Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 870 Sword God Fighting (3)

Ling'er stared at the pregnant woman for a long time, and then secretly said in her heart, this should be the super body sword god host ranked 43rd in the sword god list, right?

As a true sword god, Ling'er can feel the power of the super body sword god!

The Super Body Sword God is the existence of the same sex and the same body of mother and child. Although it is called Super Body, many of the top sword Gods possess the power and physical skills that surpass the Super Body Sword God.

However, the Super Body Sword God has a characteristic, that is, when one of their mother and child is in danger, the power of the other will surge to a limit state.

So, now that the host of the Super Body Sword God has appeared, according to common sense, she would never have the strength equivalent to the barbaric collision God of War.

The so-called mother is just gang, unless at this time the super body sword god host wants to save own child, her sword god characteristics will burst out.

Could it be that Lan Yue has a mother-daughter relationship with the host of the Super Body Sword God?

Ling'er felt very puzzled. She had a lot of contact with Qin Xiaoyan during this time, and she also learned some things about Lan Yue from Xiaoyan, but she had never heard the news that Lan Yue's mother was the host of the Super Body Sword God!

At this time, the mysterious pregnant woman had already slammed another fist, knocking back the savage collision God of War by one step.

Savage collision God of War is a kind of puppet creature, he does not have emotional attributes, and some just complete the killing mission according to own characteristics!

Since he had locked onto Blue Moon at the beginning, he would naturally not change his target. Although the mysterious pregnant woman knocked him back by one step, he did not suffer any damage.

Therefore, at this time has already rushed forward again.

The mysterious pregnant woman naturally wouldn't let him pass, so the two of them just like you come and I fight together!

After a few rounds, the painful mysterious pregnant woman had contact with God of War's body dozens of times because of the brutal collision with her hands.

Finally, the mysterious pregnant woman made a negligence and did not savagely collide with God of War. Her body was directly hit and flew out like a sword from the string!

Lu Ya's huge arms had regenerated. Seeing that the situation seemed critical here, she hurried over to get entangled with the savage collision God of War.

She is 100 meters tall, and although the opponent is only two meters tall, she is stronger than her in strength.

However, Maya can also take advantage of her huge body to deal with each other, so that he can't get close to Blue Moon.

Lanyue saw that the pregnant woman who had just saved own was beaten up and rushed to check.

Holding the seriously injured pregnant woman in her arms, she found that the veil on her face had fallen off. The next moment, Lan Yue was stunned! Because she suddenly discovered that the woman in her arms turned out to be her long-lost mother, Liu Ruyan!

Lan Yue was stunned for a few seconds, and the world around her seemed to quiet down instantly, her tears gushing out quickly, and only Liu Ruyan was left in her eyes!

At this time, the peerless beauty had blood on her mouth. Seeing Lan Yue recognize her, there was a kind smile on her face. When she found that Lan Yue was about to call her mouth, the beautiful woman suddenly raised her hand to cover her. Stop Lan Yue's mouth.

"Blue Moon! There is one thing I have never told you! Now you should know! I am not your biological mother, and there is no blood relationship between us..."

Lan Yue nodded quickly with tears in her eyes. She had already known these things when she met Wu Zhen in the Twin Towers.

Liu Ru's body was a bit weak, she raised her hand to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth, and continued:

"Don't interrupt me, listen to me!

I was an orphan since I was a child, adopted by your biological mother's family!

Your mother married Wu Tianhua as an adult, who is now the executive in Tibet! I think you should have been in contact with him all these years!

Later, they separated because of emotional discord. Your mother took you away alone, and died soon after returning to your natal home! That's why I stayed by your side, wanting to raise you up! But we do not have any blood relationship, I must emphasize this to you!

Twenty years ago, the last days broke out, and you and I were separated in the last days. In fact, the fate between us has been broken since then!

Lanyue, please forget the Liu Ruyan that year, because she is already dead!

The woman in your arms now, that is me, is called Liu Ru! Today is the first time we met, you know? You can call me Liu Ru Big sis, or Xiao Ru Big sis!

If you want me to live, if you want to see me occasionally in the future, you must remember and accept what I say! We are people who have nothing to do with each other, you are Lan Yue, and I am just Liu Ru! "

Lan Yue was completely stupid, she didn't know why Own's mother said that! Although they are not related by blood, she was raised by Liu Ru when she was young! Why do mothers want to own Big sis?

Xiaoru Big sis?

OMG! Lan Yue's body trembled, and she suddenly thought of the girl named Xiaoru who would often visit her these years and talk with her!

Lan Yue likes that little girl very much, thinks she is very kind, by the way, that little girl's name is Liu Ru!

She has nothing to do with the woman who was her mother before, right?

Lan Yue was confused and completely lost.

After that, she thought of Liu Ru's pregnant belly again!

She is pregnant? Is it because of this reason that she denies her own daughter?

If this is the case, Lanyue is naturally willing to accept it. After more than 20 years of separation, as long as the mother is still alive, whether she has become own Big sis or renamed Liuru, Lanyue can accept it! Because she is the person she misses most in this world!

"Little Ru...Big sis!"

Lan Yue finally sobbed and made a sound.

Liu Ru smiled, the smile was particularly sweet.

In fact, she has always lived in a big city in the Qin League, living a secluded life with Wang Khan!

Wang Khan left a few days ago, saying that he was going to Tibet to undergo surgery, so that he would completely become a man, so that they could truly become a couple.

Liu Ru and Wang Khan lived together, although they were so respectful, they didn't even pull their hands.

But after spending so long together, Liu Ru has already developed some emotions towards Wang Khan. Although not strong, there are indeed some.

Originally Liu Ru thought that the fate of own was like this!

She actually knew that she could not marry Wang Khan in the end, because her life was running out.

When Super Body Sword God woke up, she told her that her belly is getting bigger day by day. If she can’t find a way to find the father of the child, continue to receive energy support, and let the child be born in the belly, she should use it. It will explode and die soon!

Of course Liu Ru wanted to live. After so many years, she also wanted to drive. There was no contradiction between her, Lan Yue, and Qin An.

Originally, Lan Yue didn't have any blood relationship with her, and they had been separated for so long, the world had completely changed, and of course there was no way to talk about ethics.

However, what made her entangled was that she couldn't find Qin An at all! How to save yourself?

Finally, the news that Qin An had returned to Qincheng spread throughout the entire Qin League overnight.

Liu Ru's heart jumped for joy. He was nervous, shy, worried, and at a loss. I am completely trapped in a pregnant woman's disease state with prenatal depression.

She has been walking back and forth in the construction camp near Qin City for the past two days, wanting to see Qin An, but she has no courage.

Today, the news that Qin An will marry the four of Lan Yue came out, making Liu Ru sad and happy.

The good news is that Lanyue is finally about to marry, and her feelings are finally relied upon.

The sad thing is that Lan Yue and Qin An are finally getting married. Even if they are happily thinking about it, they can’t care at all. Liu Ru is even more hesitant at this time. Should I look for Qin An?

At this moment, the four blood wolves attacked, and a chaotic battle with the host of the sword god broke out!

Liu Ru has been fighting in three superimposed space appearances. Seeing that Blue Moon is in danger in the mist, she no longer thinks about it too much! He rushed to rescue him, but he was seriously injured.

The mother and daughter are about to recognize each other, and when she sees the word "mother" in Lan Yue's mouth, she is ready to come out.

Liu Ru's heart finally calmed down. She stopped Lan Yue and decided not to be Lan Yue's mother in the future!

She will still find a place to live nearby, but she must find Qin An and ask him to help her give birth to the baby!

At that time, she can walk far away, leave this place, and then live with her own children! Just wish Lan Yue and Qin An in my heart!

This is all Liu Ru's plan!

She would never tell Lan Yue about the relationship between her and Qin An, because Liu Ru couldn't say it.

But she must let Lan Yue understand that they are no longer mothers and daughters, because only in this way can she have the courage to find Qin An!

As for Qin An, Liu Ru is not worried. She knows that Qin An is a soft-hearted guy, and now she is dying. Even if Qin An is scrupulous, she will eventually surrender in order to save herself and her children!

No matter what, when the two women can meet formally, their hearts are full of joy at this time, and they have even ignored the crisis from the many undead creatures around them.

Fortunately, at this time Cheng Gang has already rushed into the three formations space with a group of upgraded people to support! The intensity of the battle escalated again!


Liu Xia and Guo Shuai were still in a fierce battle with Lu Shisan at this time, but they weren't the opponents of a black sword in Lu Shisan's hand at all.

Gong Xue and Wang Yunzhi saw that Lu Ya had already gone to face the savage collision God of War, so they quickly joined Liu Xia and Guo Shuai's battle group.

The four teamed up and were still beaten by Lu Shisan and backed away!

Lu Shisan has never used any fancy skills. His strength is the black sword and his murderous aura.

Gong Xue possesses the sword god ability to control the human Mental Energy. Wang Yunzhi can release the magnetic field of the ground seal space, but the Mental Energy of the two of them is obviously not as powerful as Lu Shisan, so Mental Energy's attack will not have any effect on him.

At this time, Liu Xia carried two burning swords and attacked behind Lu Shisan. After all, only her has the strongest melee combat ability among the four, so even if her strength is slightly different from Lu Shisan’s, she can attack in close combat. The task still needs her to perform!

However, Liu Xia had just reached the attacking position. Before the two swords fell, Lu Shisan suddenly turned around, and the black long sword drew a weird arc! Actually cut Liu Xia's body directly in the middle!

Everyone around was stupid seeing this scene!

Was Liu Xia killed by the other party in this way?

It is probably dead, and her body was cut off lazily. Liu Xia is not an upgraded physique, and there is no possibility of surviving...

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