Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 871 Sword God Fighting (4)

In the spirit mirror space, Qin An's heart trembled fiercely.

He could always see what happened outside through the mirrors around him. At this time, seeing Liu Xia's body was cut off at the waist, even if he wanted to stay calm, he couldn't help but let out a cold sweat.

Before Qin An could think about it, the scene outside suddenly changed. Qin An seemed to be dazzled. He saw that the intact Liu Xia appeared behind Lu Shisan again, and Lu Shisan just now To turn around, he hadn't cut his black long sword towards Lan Yue.

what happened?

Qin An was stunned for a second, only to see Lu Shisan finally turned around and swung the black long sword again, and the scene where Liu Xia was beheaded just now seemed to reappear!

At this moment, a silver barrier light wall appeared, blocking the black long sword, and a figure quickly ran in front of Liu Xia, pulling Liu Xia's body directly back!

Liu Xia's forehead is also full of cold sweat!

She is a sword god body after all, and Mental Energy is relatively strong, so although she didn't know that she had just been beheaded, she had a soft and dizzy sensation. At the same time, she felt a little nauseous and wanted to vomit.

Seeing Liu Xia being rescued, Qin An breathed out a long breath, and the tension in his heart finally relaxed! Only then did he have the energy to pay attention to the woman who saved Liu Xia, and Qin An was slightly shocked.

It turned out to be the Wuma Iron Man of the Three Wuma Sisters!

It seems that I was not dazzled just now. It must be Wu Ma Siqi who activated the Feng Shui compass, the fourth skill of the God Sword God, which caused a 5 second reversal of the time and space outside, so Liu Xia was able to come back from the dead!

It's just... I didn't expect the three Wuma Sisters to take action at this critical juncture! What they said originally, unless Qin An could promise to marry the three of them, otherwise they would never help in times of crisis! Why did you change your attention at this time?

Qin An was a little happy and a little irritable in his heart.

Happily, as soon as these three women took action, the situation should be stabilized. After all, their Sword God ranking should be similar to that of the opponents, indicating that the strength should also be among the best.

What's upset is that now he can be regarded as owing them a favor!


Now that Wuma Tienan is here, Wuma Danxin and Wuma Siqi have naturally entered three overlapping spaces.

Wu Ma Siqi quickly flashed in the space, as long as the person touched by her would immediately disappear.

Wu Madan said with a smile on his face: "Everyone, you can hide in Tianju first! These three guys will be handed over to our three sisters! Because my Sword God skill is the main attacker, so I will use my hands soon. I'm afraid that I will accidentally get hurt if I can't take care of so many people! Just give us a cheer in the sky!"

The space that Lan Yue and others entered is a place like a paradise!

There are distant mountains and near forests!

The brook passed through the forest with a pleasant sound.

There is a small courtyard in Xitou with several bamboo houses.

In the sky, strange and beautiful birds are flying around, and there are only a few white clouds hanging in the blue sky.

This is the first ability that Wu Ma Siqi has unlocked!

And the people in the middle of the sky can not only hear the voice of Wuma Dan's heart, but they can also see the movement outside through the huge picture that suddenly appeared in the sky.

After Wu Ma Siqi put everyone in the own space, she looked at the two Big Sis.

The second sister Wuma Tienan was already amused with Lu Shisan who was using the black sword.

The sword god in Lu Shisan's body is the twenty-fifth ranked seven killer, and he is also a sword god who is the main attacker. But Wuma Tienan's sword god ability is the main defense! The battle between two people can be regarded as an offensive and defensive battle. Although Wuma Tienan could not cause damage to Lu Shisan, it was almost impossible for Lu Shisan to hurt Wuma Tienan.

Big Sister Wuma Danxin summoned a red giant sword from his body, holding it in his hand, killing the monsters in the three superimposed spaces. The savage collision with God of War was long ago by her when Wuma Danxin appeared. Killed with a sword!

On the other side, both Xu Tianzi and Chen Kainan stared at Wu Ma Danxin with frowning eyebrows!

Her sword moves are very simple, but the attack power is too strong. Every sword swipes has a red Sword Qi with a length of 100 meters. This is the first skill of the 22nd Yang Swordsman. Named Broken Mountain River!

Xu Tianzi finally said in a serious tone: "Kenan, let's start the fourth battle!"

Chen Kainan nodded slightly, the ancient formation's first skill, the Psychedelic Array, the second skill, the Killing Array, and the third skill, the Pangu Array, had been opened long ago.

Chen Kainan concentrated his energy and finally opened the fourth team, named Yin & Yang!

As soon as the Yin & Yang formation came out, there was a gust of wind within five kilometers of the square yuan, and the fire flew!

After the four formations are united, the great formation of the ancient sky appears!

The people in this formation can no longer see the sights beyond five kilometers. All the undead creatures have begun to develop bloody skin. Under the action of Yin & Yang formation, they will become entity creatures!

The previous skeleton Soaring Dragon will evolve into the black fire golden pterosaur of the sword spirit planet dragon family! It can spray a black flame with a high temperature of over 10,000 degrees and a range of 100 meters. A pair of wings are red gold, very sharp, once they are scratched to the neck when flying, they will immediately be in a different place! Some skeleton bats have become magic blood bats, and some human skeletons have become ordinary magicians, practitioners, hermits, and some sword god cultivators with one or two sword god skills!

In short, after the undead creatures are resurrected, their abilities will be several times as high as the Ascension technique!

Xu Tianzi was not idle at this time either. He was the host of the twenty-third sword god stepping into the sky. He possessed the ability to be a ghost man, another world time and space, ten thousand worlds dead, God of War!

Among them, Tian Xing Ghost Old Man can be regarded as a kind of spatial Movement Technique ability, which allows Xu Tianzi to open some closed and isolated spaces in the space of the earth! It is like the land seal space of the Sword God of Earth Seal, and the dream space opened by Qin An's ability to copy the Sword God of Nightmare!

Therefore, Xu Tianzi actually just tried to open Wuma Siqi's heavenly space, but in the end he failed!

This is not to say that the dream space is weaker than the sky space, but Qin An does not have the Nightmare Sword God in his body. If it were the dream space opened by the Nightmare Sword God host, Zizi, Xu Tianzi would definitely not be able to walk freely! After all, the rankings of the sword gods in their bodies differ too much! There are also many gaps in the ability to control space!

Since it was impossible to get out the people who were hidden in the space by Wuma Siqi, Xu Tianzi could only cooperate with Chen Kainan to kill the powerful Wuma Danxin first!

Therefore, he quickly opened the second skill another world space! Wrap everyone in the ancient giant formation except Wuma Danxin in the space, and then prepare to release the third ability, the death of the world!

This gas is a variety of different gases collected when the Sword God of Stepping Heaven wandered through different planes of the world! In the end he merged these gases together and developed the third sword god skill, Ten Thousand Realms Death Qi! This is a mixture of tens of thousands of unknown gases! Tatian only used this ability on the Sword Spirit Star to poison and kill many masters!

Now, Xu Tianzi’s death energy from the world is of course not as powerful as Tatian’s original, and its attack range is very small, only occupying almost a dozen cubic meters of space!

But when Xu Tianzi wanted to come, this should be enough, even if the Wu Ma Siqi can't be killed, it should be able to cause her to suffer a lot of damage!

Once the death spirit of the ten thousand realms is summoned, it will surround the whole body of the attacker. Xu Tianzi is afraid that Wu Ma Dan’s heart will not die for a while. Turn on the second skill another world space shield to isolate yourself!

At this time, Wuma Danxin was still slaughtering various creatures around him as if he was cutting cabbage. Even if they were resurrected from the undead state, their ability had been Ascension several times, but they still couldn't go through a round in front of Wuma Danxin!

The red light of Wuma Dan's heart Sword Qi is too sharp! It is really what Sword Qi is referring to, invincible!

Xu Tianzi bit his lip fiercely, and finally concentrated on Mental Energy and released the lifeless spirit of the ten thousand realms!

It turned out to be a mass of milky white gas, which immediately surrounded Wumadan's heart after it appeared!

Xu Tianzi didn't dare to be careless, because he had discovered that these three new women were definitely not simple.

Lu Shisan had clearly killed Liu Xia just now, but a woman rescued her after she appeared! Xu Tianzi didn't even know what was going on! This is also because he is a sword god body, with a good amount of mental energy, if he is an ordinary person, he would not have noticed that time and space have actually regressed for five seconds! Of course he didn't notice it, but he did.

"Big Sister!"

Wuma Siqi saw that Wuma Dan's heart was swallowed by the milky white gas mass, and immediately shouted!

Wu Ma Danxin, who was fighting with the host of the Seven Kills, Lu Shisan, heard the cry of the little girl, and hurriedly turned around to look!

She frowned slightly, and the God Shou Third Skill Universe Shield swung out, and a silver shield appeared in front of her, blocking the sword cut by the Seven Kills.

After that, she quickly backed away and plunged directly into the cloud of white gas.

After entering, Wuma Tie Nan immediately felt a suffocation, and the skin on his body seemed to be slowly corroding!

She did not hesitate! Directly opened the first skill of God Shou, the body protector!

The so-called bodyguard is a body's ability to fuse receptors!

In other words, the Wuma Iron Man allowed himself to merge with the Big Sister Wuma Dan, so that their bodies after fusion would have five times the power of their original physical ability!

After Wu Ma Danxin was surrounded by the death aura of the world, his body fell into a weak state, and at this time he was possessed and merged by the second sister! Their fit bodies are as hot as a fire, and all the clothes on their bodies have melted!

Wu Ma Siqi, who was out of the Ten Thousand Realms Dead Qi, also rushed into the milky white gas mass.

While walking, she bit her own finger and shouted the names of the two Big Sis.

The woman after Wuma Danxin and Wuma Iron Man heard Little Sister's shout, and also bit her finger. After the two met, they immediately touched the wound on their fingertips...

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