In fact, Qin An had already figured out some things when he started with the blood wolf.

However, he has no way to hide his strength, because there are really too many clones of blood wolves, and their strength is getting stronger and stronger, their attack speed, physical strength, and physical defense are all increasing. If Qin An does not go all out, he will be defeated. The clone of blood wolf swallowed!

However, Qin An still had two abilities that he did not use.

One of them is the immortality ability of Pudu Sword God. In any case, he can't let the opponent copy this ability, because if the blood wolf has an immortal body, he will have nothing to do with him.

The other is the fourth skill of the Wandering Soul Sword God, named Soul Lead!

This ability is very powerful, it can pull out the enemy's soul, and pass through the own soul into other life forms at the same time!

At that time, as long as Qin An could use the occupied body to kill the opponent's occupied body, his body could not be resurrected.

However, this skill is also a bit risky, because if Qin An's traversing body is killed by the opponent's traversing body, then he will not be able to resurrect!

However, Qin An still has an advantage in using this skill. He is proactive, and can preemptively kill the opponent who is unable to defend himself after crossing.

Then Qin An was indeed exhausted at this time, and the blood wolf's body had just appeared and copied most of his abilities. Even if Qin An still had the undead body unused, he couldn't hold on for too long, because his sword god power was about to run out.

Therefore, Qin An can only choose the latter, which is to unlock the ability to lead the soul!

In the spirit mirror space, the Blood Wolf, who was about to use Qin An's skills to kill Qin An, suddenly felt dizzy in his mind. Before he was too shocked, he fell to the ground. At the same time, Qin An fell to the ground. The souls of the two people will be bound to travel to any corner of the earth. Even Qin An does not know what the final outcome will be! He can only gamble with fate with the belief that he will win!


United States, the city of giant forests.

Next to the indoor swimming pool in the high-end villa area near Santo’s Mansion.

Weng Lan had just swam for a while, and was resting on the sun lounger. It was Sanniang Tianlu and Siniang Yu Haiyuan who accompanied her.

"We have negotiated with the Lord of Old City Rosen. He agreed to take the people in the city to move to Seven Sword City to avoid the corpse tide that is about to be surrounded. You will love them, and they have long wanted to see you!" Yu Haiyuan used a hair dryer, blowing Weng Lan's hair carefully while talking.

Weng Lan smiled and said: "Then I have to exercise more! After giving birth to four children, I feel that my waist seems to be much thicker!"

Tian Lu fiddling with her fingers, listening to Weng Lan's words, curled her lips and said, "Why, I'm afraid our sisters will compare you? Your little girl is already capable enough, and only seven of us gave birth to Qicai. A son, you gave birth to Gale, Erhe, Sanshan, and Xiangming four children! Isn't it enough to make you brave in front of our sisters?"

Weng Lan and Yu Haiyuan listened to Tian Lu's words and covered their mouths at the same time, but they still laughed.

The three women have been getting along for a few days, and they have entered this friendly state of getting along since they talked frankly with each other about some things about Qin An.

Tian Lu, Yu Haiyuan felt that it was really strange to be able to meet Qin An's wife before the last days.

Weng Lan also felt that it was an unexplainable fate that she could encounter a woman that Qin An had had a relationship with after the end of the world.

Regardless of Chaos, Qin An has become the link between the three of them, allowing them to have a common topic and get along harmoniously for friends. More importantly, Qin Qicai has officially become half brothers with the quadruplets, so the mothers naturally become a family.

This was mainly because Weng Lan felt that she might not have a chance to meet Qin An, so she didn't bother to eat Fei Jie San Niang Siniang and others' Fei Jie.

In the back garden of the villa where Weng Lan and the others lived, Qin Qicai and Qi Rou were sitting across from each other.

In these days when he came to the city of giant forests, Qin Qicai was full of ease, and took Weng Lan and others to flee for half a year. It really made him feel tired, so he needed to rest.

Then, while resting, Qin Qicai was concerned about three things, or three people.

The first is Katerina, this woman is becoming more and more obsessed with him, and Qin Qicai's attitude towards women has always been cold, and he is not willing to promise Katerina anything. However, Catalina often confuses with Weng Lan. Nowadays, speaking in Chinese is getting better and better, she has a strong interest in some classic love stories in ancient China, which makes her even more obsessed with Qin Qicai. Qi Cai can't get rid of it even if it wants to.

The second is Tang Jiudee. I don't know why, Qin Qicai has some inexplicable emotions towards Tang Jiudee, even he himself can't understand it. Tang Jiudie is an awakened one, but now follows everyone into the city. She basically comes to Qin Qicai every day to say a few words, and every time she comes, she always smiles like a flower and dresses herself extremely beautifully. . Tang Jiudie used to quarrel with Qin Qicai, but since entering the city of giant forests, she has never quarreled with Qin Qicai once, even if Qin Qicai said something unpleasant to provoke Tang Jiudie, Tang Jiudie Just smile and never talk back. Qin Qicai was a little afraid of Tang Jiudie like this, but he didn't know what he was afraid of!

The third one that made Qin Qicai care about was Qi Rou. Qin Qicai has been traveling north and south in the past few years. He has seen strange people and strange things, but he has never seen Qi Rou like this.

Although they are from the post-apocalyptic era, Qin Qicai has seven mothers of overseas students from China, so he has also dabbled in some historical figures in China.

He naturally knew who Qin Shihuang was. That was the first monarch who unified the six countries in the history of China, and he was very powerful.

This woman Qi Rou actually said that she had traveled from the time of Qin Shihuang?

Have you been a subject with Qin Shihuang?

Or is it an alien woman who arrived on the earth and Qin Shihuang from an alien planet?

Who believes this mud horse?

Therefore, Qin Qicai wandered around in her spare time today, and saw Qi Rou sitting in a daze in the pavilion in the back garden, so she sat there too, wanting to have an in-depth chat with her, and inquire about her secrets.

On the table of the two of them, there is a kettle and several metal cups.

Qi Rou poured water into two of the cups, then took one cup in her hand, and immediately burned with a hot flame in her hand. Within half a minute, the water in the cup was boiled.

"Come on, Young Master Qin Da, have a glass of boiling water, the weather is quite cold."

Qin Qicai took the hot metal cup and smiled:

"Young Master, I am not afraid of the cold, and you give me such a hot cup directly. If I were an ordinary person, I would have been burned!"

Qi Rou smiled like a flower and said:

"The warmth and coldness are all about your heart, just accept it!"

"Qi Rou, can you pay attention to the tone of your speech? What is your mind? You are not interested in Young Master, do you? Qin Chao is interested in the women who crossed over!"

Qi Rou laughed, her eyes bent into crescents, very beautiful.

Qin Qicai frowned and looked at Qi Rou, and then said:

"Do you have any plans in the future? Do you want to follow us all the time?"

Qi Rou nodded without hesitation:

"Yes, I was not sure at the beginning, I just followed you when I had nowhere to go, but now I have to follow you!"


"You might not believe it! After getting along with you, I gradually got a wonderful feeling! You and the quadruplets seem to have some kind of involvement with me! Alas, it's a pity that my spells have become weaker and material The rules of deduction cannot be used normally, otherwise I will be able to know what the relationship between us is!"

Qin Qicai was completely stupid, and it was a long time before she said in a bad tone:

"You woman is such a lunatic! How can you be related to us?"

"Don't believe me. Although my material deduction laws cannot be used, I can still feel something with the powerful Mental Energy! Master Qin Da Young, I think it is not simple for me to be able to come to this time and space! It seems to be something This power led me to come here!"

"Cut, of course you were led here! The guy named Shirakawa Five Dragons used his ability to summon space creatures in another world, so you came to this world!"

Qi Rou raised her slender and sexy hand, then gently stroked own lips with her fingers, shook her head and said:

"No! It's not his power, it's a power that I am familiar with and very unfamiliar with! In this world, there seems to be someone calling me! That's why I will come! Qin Young Master, you don't understand, wait Well, I must find this person, and then ask him or her why on earth led me into this space!"

"Qi Rou, you are really sick! I heard my Erniang say that there was a disease called mental illness before the end of the world. I really doubt whether you are a mental patient!"

A smile appeared on Qi Rou's face again, and she just wanted to speak to continue the conversation with Qin Qicai. Suddenly at this moment, Catalina ran out of the villa room.

She ran too anxiously, and even fell to the ground after running a few steps.

Qin Qicai saw Katerina, although she was a little reluctant, she quickly stood up, moved to her side and helped her up.

"What's wrong? So anxious?"

Catalina saw Qin Qicai and jumped on her feet and said in mixed Chinese and English words: "Qicai! Qicai! I just changed Xiao Xiangming's diaper. As soon as I turned around, two men broke into the room. They... ...They snatched the fragrant tea!"

"What? Where? Which direction did they go?" Qin Qicai raised her brows, and her heart almost jumped out of her heart!

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