The Tiangu Great Array has a range of almost five kilometers, and the civilians have already evacuated to further places. Eight thousand mecha fighters are stationed nearby!

These people are all Dong Junwei's old subordinates who have come from the labyrinth. They have experienced the bitter battle of the zombie siege, and they can be regarded as people who have seen the world.

At this time, they were completely shocked by the fog!

Although they couldn't fully see what happened inside because of the existence of the fog, they could still see some weird huge creatures occasionally showing their bodies!

What frightened them the most was that they actually saw a huge Soaring Dragon! These guys are not the upgraded animals in the apocalypse, they are like the Soaring Dragon in the Western movies before the apocalypse, they are also like the big boss in a copy of the Magical Beasts game, or like the big dragon father in the lol game! In short, they look terrifying! It is not a species on earth at all!

In addition, they can see the bloody flowers that occasionally fly in the mist, and hear all kinds of weird howlings mixed together!

Is this horrible situation a battle scene between the Sword God's hosts?

The legend of the 49 Sword God has long been circulated, but most people don't care, just like before the end of the world, no one cares whether a big star like Weng Die prefers to wear skirts or pants. Because Wengdie’s world is too far away from ordinary people! However, when Weng Die does appear among the people, people who see her up close will still be shaken!

So this is also the case now, everyone finally saw the battle scene between the Sword God host, and they were all frightened, and for a long time they couldn't extricate themselves! Among them, many upgraders are included!

In the Tiangu Great Array, Wu Ma Siqi and Lu Shisan had only fought for a minute, but the battle had already gone dark.

Xu Tianzi and Lu Kainan were also shocked at this time, because something terrible happened right from the beginning of the battle between the two sides.

Wu Ma Siqi actually swung a white Sword Qi and hit Lu Shisan. Lu Shisan did not suffer any physical damage due to the attack, but the next moment he began to grow old quickly, and now he has turned into an old man with white hair and wrinkles!

Wuma Siqi used Yang Zhan's fourth skill, Zhan Yangguan, to cut off Lu Shisan's one-hundred-year life span! Everyone didn't know that even if no one started with Lu Shisan at this time, he could only live for two hours at most!

If Wuma Danxin relied on himself to perform this trick, of course he would not have such power. But at this time, there are two big sis fusion lifeforms in Wu Ma Siqi's body as parasitic beasts, and the effect of using the sword god skills is more than five times the original! So Lu Shisan couldn't use Mental Energy to fight against this kind of perverted attack!

Perhaps it was a return to the light. Although Lu Shisan was about to die, his murderous aura increased more than a hundredfold, cooperating with the remaining God of War puppets, but barely tied with Wu Ma Siqi. But everyone can see that he will still worship the combination of the three Wuma sisters in the end!Qin An calmed down his own aura in the spirit mirror space. Thinking about the scene where Liu Xia was beheaded just now, he was really scared! Fortunately, the situation now seems to have stabilized.

Although always paying attention to the outside movement, Qin An did not ignore his side.

The three of Xu Tianzi are not weak, so the blood wolf that trapped him is probably a powerful host of the sword god body.

Qin An turned on the strongest state of his Spiritual Sense, as long as the blood wolf was moving in the space, he could immediately feel it. However, ten minutes have passed, but he still hasn't noticed anything. Therefore Qin An could only speak, hoping to lead the other party out!

"How? Is this the big show you want me to watch? Huh, I wanted to run here to kill and kill, but in the end I didn't kill any of them! Blood wolf, if you are not showing up, yours The three brothers may have been killed by my friends! If you tell me why you want to kill me, I can let you go once, or else you will become your burial ground!"

"Dead? Haha, do you think we are afraid?"

Suddenly, all the mirrors around Qin An changed, countless blood wolves appeared, and their faces were a little pale. Obviously, the blood wolves were also a little anxious about the fighting situation outside.

Qin An's brows frowned slightly, and he could hear the heartbeat of every blood wolf. Could it be that all these blood wolves were entities?

"Our four brothers acquired the Sword God when they were ten years old. After that, the only thing people would indoctrinate every day was to kill someone! It's just that we at the time, and even the master who trained us didn't know what to kill. Who the hell are people!

We didn't hear your name, Qin An, until seven years ago! In other words, killing you is the fate and life of our four brothers. Do you think we are afraid of death? "

Qin An was a little moved when he heard the words of the blood wolf.

What's the meaning? These four people are now about 30 years old, which means that they have been trained to kill themselves at the beginning of the last days! why is that? Who is his master? Why did he do this? Who is he? Why did it suddenly become the target of public criticism?

Thinking suspiciously in his mind, Blood Wolf continued: "I admit that we made some mistakes, thinking that killing you, a Sword God host ranked 49th, should be easy! Now it seems that you are indeed different! You have gathered around you. So many strong sword gods! However, this does not mean that I can't kill you!

My sword god spirit mirror ranks 21st on the sword god list! Don't be afraid to tell you that his four great sword god skills are Spirit Mirror Space, Mirror Clone, Death Essence, and Spirit Returning Body!

Haha, it's funny to say, my sword god told me that the language on the sword spirit star is somewhat similar to the Chinese dialect! So the names of these sword gods and their skills can often be easily translated into Chinese!

Okay, I originally wanted to wait for my brothers to win, and then easily kill you while you are upset! Since they are not going well now, let me kill you first! Qin An, are you ready to die! "

I don't know how many blood wolves speak at the same time, their voices resounding throughout the space! After that, they all rushed towards Qin An together, the momentum was very scary!

Qin An frowned slightly! So many blood wolves cannot be the main body, which means that killing some of them will not completely let the blood wolves die!

So the question is, how does he kill the opponent?

Spirit Mirror Sword God, the four major abilities are Spirit Mirror Space, Mirror Clone, Death Essence, and Spirit-Returning Body!

From a literal point of view, Qin An can only understand the two abilities of Lingjing Space and Mirror Clone.

At this time, the many clones of the blood wolf were infinitely close to Qin An, and Qin An didn't have time to think much, and could only raise his hand to shoot the red leaves. What surprised him was that the six groups of three hundred and sixty red leaves directly shot three hundred and sixty blood wolf clones to death!

After they died, their bodies fell to the ground and disappeared! The blood wolves behind were not afraid of death, and continued to rush forward!

what happened? These blood wolves are as vulnerable as ordinary people! They are not planning to exhaust themselves to death, are they?

Another group of blood wolves rushed up. Qin An did not use Hongye Flying Daggers this time, but instead used the profound sword that was transformed into Linger in his hand to use the ability to break through the world, and began to fight with the blood wolves. Place.

After two minutes passed, Qin An had killed more than one thousand blood wolves, and he finally found something.

These clones were indeed as fragile as ordinary people at the beginning, but as the number of people killed by them increased, their strength seemed to become stronger and stronger. The strength and speed of all blood wolves are improving, and some of the red leaf attacks that they occasionally throw can have been avoided by them!

This should be the function of the Death Essence ability, right? As the number of avatars Death increases, will the avatars become stronger?

It was really depressed. Even if Qin An discovered the mystery of Death Essence, there was nothing he could do. He couldn't stand still and let the opponent attack him?

Forget it, what do you care about so much! He wanted to see what kind of monster this blood wolf would eventually become!

Thinking of this, Qin An continued to use the sword's ability to break through the wilds to kill wildly, while using various abilities of his own to cooperate, ten minutes later, the number of blood wolf clones killed by him had exceeded 10,000! It should be known that the high-energy hail that Qin An had previously understood is also a large-scale group attack ability, which can kill thousands of blood wolves with a single use.

At this time, the blood wolves were finally not so easy to deal with.They already possessed relatively strong physical skills, so Qin An had to activate some Movement Technique abilities to be able to escape from their encirclement while fighting.

These guys are like crazy dogs, and Qin An doesn't want to be thrown on him by them and become snacks in their mouths!

After more than ten minutes, more blood wolves died, and the remaining blood wolves became stronger. Qin An was even surrounded by them once, and countless blood wolves rushed forward and instantly bit off several pieces of meat from Qin An's body! Qin An has a strong repairing physique, so he quickly repaired the damage after escaping.

At this time, Qin An was also a little red and bloody. He summoned all the three-phase female demon, the bone sword soul, the eight blood spirits, and the sixty broken army God of War! Although there are many people on the other side, he is not alone!

Finally, after another half an hour of hard work, the number of remaining blood wolves was counted by Qin An with super hearing, and there were probably more than 30,000 beating hearts!

Kill it! If only by killing all these clones to see the final blood wolf body, Qin An wouldn't mind letting himself become a god of death!

A full hour later, the eight blood spirits died, the bone-sword soul fragrantly disappeared, and the sixty broken army God of War were also swallowed, and even the parasitic beast three-phase female demon was killed!

Qin An half-kneeled on the ground to gasp in fatigue, and at the same time raised his head and looked forward, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"This is your real body, right? That is to say, if you kill you, this spiritual mirror space will disappear?"

In the space, besides Qin An, there was only one blood wolf at this time, and all the other clones were turned into ashes after being killed by Qin An.

The blood wolf also had a smile on his face, and he faintly said: "Qin An, really good at it! In more than an hour, he killed all my 100,000 clones?"

Qin An exhaled deeply. He was too tired and had to breathe deeply to make his heart beat smoothly.

"Hmph, those clones are all like silly.b. They rushed to get together and let me kill. What if daddy kills you 100,000 clones now? It's a pity, I don't think you can create more clones, right?"

"Haha, Qin An, do I still need a clone? You are already so tired that you are kneeling on the ground like a dog! Do you still have the ability to continue fighting? And I have not wasted a bit of strength now! And, my fourth skill is back. The spirit body is already on! I really didn’t expect that the Sword God Xuantian would allow you to copy so many Sword God abilities! It’s really powerful! But now it’s useless, because you just used it when you killed my clones. All of my abilities have been copied by my Spirit Mirror Sword God! Although these abilities will not belong to me permanently, they can only be used in this space for an hour! But I think it would be easy to kill you, right? Haha, Qin An, You are really a fool. You know that my clones will become stronger after being killed, but you want to move them! I see how you can deal with me now!"

As he spoke, the blood wolf suddenly raised his hand, and, like Qin An, shot out six sets of three hundred and sixty red leaves!

Qin An flashed aside with his teleportation ability, looking even more exhausted, but there was a smile on his face.

"Blood wolf, you are an idiot! How can anyone say the ability of owning before doing it? Although I haven't penetrated your skills, but since your sword god is related to mirrors, there will probably be some mirror copies. Ability! So, I actually have two skills that I haven’t used! One of them is Immortal, and the other is the Sword God skill that can send you to the road! go to die !"

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