Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 872 Sword God Fighting (5)

Lu Shisan, Xu Tianzi, and Chen Kainan looked at the milky white gas group intently.

Xu Tianzi originally wanted to trap Wuma Danxin and kill him, but he didn't expect the other two women to also run in! Own's death energy ability has never failed, but the three women on the opposite side are not ordinary upgraded, but the sword god body powerhouse with the Parasitic Sword God ranking similar to the three of them!

So Tianzi Xu can't guarantee that his own attack can kill the opponent!

At this time, Xu Tianzi had some bad premonitions in his heart.

They seem to have estimated the situation wrong!

I originally thought that relying on the blood wolf's single-kill ability to deal with Qin An should not be a problem. They, the emperor, and Kenan use the powerful group attack formation and cooperate with each other to build a way that people outside can’t break in and people inside can’t get out. Space. In this way, they should be able to find a chance to evacuate smoothly even if they are trapped after killing people!

But now, not only did not kill anyone in the formation space, but also encountered a group of sword gods!

Yes, it is a group of strong sword gods, this is not the same as the information obtained before! Qincheng, when did so many Sword God holders gather in this small place? By the calculation, there should be almost ten, right? Most importantly, they have already felt the pressure after the appearance of the three Uma sisters.


Chen Kainan and Lu Shisan exclaimed at the same time.

Xu Tianzi was taken aback for a moment, and then saw a woman without any clothes walking out of the milky white gas mass!

She blocked the key parts of own with her hands, and immediately ran to the side and picked up a pink tablecloth to wrap her graceful body.

At this moment, Qin An, who was located in the Lingjing space, frowned slightly.

The triplets look very similar, and it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish them.

However, Qin An is no ordinary person. He has super eyesight and can see any nuances on the faces of the three sisters.

For example, Big Sister Wu Ma Danxin has 198 eyebrows on the left, but 199 eyebrows on the right. The second sister Wuma Tienan is 199 on the left and 198 on the right! The little girl Wu Ma Siqi has 198 eyebrows on both sides!

Except for Qin An and Qin Xiaoyan, no one else really can see such a small difference!

Then the woman who walked out of the milky white mist at this time looked as if she was still one of the three Wuma sisters, but in fact it was a little unsure!

First of all, she has 200 eyebrows on both sides, which is different from the three sisters!

And every part of her body has changed. Although there are not many changes, these changes add up to make this woman much more beautiful and perfect than the original three sisters! who is she? Qin An had some curiosity in his heart.

At this moment, the woman who had wrapped her body was flushed, and she exhaled a long breath, as if she was very concerned about the state of being naked, and now she was calmer with a tablecloth covering her body.

"Wuma Siqi?"

Qin An finally judged her identity through her behavior, as well as the expression on her face and the look in her eyes!

After Wu Ma Siqi recovered her calm, she looked at the three of Xu Tianzi with cold eyes, and said coldly: "Huh! You want to kill my Big Sister? It's a pity that you didn't succeed! Okay, this girl is too lazy to fight with me. Keep on playing! Go to death all, and then happily return my father-in-law!"

While talking, a red long sword suddenly appeared in Wuma Siqi's hand, and quickly rushed to the opposite side of the three people.

Qin An was completely confused.

He remembered that the second sister Wuma Tienan had a sword god skill called bodyguard, which meant that it was normal for her to be able to fit in with anyone.

But now, the woman outside is obviously Wu Ma Siqi in terms of character and voice, but how can she summon the red sword that belongs to her Big Sister?

Just thinking about it, this woman who puzzled Qin An has already started!

Her Sword Qi is much more worried than Wuma. The red Sword Qi swung out, which can reach 500 meters in length, directly killing all the formation alien creatures on both sides!

Xu Tianzi furrowed his eyebrows and quickly activated his fourth sword god ability, God of War!

Light and shadow flashed continuously, and twelve different-looking figures appeared!

They are all God of War puppets from different planes, and everyone's strength is almost as good as that of a four-skilled sword god cultivator who has not become a sword god!

Among them, there is a God of War puppet who is also good at Sword Qi. He swings the black iron giant sword in his hand and smashes it directly at 50 meters away from Wuma Siqi. A wide black Sword Qi pounces on Wuma Siqi's body like a flood monster!

Wuma Siqi smiled coldly, stretched out her left hand, and a silver light flashed on the palm of her left hand. She even used Wuma Tienan's third ability Universe Cover, completely offsetting the attack of the black Sword Qi!

More undead creatures and alien creatures besieged Wuma Siqi.

Wuma Siqi raised his sword to ask the sky, The next moment was within a kilometer of her side, countless flying pear petals appeared quickly, and then flew around!

As they flew around, they were like the invincible Flying Daggers, killing monsters quickly! It took almost a few seconds, except for the twelve God of War puppets who avoided the attack, all the other monsters became dead! A ring-shaped corpse mountain was piled up around Wuma Siqi!

"One sword cuts the mountains and rivers, let's see if the two swords can break through the sky!"

In the corpse mountain, Wu Ma Siqi's tender voice sounded.

Three more red, red Sword Qi suddenly appeared one meter away in front of the three Xu Tianzi! Cut to the necks of the three!

Xu Tianzi and Chen Kainan backed away in fright, and Xu Tianzi opened the energy shield in another world at the same time!

However, the three arcs, Sword Qi, were powerful, and directly broke the protection of the energy shield and rushed to the three again.

Lu Shisan held the black sword forward! Then quickly swing the black sword! After the three loud noises, Lu Shisan was shot directly out! The tiger's mouth on both hands has been shaken and bleeding!

However, under his defense, the three life-threatening arc Sword Qi finally disappeared.

"Thirteen! Hurry up and cooperate with the God of War puppet and Tiangu Great Array to kill her! This woman is too dangerous! Ten thousand worlds can't help him!"

Xu Tianzi's face was pale at this time!

Lu Shisan's eyes have turned blood red!

He stood up from the ground, closed his eyes, and directly killed the three undead creatures around him with a black sword!

Lu Shisan’s sword god is named Seven Kills, ranking twenty-fifth!

Speaking of it, the Seven Kills Sword God is not simple, he only killed seven people to become the Sword God, so the name is Seven Kills!

This story naturally comes from the star of the sword spirit!

The seven brothers who had the best relationship between Seven Kills and themselves traveled the world together, seeking the way to become a god by practicing sword!

After they each found the treasure and refined the sword, the Seven Killing Sword God quickly realized the first Sword God skill, named Promise Killing Mind!

This skill allows Seven Kills to summon a black long sword transformed by murderous aura, and then has a powerful swordsmanship. The stronger the killing intent, the stronger his combat effectiveness will be!

After so many years, the seven brothers of the seven kills finally cultivated the four skills, and they were only one step away from becoming the sword god.

But at this time, Qi Sha still only possesses the power of Wu Ji Sha Nian, which made him feel jealous and resentful towards the seven brothers!

Finally, on one night, Seven Kills could no longer suppress the resentment and killing thoughts in his heart. He thought that his own talent was better than the seven brothers. Why did he only comprehend a sword god skill? So he found out the seven and wanted to fight them life and death!

The seven naturally refused in every possible way, but what they didn't expect was that the seven kills unexpectedly made a sudden attack and killed the three in a sneak attack!

After the death of the three of them, Seven Kills felt that infinite power appeared in the body, and realized the second sword god skill, called the speed of three kills!

When the remaining four saw that the seven kills were really dead, they were not welcome, and wanted to subdue or kill the seven kills.

However, after a few rounds, the seven kills succeeded in killing two more people, comprehending the courage of the third skill, five kills!

In the end, when the seven kills killed the remaining two people, they realized the fourth skill, seven kills powers the gods!

In this way, the Seven Kills finally summoned the God of Sword Spirit successfully and was promoted to the real Sword God!

So as the host of the Seven Killing Sword God, the first skill Promise Killing Mind will let Lu Shisan summon the Killing Mind Sword, with powerful physical attack ability! The speed of three kills, no matter what Lu Shisan killed any three life forms, he would instantly have the limit of speed! In the same way, after the five kills, Lu Shisan will have the ultimate power! After seven kills, he will become a true killer! Every time a living body is killed, the combat power will be ascension, and the more you kill, the more courageous you will be until the power of the sword god is exhausted.

Therefore, Lu Shisan did not immediately rush to the front to fight, but quickly started to kill the nearby monsters with the Killing Sword.

At this time, Wu Ma Siqi was also holding the sword of Yang Slash to kill, and this Wu Ma Siqi was a little different from the past!

In fact, the three sisters of the Wuma clan are all mutants, but they are just ordinary upgraded ones. This is because there is no parasitic beast in the three sisters that can allow them to evolve!

To be precise, there is actually Wuma Siqi.

The second sister Wuma Tienan can use the sword god ability of the bodyguard to merge with Big Sister! And the existence of the two of them after they merged, has detached from the human life form, and has very powerful strength! Then this combined life form is the parasitic beast of the Third Sister Wu Ma Siqi!

When the three sisters merged through the sword god body, the parasite body merged, and finally merged into one, they also had the strongest fighting form.

Wuma Siqi can not only use his own sword god body ability, but also unleash the sword god skills of two Big sis!

Moreover, in the strongest combined state, the damage power of the sword god skills released by Wu Ma Siqi is much greater than the damage caused by their respective release of the sword god skills in the normal state!

Xu Tianzi and Chen Kainan certainly didn't know the secrets of the three Wuma sisters. They were completely shocked by this woman wrapped in the tablecloth, because she looked like a real murderer!

Finally, Lu Shisan had a hundred life forms, and the killing aura on his body had already sent a strong bloody breath in the nearby air.

Xu Tianzi turned his head to the side and shouted: "Thirteen, don't waste time! This girl is too strong, she has killed three of the twelve God of War puppets! Are you not hurrying to cooperate with them to deal with her? "

Lu Shisan didn't say a word, because he had no distracting thoughts in his mind at this time.

His only goal is to kill the opposite woman who has the same murderous aura as him!

The ultimate showdown between powerful swords has kicked off!

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