn't have a good life. She got married once, and broke up with that man a few years later. Now she lives with my mother-in-law. Liu Jia obviously remembers your kindness, so she has received the power of your sword god. She is now in her forties, and she looks like a little girl. Her ex-husband can’t bear the pressure of his wife’s immortality, so the two always quarreled, and then they separated! By the way, Qin Cheng was the first The few people who followed you are still young now, which means that they are all people who know how to be grateful. They wanted to see you a few days ago, but I think the scene that day was a bit chaotic. You have to face too many old friends. I would be overwhelmed, so I didn't let them go!"

"Well, wait until I'm a little stable in Qincheng. I'm inviting them over for dinner. I haven't seen them for many years. In fact, I didn't spend much time with them at that time, but we were all in the last days. At the beginning, we faced people who lived and died together. Now it has been twenty-five years in the last days, it is really a kind of fate to be able to meet each other..."

The two of them ate and talked like this, and the atmosphere was very harmonious!

Qin An was a little moved in his heart. He remembered the first time he met the little Fatty Guo Shuai. This kid vowed to become the man behind him!

Now, he really did it, and he did it very well! I haven't returned to Qin City in 22 years, and now I can get a place to build the city.

With moving, there will be more anxiety.

After thinking about it for a long time, Qin An finally asked what he was most worried about.

"I heard that you have seen my love rival Cheng Gang before?"

Guo Shuai was shocked, then smiled:

"You still love rivals, aren't you good brothers now? Cheng Gang already accused you after you left the day before yesterday, saying that when you were in the labyrinth city, you drank hundreds of bottles of wine he had treasured for more than ten years."

"Hey, this is a long story. Guo Shuai, don't change the subject, I ask you, did you tell Cheng Gang before, a prediction about you and me?"

Guo Shuai was taken aback for a moment, then frowned, nodded and said: "Well, Apocalypse gave me this kind of information, saying that I will eventually die in your hands, Dage!"

Qin An was a little excited, but he still suppressed his emotions, and said softly, "If you hadn't become heinous, I would never kill you!"

"Dage, I believe you! If I really become a bad person one day, then you kill me, I will die!"

During the conversation, the two brothers held one hand together. This topic was a bit heavy. They needed to give each other some encouragement.

Qin An suddenly remembered something, and said again: "Boy, I still have to swear in front of you, even if the world collapses, even if the world is destroyed, even if my future wives and children will face Death, I will never think about it. To Ascension strength, I want to get the power of the sword god in your body and kill you! If I break this oath, I will definitely die, and I will never enter The Underworld Samsara!"

Guo Shuai glanced at Qin An suspiciously, unable to understand the meaning of his words.

Qin An sighed and said, "There are some things you don't know yet. I don't think the Sword God can be completely believed!"

"What?" Guo Shuai was shocked.

Qin An then told about the five-year covenant, the Heavenly Whisperer, and the Magic Whisperer, and then continued.

"Is it weird? I think Lord Tianyin is giving me time to develop and become stronger. I can't think of why he would do this! And I think that behind Lord Tianyin, it is not necessarily a dangerous universe. Creatures! Maybe it’s the sword gods with strong strength before the ranking exam! Xuantian told me that some of his memories have been sealed. Has the Apocalypse sword god in your body ever mentioned something similar?"

Guo Shuai shook his head and said, "Never mentioned..."

For a moment, the two fell into silence.

A few minutes later, Guo Shuai's face changed suddenly, and he said: "Dage, my sister-in-law just mentioned three women? What's the matter?"

Qin An took a sip of soy milk, which was completely cold, but it was refreshing.

"Oh, it's actually nothing, just the women I met in the hinterland of Jiulong Mountain last night. I guess they are also sword gods, and they also said in front of Lan Yue that they would dedicate their lives to me. They were crazy! Then they disappeared. Gone, I think they should also be related to the mysterious power conspiracy surrounding me, so I don’t plan to use my own ability to obtain the abilities of other female sword gods in the main body. I think this is very dangerous!"

Guo Shuai sighed for a long time and said: "Dage, these three women, maybe you really want to take them away. Just now Tianqi gave me a warning, saying that the people on the super prison are about to be wiped out. Only three women who look the same can help you through the crisis! Dage, did the three women you met last night look the same? Are they triplets?"

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